NR 243.03(47)(47)“Pasture or grazing area” means an area where animals graze in large open areas, that is not adjacent to, or connected to, a CAFO production area, and where stocking densities, management systems and management of feed sources ensure that sufficient vegetative cover is maintained over the entire area at all times. A pasture or grazing area is not an animal feeding operation.
NR 243.03 NoteNote: Operations that have milking centers for animals on pasture or grazing areas are animal feeding operations since the milking center is considered to be an area of confinement.
NR 243.03 NoteNote: A CAFO may have multiple production areas located at different sites or farms, such as a main farm and satellite feedlots or farms.
NR 243.03(48)(48)“Permanent runoff control systems” means constructions or devices installed to permanently contain, control, divert or retard surface runoff water.
NR 243.03(49)(49)“Permit” means a WPDES permit for the discharge of pollutants issued by the department under ch. 283, Stats.
NR 243.03(50)(50)“Permittee” means an owner or operator of a WPDES permitted CAFO.
NR 243.03(51)(51)“Phosphorus index” means the method for assessing and minimizing phosphorus delivery to surface waters associated with manure or process wastewater applications referenced in section V.C.2. of NRCS Standard 590.
NR 243.03(52)(52)“Phosphorus index value” means the value calculated using the phosphorus index that identifies the relative level of risk for phosphorus delivery from a field where manure or process wastewater, along with other nutrients sources, have been or will be applied.
NR 243.03(53)(53)“Process wastewater” means wastewater from the production area directly or indirectly used in the operation of animal feeding operation that results from any or all of the following:
NR 243.03(53)(a)(a) Spillage or overflow from animal or poultry watering systems.
NR 243.03(53)(b)(b) Washing, cleaning, or flushing pens, barns, manure pits, or other animal feeding operation facilities.
NR 243.03(53)(c)(c) Direct contact swimming, washing, or spray cooling of animals or dust control.
NR 243.03(53)(d)(d) Water that comes into contact with any raw materials or animal byproducts including manure, feed, milk, eggs or bedding.
NR 243.03(54)(54)“Production area” means that part of an animal feeding operation that includes the animal confinement area, the manure storage area, the raw materials storage area, and the waste containment areas but not CAFO outdoor vegetated areas. The animal confinement area includes but is not limited to open lots, housed lots, feedlots, confinement houses, stall barns, free stall barns, milkrooms, milking centers, cowyards, barnyards, medication pens, walkers, animal walkways and stables. The manure storage area includes but is not limited to lagoons, runoff ponds, storage sheds, stockpiles, under house or pit storages, liquid impoundments, static piles, and composting piles. The raw materials storage area includes but is not limited to feed silos, silage bunkers and bedding materials. The waste containment area includes but is not limited to settling basins, and areas within berms and diversions that separate uncontaminated storm water. Included in the definition of production area is any egg washing or egg processing facility, and any area used in the storage, handling, treatment or disposal of mortalities.
NR 243.03(55)(55)“Raw materials” means materials typically stored at an agricultural operation that are directly used in livestock production such as bedding material, silage, haylage, grain and other feed sources, but this term does not include pesticides, motor oil or fuel.
NR 243.03(56)(56)“Reviewable facility or system” means runoff control structures, feed and other raw materials storage, permanent spray irrigation or other land application systems, groundwater monitoring systems, manure storage facilities, manure treatment or transfer systems, or other structures or systems associated with the storage, containment, treatment or handling of manure or process wastewater.
NR 243.03(57)(57)“Saturated soils” means soils where all pore spaces are occupied by water and where any additional inputs of water or liquid wastes cannot infiltrate into the soil.
NR 243.03(58)(58)“Solid manure” means manure with a solids content of 12% or more.
NR 243.03(59)(59)“Small CAFO” means an animal feeding operation with less than 300 animal units that is designated by the department as a CAFO under s. NR 243.26 (2).
NR 243.03(60)(60)“Snow covered ground” means areas of a field covered with any amount of snow.
NR 243.03(61)(61)“Source water protection area” means an area delineated by the department for a public water system or including numerous public water systems, whether the source is ground water or surface water or both, as part of the state source water assessment program approved by the U.S. environmental protection agency under 42 USC 300j-13.
NR 243.03(62)(62)“Spray irrigation” means the application of liquid manure or process wastewater to cropland using equipment that discharges manure into the air via a single nozzle or multiple nozzles or hoses and disperses the manure over distances greater than could be achieved using typical moving vehicle or manure hauling equipment.
NR 243.03(63)(63)“Storage facility” means an excavated or diked pond, walled structure or platform designed for containment of manure.
NR 243.03(64)(64)“Sufficient vegetative cover” means that crop residue or vegetation is present over an entire area in an amount and density of stand that slows the movement of and limits contaminated runoff and soil erosion.
NR 243.03(65)(65)“Surface applied manure” means manure applied to the ground surface by moving vehicles that is not incorporated or injected.
NR 243.03(66)(66)“Surface water quality management areas” or “SWQMA” means all of the following:
NR 243.03(66)(a)(a) The area within 1,000 feet from the ordinary high water mark of navigable waters that consist of a lake, pond or flowage.
NR 243.03(66)(b)(b) The area within 1,000 feet from the high water mark of navigable waters that consist of a glacial pothole lake.
NR 243.03(66)(c)(c) The area within 300 feet from the ordinary high water mark of navigable waters that consist of a river or stream or other non-lake navigable waters.
NR 243.03(66)(d)(d) The area within 300 feet of conduits to navigable waters.
NR 243.03(67)(67)“Swallet” means a sinkhole or rock hole that intercepts a stream, diverting all or a portion of it to groundwater.
NR 243.03(68)(68)“303 (d) listed waters” means the list of impaired waters in the state developed by the department pursuant to 33 USC 1313 and 40 CFR 130.7.
NR 243.03(69)(69)“Tolerable soil loss” or “T” means the maximum rate of soil erosion, in tons per acre per year, allowable for particular soils and site conditions that will maintain soil productivity.
NR 243.03 NoteNote: Soil loss will be calculated according to the revised universal soil loss equation II as referenced in ch. ATCP 50 or, potentially, SNAP-Plus software currently being developed by UW-Extension.
NR 243.03(70)(70)“25-year, 24-hour rainfall event” means a rainfall event measured in terms of the depth of rainfall occurring within a 24-hour period and having an expected recurrence interval of once in 25 years as identified in Table 1.
NR 243.03(71)(71)“Unacceptable practice” means a practice that causes or has caused the discharge of pollutants to waters of the state or that results in an operation’s failure to comply with livestock performance standards and prohibitions outlined in ch. NR 151.
NR 243.03(72)(72)“Wastewater treatment strip” means a constructed strip or area of vegetation for reducing sediment, organic matter and other pollutants.
NR 243.03(73)(73)“Waters of the state” has the meaning specified under s. 283.01 (20), Stats.
NR 243.03(74)(74)“Water quality management area” or “WQMA” has the meaning in s. NR 151.015 (24).
NR 243.03(75)(75)“Wetland” means areas delineated on a hydric soils map that are dominated by hydrophytic vegetation. Wetlands do not include prior converted or farmed wetlands.
NR 243.03(76)(76)“Wetland functional values” means the values or uses of wetlands established in s. NR 103.03 (1).
NR 243.03(77)(77)“Wet soil” means soil that is not saturated but has a moisture content that limits its ability to absorb significant amounts of additional liquid.
NR 243.03(78)(78)“Winter acute loss index value” means the value calculated using the phosphorus index that identifies the relative level of risk for acute losses of manure and process wastewater pollutants associated with surface applications during frozen or snow-covered conditions.
NR 243.03(79)(79)“WPDES” means the Wisconsin pollutant discharge elimination system established under ch. 283, Stats.
NR 243.03 HistoryHistory: CR 05-075: cr. Register April 2007 No. 616, eff. 7-1-07.
NR 243.04NR 243.04Rainfall events. The design rainfall amount and probable intensity of 25-year, 24-hour and 100-year, 24-hour rainfall events for locations in Wisconsin shall be determined from the data in Table 1, or for a particular location, the determination may be made on the basis of more recent rainfall probability data verified by a government agency and approved by the department for this purpose.
NR 243.04 HistoryHistory: CR 05-075: cr. Register April 2007 No. 616, eff. 7-1-07.
NR 243.05NR 243.05Calculating animal units.
NR 243.05(1)(1)General. The total number of animal units at an operation shall be calculated using the methods in both subs. (2) and (3). The department shall compare the totals under both of these methods and shall use the highest calculated total to determine the size of an animal feeding operation. An owner or operator of an animal feeding operation shall use form 3400-25A for calculating the number of animal units present at the operation.
NR 243.05 NoteNote: In accordance with the definition in s. NR 243.03(4), animals included in the total count may be housed at more than one site or location.
NR 243.05 NoteNote: Form 3400-25A can be obtained at regional offices of the department or the department’s Bureau of Watershed Management, 101 S. Webster St., P.O. Box 7921, Madison, Wisconsin 53707.
NR 243.05(2)(2)Combined animal units. The number of animal units present at an operation shall be calculated by multiplying the number of animals for each animal type by the appropriate equivalency factor in Table 2A. The total number of animal units at the operation is the sum of the calculated animal unit numbers of all animal types present at the operation.
NR 243.05 NoteNote: Under the combined animal unit calculation, an operation with 400 animal units of milking cows, 300 animal units of heifers and 200 animal units of swine would have a total of 1000 animal units present.
NR 243.05(3)(3)Individual animal units. The number of animal units present at an operation shall be calculated by multiplying the number of animals for each animal type by the appropriate equivalency factor in Table 2B. The total number of animal units at an operation is the highest calculated number of animal units for any individual animal type.
NR 243.05 NoteNote: Under the individual animal unit calculation, an operation with 400 animal units of milking cows, 300 animal units of heifers and 200 animal units of swine would have 400 animal units present.
NR 243.05(4)(4)Other animal types. For animal types not listed in Table 2A, the department shall base equivalency to animal units on live animal weights, the characteristics of the manure, including nutrient content or pollutant concentration, or a combination of both. In cases based strictly on live weight, 1,000 pounds of live weight is equivalent to one animal unit.
NR 243.05 HistoryHistory: CR 05-075: cr. Register April 2007 No. 616, eff. 7-1-07.
NR 243.06NR 243.06Variances.
NR 243.06(1)(1)A permittee may request a waiver or variance to a requirement of this chapter. Subject to sub. (2), the department may approve a variance from a requirement in this chapter when special circumstances show that a variance is needed and the approval of the variance will not negatively impact or threaten the environment or public health. A request for a variance shall be submitted in writing and shall specify the requirement in this chapter from which a variance is requested and the reasons a variance is needed. The department shall approve or deny the variance within 30 days after the request is submitted.
NR 243.06(2)(2)The department may not grant a waiver or variance to a federal statutory or regulatory requirement or to a state statutory requirement.
NR 243.06 NoteNote: If a permittee seeks approval of a variance to a requirement from this chapter that is specified in a WPDES permit, the permit must be modified to include the approved variance. Consequently, permittees should consider submitting any variance requests as part of the permit application process, so if approved, the variance can be incorporated into the permit.
NR 243.06 NoteNote: An animal feeding operation may participate in the Environmental Results Program (also known as the Green Tier Program) pursuant to s. 299.83, Stats. For more information on this innovative program that provides regulatory flexibility and superior environmental results, please contact the department at 608-267-3125.
NR 243.06 HistoryHistory: CR 05-075: cr. Register April 2007 No. 616, eff. 7-1-07.
NR 243.07NR 243.07Incorporation by reference.
NR 243.07(1)(1)Code of federal regulations. 40 CFR 412.22 in effect as of July 1, 2007, is incorporated by reference for this chapter. This federal regulation references 40 CFR 125.30 through 125.32 and these federal regulations are also incorporated by reference for this chapter. Copies of these regulations are available for inspection at the offices of the department and the legislative reference bureau, Madison, Wisconsin.
NR 243.07 NoteNote: Copies of these materials may be also be viewed online at, or may be purchased for personal use from: Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, PO Box 371954, Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7954, phone: (202) 783-3238.
NR 243.07(2)(2)Other materials. The materials listed in this section are incorporated by reference for this chapter. Some of the technical standards include secondary materials which are also incorporated by reference for this chapter. Copies of these materials are available for inspection at the offices of the department and the legislative reference bureau, Madison, Wisconsin. The materials incorporated by reference include:
NR 243.07(2)(a)(a) NRCS Standard 313, dated December 2005. NRCS Standard 313, dated December 2005, includes all of the following materials:
NR 243.07(2)(a)1.1. NRCS Agricultural Waste Management Field Handbook, Part 651, chs. 9 and 10, 1992.
NR 243.07(2)(a)2.2. NRCS Standard 342, dated June 2002.
NR 243.07(2)(a)3.3. NRCS Construction Specification 4, dated September 2003.
NR 243.07(2)(a)4.4. NRCS Construction Specification 203, dated March 2005.
NR 243.07(2)(a)5.5. NRCS Construction Specification 204, dated March 2005.
NR 243.07(2)(a)6.6. NRCS Construction Specification 300, dated December 2005.
NR 243.07(2)(a)7.7. American Concrete Institute 318, Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete, in effect as of July 1, 2007.
NR 243.07(2)(a)8.8. ASTM Standard D-653-05.
NR 243.07(2)(a)9.9. ASTM Standard D-2488-00.
NR 243.07(2)(a)10.10. ASCE Standard SEI/ASCE 7-02.
NR 243.07(2)(a)11.11. ASAE Standard EP378.3.
NR 243.07(2)(a)12.12. ASAE Standard EP393.2.
NR 243.07(2)(b)(b) NRCS Standard 332, dated May 2002.
NR 243.07(2)(c)(c) NRCS Standard 360, dated December 2002.
NR 243.07(2)(d)(d) NRCS Standard 393, dated January 2001.
NR 243.07(2)(e)(e) NRCS Standard 585, dated June 2002.
NR 243.07(2)(f)(f) NRCS Standard 634, dated December 2005. NRCS Standard 634, dated December 2005, includes all of the following materials:
Published under s. 35.93, Stats. Updated on the first day of each month. Entire code is always current. The Register date on each page is the date the chapter was last published.