Register April 2018 No. 748
Chapter NR 284
NR 284.01   Purpose.
NR 284.02   Applicability.
NR 284.03   Definitions.
NR 284.04   Application of effluent limitations and standards.
Subchapter I — Direct Discharges
NR 284.10   Applicability.
NR 284.11   Compliance dates.
NR 284.115   Measure of production.
NR 284.12   Discharge standards.
Subchapter II — Indirect Discharges
NR 284.20   Applicability.
NR 284.21   Compliance dates.
NR 284.215   Measure of production.
NR 284.22   Discharge standards.
Ch. NR 284 Note Note: Chapters NR 284 and 285 as they existed on October 31, 1986 were repealed and a new chapter NR 284 was created effective November 1, 1986.
NR 284.01 NR 284.01Purpose. The purpose of this chapter is to establish effluent limitations, standards of performance, and pretreatment standards for discharges of process wastes from the pulp and paper industry category of point sources and subcategories thereof.
NR 284.01 History History: Cr. Register, October, 1986, No. 370, eff. 11-1-86.
NR 284.02 NR 284.02Applicability. The effluent limitations, standards of performance, pretreatment standards, and other provisions in this chapter are applicable to pollutants or pollutant properties in discharges of process waste resulting from activities in any or a combination of any of the following subcategories of the pulp and paper manufacturing point source category as defined in s. NR 284.03:
NR 284.02(1) (1) Integrated production of pulp and paper or paperboard by:
NR 284.02(1)(a) (a) BCT bleached kraft subcategory;
NR 284.02(1)(b) (b) Fine bleached kraft subcategory;
NR 284.02(1)(c) (c) Groundwood-CMN papers subcategory;
NR 284.02(1)(d) (d) Groundwood-chemi-mechanical subcategory;
NR 284.02(1)(e) (e) Groundwood-fine papers subcategory;
NR 284.02(1)(f) (f) Groundwood-thermo-mechanical subcategory;
NR 284.02(1)(g) (g) Papergrade sulfite (blow pit wash) subcategory;
NR 284.02(1)(h) (h) Papergrade sulfite (drum wash) subcategory;
NR 284.02(1)(i) (i) Semi-chemical subcategory;
NR 284.02(1)(j) (j) Soda subcategory;
NR 284.02(1)(k) (k) Unbleached kraft subcategory;
NR 284.02(1)(L) (L) Unbleached kraft and semi-chemical subcategory; and
NR 284.02(1)(m) (m) Unbleached kraft-neutral sulfite semi-chemical (cross-recovery) subcategory.
NR 284.02(2) (2) Nonintegrated production of paper or paperboard by:
NR 284.02(2)(a) (a) Nonintegrated-filter and nonwoven papers subcategory;
NR 284.02(2)(b) (b) Nonintegrated-fine papers subcategory;
NR 284.02(2)(c) (c) Nonintegrated-light weight papers subcategory;
NR 284.02(2)(d) (d) Nonintegrated-paperboard subcategory; and
NR 284.02(2)(e) (e) Nonintegrated-tissue papers subcategory.
NR 284.02(3) (3) Production of paper or paperboard from wastepaper by:
NR 284.02(3)(a) (a) Builders' paper and roofing felt subcategory;
NR 284.02(3)(b) (b) Deink subcategory;
NR 284.02(3)(c) (c) Paperboard from wastepaper subcategory;
NR 284.02(3)(d) (d) Tissue from wastepaper subcategory; and
NR 284.02(3)(e) (e) Wastepaper-molded products subcategory.
NR 284.02(4) (4) Production of pulp by:
NR 284.02(4)(a) (a) Dissolving kraft subcategory;
NR 284.02(4)(b) (b) Dissolving sulfite pulp subcategory; and
NR 284.02(4)(c) (c) Market bleached kraft subcategory.
NR 284.02 History History: Cr. Register, October, 1986, No. 370, eff. 11-1-86.
NR 284.03 NR 284.03Definitions. The following definitions are applicable to terms used in this chapter. Definitions of other terms and meanings of abbreviations are set forth in chs. NR 205 and 211, and the Development Document for Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Pulp, Paper and Paperboard and the Builders' Paper and Board Mills Point Source Categories, EPA 440/1-82/025, October, 1982.
NR 284.03 Note Note: Copies of this document are available for inspection at the office of the department of natural resources, the secretary of state's office, and the office of the legislative reference bureau, and may be obtained for personal use from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20460.
NR 284.03(1) (1) “Acid sulfite cooking liquor” means sulfite cooking liquor having a pH less than 3.0.
NR 284.03(2) (2) “BCT bleached kraft subcategory” includes those mills at which bleached kraft pulp is produced in a full cook process employing a highly alkaline sodium hydroxide and sodium sulfide cooking liquor.
NR 284.03 Note Note: Principal products include paperboard (B), coarse papers (C), tissue papers (T) and market pulp.
NR 284.03(3) (3) “Bisulfite cooking liquor” means sulfite cooking liquor having a pH between 3.0 and 6.0.
NR 284.03(4) (4) “Builders' paper and roofing felt subcategory” includes those mills at which heavy papers used in the construction industry are produced from wastepaper, wood flour and sawdust, wood chips, and rags. Neither bleaching nor chemical pulping processes are employed on-site.
NR 284.03 Note Note: Principal products include saturating, deadening, and flooring papers, and roofing felt.
NR 284.03(5) (5) “Corrugating medium furnish subdivision” includes those mills in the paperboard from wastepaper subcategory where only recycled corrugating medium is used in the production of paperboard.
NR 284.03(6) (6) “Cotton fiber furnish subdivision” includes those mills in the nonintegrated-fine papers subcategory which produce a paper product containing equal to or greater than 4% cotton fibers.
NR 284.03(7) (7) “Deink subcategory” includes those mills at which brightened or bleached deinked pulp is produced from wastepapers using an alkaline process to remove contaminants such as ink and coating pigments.
NR 284.03 Note Note: Principal products include fine papers such as printing, writing and business papers, tissue papers, newsprint and market pulp.
NR 284.03(8) (8) “Dissolving kraft subcategory” includes those mills at which a highly bleached pulp is produced by a full cook process employing a highly alkaline sodium hydroxide and sodium sulfide cooking liquor. Included in the manufacturing process is a precook operation termed prehydrolysis.
NR 284.03 Note Note: The principal product at these mills is a highly bleached and purified dissolving pulp used principally for manufacture of rayon and other products requiring the virtual absence of lignin and a very high alpha cellulose content.
NR 284.03(9) (9) “Dissolving sulfite pulp subcategory” includes those mills at which a highly bleached pulp is produced in a full cook process employing strong solutions of sulfites of calcium, magnesium, ammonia or sodium.
NR 284.03 Note Note: Principal products include viscose, nitration, cellophane or acetate grade pulps which are used principally for the manufacture of rayon and other products that require the virtual absence of lignin.
NR 284.03(10) (10) “Fine bleached kraft subcategory” includes those mills at which bleached kraft pulp is produced in a full cook process employing a highly alkaline sodium hydroxide and sodium sulfide cooking liquor.
NR 284.03 Note Note: Principal products are fine papers, which includes business, writing and printing papers, and market pulp.
NR 284.03(11) (11) “Full cook” means chemical pulping methods which employ the heating under pressure of wood, water and chemicals in a closed vessel to a temperature sufficient to separate the fibrous portion of the wood by dissolving lignin and other nonfibrous constituents.
NR 284.03(12) (12) “FWP” means “from wastepaper.”
Published under s. 35.93, Stats. Updated on the first day of each month. Entire code is always current. The Register date on each page is the date the chapter was last published.