NR 421.05(2)(a) (a) Equip each vent from reaction tanks, and all blending tanks and thinning tanks, with an emission control system which meets one of the conditions listed in this paragraph. Any equally effective control method or equivalent system approved by the department under this paragraph shall be submitted to, and will not become effective for federal purposes until approved by, the administrator or designee as a source-specific revision to the department's state implementation plan for ozone. The emission control system shall be one of the following:
NR 421.05(2)(a)1. 1. A surface condenser, or equally effective control device approved by the department, and a vapor recovery or control system that reduces emissions from the surface condenser or equally effective device by 85%.
NR 421.05(2)(a)2. 2. An equivalent system or approach demonstrated to reliably control emissions from a process that does not include a condenser by not less than 90% as approved by the department.
NR 421.05(2)(b) (b) If a surface condenser is used, continuously record the condenser outlet gas temperature, and prevent the condenser outlet gas temperature from exceeding 32°C (90°F).
NR 421.05(2)(c) (c) Enclose all centrifuges, rotary vacuum filters, and any other filters having an exposed liquid surface, where the liquid contains VOCs.
NR 421.05(2)(d) (d) Install covers on all in-process tanks that contain a VOC at any time. Covers shall be closed except for necessary operator access during production, sampling, maintenance or inspection.
NR 421.05(2)(e) (e) Monitor each valve, pump, sealed agitator, compressor, flange, and relief valve used with a process stream which contains at least 10.0% VOCs by weight using Method 21 of Appendix A, 40 CFR part 60, incorporated by reference in s. NR 484.04. The monitoring schedule shall be as follows:
NR 421.05(2)(e)1. 1. Monitor each valve, pump, sealed agitator, compressor, and relief valve that is located within 2.0 meters (6.6 feet) of a permanent support surface once during each calendar quarter.
NR 421.05(2)(e)2. 2. Monitor all other valves, pumps, sealed agitators, compressors, and relief valves, and all flanges, once during each calendar year.
NR 421.05(2)(e)3. 3. Notwithstanding subd. 1., if less than or equal to 2% of the valves monitored pursuant to subd. 1. are found to leak for 5 consecutive quarters, monitoring of valves under subd. 1. will not be required for the following 3 consecutive quarters. Monitoring shall be conducted during the next quarter and every fourth quarter thereafter. If, during monitoring required under this subdivision, more than 2% of valves monitored are found to leak, quarterly monitoring under subd. 1. shall be reinstituted in the next quarter.
NR 421.05(2)(f) (f) Check bimonthly by visual inspection each valve, pump, sealed agitator, compressor, flange, and relief valve for indications of dripping liquid.
NR 421.05(2)(g) (g) Repair all leaks detected as soon as practicable, but not later than 15 calendar days after leak detection unless the repair is technically infeasible without a process unit shutdown. In the case of such infeasibility, repair shall occur before the end of the next process unit shutdown.
NR 421.05(2)(h) (h) Document to the department all repairs of detectable leaks of VOCs for each calendar quarter. This documentation is to include a description of the equipment that leaked, date of detection, date of repair, dates of follow-up inspection, and an explanation of what caused the leak. This documentation is to be submitted to the department within one month after the close of the calendar quarter during which the leaks were detected and repaired.
NR 421.05(2m) (2m) Industrial cleaning operations.
NR 421.05(2m)(a) (a) Except as provided in par. (b), the owner or operator of a facility subject to this subsection shall use any of the following methods when cleaning mixing vats, high dispersion mills, grinding mills, tote tanks, and roller mills:
NR 421.05(2m)(a)1. 1. Use a solvent or solvent solution that either contains less than 0.20 kilograms of VOC per liter (1.67 pounds per gallon) or has a VOC composite partial vapor pressure of less than or equal to 8 mm of Hg at 20ºC. The solvent or solvent solution shall be collected and stored in closed containers.
NR 421.05(2m)(a)2. 2. Implement the following work practices:
NR 421.05(2m)(a)2.a. a. Maintain the equipment being cleaned as leak free.
NR 421.05(2m)(a)2.b. b. Drain VOC-containing cleaning materials from the cleaned equipment upon completion of cleaning.
NR 421.05(2m)(a)2.c. c. Store or dispose of VOC-containing cleaning materials, including waste solvent, in a manner that will prevent evaporation into the atmosphere.
NR 421.05(2m)(a)2.d. d. Store all VOC-containing cleaning materials in closed containers.
NR 421.05(2m)(a)3. 3. Collect and vent the emissions from equipment cleaning to an emission control system that has an overall control efficiency of 80% or more on a mass basis. If incineration is used to control emissions, at least 90% of the organic carbon shall be oxidized to carbon dioxide.
NR 421.05(2m)(a)4. 4. Use no more than 228 liters (60 gallons) of virgin solvent per month. Solvent or solvent solution that is reused or recycled (either onsite or offsite), for further use in equipment cleaning or the manufacture of coating is not included in this limit.
NR 421.05(2m)(b) (b) The owner or operator of a facility engaged in wipe cleaning may not use open containers for the storage of solvent or solvent solution used for cleaning or for the storage or disposal of any material impregnated with solvent or solvent solution used for cleaning.
NR 421.05(3) (3) Compliance schedule.
NR 421.05(3)(a)(a) Paragraph (b) applies only to a synthetic resin manufacturing facility which is in existence on January 1, 1994 and which meets one of the following criteria:
NR 421.05(3)(a)1. 1. The facility is located in the county of Door, Kewaunee, Manitowoc, Sheboygan, or Walworth.
NR 421.05(3)(a)2. 2. The facility is located in the county of Kenosha, Milwaukee, Ozaukee, Racine, Washington, or Waukesha and was not subject to this section prior to January 1, 1994.
NR 421.05(3)(b) (b) The owner or operator of any source identified under par. (a) shall:
NR 421.05(3)(b)1. 1. Notify the department's bureau of air management in writing by April 1, 1994. This notification shall provide the name and location of the affected facility and include VOC emission data if necessary to support eligibility under this subsection.
NR 421.05(3)(b)2. 2. Achieve final compliance with the requirements of this section no later than May 31, 1995.
NR 421.05(3)(c) (c) The owner or operator of a synthetic resin manufacturing facility subject to sub. (2m) shall achieve final compliance with sub. (2m) no later than February 1, 2013.
NR 421.05(4) (4) Recordkeeping.
NR 421.05(4)(a)(a) Except as provided in par. (c) and in addition to the applicable recordkeeping requirements in s. NR 439.04, the owner or operator of a synthetic resins manufacturing facility subject to sub. (2m) shall collect and record the following information, as applicable:
NR 421.05(4)(a)1. 1. Total volume of virgin solvent used per month.
NR 421.05(4)(a)2. 2. VOC content in kilograms per liter or pounds per gallon.
NR 421.05(4)(a)3. 3. VOC composite partial vapor pressure in mm of Hg at 20ºC.
NR 421.05(4)(b) (b) The owner or operator of a synthetic resins manufacturing facility shall maintain the information under par. (a) at the facility for a minimum of 5 years and shall make the information available to an authorized department representative at any time during normal working hours.
NR 421.05(4)(c) (c) The provisions of par. (a) do not apply to solvent or solvent solution which is used to clean or flush a mill or vat during the manufacture of a synthetic resin and which is subsequently incorporated into the same batch.
NR 421.05 History History: Cr. Register, September, 1986, No. 369, eff. 10-1-86; am. (1), (2) (a) 1. and b. and (b), (3) (b) and (c) 4., r. and recr. (2) (e), renum. (2) (f) to be (2) (h) and am., cr. (2) (f) and (g), r. (3) (c) 5., Register, February, 1990, No. 410, eff. 3-1-90; am. (1), (2) (a) (intro.) and (b), cr. (1) (b), r. and recr. (3), Register, December, 1993, No. 456, eff. 1-1-94; am. (2) (a) (intro.), (e) (intro.) and 2., cr. (2) (e) 3., Register, December, 1995, No. 480, eff. 1-1-96; am. (1) (b), (2) (a) (intro.), 1., (3) (a), Register, August, 1996, No. 488, eff. 9-1-96; am. (2) (e) 3., Register, October, 1999, No. 526, eff. 11-1-99; CR 11-005: am. (1) (a), (b) (intro.), (3) (a) (intro.), cr. (1) (c), (2m), (3) (c), (4) Register January 2012 No. 673, eff. 2-1-12.
NR 421.06 NR 421.06Coatings manufacturing.
NR 421.06(1)(1)Applicability.
NR 421.06(1)(a)(a) Effective October 1, 1986, subs. (2) and (3) (a) and (b) apply to pigment dispersion chambers, thinning tanks, tinting, straining, blending tanks, and other process vessels used in any coatings manufacturing facility which has maximum theoretical emissions of VOCs from the processes greater than or equal to 100 tons per year and which is located in the county of Kenosha, Milwaukee, Ozaukee, Racine, Washington, or Waukesha.
NR 421.06(1)(b) (b) Effective January 1, 1994, subs. (2) and (3) (a) and (b) apply to pigment dispersion chambers, thinning tanks, tinting, straining, blending tanks and other process vessels used in any coatings manufacturing facility which has maximum theoretical emissions of VOCs from the processes greater than or equal to one of the following:
NR 421.06(1)(b)1. 1. 25 tons per year for a facility located in the county of Kenosha, Milwaukee, Ozaukee, Racine, Washington, or Waukesha.
NR 421.06(1)(b)2. 2. 100 tons per year for a facility located in the county of Door, Kewaunee, Manitowoc, Sheboygan, or Walworth.
NR 421.06(1)(c) (c) Subsections (2m), (3) (c), and (4) apply to facilities with coatings manufacturing operations as described in par. (a) located in the county of Kenosha, Milwaukee, Ozaukee, Racine, Sheboygan, Washington, or Waukesha if VOC emissions from all industrial cleaning operations, before consideration of controls, equal or exceed 3 tons per year on a 12 consecutive month rolling basis.
NR 421.06 Note Note: “Maximum theoretical emissions" has the meaning given in s. NR 419.02 (11).
NR 421.06(2) (2) Emission control requirements. The owner or operator of a coatings manufacturing facility shall:
NR 421.06(2)(a) (a) Keep all portable mixing vats covered with lids, except to add ingredients or to take samples. The lids shall extend at least 1/2 inch beyond the outer rim of the vat or be attached to the rim of the vat and shall be maintained in good condition such that, when in place, they maintain contact with the rim for at least 90% of the circumference of the rim of the vat. The lids may have a slit to allow clearance for insertion of a mixer shaft. The slit shall be covered after insertion of the mixer, except to allow safe clearance for the mixer shaft.
NR 421.06(2)(b) (b) Keep all stationary vats covered, except to add ingredients or take samples.
NR 421.06(2)(c) (c) Clean all portable mixing vats, stationary vats, high speed dispersion mills, grinding mills, and roller mills in a way which minimizes the emissions of VOCs into the atmosphere and which is approved by the department.
NR 421.06(2)(d) (d) Equip any grinding mill installed after October 1, 1986 with fully enclosed screens.
NR 421.06(2)(e) (e) Monitor each valve, pump, sealed agitator, compressor, flange, and relief valve used with a process stream which contains at least 10.0% VOCs by weight using Method 21 of Appendix A, 40 CFR part 60, incorporated by reference in s. NR 484.04. The monitoring schedule shall be as follows:
NR 421.06(2)(e)1. 1. Monitor each valve, pump, sealed agitator, compressor, and relief valve that is located within 2.0 meters (6.6 feet) of a permanent support surface once during each calendar quarter.
NR 421.06(2)(e)2. 2. Monitor all other valves, pumps, sealed agitators, compressors, and relief valves, and all flanges, once during each calendar year.
NR 421.06(2)(e)3. 3. Notwithstanding subd. 1., if less than or equal to 2% of the valves monitored pursuant to subd. 1. are found to leak for 5 consecutive quarters, monitoring of valves under subd. 1. will not be required for the following 3 consecutive quarters. Monitoring shall be conducted during the next quarter and every fourth quarter thereafter. If, during monitoring required under this subdivision, more than 2% of valves monitored are found to leak, quarterly monitoring under subd. 1. shall be reinstituted in the next quarter.
NR 421.06(2)(f) (f) Check bimonthly by visual inspection each valve, pump, sealed agitator, compressor, flange, and relief valve for indications of dripping liquid.
NR 421.06(2)(g) (g) Repair all leaks detected as soon as practicable, but not later than 15 calendar days after leak detection unless the repair is technically infeasible without a process unit shutdown. In the case of such infeasibility, repair shall occur before the end of the next process unit shutdown.
NR 421.06(2)(h) (h) Document to the department all repairs of detectable leaks of VOCs for each calendar quarter. This documentation is to include a description of the equipment that caused the leak, date of detection, date of repair, date of follow-up inspection, and an explanation of what caused the leak. This documentation is to be submitted to the department within one month after the close of the calendar quarter during which the leaks were detected and repaired.
NR 421.06(2m) (2m) Industrial cleaning operations.
NR 421.06(2m)(a) (a) Except as provided in par. (b), the owner or operator of a facility subject to this subsection shall use any of the following methods when cleaning mixing vats, high dispersion mills, grinding mills, tote tanks, and roller mills:
NR 421.06(2m)(a)1. 1. Use a solvent or solvent solution that either contains less than 0.20 kilograms of VOC per liter (1.67 pounds per gallon) or has a VOC composite partial vapor pressure of less than or equal to 8 mm of Hg at 20ºC. The solvent or solvent solution shall be collected and stored in closed containers.
NR 421.06(2m)(a)2. 2. Implement the following work practices:
NR 421.06(2m)(a)2.a. a. Maintain the equipment being cleaned as leak free.
NR 421.06(2m)(a)2.b. b. Drain VOC-containing cleaning materials from the cleaned equipment upon completion of cleaning.
NR 421.06(2m)(a)2.c. c. Store or dispose of VOC-containing cleaning materials, including waste solvent, in a manner that will prevent evaporation into the atmosphere.
NR 421.06(2m)(a)2.d. d. Store all VOC-containing cleaning materials in closed containers.
NR 421.06(2m)(a)3. 3. Collect and vent the emissions from equipment cleaning to an emission control system that has an overall control efficiency of 80% or more on a mass basis. If incineration is used to control emissions, at least 90% of the organic carbon shall be oxidized to carbon dioxide.
NR 421.06(2m)(a)4. 4. Use no more than 228 liters (60 gallons) of virgin solvent per month. Solvent or solvent solution that is reused or recycled (either onsite or offsite), for further use in equipment cleaning or the manufacture of coating is not included in this limit.
NR 421.06(2m)(b) (b) The owner or operator of a facility engaged in wipe cleaning using a solvent or solvent solution may not do either of the following:
NR 421.06(2m)(b)1. 1. Use open containers for the storage or disposal of cloth or paper impregnated with solvent or solvent solution that is used for cleanup, or coating removal.
NR 421.06(2m)(b)2. 2. Store solvent or solvent solutions for cleanup or coating removal in open containers.
NR 421.06(3) (3) Compliance schedule.
NR 421.06(3)(a)(a) Paragraph (b) applies only to a coatings manufacturing facility which is in existence on January 1, 1994 and which meets one of the following criteria:
NR 421.06(3)(a)1. 1. The facility is located in the county of Door, Kewaunee, Manitowoc, Sheboygan, or Walworth.
NR 421.06(3)(a)2. 2. The facility is located in the county of Kenosha, Milwaukee, Ozaukee, Racine, Washington, or Waukesha and was not subject to this section prior to January 1, 1994.
NR 421.06(3)(b) (b) The owner or operator of any source identified under par. (a) shall:
NR 421.06(3)(b)1. 1. Notify the department's bureau of air management in writing by April 1, 1994. This notification shall provide the name and location of the affected facility and include VOC emission data if necessary to support eligibility under this subsection.
NR 421.06(3)(b)2. 2. Achieve final compliance with the requirements of this section no later than May 31, 1995.
NR 421.06(3)(c) (c) The owner or operator of a coatings manufacturing facility subject to sub. (2m) shall achieve final compliance with sub. (2m) no later than February 1, 2013.
NR 421.06(4) (4) Recordkeeping.
NR 421.06(4)(a)(a) Except as provided in par. (c) and in addition to the applicable recordkeeping requirements in s. NR 439.04, the owner or operator of a synthetic resins manufacturing facility subject to sub. (2m) shall collect and record the following information, as applicable:
NR 421.06(4)(a)1. 1. Total volume of virgin solvent used per month.
NR 421.06(4)(a)2. 2. VOC content in kilograms per liter or pounds per gallon.
NR 421.06(4)(a)3. 3. VOC composite partial vapor pressure in mm of Hg at 20ºC.
NR 421.06(4)(b) (b) The owner or operator of a synthetic resins manufacturing facility shall maintain the information under par. (a) at the facility for a minimum of 5 years and shall make the information available to an authorized department representative at any time during normal working hours.
NR 421.06(4)(c) (c) The provisions of par. (a) do not apply to solvent or solvent solution which is used to clean or flush a mill or vat during the manufacture of a synthetic resin and which is subsequently incorporated into the same batch.
NR 421.06 History History: Cr. Register, September, 1986, No. 369, eff. 10-1-86; am. (1) and (3) (c) 4., r. and recr. (2) (e), renum. (2) (f) to be (2) (h) and am., cr. (2) (f) and (g), r. (3) (c) 5., Register, February, 1990, No. 410, eff. 3-1-90; am. (1), cr. (1) (b), r. and recr. (3), Register, December, 1993, No. 456, eff. 1-1-94; am. (2) (e), cr. (2) (e) 3., Register, December, 1995, No. 480, eff. 1-1-96; am. (1) (b), (2) (a) (intro.), (3) (a), r. (2) (a) 1. to 3., Register, December, 1996, No. 492, eff. 1-1-97; am. (2) (e) 3., Register, October, 1999, No. 526, eff. 11-1-99; CR 11-005: am. (1) (a), (b) (intro.), (3) (a) (intro.), cr. (1) (c), (2m), (3) (c), (4) Register January 2012 No. 673, eff. 2-1-12.
Published under s. 35.93, Stats. Updated on the first day of each month. Entire code is always current. The Register date on each page is the date the chapter was last published.