NR 440.642(4)(p)5.a.a. If emissions from a wood heater tested under subd. 3. exceed the applicable weighted average emission limit by more than 50%, the administrator shall so notify the manufacturer that certification for that model line is suspended effective 72 hours from the receipt of the notice, unless the suspension notice is withdrawn by the administrator. The suspension shall remain in effect until withdrawn by the administrator, or 30 days from its effective date if a revocation notice under subd. 5. b. is not issued within that period, or the date of final agency action on revocation, whichever occurs earlier. The following contains a nested potential redrafting situation
NR 440.642(4)(p)5.b.b. 1) If emissions from a wood heater tested under subd. 3. exceed the applicable weighted average emission limit, the administrator shall notify the manufacturer that certification is revoked for that model line.
2) A revocation notice under subd. 5. b. 1) shall become final and effective 60 days after receipt by the manufacturer, unless it is withdrawn, a hearing is requested under sub. (10) or the deadline for requesting a hearing is extended.
3) The administrator may extend the deadline for requesting a hearing for up to 60 days for good cause.
4) A manufacturer may extend the deadline for requesting a hearing for up to 6 months, by agreeing to a voluntary suspension of certification.
NR 440.642(4)(p)5.c.c. Any notification under subd. 5. a. or b. shall include a copy of a preliminary test report from the accredited laboratory. The accredited laboratory shall provide a preliminary test report to the administrator within 10 days of the completion of testing, if a wood heater exceeds the applicable emission limit in sub. (3). The laboratory shall provide the administrator and the manufacturer, within 30 days of the completion of testing, all documentation pertaining to the test, including the complete test report and raw data sheets, laboratory technician notes, and test results for all test runs.
NR 440.642(4)(p)5.d.d. Upon receiving notification of a test failure under subd. 5. b. the manufacturer may submit some or all of the remaining 4 wood heaters selected under subd. 2. for testing at the manufacturer’s own expense, in the order they were selected by the administrator, at the laboratory that performed the emissions test for the administrator.
NR 440.642(4)(p)5.e.e. Whether or not the manufacturer proceeds under subd. 5. d., the manufacturer may submit any relevant information to the administrator, including any other test data generated pursuant to this section. The manufacturer shall pay the expense of any testing performed for him or her.
NR 440.642(4)(p)5.f.f. The administrator shall withdraw any notice issued under subd. 5. b. if tests under subd. 5. d. show either:
1) That all 4 wood heaters tested for the manufacturer met the applicable weighted average emission limits, or
2) That the second and third wood heaters selected met the applicable weighted average emission limits and the average of all 3 weighted averages, including the original audit test, was below the applicable weighted average emission limits.
NR 440.642(4)(p)5.g.g. The administrator may withdraw any proposed revocation, if the administrator finds that an audit test failure has been rebutted by information submitted by the manufacturer under subd. 5. d. or e. or by any other relevant information available to the administrator.
NR 440.642(4)(p)5.h.h. Any withdrawal of a proposed revocation shall be accompanied by a document setting forth its basis.
NR 440.642(5)(5)Test methods and procedures. Test methods and procedures in 40 CFR part 60, Appendix A, incorporated by reference in s. NR 440.17, except as provided under s. NR 440.08 (2), shall be used to determine compliance with the standards and requirements for certification under subs. (3) and (4) as follows:
NR 440.642(5)(a)(a) Method 28 shall be used to establish the certification test conditions and the particulate matter weighted emission values.
NR 440.642(5)(b)(b) Emission concentrations may be measured with either:
NR 440.642(5)(b)1.1. Method 5G if a dilution tunnel sampling location is used, or
NR 440.642(5)(b)2.2. Method 5H if a stack location is used.
NR 440.642(5)(c)(c) Method 28A shall be used to determine that a wood combustion unit qualifies under the definition of wood heater in sub. (2) (m). If such a determination is necessary, this test shall be conducted by an accredited laboratory.
NR 440.642(5)(e)1.1. The manufacturer of an affected facility shall notify the administrator of the date that certification testing is scheduled to begin. A notice from the testing lab containing the information required in sub. (4) (f) 1. may be used to satisfy this requirement. This notice shall be submitted at least 30 days before the start of testing. The notification of testing shall be in writing, and include the manufacturer’s name and address, the testing laboratory’s name, the model name and number or, if unavailable, some other way to distinguish between models, and the dates of testing.
NR 440.642(5)(e)2.2. Any emission testing conducted on the wood heater for which notice was delivered shall be presumed to be certification testing if such testing occurs on or after the scheduled date of testing and before a test report is submitted to the administrator. If certification testing is interrupted for more than 24 hours, the laboratory shall notify the administrator by telephone, as soon as practicable, and also by letter, stating why the testing was interrupted and when it is expected to be resumed.
NR 440.642(5)(e)3.3. A manufacturer or laboratory may change the date that testing is scheduled to begin by notifying the administrator at least 14 days before the start of testing. Notification of schedule change shall be made at least 2 working days prior to the originally scheduled test date. This notice of rescheduling shall be made by telephone or other expeditious means and shall be documented in writing and sent concurrently.
NR 440.642(5)(e)4.4. A model line may be withdrawn from testing before the certification test is complete, provided the wood heater is sealed in accordance with sub. (6) (g). The manufacturer shall notify the administrator 30 days before the resumption of testing.
NR 440.642(5)(e)5.5. The manufacturer or laboratory shall notify the administrator if a test is not completed within the time allotted as set forth in the notice of testing. The notification shall be made by the end of the allotted testing period by telephone or other expeditious means, and documented in writing sent concurrently, and shall contain the dates when the test will be resumed. Unless otherwise approved by the administrator, failure to conduct a certification test as scheduled without notifying the administrator of any schedule change 14 days prior to the schedule or revised test dates will result in voiding the notification. In the case of a voided notification, the manufacturer shall provide the administrator with a second notification at least 30 days prior to the new test dates. The administrator may waive the requirement for advance notice for test resumptions.
NR 440.642(5)(f)(f) The testing laboratory shall allow the manufacturer to observe certification testing. However, manufacturers may not involve themselves in the conduct of the test after the pretest burn (as defined by Method 28) has begun. Communications between the manufacturer and laboratory personnel regarding operation of the wood heater shall be limited to written communications transmitted prior to the first pretest burn of the certification series. Written communications between the manufacturer and laboratory personnel may be exchanged during the certification test only if deviations from the test procedures are observed that constitute improper conduct of the test. All communications shall be included in the test documentation required to be submitted under sub. (4) (b) 4. and shall be consistent with instructions provided in the owner’s manual required under sub. (7) (k), except to the extent that they address details of the certification tests that would not be relevant to owners.
NR 440.642(6)(6)Laboratory accreditation.
NR 440.642(6)(a)1.1. A laboratory may apply for accreditation by the administrator to conduct wood heater certifications tests pursuant to sub. (4). The application shall be in writing to: Emission Measurement Branch (MD-13), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27711, Attn: Wood Heater Laboratory Accreditation.
NR 440.642(6)(a)2.2. If accreditation is denied under this section, the administrator shall give written notice to the laboratory setting forth the basis for the determination.
NR 440.642(6)(b)(b) In order for a test laboratory to qualify for accreditation the laboratory shall:
NR 440.642(6)(b)1.1. Submit its written application providing the information related to laboratory equipment and management and technical experience of laboratory personnel. Applications from laboratories shall establish that:
NR 440.642(6)(b)1.a.a. Laboratory personnel have a total of one year of relevant experience in particulate measurement, including at least 3 months experience in measuring particulate emissions from wood heaters,
NR 440.642(6)(b)1.b.b. The laboratory has the equipment necessary to perform testing in accordance with either sub. (5) (b) 1. or 2., and
NR 440.642(6)(b)1.c.c. Laboratory personnel have experience in test management or laboratory management.
NR 440.642(6)(b)2.2. Have no conflict of interest and receive no financial benefit from the outcome of certification testing conducted pursuant to sub. (4).
NR 440.642(6)(b)3.3. Agree to enter into a contract as described in sub. (4) (g) with each wood heater manufacturer for whom a certification test has been performed.
NR 440.642(6)(b)5.5. Demonstrate proficiency to achieve reproducible results with at least one test method and procedure in sub. (5) (b) by:
NR 440.642(6)(b)5.a.a. Performing a test consisting of at least 8 test runs (2 in each of the 4 burn rate categories) on a wood heater identified by the administrator,
NR 440.642(6)(b)5.b.b. Providing the administrator at least 30 days prior notice of the test to afford the administrator the opportunity to have an observer present, and
NR 440.642(6)(b)5.c.c. Submitting to the administrator all documentation pertaining to the test including a complete test report and raw data sheets, laboratory technical notes, and test results for all test runs.
NR 440.642(6)(b)6.6. Be located in the continental United States.
NR 440.642(6)(b)7.7. Agree to participate annually in a proficiency testing program conducted by the administrator.
NR 440.642(6)(b)8.8. Agree to allow the administrator access to observe certification testing.
NR 440.642(6)(b)9.9. Agree to comply with reporting and recordkeeping requirements that affect testing laboratories.
NR 440.642(6)(b)10.10. Agree to accept the reasonable cost of a random compliance audit test (as determined by the administrator) if it is selected to conduct the random compliance audit test of a model line originally tested for certification at another laboratory.
NR 440.642(6)(e)1.1. The administrator may revoke the U.S. environmental protection agency laboratory accreditation if he or she determines that the laboratory:
NR 440.642(6)(e)1.a.a. No longer satisfies the requirements for accreditation in par. (b),
NR 440.642(6)(e)1.b.b. Does not follow required procedures or practices,
NR 440.642(6)(e)1.c.c. Had falsified data or otherwise misrepresented emission data,
NR 440.642(6)(e)1.e.e. Failed to participate in a proficiency testing program, in accordance with its commitment under par. (b) 5., or
NR 440.642(6)(e)1.f.f. Failed to seal the wood heater in accordance with par. (g).
NR 440.642(6)(e)2.2. Revocation of accreditation under this paragraph may not take effect until the laboratory concerned has been given written notice by the administrator setting forth the basis for the proposed determination and an opportunity for a hearing under sub. (10). However, if revocation is ultimately upheld, all tests conducted by the laboratory after written notice was given may, at the discretion of the administrator, be declared invalid.
NR 440.642(6)(f)(f) Unless revoked sooner, a certificate of accreditation granted by the administrator shall be valid for 5 years from the date of issuance, for certificates issued under par. (b).
NR 440.642(6)(g)(g) A laboratory accredited by the administrator shall seal any wood heater on which it performed certification tests, immediately upon completion or suspension of certification testing, by using a laboratory-specific seal.
NR 440.642(7)(7)Permanent label, temporary label and owner’s manual.
NR 440.642(7)(a)1.1. Each affected facility manufactured on or after July 1, 1988, or offered for sale at retail on or after July 1, 1990, shall have a permanent label affixed to it that meets the requirements of this subsection.
NR 440.642(7)(a)2.2. Except for wood heaters subject to sub. (1) (e), (f) or (g), the permanent label shall contain the following information:
NR 440.642(7)(a)2.a.a. Month and year of manufacture,
NR 440.642(7)(a)2.b.b. Model name or number, and
NR 440.642(7)(a)2.c.c. Serial number.
NR 440.642(7)(a)3.3. The permanent label shall:
NR 440.642(7)(a)3.a.a. Be affixed in a readily visible or accessible location,
NR 440.642(7)(a)3.b.b. Be at least 8.9 cm long and 5.1 cm wide (3½ inches long and 2 inches wide).
NR 440.642(7)(a)3.c.c. Be made of a material expected to last the lifetime of the wood heater,
NR 440.642(7)(a)3.d.d. Present required information in a manner so that it is likely to remain legible for the lifetime of the wood heater.
NR 440.642(7)(a)3.e.e. Be affixed in such a manner that it cannot be removed from the appliance without damage to the label.
NR 440.642(7)(a)4.4. The permanent label may be combined with any other label, as long as the required information is displayed, and the integrity of the permanent label is not compromised.
NR 440.642(7)(b)(b) If the wood heater belongs to a model line certified under sub. (4) and has not been found to exceed the applicable emission limits or tolerances through quality assurance testing, one of the following statements, as appropriate, shall appear on the permanent label:
State of Wisconsin
Certified to comply with July, 1988, particulate emission standards
Not approved for sale after June 30, 1992,
State of Wisconsin
Certified to comply with July, 1990, particulate emission standards.
NR 440.642(7)(d)(d) Any label statement under par. (b) constitutes a representation by the manufacturer as to any wood heater that bears it that:
NR 440.642(7)(d)1.1. Certification was in effect at the time the wood heater left the possession of the manufacturer,
NR 440.642(7)(d)2.2. The manufacturer was, at the time the label was affixed, conducting a quality assurance program in conformity with sub. (4) (o),
NR 440.642(7)(d)3.3. As to any wood heater individually tested for emissions by the manufacturer under sub. (4) (o) 3., that it met the applicable emissions limits, and
NR 440.642(7)(d)4.4. As to any wood heater individually inspected for tolerances under sub. (4) (o) 2., that the wood heater is within applicable tolerances.
NR 440.642(7)(e)(e) If an affected facility is exempt from the emission limits in sub. (3), the following statement shall appear on the permanent label:
State of Wisconsin
Not certified. Approved for sale until June 30, 1991.
Published under s. 35.93, Stats. Updated on the first day of each month. Entire code is always current. The Register date on each page is the date the chapter was last published.