NR 660.11(8)(x)(x) 40 CFR part 136, Appendix A, Method 624 Purgeables, incorporated by reference for subch. CC of ch. NR 665.
NR 660.11(8)(y)(y) 40 CFR part 136, Appendix A, Method 625 Base/Neutrals and Acids, incorporated by reference for subch. CC of ch. NR 665.
NR 660.11(8)(z)(z) 40 CFR part 136, Appendix A, Method 1624 Volatile Organic Compounds by Isotope Dilution GC/MS, incorporated by reference for subch. CC of ch. NR 665.
NR 660.11(8)(za)(za) 40 CFR part 136, Appendix A, Method 1625 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by Isotope Dilution GC/MS, incorporated by reference for subch. CC of ch. NR 665.
NR 660.11(8)(zb)(zb) 40 CFR 52.741, Appendix B, Method 204 Procedure T—Criteria for and Verification of a Permanent or Temporary Total Enclosure, incorporated by reference for ss. NR 661.1084 (9), 661.1086 (5), 661.1089 (2), 661.1089 (4), 670.027 (1), and 670.315 (3).
NR 660.11(9)(9)The 1987 Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) is available from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, 200 Constitution Ave NW, Washington, DC 20210, (800) 321-6742,, incorporated by reference for ss. NR 661.0003 (3), 661.0004 (1), 661.0032, 668.40, 670.013 (3), and 679.01 (8).
NR 660.11(10)(10)The 2017 North American Industry Classification System (NAICS code) is available from the United States Census Bureau, 4600 Silver Hill Road, Washington, DC 20233, (800) 923-8282,, incorporated by reference for ss. NR 661.0004 (1), 662.203 (2), and 662.204 (2).
NR 660.11(11)(11)40 CFR parts 704, 710, and 711, Chemical Data Reporting Rule of the Toxic Substances Control Act, incorporated by reference for s. NR 661.0004 (1).
NR 660.11(12)(12)References to citations of federal statutes and regulations shall also include any applicable Wisconsin requirements.
NR 660.11 HistoryHistory: CR 05-032: cr. Register July 2006 No. 607, eff. 8-1-06; correction in (5) (o) made under s. 13.92 (4) (b) 7., Stats., Register March 2013 No. 687; CR 16-007: r. and recr. Register July 2017 No. 739, eff. 8-1-17; correction in (2) (intro.), (p) to (r), (3) (intro.), (b) (intro.), (4) (intro.), (a), (5) (intro.), (6) (intro.), (7) (intro.), (8) (intro.), (a), (b), (d), (f) to (h), (j), (p) to (za) made under s. 35.17, Stats., and correction in (3) (b) 1., (4) (a) made under s. 13.92 (4) (b) 7., Stats., Register July 2017 No. 739; CR 19-082: am. (2) (a), (f), (3) (b) 1., 8., 11., (4) (a), cr. (5) (b), (c), am. (7) (intro.), r. and recr. (7) (a), cr. (8) (zb), (9) to (12) Register August 2020 No. 776, eff. 9-1-20; correction in (4) (a), (8) (zb) made under s. 35.17, Stats., Register August 2020 No. 776; correction in (4) (a), (7) (a) made under s. 13.92 (4) (b) 7., Stats., Register April 2021 No. 784.
subch. C of ch. NR 660Subchapter C — Rulemaking Petitions
NR 660.20NR 660.20General. As provided under s. 227.12, Stats., and ch. NR 2, a person may petition the department to modify or revoke any provision in chs. NR 660 to 673. Section NR 660.21 sets forth additional requirements for petitions to add a testing or analytical method to ch. NR 661, 664 or 665. Section NR 660.22 references petitions to EPA to exclude a waste or waste-derived material at a particular facility from s. NR 661.0003 or the lists of hazardous wastes in subch. D of ch. NR 661. Section NR 660.23 sets forth additional requirements for petitions to amend ch. NR 673 to include additional hazardous wastes or categories of hazardous waste as universal waste.
NR 660.20 HistoryHistory: CR 05-032: cr. Register July 2006 No. 607, eff. 8-1-06; CR 19-082: am. Register August 2020 No. 776, eff. 9-1-20; renum. from (1) under s. 13.92 (4) (b) 1., Stats., Register August 2020 No. 776.
NR 660.21NR 660.21Petitions for equivalent testing or analytical methods.
NR 660.21(1)(1)Any person seeking to add a testing or analytical method to ch. NR 661, 664 or 665 may petition for a rule amendment under this section and s. NR 660.20. To be successful, the person shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the department that the proposed method is equal to or superior to the corresponding method prescribed in ch. NR 661, 664 or 665, in terms of its sensitivity, accuracy and precision (i.e., reproducibility).
NR 660.21(2)(2)Each petition shall include all of the following, in addition to the information required by s. NR 660.20:
NR 660.21(2)(a)(a) A full description of the proposed method, including all procedural steps and equipment used in the method.
NR 660.21(2)(b)(b) A description of the types of wastes or waste matrices for which the proposed method may be used.
NR 660.21(2)(c)(c) Comparative results obtained from using the proposed method with those obtained from using the relevant or corresponding methods prescribed in ch. NR 661, 664 or 665.
NR 660.21(2)(d)(d) An assessment of any factors which may interfere with, or limit the use of, the proposed method.
NR 660.21(2)(e)(e) A description of the quality control procedures necessary to ensure the sensitivity, accuracy and precision of the proposed method.
NR 660.21(3)(3)After receiving a petition for an equivalent method, the department may request any additional information on the proposed method which the department may reasonably require to evaluate the method.
NR 660.21(4)(4)If the department amends the rules to permit use of a new testing method, the method will be incorporated in “Test Methods for the Evaluation of Solid Waste: Physical/Chemical Methods,” SW-846, incorporated by reference in s. NR 660.11.
NR 660.21 HistoryHistory: CR 05-032: cr. Register July 2006 No. 607, eff. 8-1-06.
NR 660.22NR 660.22Petitions to amend ch. NR 661 to exclude a waste produced at a particular facility. Any person seeking to exclude a waste at a particular generating facility from the lists in subch. D of ch. NR 661 may petition the EPA region 5 administrator for a regulatory amendment under 40 CFR 260.20 and 260.22. The department shall recognize an EPA granted delisting unless the department clearly establishes that a delisting would threaten human health or the environment.
NR 660.22 HistoryHistory: CR 05-032: cr. Register July 2006 No. 607, eff. 8-1-06.
NR 660.23NR 660.23Petitions to amend ch. NR 673 to include additional hazardous wastes.
NR 660.23(1)(1)Any person seeking to add a hazardous waste or a category of hazardous waste to the universal waste rules in ch. NR 673 may petition for a rule amendment under this section, s. NR 660.20, and subch. G of ch. NR 673.
NR 660.23(2)(2)To be successful, the petitioner shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the department that regulation under the universal waste rules in ch. NR 673 is appropriate for the waste or category of waste, will improve management practices for the waste or category of waste and will improve implementation of the hazardous waste program. The petition shall include the information required by this section. The petition should also address as many of the factors listed in s. NR 673.81 as are appropriate for the waste or category of waste addressed in the petition.
NR 660.23(3)(3)The department shall grant or deny a petition using the factors listed in s. NR 673.81. The decision will be based on the weight of evidence showing that regulation under ch. NR 673 is appropriate for the waste or category of waste, will improve management practices for the waste or category of waste, and will improve implementation of the hazardous waste program.
NR 660.23(4)(4)The department may request additional information needed to evaluate the merits of the petition.
NR 660.23 HistoryHistory: CR 05-032: cr. Register July 2006 No. 607, eff. 8-1-06.
NR 660.30NR 660.30Non-waste determinations and variances from classification as a solid waste. According to the standards and criteria in ss. NR 660.31 and NR 660.34 and the procedures in s. NR 660.33, the department may determine on a case-by-case basis that all of the following recycled materials are not solid wastes:
NR 660.30(1)(1)Materials that are accumulated speculatively without sufficient amounts being recycled (as defined in s. NR 661.0001 (3) (h)).
NR 660.30(2)(2)Materials that are reclaimed and then reused within the original production process in which they were generated.
NR 660.30(3)(3)Materials that have been reclaimed but shall be reclaimed further before the materials are completely recovered.
NR 660.30(4)(4)Hazardous secondary materials that are reclaimed in a continuous industrial process.
NR 660.30(5)(5)Hazardous secondary materials that are indistinguishable in all relevant aspects from a product or intermediate.
NR 660.30 HistoryHistory: CR 05-032: cr. Register July 2006 No. 607, eff. 8-1-06; CR 19-082: am. (intro.), (1), cr. (4), (5) Register August 2020 No. 776, eff. 9-1-20; correction in (4), (5) made under s. 35.17, Stats., Register August 2020 No. 776.
NR 660.31NR 660.31Standards and criteria for variances from classification as a solid waste.
NR 660.31(1)(1)The department may grant requests for a variance from classifying as a solid waste those materials that are accumulated speculatively without sufficient amounts being recycled if the applicant demonstrates that sufficient amounts of the material will be recycled or transferred for recycling in the following year. If a variance is granted, it is valid only for the following year, but can be renewed, on an annual basis, by filing a new application. The department’s decision will be based on all of the following criteria:
NR 660.31(1)(a)(a) The manner in which the material is expected to be recycled, when the material is expected to be recycled, and whether this expected disposition is likely to occur (for example, because of past practice, market factors, the nature of the material or contractual arrangements for recycling).
NR 660.31(1)(b)(b) The reason that the applicant has accumulated the material for one or more years without recycling 75% of the volume accumulated at the beginning of the year.
NR 660.31(1)(c)(c) The quantity of material already accumulated and the quantity expected to be generated and accumulated before the material is recycled.
NR 660.31(1)(d)(d) The extent to which the material is handled to minimize loss.
NR 660.31(1)(e)(e) Other relevant factors.
NR 660.31(2)(2)The department may grant requests for a variance from classifying as a solid waste those materials that are reclaimed and then reused as feedstock within the original production process in which the materials were generated if the reclamation operation is an essential part of the production process. This determination will be based on all of the following criteria:
NR 660.31(2)(a)(a) How economically viable the production process would be if it were to use virgin materials, rather than reclaimed materials.
NR 660.31(2)(b)(b) The extent to which the material is handled before reclamation to minimize loss.
NR 660.31(2)(c)(c) The time periods between generating the material and its reclamation, and between reclamation and return to the original primary production process.
NR 660.31(2)(d)(d) The location of the reclamation operation in relation to the production process.
NR 660.31(2)(e)(e) Whether the reclaimed material is used for the purpose for which it was originally produced when it is returned to the original process, and whether it is returned to the process in substantially its original form.
NR 660.31(2)(f)(f) Whether the person who generates the material also reclaims it.
NR 660.31(2)(g)(g) Other relevant factors.
NR 660.31(3)(3)The department may grant a request for a variance from classifying as a solid waste those hazardous secondary materials that have been partially reclaimed, but must be reclaimed further before recovery is completed, if the partial reclamation has produced a commodity-like material. A determination that a partially reclaimed material for which the variance is sought is commodity-like will be based on whether the hazardous secondary material is legitimately recycled as specified in s. NR 660.43 and on whether all of the following decision criteria are satisfied:
NR 660.31(3)(a)(a) The degree of partial reclamation the material has undergone is substantial as demonstrated by using a partial reclamation process other than the process that generated the hazardous waste.
NR 660.31(3)(b)(b) The partially reclaimed material has sufficient economic value that it will be purchased for further reclamation.
NR 660.31(3)(c)(c) The partially reclaimed material is a viable substitute for a product or intermediate produced from virgin or raw materials that is used in subsequent production steps.
NR 660.31(3)(d)(d) There is a market for the partially reclaimed material as demonstrated by known customers who are further reclaiming the material, such as records of sales or contracts and evidence of subsequent use, such as bills of lading.
NR 660.31(3)(e)(e) The partially reclaimed material is handled to minimize loss
NR 660.31(3)(f)(f) Other relevant factors.
NR 660.31 HistoryHistory: CR 05-032: cr. Register July 2006 No. 607, eff. 8-1-06; CR 16-007: r. (2) (b), renum. (2) (c) to (h) to (2) (b) to (g) Register July 2017 No. 739, eff. 8-1-17; CR 19-082: am. (3) (intro.), (a), (b), r. and recr. (3) (c), (d), am. (3) (e) Register August 2020 No. 776, eff. 9-1-20; correction in (3) made under s. 35.17, Stats., Register August 2020 No. 776.
NR 660.32NR 660.32Variances to be classified as a boiler. According to the standards and criteria in s. NR 660.10 (definition of “boiler”), and the procedures in s. NR 660.33, the department may determine on a case-by-case basis that certain enclosed devices using controlled flame combustion are boilers, even though they do not otherwise meet the definition of boiler contained in s. NR 660.10, after considering all of the following criteria:
NR 660.32(1)(1)The extent to which the unit has provisions for recovering and exporting thermal energy in the form of steam, heated fluids or heated gases.
NR 660.32(2)(2)The extent to which the combustion chamber and energy recovery equipment are of integral design.
NR 660.32(3)(3)The efficiency of energy recovery, calculated in terms of the recovered energy compared with the thermal value of the fuel.
NR 660.32(4)(4)The extent to which exported energy is utilized.
NR 660.32(5)(5)The extent to which the device is in common and customary use as a “boiler” functioning primarily to produce steam, heated fluids or heated gases.
NR 660.32(6)(6)Other factors, as appropriate.
NR 660.32 HistoryHistory: CR 05-032: cr. Register July 2006 No. 607, eff. 8-1-06.
NR 660.33NR 660.33Procedures for variances from classification as a solid waste or to be classified as a boiler, or applications for non-waste determinations. The department will use all of the following procedures in evaluating applications for variances from classification as a solid waste or applications to classify particular enclosed controlled flame combustion devices as boilers, or applications for non-waste determinations:
NR 660.33(1)(1)The applicant shall apply to the department for the variance. The application shall address the relevant criteria contained in s. NR 660.31, 660.32, or 660.34, as applicable.
NR 660.33(2)(2)The department will evaluate the application and issue a draft notice tentatively granting or denying the application. Notification of this tentative decision will be provided by newspaper advertisement or radio broadcast in the locality where the recycler is located. The department will accept comment on the tentative decision for 30 days, and may also hold a public hearing upon request or at the department’s discretion. The department will issue a final decision after receipt of comments and after the hearing (if any).
NR 660.33(3)(3)In the event of a change in circumstances that affects how a hazardous secondary material meets the relevant criteria contained in s. NR 660.31, 660.32, or 660.34 upon which a variance or non-waste determination has been based, the applicant shall send a description of the change in circumstances to the department. The department may issue a determination that the hazardous secondary material continues to meet the relevant criteria of the variance or non-waste determination or may require the facility to re-apply for the variance or non-waste determination.
NR 660.33(4)(4)A variance or non-waste determination shall be effective for a fixed term not to exceed 10 years. No later than 6 months prior to the end of that term, a facility shall re-apply for a variance or non-waste determination.  If a facility re-applies for a variance or non-waste determination within 6 months prior to the end of the term, the facility may continue to operate under an expired variance or non-waste determination until receiving a decision on its re-application from the department.
NR 660.33(5)(5)A facility receiving a variance or non-waste determination shall provide notification as required under s. NR 660.42.
NR 660.33 HistoryHistory: CR 05-032: cr. Register July 2006 No. 607, eff. 8-1-06; CR 19-082: am. (intro.), (1), cr. (3) to (5) Register August 2020 No. 776, eff. 9-1-20; correction in (4) made under s. 35.17, Stats., Register August 2020 No. 776.
NR 660.34NR 660.34Standards and criteria for non-waste determinations.
NR 660.34(1)(1)An applicant may apply to the department for a formal determination that a hazardous secondary material is not discarded and therefore not a solid waste. The determinations will be based on the criteria contained in sub. (2) or (3), as applicable. If an application is denied, the hazardous secondary material may still be eligible for a solid waste variance or exclusion through one of the solid waste variances under s. NR 660.31. Determinations may also be granted by the department if the department is authorized by the EPA for this provision or if all the following conditions are met:
NR 660.34(1)(a)(a) The department determines the hazardous secondary material meets the criteria in sub. (2) or (3), as applicable.
NR 660.34(1)(b)(b) The department requests that EPA review its determination.
NR 660.34(1)(c)(c) The EPA approves the department determination.
NR 660.34(2)(2)The department may grant a non-waste determination for hazardous secondary material that is reclaimed in a continuous industrial process if the applicant demonstrates that the hazardous secondary material is a part of the production process and is not discarded.  The determination shall be based on whether the hazardous secondary material is legitimately recycled as specified in s. NR 660.43 and on all of the following criteria:
NR 660.34(2)(a)(a) The management of the hazardous secondary material is part of the continuous primary production process and is not waste treatment.
NR 660.34(2)(b)(b) The capacity of the production process will use the hazardous secondary material in a reasonable time frame and will ensure that the hazardous secondary material will not be abandoned.  Examples of factors the department will use to determine capacity of the production process to use the hazardous secondary material include past production practices, market factors, the nature of the hazardous secondary material, and any contractual arrangements.
NR 660.34(2)(c)(c) The hazardous constituents in the hazardous secondary material are reclaimed rather than released into the air, water, or land at significantly higher levels from either a statistical or health and environmental risk perspective than would otherwise be released by the production process.
NR 660.34(2)(d)(d) Other relevant factors that demonstrate that the hazardous secondary material is not discarded, including why the hazardous secondary material cannot meet, or should not have to meet, the conditions of an exclusion under s. NR 661.0002 or 661.0004.
NR 660.34(3)(3)The department may grant a non-waste determination for hazardous secondary material that is indistinguishable in all relevant aspects from a product or intermediate if the applicant demonstrates that the hazardous secondary material is comparable to a product or intermediate and is not discarded.  The determination will be based on whether the hazardous secondary material is legitimately recycled as specified in s. NR 660.43 and on all of the following criteria:
NR 660.34(3)(a)(a) Market participants treat the hazardous secondary material as a product or intermediate rather than a waste.  Examples of factors that may be used to determine that the hazardous secondary material is a product or intermediate rather than a waste include the current positive value of the hazardous secondary material, stability of demand, or any contractual arrangements.
Published under s. 35.93, Stats. Updated on the first day of each month. Entire code is always current. The Register date on each page is the date the chapter was last published.