HE = effective stack height (m)
TR = maximum terrain rise for each distance range (m)
TAESH = terrain-adjusted effective stack height (m) - See PDF for table PDF - See PDF for table PDF
For those stacks where the terrain rise within a distance range is greater than the effective stack height (i.e., HE–TR is less than 0), the TAESH for that distance range is set equal to 0, and generic source number one should be used for that distance range for all subsequent distance ranges. Additionally, for all stacks with a physical stack height of less than or equal to 10 meters, use generic source number one for all distance ranges.10
Note: 10 This applies to all stacks less than or equal to 10 meters regardless of the terrain classification.
2. For the remaining stacks, refer to Table 5.0-2 and, for each distance range, identify the generic source number that includes the TAESH. Use the values obtained from Steps 10(D)(1) and 10(D)(2) to complete the following summary worksheet; - See PDF for table PDF
(E) Identify maximum average hourly dispersion coefficients. Based on the land use classification of the site (e.g., urban or rural), use either Table 5.0-4 or Table 5.0-5 to determine the appropriate dispersion coefficient for each distance range for each stack. Begin at the minimum fenceline distance indicated in Step 7(B) and record on Worksheet 5.0-1 the dispersion coefficient for each stack/distance range. For stacks located in facilities in flat terrain, the generic source numbers were computed in Step 10(C). For stacks located in facilities in rolling and complex terrain, the generic source numbers were computed in Step 10(D). For flat terrain applications and for stacks with a physical height of less than or equal to 10 meters, only one generic source number is used per stack for all distance ranges. For other situations up to 3 generic source numbers may be needed per stack (i.e., a unique generic source number per distance range). In Tables 5.0-4 and 5.0-5, the dispersion coefficients for distances of 6 km to 20 km are the same for all generic source numbers in order to conservatively represent terrain beyond 5 km (past the limits of the terrain analysis).
(F) Estimate maximum hourly ambient air concentrations. In this step, pollutant-specific emission rates are multiplied by appropriate dispersion coefficients to estimate ambient air concentrations. For each stack, emissions are multiplied by the dispersion coefficient selected in Step 10(E) and summed across all stacks to estimate ambient air concentrations at various distances from the facility. From these summed concentrations, the maximum hourly ambient air concentration is selected. First, select the maximum emission rate of the pollutant.11 Record these data in the spaces provided below.12
Note: 11 Recall that it is recommended that this analysis be performed for only one or 2 pollutants. The pollutants chosen for this analysis should be those that show the most significant exceedances of the risk threshold.
Note: 12 Refer to Step 8 of the basic screening procedure. At this point in the screening procedure, annual emissions are used to represent hourly average emission rates. These values will be adjusted by the annual/hourly ratio to estimate annual average concentrations. - See PDF for table PDF
Complete a separate copy of Worksheet 5.0-2 for each pollutant and select the highest hourly concentration from the summation column at the far right of the worksheet. Record the maximum hourly air concentration for each pollutant analyzed (add additional lines if needed): - See PDF for table PDF
(G) Determine the complex/noncomplex designation for each stack. For each stack, subtract the maximum terrain rise within 5 km of the site from the physical stack height and designate the stack as either complex or noncomplex. If the stack height minus the maximum terrain rise (within 5 km) is greater than 0 or if the stack is less than 10 meters in physical height, then assign the stack a noncomplex designation. If the stack height minus the maximum terrain rise (within 5 km) is less than or equal to 0, then assign the stack a complex designation.
Perform the following computation for each stack and record the information in the spaces provided. Check in the spaces provided whether the stack designation is complex or noncomplex. - See PDF for table PDF
(H) Identify annual/hourly ratios. Extract the annual/hourly ratios for each stack by referring to Table 5.0-6. Generic source numbers (from Steps 10(C) or 10(D), urban/rural designation (from Step 6)), and complex or noncomplex terrain designations (from Step 10(G)) are used to select the appropriate scaling factor needed to convert hourly maximum concentrations to estimates of annual average concentrations.
Complete the following table:13 - See PDF for table PDF
13 If any stack (excluding generic stack number 1 and 11) in Step 10(D) shows a negative terrain adjusted stack height, use the complex terrain annual/hourly ratios.
(I) Select the highest annual/hourly ratio among all of the stacks,
14 and then estimate the maximum annual average ambient air concentrations for each pollutant by completing the following table, where:
Note: 14As an option, the user can identify the stack with the highest ratio for each distance range (rather than the absolute highest). In this case, extra sheets would be needed to show estimated annual average concentrations from each stack by multiplying emission rate times maximum hourly dispersion coefficient times maximum annual/hourly ratio for applicable distance range. Then sum across all stacks for each downwind distance.
C = Maximum total hourly ambient air concentration (µg/m3) for pollutant “ N" from Step 10(F),
Ca = Maximum annual average air concentration for pollutant “N" (µg/m3),
R = Annual/hourly ratio. - See PDF for table PDF - See PDF for table PDF
(J) Use the maximum annual average concentrations from Step 10(I) to determine compliance with regulatory requirements.
Section 6.0—
implified Land Use Classification Procedure for Compliance With Tier I and Tier II Limits
6.1 Introduction
This section provides a simplified procedure to classify areas in the vicinity of boilers and industrial furnace sites as urban or rural in order to set risk-based emission limits under this subchapter. Urban/rural classification is needed because dispersion rates differ between urban and rural areas and thus, the risk per unit emission rate differs accordingly. The combination of greater surface roughness (more buildings/structures to generate turbulent mixing) and the greater amount of heat released from the surface in an urban area (generates buoyancy-induced mixing) produces greater rates of dispersion. The emission limit tables in the regulation, therefore, distinguish between urban and rural areas.
EPA guidance (EPA 1986) 1, incorporated by reference in s. NR 660.11, provides 2 alternative procedures to determine whether the character of an area is predominantly urban or rural. One procedure is based on land use typing and the other is based on population density. Both procedures require consideration of characteristics within a 3-km radius from a source, in this case the facility stack(s). The land use typing method is preferred because it more directly relates to the surface characteristics that affect dispersion rates. The remainder of this discussion is, therefore, focused on the land use method.
While the land use method is more direct, it can also be labor-intensive to apply. For this discussion, the land use method has been simplified so that it is consistent with EPA guidance (EPA 1986 1; Auer 1978 2), incorporated by reference in s. NR 660.11, while streamlining the process for the majority of applications so that a clear-cut decision can be made without the need for detailed analysis. Table 6.0-1 summarizes the simplified approach for classifying areas as urban or rural. As shown, the applicant always has the option of applying standard (i.e., more detailed) analyses to more accurately distinguish between urban and rural areas. However, the procedure presented here allows for simplified determinations, where appropriate, to expedite the permitting process. - See PDF for table PDF
1 EPA, Guideline on Air Quality Models (Revised), EPA-450/2-78-027R, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, July, 1986, incorporated by reference in s. NR 660.11.
2 Auer, August H. Jr., ``Correlation of Land Use and Cover with Meteorological Anomalies,'' Journal of Applied Meteorology, pp. 636-643, 1978.
6.2 Simplified Land Use Process
The land use approach considers four primary land use types: industrial (I), commercial (C), residential (R), and agricultural (A). Within these primary classes, subclasses are identified, as shown in table 6.0-1. The goal is to estimate the percentage of the area within a 3-km radius that is urban type and the percentage that is rural type. Industrial and commercial areas are classified as urban; agricultural areas are classified as rural.
The delineation of urban and rural areas, however, can be more difficult for the residential type areas shown in table 6.0-1. The degree of resolution shown in table 6.0-1 for residential areas often cannot be identified without conducting site area inspections and/or referring to zoning maps. This process can require extensive analysis, which, for many applications, can be greatly streamlined without sacrificing confidence in selecting the appropriate urban or rural classification.
The fundamental simplifying assumption is based on the premise that many applications will have clear-cut urban/rural designations, i.e., most will be in rural settings that can be definitively characterized through a brief review of topographical maps. The color coding on USGS topographical maps provides the most effective means of simplifying the typing scheme. The suggested typing designations for the color codes found on topographical maps are as follows:
Green Wooded areas (rural).
White White areas generally will be treated as rural. This code applies to areas that are unwooded and do not have densely packed structures which would require the pink code (house omission tint). Parks, industrial areas, and unforested rural land will appear as white on the topographical maps. Of these categories, only the industrial areas could potentially be classified as urban based on EPA 1986 or Auer 1978 (see footnotes 1 and 2 in Table 6.0-1), incorporated by reference in s. NR 660.11. Industrial areas can be easily identified in most cases by the characteristics shown in Figure 6.0-1. For this simplified procedure, white areas that have an industrial classification will be treated as urban areas.
Section 7.0—Statistical Methodology for Bevill Residue Determinations
This section describes the statistical comparison of waste-derived residue to normal residue for use in determining eligibility for the Bevill exemption under s. NR 666.112.
7.1 Comparison of Waste-Derived Residue
to Normal Residue
To be eligible for the Bevill exclusion from the definition of hazardous waste under s. NR 666.112(2)(a), waste-derived residue may not contain ch. NR 661 Appendix VIII, constituents that could reasonably be attributable to the hazardous waste (toxic constituents) at concentrations significantly higher than in residue generated without burning or processing hazardous waste (normal residue). Concentrations of toxic constituents in normal residue are determined based on analysis of a minimum of 10 samples representing a minimum of 10 days of operation. The statistically-derived concentrations in normal residue are determined as the upper tolerance limit (95% confidence with a 95% proportion of the sample distribution) of the normal residue concentrations. The upper tolerance limit is to be determined as described in Section 7.2 below. If changes in raw materials or fuels could lower the statistically-derived concentrations of toxic constituents of concern, the statistically-derived baseline shall be re-established for any such mode of operation with the new raw material or fuel.
Concentrations of toxic constituents in waste-derived residue are determined based on the analysis of one or more samples collected over a compositing period of not more than 24 hours. Multiple samples of the waste-derived residue may be analyzed or subsamples may be composited for analysis, if the sampling period does not exceed 24 hours. If more than one sample is analyzed to characterize the waste-derived residue generated over a 24-hour period, the arithmetic mean of the concentrations shall be used as the waste-derived concentration for each constituent.
The concentration of a toxic constituent in the waste-derived residue is not considered to be significantly higher than in the normal residue (i.e., the residue passes the Bevill test for that constituent) if the concentration in the waste-derived residue does not exceed the statistically-derived concentration.
7.2 Calculation of the Upper Tolerance Limit
The 95% confidence with 95% proportion of the sample distribution (upper tolerance limit) is calculated for a set of values assuming that the values are normally distributed. The upper tolerance limit is a one-sided calculation and is an appropriate statistical test for cases in which a single value (the waste-derived residue concentration) is compared to the distribution of a range of values (the minimum of 10 measurements of normal residue concentrations). The upper tolerance limit value is determined as follows:
UTL = X + (K)(S)
where X = mean of the normal residue concentrations, X = Xi /n,
K = coefficient for sample size n, 95% confidence and 95% proportion,
S = standard deviation of the normal residue concentrations,
S = (Ó(Xi – X) 2/(n – 1))0. 5, and
n = sample size.
The values of K at the 95% confidence and 95% proportion, and sample size n are given in Table 7.0-1.
For example, a normal residue test results in 10 samples with the following analytical results for toxic constituent A: - See PDF for table PDF
The mean and the standard deviation of these measurements, calculated using the above equations, are 11.5 and 2.9, respectively. Assuming that the values are normally distributed, the upper tolerance limit (UTL) is given by:
UTL = 11.5+(2.911)(2.9) = 19.9 ppm
Thus, if the concentration of constituent A in the waste-derived residue is below 19.9 ppm, then the waste-derived residue is eligible for the Bevill exclusion for constituent A.
7.3 Normal Distribution Assumption
As noted in Section 7.2 above, this statistical approach (use of the upper tolerance limit) for calculation of the concentration in normal residue is based on the assumption that the concentration data are distributed normally. The department is aware that concentration data of this type may not always be distributed normally, particularly when concentrations are near the detection limits. There are a number of procedures that can be used to test the distribution of a data set. For example, the Shapiro-Wilk test, examination of a histogram or plot of the data on normal probability paper, and examination of the coefficient of skewness are methods that may be applicable, depending on the nature of the data (References 1 and 2).
If the concentration data are not adequately represented by a normal distribution, the data may be transformed to attain a near normal distribution. The department has found that concentration data, especially when near detection levels, often exhibit a lognormal distribution. The assumption of a lognormal distribution has been used in various programs at EPA, such as in the Office of Solid Waste Land Disposal Restrictions program for determination of BDAT treatment standards. The transformed data may be tested for normality using the procedures identified above. If the transformed data are better represented by a normal distribution than the untransformed data, the transformed data should be used in determining the upper tolerance limit using the procedures in Section 7.2 above.
In all cases where the owner or operator wishes to use other than an assumption of normally distributed data or believes that use of an alternate statistical approach is appropriate to the specific data set, the owner or operator shall provide supporting rationale in the operating record that demonstrates that the data treatment is based upon sound statistical practice.
7.4 Nondetect Values
The department is developing guidance regarding the treatment of nondetect values (data where the concentration of the constituent being measured is below the lowest concentration for which the analytical method is valid) in carrying out the statistical determination described above. Until the guidance information is available, facilities may present their own approach to the handling of nondetect data points, but shall provide supporting rationale in the operating record for consideration by the department. - See PDF for table PDF
7.5 References
1. Shapiro, S.S. and Wilk, M.B. (1965), “An Analysis of Variance Test for Normality (complete samples)," Biometrika, 52,591-611.
2. Bhattacharyya, G.K. and R.A. Johnson (1977), Statistical Concepts and Methods, John Wiley and Sons, New York.
Section 8.0—
rocedures for Determining Default Values for Air Pollution Control System Removal Efficiencies
During interim license, owners or operators of boilers and industrial furnaces burning hazardous waste shall submit documentation to the department that certifies that emissions of HCl, Cl2, metals, and particulate matter (PM) are not likely to exceed allowable emission rates. See certification of precompliance under s. NR 666.103(2). This documentation also establishes interim license feed rate and operating limits for the facility. For the initial certification, estimates of emissions and system removal efficiencies (SREs) can be made to establish the operating limits. Subsequently, owners or operators shall use emissions testing to demonstrate that emissions do not exceed allowable levels, and to establish operating limits (see s. NR 666.103(3)). However, initial estimates of emissions for certification of precompliance can be based on estimated or established SREs.
The SRE combines the effect of partitioning of the chorine, metals, or PM and the air pollution control system removal efficiency (APCS RE) for these pollutants. The SRE is defined as:
SRE = (species input – species emitted) / species input
The SRE can be calculated from the partitioning factor (PF) and APCS RE by the following formula:
SRE=1 – [(PF/l00) X (1 – APCS RE/100)]
PF = percentage of the pollutant partitioned to the combustion gas
Estimates of the PF and/or the APCS RE can be based on either EPA's default values or engineering judgement. EPA's `default values for the APCS RE for metals, HCl, Cl2, and PM are described in this section. EPA's default values for partitioning of these pollutants are described in section 9.0.
Guidelines for the use of engineering judgement to estimate APCS REs or PFs are described in section 9.4.
8.1 APCS RE Default Values for Metals
EPA's default assumptions for APCS RE for metals are shown in Table 8.1-1. The default values in the table are conservative estimates of the removal efficiencies for metals in BIFs, depending on the volatility of the metal and the type of APCS.
The volatility of a metal depends on the temperature, the thermal input, the chlorine content of the waste, and the identity and concentration of the metal. Metals that do not vaporize at combustion zone temperatures are classified as “nonvolatile". Such metals typically enter the APCS in the form of large particles that are removed relatively easily. Metals that vaporize in the combustion zone and condense before entering the APCS are classified as “volatile". Such metals typically enter the APCS in the form of very fine, submicron particles that are rather inefficiently removed in many APCSs. Metals that vaporize in the combustion zone and do not condense before entering the APCS are classified as “very volatile". Such metals enter the APCS in the form of a vapor that is very inefficiently removed in many APCSs.
Typically, BIFs have combustion zone temperatures high enough to vaporize any hazardous metal at concentrations sufficient to exceed risk-based emission limits. For this reason, the default assumption is that there are no nonvolatile metals. Tables 8.1-2 and 8.1-3 are used to determine whether metals are classified as “volatile" or “very volatile" depending on the temperature entering the APCS, the thermal input, and whether the waste is chlorinated or nonchlorinated. - See PDF for table PDF
WS = Wet Scrubber including: Sieve Tray Tower, Packed Tower, Bubble Cap Tower
VS-20 = Venturi Scrubber, ca. 20-30 in W.G. Ä p
VS-60 = Venturi Scrubber, ca. >60 in W.G. Ä p
ESP-l = Electrostatic Precipitator; 1 stage
Published under s. 35.93, Stats. Updated on the first day of each month. Entire code is always current. The Register date on each page is the date the chapter was last published.