NR 852.07(2)(a) (a) A description and quantification of current water use and reuse as identified by a water use audit, including a calculation of water use intensity appropriate to the water use sector. Those public water systems regulated by the public service commission shall follow applicable procedures to account for water use as provided in ch. PSC 185 and the calculations shall be included in the water use audit.
NR 852.07(2)(b) (b) A description of the water conservation and water use efficiency goals, including quantifiable goals.
NR 852.07(2)(c) (c) Documentation of the implementation of the CEMs set forth in s. NR 852.04 (2) and a description of any other existing conservation, efficiency, and reuse measures, including when they were implemented.
NR 852.07(2)(d) (d) A monitoring plan to assess the impact of the implemented CEMs.
NR 852.07(3) (3) Persons identified in Tier 2 shall submit all of the following information in the water conservation plan, in addition to the information required under sub. (2):
NR 852.07(3)(a) (a) An implementation timeline for implementing the CEMs or documentation of the implementation of the CEMs in s. NR 852.05, as appropriate.
NR 852.07(3)(b) (b) If applicable, the results of an analysis conducted under s. NR 852.09 to determine if a CEM required in Table 2 is cost-effective.
NR 852.07(3)(c) (c) If applicable, the results of an analysis conducted under s. NR 852.10 to determine if a CEM required in Table 2 is environmentally sound and economically feasible.
NR 852.07(4) (4) Persons identified in Tier 3 shall submit all of the following information in the water conservation plan, in addition to the information required under sub. (2):
NR 852.07(4)(a) (a) An implementation timeline for implementing the CEMs or documentation of the implementation of the CEMs in s. NR 852.05, as appropriate.
NR 852.07(4)(b) (b) If applicable, the results of an analysis conducted under s. NR 852.09 to determine if a CEM required in Table 2 is cost-effective.
NR 852.07(4)(c) (c) If applicable, the results of an analysis conducted under s. NR 852.10 to determine if a CEM required in Table 2 is environmentally sound and economically feasible.
NR 852.07(4)(d) (d) The results of the analysis to identify additional CEMs as required by s. NR 852.06 (1).
NR 852.07(4)(e) (e) An implementation timeline for implementing the CEMs or documentation of the implementation of the CEMs identified in s. NR 852.06 (1), as appropriate.
NR 852.07(4)(f) (f) If applicable, the analysis in s. NR 852.06 (2).
NR 852.07 History History: CR 10-060: cr. Register December 2010 No. 660, eff. 1-1-11.
NR 852.08 NR 852.08Water conservation and efficiency measures.
NR 852.08(1)(1) Persons subject to this chapter shall implement CEMs in compliance with the CEM required elements in Table 1, Table 2, the optional list in sub. (2), or additional CEM required elements as identified by the department.
NR 852.08(2) (2) The department shall maintain a list of optional CEMs by water use sector that have been determined to be adequate and effective to reduce water use or increase water reuse or efficiency. The optional list may be used to meet the requirements in ss. NR 852.05 (3) and 852.06 (1) and the optional list may include retrofitting options.
NR 852.08 History History: CR 10-060: cr. Register December 2010 No. 660, eff. 1-1-11; corrections made under s. 13.92 (4) (b) 7., Stats., Register December 2010 No. 660.
NR 852.09 NR 852.09Cost-effectiveness analysis.
NR 852.09(1) (1) Persons identified in Tier 2 or Tier 3 applying for a new or increased withdrawal not subject to the Compact decision-making standard under s. 281.346 (6), Stats., and persons applying for a water loss approval under s. 281.35, Stats., may conduct a cost-effectiveness analysis to determine if a CEM in s. NR 852.05 or 852.06 is cost-effective, considering direct and avoided economic and environmental costs over a 5-year planning period. The cost effectiveness analysis shall at a minimum include all of the following and be reflective of the costs to the withdrawer:
NR 852.09(1)(a) (a) Actual energy and operational costs to pump, treat, transmit water, and treat and dispose of wastewater.
NR 852.09(1)(b) (b) Estimated avoided economic and environmental costs resulting from pumping less water and using less energy.
NR 852.09(1)(c) (c) Estimated capital and operating costs associated with developing new sources of water for this specific new or increased withdrawal.
NR 852.09(1)(d) (d) Estimated capital and operating costs associated with implementing required CEMs.
NR 852.09(1)(e) (e) All other estimated costs or fees associated with obtaining or disposing of the water.
NR 852.09(2) (2) The department may require an independent review of the analysis submitted under sub. (1).
NR 852.09 Note Note: The Compact decision-making standard under s. 281.346 (6), Stats., applies to new or increased withdrawals that will equal at least 10,000,000 gallons per day for any 30 consecutive days, unless the water loss associated with the new or increased withdrawal will average less than 5,000,000 gallons per day in every 90-day period.
NR 852.09 History History: CR 10-060: cr. Register December 2010 No. 660, eff. 1-1-11.
NR 852.10 NR 852.10Environmental soundness and economic feasibility analysis. Persons identified in Tier 2 or Tier 3 applying for a new or increased withdrawal subject to the Compact decision-making standard under s. 281.346 (6), Stats., or a diversion, may conduct an analysis to determine if a CEM in s. NR 852.05 or 852.06 is environmentally sound and economically feasible. The analysis shall make a determination as to whether the CEM is all of the following:
NR 852.10(1) (1) Environmentally sound.
NR 852.10(2) (2) Reflective of best practices applicable to the water use sector.
NR 852.10(3) (3) Technically feasible and available.
NR 852.10(4) (4) Economically feasible.
NR 852.10(5) (5) Cost-effective, based on an analysis under s. NR 852.09.
NR 852.10 History History: CR 10-060: cr. Register December 2010 No. 660, eff. 1-1-11.
NR 852.11 NR 852.11Approval and reporting process.
NR 852.11(1) (1) The department's review of an application for a new or increased withdrawal, diversion, or water loss approval shall include a review of the water conservation plan required under s. NR 852.04 (1).
NR 852.11(2) (2) The department may not issue an approval for an application for a new or increased withdrawal, diversion, or water loss approval unless the water conservation plan meets the applicable requirements under this chapter.
NR 852.11(3) (3) A water use permit, diversion approval, or water loss approval may include conditions or requirements to ensure the implementation of the water conservation plan. The water conservation plan approval will be in the form of a finding of fact in a permit, or a statement in an approval.
NR 852.11(4) (4) The department shall follow the review timelines set forth in the associated department permit or approval process applicable to an activity that requires compliance with this chapter.
NR 852.11(5) (5) An application for new or increased withdrawal, diversion, or water loss approval shall not be considered complete until information required by this chapter has been submitted and all applicable requirements of the Wisconsin environmental policy act, s. 1.11, Stats., have been met.
NR 852.11(6) (6) Persons with an approved water conservation plan shall report all of the following annually in the manner prescribed by the department:
NR 852.11(6)(a) (a) A summary of the impact of the implemented CEMs, including quantifiable impacts to water use intensity.
NR 852.11(6)(b) (b) A description of any additional CEMs implemented.
NR 852.11(6)(c) (c) For Tier 2, in addition to the information required under pars. (a) and (b), documentation of the implementation of CEMs required under s. NR 852.05, if applicable.
NR 852.11(6)(d) (d) For Tier 3, in addition to the information required under pars. (a) and (b), documentation of the implementation of CEMs required under ss. NR 852.05 and 852.06, if applicable.
NR 852.11 History History: CR 10-060: cr. Register December 2010 No. 660, eff. 1-1-11.
NR 852.12 NR 852.12Enforcement.
NR 852.12(1) (1) Violations of this chapter may be prosecuted by the department under ch. 281, Stats., and other applicable department authorities.
NR 852.12(2) (2) Any violation of this chapter shall be treated as a violation of the statutes they interpret or under which they are promulgated.
NR 852.12(3) (3) Violations may result in forfeitures, abatement of nuisance, and restoration.
NR 852.12 History History: CR 10-060: cr. Register December 2010 No. 660, eff. 1-1-11.
Published under s. 35.93, Stats. Updated on the first day of each month. Entire code is always current. The Register date on each page is the date the chapter was last published.