A = nozzle throat area, in.2 (mm2)
D = seat diameter, in. (mm)
L = lift at pressure P, in. (mm)
P = (1.03 X set pressure + 14.7), psia, or
= (set pressure + 2 + 14.7), psia, whichever is greater
= (1.03 X set pressure + 0.101), MPa, or
= (set pressure + 0.014 + 0.101), MPa, whichever is greater
P d = pressure at discharge of the valve, psia (MPa)
WT = theoretical flow, lb/hr (kg/hr)
w = specific weight of water at inlet conditions, lb/ft3 (kg/m3)
To convert lb/hr of water to gal/min of water, multiply the capacity in lb/hr by 1/500, To convert kg/hr of water to liter/min of water, multiply the capacity in liter/min by 1/60.
The average of the coefficients KD of the nine tests required shall be multiplied by 0.90, and this product shall be taken as the coefficient K of that design. All individual coefficients of discharge, KD, shall fall within a range of ±5% of the average coefficient found. If a valve fails to meet this requirement, the Authorized Observer shall require two additional valves to be tested as replacements for each valve having an individual coefficient, KD, outside the ±5% range, with a limit of four additional valves. Failure of a coefficient, KD, to fall within ±5% of the new average value, excluding the replaced valve(s), shall be cause to refuse certification of that particular valve design.
The rated relieving capacity of all sizes and set pressures of a given design, for which K has been established under the provision of this paragraph, shall be determined by the equation:
W WT x K
K = coefficient of discharge for the design
W = rated relieving capacity, lb/hr (kg/hr)
WT = theoretical flow, defined by the same equation used to determine KD, lb/hr (kg/hr)
The coefficient of discharge for the design shall be not greater than 0.878 (the product of 0.9 x 0.975). The coefficient shall not be applied to valves whose beta ratio (ratio of valve throat to inlet diameter) lies outside the range of 0.15 to 0.75, unless tests have demonstrated that the individual coefficient of discharge, KD, for valves at the extreme ends of a larger range, is within ±5% of the average coefficient, K D.
For designs where the lift is used to determine the flow area, all valves shall have the same nominal lift to seat diameter ratio (L/D).
For pressures over 1,500 psig (10.3 MPa) and up to 3,200 psig (22.1 MPa), the value of W shall be multiplied by the correction factor:
(U.S. Customary Units)
0.1906P - 1,000
0.2292P - 1,061
(SI Units)
27.6P - 1 000
33.2P - 1 061
For pressures over 3,200 psig (22.1 MPa), the value of W shall be multiplied by the appropriate supercritical correction factor, Ksc, from Table PG-69.2.3.
PG-69.3 If a manufacturer wishes to apply the Code symbol to a power-actuated pressure relieving valve under PG-67.4.1, one valve of each combination of inlet pipe size and orifice size to be used with that inlet pipe size shall be tested. The valve shall be capacity tested at four different pressures approximately covering the range of the certified test facility on which the tests are conducted. The capacities, as determined by these four tests, shall be plotted against the absolute flow test pressure and a line drawn through these four test points. All points must lie within ±5% in capacity value of the plotted line and must pass through 0-0. From the plotted line, the slope of the line dW/dP shall be determined and a factor of (0.90/51.45) x (dW/dP) shall be applied to capacity computations in the supercritical region at elevated pressures by means of the isentropic flow equation.
(U.S. Customary Units)
(SI Units)
dW/dP = rate of change of measured capacity with respect to absolute pressure
P = absolute inlet pressure, psia (MPa)
v = inlet specific volume, ft3/lb (m3/kg)
W = capacity, lb of steam/hr (kg/hr)
NOTES: The constant 1,135.8 is based on a g factor of 1.30, which is accurate for superheated steam at temperature above approximately 800 °F (430°C). In interest of accuracy, other methods of capacity computations must be used at temperatures below 800°F (430 °C) at supercritical pressures.
PG-69.4 Power-actuated pressure relieving valves, having capacities certified in accordance with the provision of PG-69.3 and computed in accordance with the formula contained therein, shall be marked as required by PG-110 with the computed capacity, corresponding to 3% above the full load operating pressure and temperature conditions at the valve inlet when the valve is operated by the controller, and they shall also be stamped with the set pressure of the controller. When the valve is marked as required by this paragraph, it shall be the guarantee by the manufacturer that the valve also conforms to the details of construction herein specified.
PG-69.6 When changes are made in the design of a safety or safety relief valve in such a manner as to affect the flow path, lift, or performance characteristics of the valve, new tests in accordance with this Section shall be performed.
PG-70.1 Subject to the minimum number required by PG-67.1, the number of pressure relief valves required shall be determined on the basis of the maximum designed steaming capacity, as determined by the boiler Manufacturer, and the relieving capacity marked on the valves by the manufacturer.
PG-71.1 When two or more pressure relief valves are used on a boiler, they may be mounted either separately or as twin valves made by placing individual valves on Y-bases, or duplex valves having two valves in the same body casing. Twin valves made by placing individual valves on Y-bases, or duplex valves having two valves in the same body, shall be of approximately equal capacity.
When not more than two valves of different sizes are mounted singly the relieving capacity of the smaller valve shall be not less than 50% of that of the larger valve.
PG-71.2 The pressure relief valve or valves shall be connected to the boiler independent of any other connection, and attached as close as possible to the boiler or the normal steam flow path, without any unnecessary intervening pipe or fitting. Such intervening pipe or fitting shall be not longer than the face-to-face dimension of the corresponding tee fitting of the same diameter and pressure under the applicable ASME Standard listed in PG-42 and shall also comply with PG-8 and PG-39. Every pressure relief valve shall be connected so as to stand in an upright position, with spindle vertical. On high-temperature water boilers of the watertube forced-circulation type, the valve shall be located at the boiler outlet.
PG-71.3 The opening or connection between the boiler and the pressure relief valve shall have at least the area of the valve inlet. No valve of any description shall be placed between the required pressure relief valve or valves and the boiler, nor on the discharge pipe between the pressure relief valve and the atmosphere. When a discharge pipe is used, the cross-sectional area shall be not less than the full area of the valve outlet or of the total of the areas of the valve outlets, discharging thereinto. It shall be as short and straight as possible and so arranged as to avoid undue stresses on the valve or valves.
All pressure relief valve discharges shall be so located or piped as to be carried clear from running boards or platforms. Ample provision for gravity drain shall be made in the discharge pipe at or near each pressure relief valve, and where water of condensation may collect. Each valve shall have an open gravity drain through the casing below the level of the valve seat. For iron- and steel-bodied valves exceeding NPS 2 ½ (DN 65), the drain hole shall be tapped not less than NPS 3/8 (DN 10).
Discharge piping from pressure relief valves on high temperature water boilers shall be provided with adequate provisions for water drainage as well as the steam venting.
The installation of cast iron bodied pressure relief valves for high-temperature water boilers is prohibited.
PG-71.4 If a muffler is used on a pressure relief valve, it shall have sufficient outlet area to prevent back pressure from interfering with the proper operation and discharge capacity of the valve. The muffler plates or other devices shall be so constructed as to avoid a possibility of restriction of the steam passages due to deposit. Mufflers shall not be used on high-temperature water boiler pressure relief valves.
When a pressure relief valve is exposed to outdoor elements that may affect operation of the valve, it is permissible to shield the valve with a satisfactory cover. The shield or cover shall be properly vented and arranged to permit servicing and normal operation of the valve.
PG-71.5 When a boiler is fitted with two or more pressure relief valves on one connection, this connection to the boiler shall have a cross-sectional area not less than the combined areas of inlet connections of all the pressure relief valves with which it connects and shall also meet the requirements of PG-71.3.
PG-71.6 Pressure relief valves may be attached to drums or headers by welding provided the welding is done in accordance with Code requirements.
PG-71.7 Every boiler shall have proper outlet connections for the required pressure relief valve, or valves, independent of any other outside steam connection,. the area of opening to be at least equal to the aggregate areas of inlet connections of all of the pressure relief valves to be attached thereto. An internal collecting pipe, splash plate, or pan may be used, provided the total area for inlet of steam thereto is not less than twice the aggregate areas of the inlet connections of the attached pressure relief valves. The holes in such collecting pipes shall be at least ¼ in. (6 mm) in diameter and the least dimension in any other form of opening for inlet of steam shall be ¼ in. (6 mm).
Such dimensional limitations to operation for steam need not apply to steam scrubbers or driers provided the net free steam inlet area of the scrubber or drier is at least 10 times the total area of the boiler outlets for the pressure relief valves.
PG-71.8 If pressure relief valves are attached to a separate steam drum or dome, the opening between the boiler proper and the steam drum or dome shall be not less than required by PG-71.7.
PG-72.1 Pressure relief valves shall be designed and constructed to operate without chattering, with a minimum blowdown of 2 psi (15 kPa) or 2% of the set pressure, whichever is greater, and to attain full lift at a pressure not greater than 3% above their set pressure.
Pressure relief valves used on forced-flow steam generators with no fixed steam and waterline, and pressure relief valves used on high-temperature water boilers must be marked for these special services by the valve Manufacturer or Assembler.
PG-72.2 The set pressure tolerance plus or minus shall not exceed that specified in the following table: - See PDF for table PDF
PG-72.3 The spring in a pressure relief valve shall not be reset for any pressure more than 5% above or below that for which the valve is marked unless the new setting is within the spring design range established by the manufacturer or is determined to be acceptable to the manufacturer.
If the set pressure is to be adjusted within the limits specified above, the adjustment shall be performed by the manufacturer, his authorized representative, or an assembler. An additional valve data tag identifying the new set pressure, capacity, and date shall be furnished and installed, and the valve shall be resealed.
PG-72.4 If the set pressure of a valve is changed so as to require a new spring, the spring shall be acceptable to the manufacturer. The spring installation and valve adjustment shall be performed by the manufacturer, his authorized representative, or an assembler. A new nameplate as described in PG-110 shall be furnished and installed, and the valve shall be resealed.
PG-73.1 Permissible Pressure Relief Valves
PG-73.1.1 Pressure relief valves shall be either direct spring-loaded safety valves, direct spring-loaded safety relief valves, or pilot-operated pressure relief valves.
PG-73.1.2 Power-actuated pressure relieving valves shall only be used for applications specified in PG-67.4.1.
PG-73.1.3 Deadweight or weighted lever safety valves or safety relief valves shall not be used.
PG-73.1.4 Unless otherwise defined, the definitions relating to pressure relief devices in ASME PTC 25 shall apply.
PG-73.2 Minimum Requirements
PG-73.2.1 All pressure relief valves shall be so constructed that the failure of any part cannot obstruct the free and full discharge of steam and water from the valve. Pressure relief valves shall have the seat inclined at any angle between 45 deg and 90 deg, inclusive, to the centerline of the disk.
PG-73.2.2 The design shall incorporate guiding arrangements necessary to insure consistent operation and tightness.
PG-73.2.3 The spring shall be designed so that the full lift spring compression shall be no greater than 80% of the nominal solid deflection. The permanent set of the spring (defined as the difference between the free height and height measured 10 min after the spring has been compressed solid three additional times after presetting at room temperature) shall not exceed 0.5% of the free height.
PG-73.2.4 To provide a means for verifying whether it is free, each safety valve or safety relief valve shall have a substantial lifting device, which when activated will release the seating force on the disk when the valve is subjected to pressure of at least 75% of the set pressure. The lifting device shall be such that it cannot lock or hold the valve disk in lifted position when the exterior lifting force is released. Disks of pressure relief valves used on high-temperature water boilers shall not be lifted while the temperature of the water exceeds 200°F (93 °C). If it is desired to lift the valve disk to assure that it is free, this shall be done when the valve is subjected to a pressure of at least 75% of the set pressure. Pilot-operated pressure relief valves shall be provided with either a lifting device as described above or means for connecting and applying pressure to the pilot adequate to verify that the moving parts critical to proper operations are free to move. For high-temperature water boilers, the lifting mechanism shall be sealed against leakage.
PG-73.2.5 The seat of a pressure relief valve shall be fastened to the body of the valve in such a way that there is no possibility of the seat lifting.
PG-73.2.6 A body drain below seat level shall be provided in the valve and this drain shall not be plugged during or after field installation. For valves exceeding NPS 2 ½ (DN 65), the drain hole or holes shall be tapped not less than NPS 3/8 (DN 10). For valves of NPS 2 ½ (DN 65) or smaller, the drain hole shall not be less than ¼ in. (6 mm) in diameter.
PG-73.2.7 In the design of the body of the valve, consideration shall be given to minimizing the effects of water deposits.
PG-73.2.8 Valves having screwed inlet or outlet connections shall be provided with wrenching surfaces to allow for normal installation without damaging operating parts.
PG-73.2.9 Means shall be provided in the design of all valves for use under this Section, for sealing all external adjustments. Seals shall be installed by the manufacturer, his authorized representative, or an assembler at the time of the initial adjustment. After spring replacement and/or subsequent adjustment, the valve shall be resealed. Seals shall be installed in such a manner as to prevent changing the adjustment without breaking the seal and, in addition, shall serve as a means of identifying the manufacturer, his authorized representative, or the assembler making the adjustment.
PG-73.2.10 Valve capacity may be restricted by restricting the lift of a valve provided the following requirements are met:
(a) The valve size shall be NPS ¾ (DN 20) or larger.
(b) No changes shall be made in the design of the valve except to change the valve lift by use of a lift restraining device described in (c) below.
(c) The restriction of valve capacity shall be permitted only by the use of a lift restraining device which shall limit valve lift and shall not otherwise interfere with flow through the valve. The design of the lift restraining device shall be subject to review by an ASME designee.
(d) The lift restraining device shall be designed so that, if adjustable, the adjustable feature can be sealed. Seals shall be installed by the valve Manufacturer or Assembler at the time of initial adjustment.
(e) Valves shall not have their lifts restricted to a value less than 30% of full rated lift, or 0.080 in. (2 mm).
(f) When sizing and selecting valves, the restricted lift nameplate capacity shall be determined by multiplying the capacity at full rated lift by the ratio of the restricted lift to the full rated lift.
Published under s. 35.93, Stats. Updated on the first day of each month. Entire code is always current. The Register date on each page is the date the chapter was last published.