For forced-flow steam generators with no fixed steam and waterline consisting of groups of pressure parts or components designed at several different pressure levels, a separate Manufacturers' Data Report shall clearly identify the pressure parts at each pressure level and show the maximum allowable working pressure. These several Data Reports shall be attached to a Master Data Report (PG-113) that shall clearly identify each component as part of the complete unit.
PG-112.2 Types of Data Report Forms. The types of Data Report Forms and the purposes for which they are to be used are specified in PG-112.2.1 through PG-112.2.8.
PG-112.2.1 Form P-2, Manufacturers' Data Report for All Types of Boilers Except Watertube and Electric, shall be used to record all types of boilers other than watertube boiler units and parts thereof, which are included under Form P-3.
PG- Form P-2A, Manufacturers' Data Report for All Types of Electric Boilers, shall be used to record all types of electric boilers.
PG- Form P-2B, Manufacturers' Data Report for Electric Superheaters and Reheaters, shall be used to record electric superheaters and reheaters installed external to the boiler setting.
PG-112.2.2 Form P-3, Manufacturers' Data Report for Watertube Boilers, Superheaters (except electric), Waterwalls, and Economizers, shall be used to record all of the items comprising a watertube boiler.
The Form P-3 shall also be used to record a superheater, waterwall, or economizer when the design of such an item is certified by a manufacturer other than the boiler Manufacturer, or when such an item is to be added to an existing boiler. The item shall be stamped with the ASME “S" symbol and the additional information, as applicable, shown in PG-106.4.2.
Item 10 on Form P-3 shall be used to record other parts connected at the openings listed in Item 11 if such parts are fabricated of materials or by processes that require Code inspection. If such parts have not been connected prior to the hydrostatic test, a notation shall be made under Item 10 reading: “No parts connected to the openings listed in Item 11 except as noted."
PG-112.2.3 Form P-3A, Engineering-Contractor Data Report for a Complete Boiler Unit, shall be used when such an organization assumes the Manufacturer's Code responsibility as provided for by PG-104, Note (1). This form shall be used to certify Code responsibility for the design specification of the complete boiler unit, of which the components are individually certified by their individual manufacturers in accordance with the Code rules. This form also provides for field assembly certification.
PG-112.2.4 Form P-3A shall not be used by a Manufacturer to provide Code certification for only a portion of the complete boiler unit.
PG-112.2.5 Form P-4A, Manufacturers' Data Report for Fabricated Piping, shall be used to record all shop or field-welded piping that falls within the scope of this Section but is not furnished by the boiler Manufacturer. Form P-4B, Manufacturers' Data Report for Field Installed Mechanically Assembled Piping, shall be used to record all field installed mechanically assembled boiler external piping. Form P-4B shall be used only for piping that contains no joints brazed or welded by the field installer.
The rules in Part PFT are applicable to firetube boilers and parts thereof and shall be used in conjunction with the general requirements in Part PG as well as with the specific requirements in the applicable Parts of this Section that apply to the method of fabrication used.
PFT-5.1 Materials used in the construction of pressure parts for firetube boilers shall conform to one of the specifications given in Section II and shall be limited to those for which allowable stress values are given in Tables 1A and 1B of Section II, Part D, or as otherwise specifically permitted in Parts PG and PFT.
PFT-5.2 Waterleg and doorframe rings of vertical firetube boilers and of locomotive and other type boilers shall be of wrought iron or steel, or cast steel as designated in the SA-216. The ogee or other flanged construction may be used as a substitute in any case.
The rules in the following paragraphs apply specifically to the design of firetube boilers and parts thereof and shall be used in conjunction with the general requirements for design in Part PG as well as with the specific requirements for design in the applicable Parts of this Section that apply to the method of fabrication used.
PFT-9.1 Shell and Dome. The thickness after forming shall be as determined in accordance with the rules in Part PG.
PFT-9.2 Tubesheet
PFT-9.2.1 The thickness shall be as determined in accordance with Part PG and Part PFT.
PFT-9.2.2 When buttwelded to the shell of a firetube boiler, a formed tubesheet with a straight flange longer than 1 ½ times the tubesheet thickness shall have a straight flange thickness not less than that specified in the table in PFT-9.2.1, but in no case less than 0.75 times the thickness of the shell to which it is attached.
Longitudinal and circumferential welded joints of a shell or drum shall comply with the rules in Part PW.
Flat heads and tubesheets of firetube boilers shall be attached by one of the following methods.
PFT-11.2 By flanging and butt welding in accordance with Parts PG and PW.
PFT-11.3 By attaching an outwardly or inwardly flanged tubesheet to the shell by fillet welding provided the following requirements are met.
PFT-11.3.1 The tubesheet is supported by tubes, or stays, or both.
PFT-11.3.2 The joint attaching an outwardly flanged tubesheet is wholly within the shell and forms no part thereof.
PFT-11.3.3 Inwardly flanged tubesheets are full fillet welded inside and outside.
PFT-11.3.4 The throat dimension of the full fillet weld is equal to not less than 0.7 of the thickness of the head.
PFT-11.3.5 The shell at the welds is not in contact with primary furnace gases.13 - See PDF for table PDF
13 Primary furnace gases are those in a zone where the design temperature of those gases exceeds 850°F (455°C).
PFT-11.3.6 The construction conforms in all other respects to the requirements of this Section, including welding and postweld heat treating, except that volumetric examination is not required.
PFT-11.3.7 This construction shall not be used on the rear head of a horizontal-return tubular boiler and inwardly flanged tubesheets shall not be used on a boiler with an extended shell.
PFT-11.3.8 On inwardly flanged tubesheets, the length of flange shall conform to the requirements of PW-13 and the distance of the outside fillet weld to the point of tangency of the knuckle radius shall be not less than ¼ in. (6 mm).
PFT-11.4 By attaching an unflanged tubesheet to the shell by welding, provided the requirements of PFT-11.4.1 through PFT-11.4.7 are met.
PFT-11.4.1 The tubesheet is supported by tubes, or stays, or both.
PFT-11.4.2 The welded joint may be made through the tubesheet or shell thickness. When the weld joint is made through the shell, a minimum of 80% of the pressure load shall be carried by the tubes, stays, or both.
PFT-11.4.3 The weld is a full penetration weld equal at least to the full thickness of the base metal applied from either or both sides. When the full penetration weld is made through the shell, an external fillet weld with a minimum throat of ¼ in. (6mm) shall be provided, and no weld prep machining shall be performed on the flat tubesheet. The distance from the edge of the completed weld to the peripheral edge of the tubesheet shall not be less than the thickness of the tubesheet.
PFT-11.4.4 The shell or wrapper sheet, where exposed to primary furnace gases14 and not water cooled, does not extend more than 1/8 in. (3 mm) beyond the outside face of the tubesheet. - See PDF for table PDF
14 Primary furnace gases are those in a zone where the design temperature of those gases exceeds 850°F (455°C).
PFT-11.4.5 The weld attaching a furnace or a lower tubesheet of a vertical firetube boiler to the furnace sheet is wholly within the furnace sheet and is ground flush with the upper or water side of the tubesheet.
PFT-11.4.6 The construction conforms in all other aspects to the requirements of this Section including welding, and postweld heat treatment, except that volumetric examination is not required.
PFT-11.4.7 This construction shall not be used on the rear head of a horizontal-return tubular boiler.
PFT-12.1 Allowable Working Pressure
PFT-12.1.1 The maximum allowable working pressure of tubes or flues of firetube boilers shall be as given in PFT-50 and PFT-51.
PFT-12.1.2 The maximum allowable working pressure for copper tubes or nipples subjected to internal or external pressure shall not exceed 250 psi (1.7 MPa). The maximum temperature shall not exceed 406° F (208° C).
The maximum allowable working pressure for copper clad tubes subjected to external pressure shall be determined by the formula in PFT-51, in which t may be increased by one-half the thickness of the cladding.
PFT-12.2 Attachment of Tubes
PFT-12.2.1 Figure PFT-12.1 illustrates some of the acceptable types of tube attachments. Such connections shall be
(a) expanded and beaded as in illustrations (a), (b), and (d)
(b) expanded and beaded and seal welded as in illustration (c)
(c) expanded and seal welded as in illustration (e)
(d) welded, as in illustrations (f) and (g)
Tube ends attached by expanding and welding are subject to the provisions specified in PFT- through PFT-
PFT- Where no bevel or recess is employed, the tube shall extend beyond the tubesheet not less than a distance equal to the tube thickness or 1/8 in. (3 mm), whichever is the greater, nor more than twice the tube thickness or ¼ in. (6 mm), whichever is the lesser [see Fig. PFT-12.1, illustration (e)].
PFT- The tubesheet hole may be beveled or recessed. The depth of any bevel or recess shall not be less than the tube thickness or 1/8 in. (3 mm), whichever is greater, nor more than one-third of the tubesheet thickness, except that when tube thicknesses are equal to or greater than 0.150 in. (4 mm), the bevel or recess may exceed T/3. Where the hole is beveled or recessed, the projection of the tube beyond the tubesheet shall not exceed a distance equal to the tube wall thickness [see Fig. PFT-12.1, illustrations (f) and (g)].
PFT- On types of welded attachment shown in Fig. PFT-12.1, illustrations (c) and (e), the tubes shall be expanded before and after welding. On types shown in illustrations (f) and (g), the tubes may be expanded.
PFT-12.2.2 Expanding of tubes by the Prosser method may be employed in combination with any beaded or seal welded attachment method [see Fig. PFT-12.1, illustration (b)].
PFT-12.2.3 After seal welding as shown by Fig. PFT-12.1, illustrations (c) and (e), a single hydrostatic test of the boiler shall suffice.
PFT-12.2.4 The inner surface of the tube hole in any form of attachment may be grooved or chamfered.
PFT-12.2.5 The sharp edges of tube holes shall be taken off on both sides of the plate with a file or other tool.
Arc or gas welding may be used in the fabrication of door holes provided the sheets are stayed around the opening in accordance with the requirements of PFT-27.6 and PFT-27.7.
No calculations need be made to determine the availability of compensation for door openings spanning between the plates of waterlegs. The required thickness of circular access openings shall be determined in accordance with PFT-51. The required thickness of door openings of other than circular shape shall be calculated using eq. (1) of PG-46, using 2.1 or 2.2 for the value of C, depending on the plate thickness, and a value of p equal to the waterleg inside width. Volumetric examination of the joining welds is not required.
Openings located in the curved portion of the wrapper sheet of a locomotive type boiler shall be designed in accordance with the rules in PG-32.
The minimum size of an access or fire door opening, in which the minimum furnace dimension is 24 in. (600 mm), shall be not less than 12 in. x 16 in. (300 mm x 400 mm) or equivalent area, 11 in. (280 mm) to be the least dimension in any case. A circular opening shall be not less than 15 in. (380 mm) in diameter.
For furnace dimensions less than 24 in. (600 mm), the opening should be 2 ¾ in. x 3 ½ in. (70 mm x 89 mm) or larger where possible. In cases where the size or shape of the boiler prohibits an opening of that size, two openings with a minimum size of 1 in. (25 mm) may be used, preferably opposite each other, to permit inspection and cleaning of the furnace. If the burner is removable so as to permit inspection and cleaning through the burner opening, a separate access opening need not be provided.
The bonnet or smoke hood of a vertical flue or tubular boiler shall be provided with an access opening at least 6 in. x 8 in. (150 mm x 200 mm) for the purpose of inspection and cleaning the top head of the boiler.
All firetube boilers shall have sufficient inspection openings, handholes, or washout plugs with a minimum of four openings to permit inspection of the waterside of the tubesheets, furnaces, and tubes and to permit flushing of loose scale and sediment from the boiler. Except where space restrictions would prohibit entry to the boiler, a manhole shall be provided in the upper portion of the shell. All openings shall meet the requirements of PG-32 through PG-44. Where washout plugs are used, the minimum size shall be NPS 1½ (DN 40), except for boilers 16 in. (400 mm) or less in inside diameter, the minimum size shall be NPS 1 (DN 25).
The opening or connection between the boiler and the safety valve shall have at least the area of the valve inlet.
After the boiler Manufacturer provides for the opening required by the Code, a bushing may be inserted in the opening in the shell to suit a pressure relief valve that will have the capacity to relieve all the steam that can be generated in the boiler and which will meet the Code requirements. The minimum size of the connection and opening for the pressure relief valve shall be not less than NPS ½ (DN 15).
No valve of any description shall be placed between the required pressure relief valve or valves and the boiler, or on the discharge pipe between the pressure relief valve and the atmosphere. When a discharge pipe is used, the cross-sectional area shall be not less than the full area of the valve outlet or of the total of the areas of the valve outlets discharging thereinto and shall be as short and straight as possible and so arranged as to avoid undue stresses on the valve or valves.
Published under s. 35.93, Stats. Updated on the first day of each month. Entire code is always current. The Register date on each page is the date the chapter was last published.