(b) Adjacent sliding surfaces such as guides and disks shall both be of corrosion resistant material.
(c) Springs of corrosion resistant material or having a corrosion resistant coating are required.
(d) Material for seats and disks should be such as to provide a reasonable degree of resistance to steam cutting.
(e) Material for valve bodies and bonnets or their corresponding metallic pressure containing parts shall be listed in Section II, except that in cases where a manufacturer desires to make use of materials other than those listed in Section II, he shall establish and maintain specifications requiring equivalent control of chemical and physical properties and quality.
(f) Synthetic disk inserts of O-ring or other types if used shall be compatible with the maximum design temperature established for the valve.
(g) No materials liable to fail due to deterioration or vulcanization when subjected to saturated steam temperature corresponding to capacity test pressure shall be used.
HG-401.3 Manufacture and Inspection
(a) A Manufacturer shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of an ASME designee that his manufacturing, production, and testing facilities and quality control procedures will insure close agreement between the performance of random production samples and the performance of those valves submitted for capacity certification.
(b) Manufacturing, inspection, and test operations including capacity are subject to inspections at any time by an ASME designee.
(c) A Manufacturer may be granted permission to apply, the HV Code Symbol to production pressure relief valves capacity certified in accordance with HG-402.3 provided the following tests are successfully completed. This permission shall expire on the sixth anniversary of the date it is initially granted. The permission may be extended for 6 year periods if the following tests are successfully repeated within the 6 month period before expiration.
(1) Two sample production pressure relief valves of a size and capacity within the capability of an ASME accepted laboratory shall be selected by an ASME designee.
(2) Operational and capacity tests shall be conducted in the presence of an ASME designee at an ASME accepted laboratory. The valve Manufacturer shall be notified of the time of the test and may have representatives present to witness the test.
(3) Should any valve fail to relieve at or above its certified capacity or should it fail to meet performance requirements of this Section, the test shall be repeated at the rate of two replacement valves, selected in accordance with HG-401.3(c)(1), for each valve that failed.
(4) Failure of any of the replacement valves to meet the capacity or the performance requirements of this Section shall be cause for revocation within 60 days of the authorization to use the Code Symbol on that particular type of valve. During this period, the Manufacturer shall demonstrate the cause of such deficiency and the action taken to guard against future occurrence, and the requirements of HG-401.3(c) above shall apply.
(d) Safety valves shall be sealed in a manner to prevent the valve from being taken apart without breaking the seal. Safety relief valves shall be set and sealed so that they cannot be reset without breaking the seal.
HG-401.4 Manufacturer's Testing
(a) Every safety valve shall be tested to demonstrate its popping point, blowdown, and tightness. Every safety relief valve shall be tested to demonstrate its opening point and tightness. Safety valves shall be tested on steam or air and safety relief valves on water, steam, or air. When the blowdown is nonadjustable, the blowdown test may be performed on a sampling basis.
(b) A Manufacturer shall have a well-established program for the application, calibration, and maintenance of test gages.
(c) Testing time on safety valves shall be sufficient, depending on size and design, to insure that test results are repeatable and representative of field performance.
(d) Test fixtures and test drums shall be of adequate size and capacity to assure representative pop action and accuracy of blowdown adjustment.
(e) A tightness test shall be conducted at maximum expected operating pressure, but not at a pressure exceeding the reseating pressure of the valve.
HG-401.5 Design Requirements. At the time of the submission of valves for capacity certification, or testing in accordance with this Section, the ASME Designee has the authority to review the design for conformity with the requirements of this Section, and to reject or require modification of designs that do not conform, prior to capacity testing.
HG-402.1 Valve Markings. Each safety or safety-relief valve shall be plainly marked with the required data by the Manufacturer in such a way that the markings will not be obliterated in service. The markings shall be stamped, etched, impressed, or cast on the valve or on a nameplate, which shall be securely fastened to the valve.
(a) The markings shall include the following:
(1) the name or an acceptable abbreviation of the Manufacturer
(2) Manufacturer's design or type number
(3) NPS size _____ in. (DN) (the nominal pipe size of the valve inlet)
(4) set pressure _____ psi
(5) capacity _____ lb/hr (kg/hr), or capacity _____ Btu/hr in accordance with HG-402.7 (a)
(6) year built or, alternatively, a coding may be marked on the valves such that the valve Manufacturer can identify the year the valve was assembled and tested, and
(7) ASME Symbol as shown in Fig. HG-402
(b) Nameplates of safety or safety-relief valves may be marked solely in metric units under the following conditions:
(1) The pressure-relief device will be installed in a location where metric units are required or accepted by local authorities, if any.
(2) Metric units shall be those required by the user when not mandated by enforcement authorities.
(3) The Manufacturer's quality control system shall provide for the conversion from U.S. customary units to the metric units that will be marked on the nameplate.
HG-402.2 Authorization to Use ASME Stamp. Each safety valve to which the Code Symbol (Fig. HG-402) is to be applied shall be produced by a Manufacturer and/or Assembler who is in possession of a valid Certificate of Authorization. (See HG-540.) For all valves to be stamped with the HV Symbol, a Certified Individual (CI) shall provide oversight to ensure that the use of the “HV" Code symbol on a safety valve or safety relief valve is in accordance with this Section and that the use of the “HV" Code symbol is documented on a Certificate of Conformance Form, HV-1.
(a) Requirements for the Certified Individual (CI). The CI shall
(1) be an employee of the Manufacturer.
(2) be qualified and certified by the Manufacturer. Qualification shall include the following as a minimum:
(a) knowledge of the requirements of this Section for the application of the “HV" Code Symbol
(b) knowledge of the Manufacturer's quality program
(c) training commensurate with the scope, complexity, or special nature of the activities to which oversight is to be provided
(3) have a record, maintained and certified by the Manufacturer, containing objective evidence of the qualifications of the CI and the training program provided
(b) Duties of the Certified Individual (CI). The CI shall
(1) verify that each item to which the Code Symbol is applied meets all applicable requirements of this Section and has a current capacity certification for the “HV" symbol
(2) review documentation for each lot of items to be stamped, to verify, for the lot, that the requirements of this Section have been completed
(3) sign the Certificate of Conformance Form (HV-1) prior to release of control of the item
(c) Certificate of Conformance Form (HV-1) (see Appendix N)
(1) The Certificate of Conformance shall be filled out by the Manufacturer and signed by the Certified Individual. Multiple duplicate pressure relief devices may be recorded on a single entry provided the devices are identical and produced in the same lot.
(2) The Manufacturer's written quality control program shall include requirements for completion of Certificates of Conformance forms and retention by the Manufacturer for a minimum of 5 years.
HG-402.3 Determination of Capacity to Be Stamped on Valves. The Manufacturer of the valves that are to be stamped with the Code symbol shall submit valves for testing to a place where adequate equipment and personnel are available to conduct pressure and relieving-capacity tests which shall be made in the presence of and certified by an authorized observer. The place, personnel, and authorized observer shall be approved by the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee. The valves shall be tested in one of the following three methods.
(a) Coefficient Method. Tests shall be made to determine the lift, popping, and blowdown pressures, and the capacity of at least three valves each of three representative sizes (a total of nine valves). Each valve of a given size shall be set at a different pressure. However, safety valves for steam boilers shall have all nine valves set at 15 psig (100 kPa). A coefficient shall be established for each test as follows:
The average of the coefficients KD of the nine tests required shall be multiplied by 0.90, and this product shall be taken as the coefficient K of that design. The stamped capacity for all sizes and pressures shall not exceed the value determined from the following formulas:
For 45 deg seat,
(US. Customary Units)
W = 51.5 pDLP × 0.707K
(SI Units)
W = 5.25 pDLP × 0.707K
For flat seat,
(U.S. Customary Units)
W = 51.5 pDLPK
(SI Units)
W = 5.25 pDLPK
For nozzle,
(U.S. Customary Units)
W = 51.5APK
(SI Units)
W = 5.25APK
A = nozzle-throat area
D = seat diameter
K = coefficient of discharge for the design
L = lift
P = (1.10 × set pressure + 14.7) psia or (1.10 × set pressure + 0.101) MPa, for hot water applications or
= (5.0 psi + 15 psi set + 14.7) psia or (0.035 MPa + 0.100 MPa set + 0.101) MPa, for steam boilers
W = weight of steam/hr
Note: The maximum and minimum coefficient determined by the tests of a valve design shall not vary more than ±5% from the average. If one or more tests are outside the acceptable limits, one valve of the Manufacturer's choice shall be replaced with another valve of the same size and pressure setting or by a modification of the original valve. Following this test a new average coefficient shall be calculated, excluding the replaced valve test. If one or more tests are now outside the acceptable limits, as determined by the new average coefficient, a valve of the Manufacturer's choice must be replaced by two valves of the same size and pressure as the rejected valve. A new average coefficient, including the replacement valves, shall be calculated. If any valve, excluding the two replaced valves, now falls outside the acceptable limits, the tests shall be considered unsatisfactory.
(b) Slope Method. If a Manufacturer wishes to apply the Code Symbol to a design of pressure relief valves, four valves of each combination of pipe and orifice size shall be tested. These four valves shall be set at pressures that cover the approximate range of pressures for which the valve will be used, or that cover the range available at the certified test facility that shall conduct the tests. The capacities shall be based on these four tests as follows:
(1) The slope (W/P) of the actual measured capacity versus the flow pressure for each test point shall be calculated and averaged:
All values derived from the testing must fall within ±5% of the average value:
minimum slope = 0.95 × average slope
maximum slope = 1.05 × average slope
If the values derived from the testing do not fall between the minimum and maximum slope values, the Authorized Observer shall require that additional valves be tested at the rate of two for each valve beyond the maximum and minimum values with a limit of four additional valves.
(2) The relieving capacity to be stamped on the valve shall not exceed 90% of the average slope times the absolute accumulation pressure:
rated slope = 0.90 × average slope
Published under s. 35.93, Stats. Updated on the first day of each month. Entire code is always current. The Register date on each page is the date the chapter was last published.