SPS 383.43(8)(h)3.3. Effluent from a POWTS shall be dispersed so as not to create a human health hazard. SPS 383.43(8)(h)4.4. All POWTS components within a building or structure shall be gas tight unless provisions are made assuring the safety of individuals entering the building or structure. SPS 383.43(8)(i)(i) Site parameters and limitations. POWTS treatment, holding and dispersal components shall be located so as to provide the minimum horizontal setback distances as outlined in Table 383.43-1 as safety factors for public health, waters of the state and structures in the event of component failure. SPS 383.43 NoteNote: Chapter NR 812 establishes upslope location criteria for wells relative to contamination sources. OHWM = Ordinary High-Water Mark
a Except RV transfer tanks.
c Road-right-of-way lines may be more restrictive than property lines.
SPS 383.43 NoteNote: See s. SPS 382.365, Table 382.365-4 relative to horizontal setback distances to subsurface infiltrative systems. SPS 383.43 NoteNote: The department of transportation under s. Trans 233.08 establishes setback limits from the centerline of state trunk highways or connecting highways to structures and improvements which include septic systems. SPS 383.43(8)(j)1.1. A suction line or discharge line serving a holding tank for servicing purposes shall comply with all of the following: SPS 383.43(8)(j)1.b.b. A suction or discharge line shall terminate with a service port consisting of a quick disconnect fitting with a removable plug. SPS 383.43(8)(j)1.c.c. The service port of a suction or discharge line shall terminate at least 2 feet above final grade. SPS 383.43(8)(j)1.d.d. The service port of a suction or discharge line shall be identified as such with a permanent sign with lettering at least inch in height. SPS 383.43(8)(j)1.e.e. The service port of a suction or discharge line shall be secured to a permanent support that is capable of withstanding the loads and forces placed on the port. SPS 383.43(8)(j)2.2. A suction line serving a holding tank may not be installed in such a manner or arrangement that the tank can be drained by gravity or siphonic action. SPS 383.43(8)(j)3.3. Where a lift station is employed for servicing a holding tank, the pump discharge line shall conform with subd. 1., except as provided in subd. 3. a. and b. SPS 383.43(8)(j)3.a.a. A discharge line from the lift station shall be at least 2 inches in diameter. SPS 383.43(8)(j)3.b.b. The lift station pump shall be activated by means of a keyed-switch at the service port. SPS 383.43 HistoryHistory: Cr. Register, April, 2000, No. 532, eff. 7-1-00; CR 02-129: am. (2), (6) (intro.), and Table 83.43-1 Register January 2004 No. 577, eff. 2-1-04; CR 07-100: am. Table 83.43-1 Register September 2008 No. 633, eff. 10-1-08; correction in (1), (7), (8) (i), (j) 1. a., Table 383.43-1 made under s. 13.92 (4) (b) 7., Stats., Register December 2011 No. 672; CR 11-031: am. Table 383.43-1 Register June 2013 No. 690, eff. 7-1-13. SPS 383.44SPS 383.44 Parameters for POWTS components consisting of in situ soil. SPS 383.44(1)(1) Evaluation. POWTS treatment and dispersal components consisting in part of in situ soil shall be evaluated in accordance with ch. SPS 385. SPS 383.44(2)(a)(a) The quality of influent discharged into a POWTS treatment or dispersal component consisting in part of in situ soil shall be equal to or less than all of the following: SPS 383.44(2)(b)(b) The monthly average under par. (a) shall be calculated as the sum of all measurements taken over 30 consecutive days, with at least 6 measurements occurring on 6 separate days, and divided by the number of measurements taken during that period. SPS 383.44(2)(c)(c) Influent discharged to a POWTS treatment or dispersal component that consists in part of unsaturated soil may not contain any solid or suspended solid exceeding 1/8 inch in diameter. SPS 383.44 NoteNote: Under s. SPS 383.03 (1) (b), the replacement of a POWTS anaerobic treatment tank (septic tank) in conjunction with this rule would limit any solids within the effluent leaving the tank to a maximum of 1/8-inch diameter. SPS 383.44(2)(d)(d) The department may designate a new facility as “at-risk” if the department determines that the facility may generate waste with influent quality in excess of the parameters under par. (a). A facility designated as “at-risk” shall submit additional testing data as specified in par. (b) to the department and the governmental unit within one year of installation of the POWTS components. A facility that continues to produce influent with parameters above the limits in par. (a) or the approved design shall reduce wastewater strength according to the facility’s management plan required under s. SPS 383.54 (1). SPS 383.44(3)(a)(a) The infiltrative surface of unsaturated soil to which influent is discharged shall be located at least 24 inches above the estimated highest groundwater elevation and bedrock. SPS 383.44(3)(b)1.1. A POWTS designed utilizing a component manual recognized under s. SPS 383.60 (1) shall have at least 6 inches of the soil separation required under par. (a) consisting of an in situ soil type for which soil treatment capability has been credited under Table 383.44-3. SPS 383.44(3)(b)2.2. The purpose of the 6 inches of in situ soil under subd. 1. shall be to assure that the influent will be assimilated into the original subsurface soils without ponding on the ground surface. SPS 383.44(3)(c)(c) The infiltrative surface of unsaturated soil to which influent is discharged shall be located at least one inch below the finished grade. SPS 383.44(4)(a)1.a.a. Except as provided under subd. 2., the dispersal capability of a POWTS treatment or dispersal component consisting in part of unsaturated soil shall be limited to that specified in Table 383.44-2 based upon the influent quality concentrations being applied. SPS 383.44(4)(a)1.b.b. Under subd. 1. a., the influent quality parameter with the highest concentration shall determine the maximum application rate. SPS 383.44(4)(a)1.c.c. Except as provided in par. (c), the soil conditions at the infiltrative surface of unsaturated soil to which influent is to be discharged shall be used to establish the maximum application rate for a POWTS dispersal design. SPS 383.44(4)(a)1.d.d. The moist soil consistence of the soil horizon in which the infiltrative surface of a POWTS treatment or dispersal component will be located may not be stronger than firm or any cemented classification. SPS 383.44(4)(a)1.e.e. The maximum soil application for soil with moderate to strong platy structure shall not exceed 0.2 gals./sq. ft./day for effluent concentrations of ≤30 mg/L BOD5 and TSS and shall be 0.0 gals./sq. ft./day for effluent concentrations of > 30 mg/L BOD5 and TSS. SPS 383.44(4)(a)2.2. Maximum soil application rates other than those specified in Table 383.44-2 may be employed for the design of a POWTS treatment or dispersal component consisting in part of in situ soil if documentation is submitted and approved under s. SPS 383.22 and is based on soil permeability and evapotranspiration estimates correlated to specific soil characteristics described in a detailed morphological soil evaluation. SPS 383.44(4)(b)(b) The treatment capability of a POWTS treatment component consisting of unsaturated soil shall be limited to that specified in Table 383.44-3, unless otherwise approved by the department. SPS 383.44(4)(c)(c) The design of a treatment or dispersal component consisting in part of in situ soil shall reflect restrictive soil horizons that affect treatment or dispersal. SPS 383.44(5)(a)1.1. Except as provided in subd. 2., the distribution of effluent to a treatment or dispersal component shall be by means of pressure distribution as specified in Tables 383.44-2 and 383.44-3. SPS 383.44(5)(a)2.2. Pressure distribution is not required when rehabilitating an existing non-pressurized in situ soil treatment or dispersal component that is persistently ponded and that has at least 24 inches of unsaturated soil beneath the infiltrative surface of the component. SPS 383.44(5)(b)(b) Each dose of effluent by means of pressurized distribution into a treatment or dispersal component consisting in part of in situ soil may not be less than 5 times the void volume of the POWTS distribution laterals. Note a: With ≤60% rock fragments
Note b: With >60 to <90% rock fragments
Note c: Requires pressure distribution under sub. (5) (a)
Note d: COS - Coarse Sand LVFS - Loamy Very Fine Sand SI - Silt
S-Sand COSL - Coarse Sandy Loam SCL - Sandy Clay Loam
LCOS - Loamy Coarse Sand SL - Sandy Loam CL - Clay Loam
LS - Loamy Sand FSL - Fine Sandy Loam SICL - Silty Clay Loam
FS - Fine Sand VFSL - Very Fine Sandy Loam SC - Sandy Clay
LFS - Loamy Fine Sand L - Loam C - Clay
VFS - Very Fine Sand SIL - Silt Loam SIC - Silty Clay
Note e: PL - Platy 0 - Structureless
PR - Prismatic 1 - Weak
BK - Blocky 2 - Moderate
GR - Granular 3 - Strong
M - Massive
Note b: Requires pressure distribution under sub. (5) (a)
Note c: All coarse fragment voids must be filled with fine earth
Note d: COS - Coarse Sand LVFS - Loamy Very Fine Sand SI - Silt
S-Sand COSL - Coarse Sandy Loam SCL - Sandy Clay Loam
LCOS - Loamy Coarse Sand SL - Sandy Loam CL - Clay Loam
LS - Loamy Sand FSL - Fine Sandy Loam SICL - Silty Clay Loam
FS - Fine Sand VFSL - Very Fine Sandy Loam SC - Sandy Clay
LFS - Loamy Fine Sand L - Loam C - Clay
VFS - Very Fine Sand SIL - Silt Loam SIC - Silty Clay
Note e: The values for fecal coliform are reported as a monthly geometric mean. The geometric mean shall be determined on the basis of measurements taken over 30 consecutive days, with at least 6 measurements occurring on 6 separate days.
SPS 383.44(6)(a)1.1. The infiltrative surface of a distribution cell within a POWTS treatment or dispersal component consisting in part of in situ soil and located in fill material above original grade shall be level. SPS 383.44(6)(a)2.2. The longest dimension of a POWTS treatment or dispersal component located at or above the original grade shall be oriented within 1 percent of the surface contour unless otherwise approved by the department.