193.2069 Other severe weather and natural conditions.
(a) In addition to the requirements of § 193.2061, 193.2063, 193.2065, and 193.2067, each operator shall determine from historical records and engineering studies the worst effect of other weather and natural conditions which may predictably occur at an LNG facility site.
(b) The facility must be located and designed so that such severe conditions cannot reasonably be expected to result in an emergency involving the factors listed in § 193.2063(b).
193.2071 Adjacent activities.
(a) Each operator shall determine that present and reasonably foreseeable activities adjacent to an LNG facility site that could adversely affect the operation of the LNG facility or the safety of persons or offsite property, if damage to the facility occurs.
(b) An LNG facility must not be located where present or projected offsite activities would be reasonably expected to:
(1) Adversely affect the operation of any of its safety control systems;
(2) Cause failure of the facility; or
(3) Cause the facility not to meet the requirements of this part.
193.2073 Separation of facilities.
Each LNG facility site must be large enough to provide for minimum separations between facilities and between facilities and the site boundary to:
(a) Permit movement of personnel, maintenance equipment, and emergency equipment around the facility; and
(b) Comply with distances specified in sections 2-2.4 through 2-2.7 of ANSI/NFPA 59A.
[58 FR 14522, March 18, 1993]
49 CFR §193.2301, Subpart D   June 1998
193.2301 Scope.
This subpart prescribes requirements for the construction or installation of components.
193.2303 Construction acceptance.
No person may place in service any component until it passes all applicable inspections and tests prescribed by this subpart.
193.2304 Corrosion control overview.
(a) Subject to paragraph (b) of this section, components may not be constructed, repaired, replaced, or significantly altered until a person qualified under § 193.2707(c) reviews the applicable design drawings and materials specifications from a corrosion control viewpoint and determines that the materials involved will not impair the safety or reliability of the component or any associated components.
(b) The repair, replacement, or significant alteration of components must be reviewed only if the action to be taken --
(1) Involves a change in the original materials specified;
(2) Is due to a failure caused by corrosion; or
(3) Is occasioned by inspection revealing a significant deterioration of the component due to corrosion.
(49 U.S.C. 1674(a); 49 CFR 1.53 and Appendix A to Part 1)
[Amdt. 193-2, 45 FR 70404, Oct. 23, 1980]
193.2305 Procedures.
(a) In performing construction, installation, inspection, or testing, an operator must follow written specifications, procedures, and drawings, as appropriate, that are consistent with this part, taking into account relevant mechanical, chemical, and thermal properties, component functions, and environmental effects that are involved.
(b) All procedures, including any field revisions, must be substantiated by testing or experience to produce a component that is reliable and complies with the design and installation requirements of this part.
193.2307 Inspection.
(a) All construction, installation, and testing activities must be inspected as frequently as necessary in accordance with a written plan to assure that --
(1) Activities are in compliance with all applicable requirements of this subpart; and
(2) Components comply with the applicable material, design, fabrication, installation, and construction requirements of this part.
(b) In addition to the requirements of paragraph (a) of this section, the construction of concrete storage tanks must be inspected in accordance with ACI 311.4R-88 or ACI 311.5R-88.
(c) Each operator shall have a quality assurance inspection program to verify that components comply with their design specifications and drawings, including any field design changes, before they are placed in service.
[58 FR 14522, March 18, 1993]
193.2309 Inspection and testing methods
Except as otherwise provided by this subpart, each operator shall determine, commensurate with the hazard that would result from failure of the component concerned, the scope and nature of --
(a) Inspections and tests required by this subpart; and
(b) Inspection and testing procedures required by § 193.2305.
193.2311 Cleanup.
After construction or installation, as the case may be, all components must be cleaned to remove all detrimental contaminants which could cause a hazard during operation, including the following:
(a) All flux residues used in brazing or soldering must be removed from the joints and the base metal to prevent corrosive solutions from being formed.
(b) All solvent type cleaners must be tested to ensure that they will not damage equipment integrity or reliability.
(c) Incompatible chemicals must be removed.
(d) All contaminants must be captured and disposed of in a manner that does not reduce the effectiveness of corrosion protection and monitoring provided as required by this part.
193.2313 Pipe welding.
(a) Each operator shall provide the following for welding on pressurized piping for LNG and other hazardous fluids:
(1) Welding procedures and welders qualified in accordance with section IX of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code or API 1104, as applicable;
(2) When welding materials that are qualified by impact testing, welding procedures selected to minimize degradation of low temperature properties of the pipe material; and
(3) When welding attachments to pipe, procedures and techniques selected to minimize the danger of burn-throughs and stress intensification.
(b) Oxygen fuel gas welding is not permitted on flammable fluid piping with a service temperature below -29 degrees C (-20 degrees F).
(c) Marking materials for identifying welds on pipe must be compatible with the basic pipe material.
(d) Surfaces of components that are less than 6.35 mm (0.25 in.) thick may not be field die stamped.
(e) Where die stamping is permitted, any identification marks must be made with a die having blunt edges to minimize stress concentration.
[45 FR 9203, 11, 1980, as amended at 47 FR 32720, July 29, 1982; 47 FR 33965, Aug. 5, 1982]
193.2315 Piping connections.
(a) Piping more than 2 inches nominal diameter must be joined by welding, except that --
(1) Threaded or flanged connections may be used where necessary for special connections, including connections for material transitions, instrument connections, testing, and maintenance;
(2) Copper piping in nonflammable service may be joined by silver brazing; and
(3) Material transitions may be made by any joining technique proven reliable under §193.2305(b).
(b) If socket fittings are used, a clearance of 1.6 to 3.2 mm (0.063 to 0.126 in.) between the pipe end and the bottom of the socket recess must be provided and appropriate measurement reference marks made on the piping for the purpose of inspection.
(c) Threaded joints must be --
(1) Free of stress from external loading; and
(2) Seal welded, or sealed by other means which have been tested and proven reliable.
(d) Compression type couplings must meet the requirements of ASME/ANSI B31.3.
(e) Care shall be taken to ensure the tightness of all bolted connections. Spring washers or other such devices designed to compensate for the contraction and expansion of bolted connections during operating cycles shall be used where required.
(f) The selection of gasket material shall include the consideration of fire.
[58 FR 14522, March 18, 1993]
193.2317 Retesting.
After testing required by this subpart is completed on a component to contain a hazardous fluid, the component must be retested whenever --
(a) Penetration welding other than tie-in welding is performed; or
(b) The structural integrity of the component is disturbed.
193.2319 Strength tests.
(a) A strength test must be performed on each piping system and container to determine whether the component is capable of performing its design function, taking into account --
(1) The maximum allowable working pressure;
(2) The maximum weight of product which the component may contain or support;
(b) For piping, the test required by paragraph (a) of this section must include a pressure test conducted in accordance with section 345 of ASME/ANSI B31.3, except that test pressures must be based on the design pressure. Carbon and low alloy steel piping must be pressure tested above their nil ductility transition temperature.
(c) All shells and internal parts of heat exchangers to which section VIII, Division 1, or Division 2 of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, applies must be pressure tested, inspected, and stamped in accordance therewith.
[58 FR 14522, March 18, 1993]
193.2321 Nondestructive tests.
(a) The following percentages of each day's circumferentially welded pipe joints for hazardous fluid piping, selected at random, must be nondestructively tested over the entire circumference to indicate any defects which could adversely affect the integrity of the weld or pipe: - See PDF for table PDF
(b) Evaluation of weld tests and repair of defects must be in accordance with the requirements of ASME/ANSI B31.3 or API 1104, as applicable.
(c) Where longitudinally or spiral welded pipe is used in transfer systems, 100 percent of the seam weld must be examined by radiographic or ultrasonic inspection.
(d) The butt welds in metal shells of storage tanks with internal design pressure of not more than 15 psig must be radiographically tested in accordance with section Q.7.6, API 620, Appendix Q, except that for hydraulic load bearing shells with curved surfaces that are subject to cryogenic temperatures, 100 percent of both longitudinal (or meridional) and circumferential or (or latitudinal) welds must be radiographically tested.
(e) The butt welds in metal shells of storage tanks with internal design pressure above 15 psig must be radiographically tested in accordance with section IX of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, except that for hydraulic load bearing shells with curved surfaces that are subject to cryogenic temperatures, 100 percent of both longitudinal (or meridional) and circumferential (or latitudinal) welds must be radiographically tested.
Published under s. 35.93, Stats. Updated on the first day of each month. Entire code is always current. The Register date on each page is the date the chapter was last published.