Register, October, 1999, No. 526
Chapter WFSB 2
WFSB 2.01   Special rules.
WFSB 2.02   Resolution of conflicts.
WFSB 2.03   Initiation of proceedings, method, forms, where to file.
WFSB 2.04   Consolidation and severance of proceedings.
WFSB 2.05   Form of documents other than correspondence.
WFSB 2.06   Submission of papers other than letters.
WFSB 2.07   Effect of failure to submit statement in response.
WFSB 2.08   Requests and statements in opposition.
WFSB 2.09   Prehearing conference.
WFSB 2.10   Depositions and discovery.
WFSB 2.11   Hearings, transcripts.
WFSB 2.12   Hearing subpoenas.
WFSB 2.13   Duties of examiners.
WFSB 2.14   Powers of examiners.
WFSB 2.15   Procedures, application.
WFSB 2.16   Close of hearing.
WFSB 2.17   Waiver of procedure.
WFSB 2.01 WFSB 2.01Special rules. Chapters WFSB 3 to 11 set forth special rules applicable to the proceedings described in chs. WFSB 3 to 11. This chapter sets forth general rules applicable to all types of proceedings.
WFSB 2.01 History History: Cr. Register, November, 1984, No. 347, eff. 12-1-84; correction made under s. 13.93 (2m) (b) 7., Stats., Register, November, 1988, No. 395.
WFSB 2.02 WFSB 2.02Resolution of conflicts. In any conflict between a general rule in ch. WFSB 2 and a special rule in another chapter applicable to a particular type of proceeding, the special rule shall govern.
WFSB 2.02 History History: Cr. Register, November, 1984, No. 347, eff. 12-1-84.
WFSB 2.03 WFSB 2.03Initiation of proceedings, method, forms, where to file. A proceeding may be initiated by filing an appropriate document as specified in these rules. Standard language for initiating proceedings under s. 289.33, Stats., is set forth in chs. WFSB 3 to 11 governing particular proceedings. The initiating document shall be submitted to the board at its Madison office.
WFSB 2.03 History History: Cr. Register, November, 1984, No. 347, eff. 12-1-84; correction made under s. 13.93 (2m) (b) 7., Stats., Register, November, 1988, No. 395; correction made under s. 13.93 (2m) (b) 7., Stats., Register, October, 1999, No. 526.
WFSB 2.04 WFSB 2.04Consolidation and severance of proceedings. Whenever the board deems it necessary, in order to effectuate the purposes of s. 289.33, Stats., or to avoid unnecessary costs or delay, proceedings under several subsections of s. 289.33, Stats., may be combined into a single proceeding or severed by issues.
WFSB 2.04 History History: Cr. Register, November, 1984, No. 347, eff. 12-1-84; correction made under s. 13.93 (2m) (b) 7., Stats., Register, October, 1999, No. 526.
WFSB 2.05 WFSB 2.05Form of documents other than correspondence.
WFSB 2.05(1)(1)Title. Documents shall clearly show the title of the proceeding and the docket number. Titles are found in chs. WFSB 3 to 11 governing specific proceedings. Docket numbers will be assigned at the office of the board when the initiating petition is received. Docket numbers may be obtained from the board at its Madison office.
WFSB 2.05(2) (2)Where to submit. All documents and papers submitted prior to hearing shall be submitted to the board at its Madison office. During the course of the hearing, all matters shall be submitted to the examiner. After the close of the hearing, all matters shall be submitted to the board at its Madison office.
WFSB 2.05(3) (3)Number of copies; form. Except as otherwise provided in these rules, any document submitted to the board, prior to, during, or after hearing shall be submitted with 9 copies in addition to the original. All matters submitted to the board shall be printed, typed or otherwise legibly duplicated.
WFSB 2.05(4) (4)Signature. The original of each document submitted shall be signed by an attorney or representative of record for the party, or in case of a party not so represented, by the party itself, or by an officer of the party if it is a corporation or an unincorporated association.
WFSB 2.05 History History: Cr. Register, November, 1984, No. 347, eff. 12-1-84; correction in (1) made under s. 13.93 (2m) (b) 7., Stats., Register, November, 1988, No. 395.
WFSB 2.06 WFSB 2.06Submission of papers other than letters.
WFSB 2.06(1)(1)Extension of time. The examiner may, by agreement of the affected parties for good cause shown, extend any time limit prescribed or allowed in chs. WFSB 3 to 11. Any such request to extend any time limit shall be in writing and, except for good cause shown, be received at least 3 working days before the expiration of such time limit. This section does not apply to deadlines prescribed in s. 289.33, Stats.
WFSB 2.06(2) (2)Method of submission. Notices of hearings, decisions, orders, and other process or papers issued by the examiner, or required to be submitted thereby, shall be submitted to parties residing or located in the state by certified mail and proof of submission established by return post office receipt.
WFSB 2.06(3) (3)Completion of submission. Papers required by s. 289.33, Stats., this chapter, any other chapter, or order of the board, to be submitted to the examiner shall be deemed submitted when:
WFSB 2.06(3)(a) (a) Delivered in person, or
WFSB 2.06(3)(b) (b) Left at the principal office or place of business of the person served, or
WFSB 2.06(3)(c) (c) Addressed to the last known address of the person served and deposited in the United States mail, certified, return receipt requested, or
WFSB 2.06(3)(d) (d) Addressed to the last known address of the person served and deposited with a telegraph company.
WFSB 2.06(4) (4)To whom submitted. All papers, except papers relating to subpoenas, shall be submitted to all counsel of record and upon parties not represented by counsel or upon their agents designated by them or by law, and upon the board. Submission upon such counsel or representative shall constitute submission upon the party.
WFSB 2.06(5) (5)Proof of submission; when required. Proof of submission shall be submitted to the board only if the submission is challenged. In such a case, the party whose submission is challenged shall submit a copy of the return post office receipt to the board as proof.
WFSB 2.06 History History: Cr. Register, November, 1984, No. 347, eff. 12-1-84; correction in (1) made under s. 13.93 (2m) (b) 7., Stats., Register, November, 1988, No. 395; corrections in (1) and (3) made under s. 13.93 (2m) (b) 7., Stats., Register, October, 1999, No. 526.
WFSB 2.07 WFSB 2.07Effect of failure to submit statement in response. Any party who fails to submit a statement in response to a petition, within the time provided under the rules governing particular procedures or by any extension granted, shall be deemed to admit the accuracy of the factual allegations made in the petition, and shall, unless good cause be shown, be precluded from introducing any evidence controverting any factual allegations in the petition.
WFSB 2.07 History History: Cr. Register, November, 1984, No. 347, eff. 12-1-84.
WFSB 2.08 WFSB 2.08Requests and statements in opposition. In ch. WFSB 2:
WFSB 2.08(1) (1) “Request" means an application made, either in writing or orally, to the board, its agent, or hearing examiner for the purpose of obtaining a rule or order directing some act to be done in favor of the applicant.
WFSB 2.08(2) (2)Presentation. All requests shall be made in writing, except that requests made at a hearing may be stated orally on the record, and shall briefly state the order, ruling, or action sought and shall set forth specifically the reasons for the request. Alternate relief may be requested. Any party may request that the board or individual conducting the proceeding take any action which they are authorized to take by these rules. Any statement opposing a request shall be promptly filed and shall conform to the same requirements.
WFSB 2.08(3) (3)Disposition. Except for requests made at the hearing, the board shall rule upon requests submitted to it. Requests made during a hearing shall be ruled on by the individual conducting the hearing, except requests referred to the board, either during the hearing or at such time as the entire record is considered. All rulings on requests shall be in writing, or if announced at the hearing, may be stated orally on the record.
WFSB 2.08(4) (4)Rulings and orders part of the record. All requests, and any rulings or order thereon shall become part of the record.
WFSB 2.08(5) (5)To reschedule hearing. A request by either party to reschedule hearing shall set forth
WFSB 2.08(5)(a) (a) The reasons for the request,
WFSB 2.08(5)(b) (b) Alternate dates for rescheduling, and
WFSB 2.08(5)(c) (c) The positions of all other parties, if known.
WFSB 2.08(6) (6) Except for good cause shown, any request for rescheduling must be received at least 2 working days before the date set for hearing.
WFSB 2.08 History History: Cr. Register, November, 1984, No. 347, eff. 12-1-84.
WFSB 2.09 WFSB 2.09Prehearing conference.
WFSB 2.09(1) (1)Purpose. Prehearing conferences are intended to provide an opportunity to consider:
WFSB 2.09(1)(a) (a) Formulation of a statement of the issue or issues presented by a proceeding.
Published under s. 35.93, Stats. Updated on the first day of each month. Entire code is always current. The Register date on each page is the date the chapter was last published.