Development (CR 95-125):
Ch. DOD 10 - Relating to the export development loan program.
Development (CR 95-134):
SS. DOD 21.02, 21.03, 21.04 and 21.05 - Relating to the joint effort marketing program.
Health & Social Services (CR 94-200):
Chs. HSS 50 and 51 - Relating to Department procedures for placing children with special needs for adoption.
Insurance, Commissioner of (CR 95-129):
Chs. Ins 41, 50 and 52 - Relating to changes in rules governing financial regulation of insurers and reinsurers and risk retention and purchasing groups.
Natural Resources (CR 94-182):
SS. NR 110.26 & 205.07 and chs. NR 200 & 204 - Relating to municipal wastewater sludge management regulations.
Natural Resources (CR 95-73):
SS. NR 484.04, 485.02, 485.04 and 485.07 - Relating to emission limitations and tampering inspections for motor vehicles.
Natural Resources (CR 95-75):
S. NR 20.03 (1) (q) 1. - Relating to hook and line sturgeon angling.
Natural Resources (CR 95-99):
SS. NR 45.19, 46.16 and 46.30 - Relating to the administration of the forest crop law and the managed forest law.
Pharmacy Examining Board (CR 95-22):
SS. Phar 2.01, 3.01, 3.04, 4.02, 6.04, 7.01, 7.02, 7.06 and 8.05 - Relating to:
a) Licensure of graduates of a foreign pharmacy school or college;
b) Patient consultation portion of the laboratory practical examination;
c) Display of pharmacists' licenses in a pharmacy;
d) Illumination of pharmacy signs;
e) Patient consultation;
f) Drug names on prescription labels;
g) Providing pharmaceutical services; and
h) Missing information on prescription orders for controlled substances.
Transportation, Dept. of (CR 95-126):
S. Trans 325.01 (intro.) - Relating to motor carrier safety regulations.
Transportation, Dept. of (CR 95-127):
S. Trans 326.01 (intro.) - Relating to motor carrier safety requirements for transportation of hazardous materials.
Transportation, Dept. of (CR 95-128):
S. Trans 328.03 - Relating to motor carrier safety requirements for intrastate transportation of hazardous materials.
Administrative Rules Filed With The
Revisor Of Statutes Bureau
The following administrative rules have been filed with the Revisor of Statutes Bureau and are in the process of being published. The date assigned to each rule is the projected effective date. It is possible that the publication of these rules could be delayed. Contact the Revisor of Statutes Bureau at (608) 266-7275 for updated information on the effective dates for the listed rules.
State Emergency Response Board (CR 95-52):
An order amending s. ERB 1.07 (4) and creating s. ERB 1.07 (5), relating to fee exemptions from inventory fees due under s. 166.20, Stats.
Effective 11-01-95.
Health & Social Services (CR 95-89):
An order creating s. HSS 133.02 (6g) and amending s. HSS 133.03 (6) (b), relating to the fee paid by a home health agency to renew its license.
Effective 11-01-95.
Industry, Labor and Human Relations (CR 94-172):
An order affecting chs. ILHR 20 to 25, relating to the Uniform Dwelling Code.
Effective 12-01-95.
Natural Resources (CR 95-29):
An order creating s. NR 10.01 (2) (g), relating to crow hunting.
Effective 04-01-96.
Revenue (CR 95-83):
An order amending s. Tax 12.065 (5) (b) 1 and 8, relating to reducing the time frame required for Dept. of Revenue approval of non-credit continuing education courses for assessors and assessment personnel.
Effective 11-01-95.
Transportation, Dept. of (CR 95-44):
An order creating ch. Trans 103, relating to habitual traffic offenders (HTO's).
Effective 11-01-95.
Transportation, Dept. of (CR 95-96):
An order amending ss. Trans 2.015 (1) and 2.05 (1) (a), relating to elderly and disabled transportation capital assistance program.
Effective 11-01-95.
Final Regulatory Flexibility Analyses
1.   Department of Corrections (CR 94-192)
S. DOC 309.56 - Monitoring and recording of inmate telephone calls.
Summary of Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis:
These rules do not directly affect small businesses as defined in s. 227.114 (1), Stats.
Summary of Comments:
No comments were reported.
2.   Health & Social Services (CR 95-8)
Ch. HSS 207 - Operation of the Work Not Welfare demonstration project for recipients of Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC).
Summary of Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis:
These rules will not directly affect small businesses, as “small business” is defined in s. 227.114 (1) (a), Stats. The rules relate to county and tribal administration of a state and federal program.
Summary of Comments:
No comments were reported.
3.   Industry, Labor & Human Relations (CR 95-7)
Chs. ILHR 2 & 74 - Contractor registration and certification.
Summary of Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis:
1993 Wis. Acts 126 and 243 require the department to adopt rules for certifying the financial responsibility of contractors who work on one- and two-family dwellings, and for registering and certifying contractors who install or service heating, ventilating or air conditioning equipment. The proposed rules of Clearinghouse Rule No. 95-7 are minimum requirements to comply with the Acts, and any exception from compliance would be contrary to the Statutory objectives which form the basis for the rules.
Summary of Comments of Legislative Standing Committees
The rules were reviewed by the Assembly Committee on Housing and the Senate Committee on Human Resources, Labor, Tourism and Veterans and Military Affairs.
The Assembly Committee took no action and submitted no comments. The Senate Committee extended the review period an additional 30 days and held a hearing, but did not take any action or submit any comments.
4.   Industry, Labor & Human Relations (CR 95-036)
Ch. ILHR 100 - Definitions used in unemployment compensation rules.
Summary of Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis:
All businesses subject to ch. 108, Stats., will be affected by the rules. However actual impact will be minimal, if not non-existent, since this rule packet acts almost exclusively to consolidate definitions into one chapter rather than to make substantive changes to the definitions themselves.
No additional bookkeeping, reporting, or special skills are necessary for compliance with these rules.
Summary of Comments:
No comments were received.
5.   Natural Resources (CR 94-128)
Ch. NR 114 - Certification requirements for waterworks, wastewater treatment plant and septage servicing operators.
Summary of Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis:
The proposed changes in subch. 1 will mainly affect municipalities and the proposed changes in subch. 2 will mainly affect small (septage servicing) businesses. Most of the proposed changes in subch. 2 are designed to make it easier for small businesses to comply with the rule.
Summary of Comments by Legislative Review Committees:
The rules were reviewed by the Assembly Committee on Environment and Utilities and the Senate Committee on Environment and Energy. On March 28, 1995, the Senate Committee on Environmental and Energy held a public hearing. The committee requested that a temporary surcharge fee will be charged for each certification renewal. The rule was modified to reflect the Committee's request.
6.   Natural Resources (CR 95-23)
SS. NR 20.02 and 25.06 - Sport fishing for yellow perch on Lake Michigan and commercial fishing for yellow perch in zones 2 and 3 on Lake Michigan and Green Bay.
Summary of Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis:
Links to Admin. Code and Statutes in this Register are to current versions, which may not be the version that was referred to in the original published document.