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T a b l e o f C o n t e n t s
Emergency Rules Now In Effect.
Pages 5 to 10.
Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection:
Rule relating to drug residues in raw milk.
Rules relating to security of dairy plant payments to milk producers.
PECFA Interagency Responsibilities, Ch. Comm 46
Rules relating to interagency responsibilities with PECFA.
Resources for Communities, etc., Chs. Comm 105-128
Rules relating to the Wisconsin Development Zone Program.
Rules relating to certified capital companies.
Employment Relations Commission:
Rules relating to calculation of minimum qualified economic offers for school district employes.
Geologists, Hydrologists & Soil Scientists Examining Board:
Rules relating to registration and regulation of geologists, hydrologists and soil scientists.
Health & Family Services:
Medical Assistance, Chs. HFS 100-108
Rules relating to operation of the BadgerCare health insurance program.
Rule relating to certification of specialized medical vehicle providers.
Health & Family Services:
Health, Chs. HFS 110-
Rules relating to the Health Insurance Risk-Sharing Plan (HIRSP).
Rules relating to distribution of closed nursing home beds to a veterans' nursing home.
Higher Educational Aids Board:
Rules relating to the Minority Teacher Loan Program.
Natural Resources:
See emergency rules relating to Comm 46.
Natural Resources:
Fish, Game, etc,. Chs. NR 1-
Rules adopted revising ch. NR 10, relating to the 1999 migratory game bird season. [FIRST APPEARANCE]
Natural Resources:
Environmental Protection-Water Regulation,
Chs. NR 300-
Rules relating to determination of navigability in farm ditches.
Rules relating to ski jumps and platforms.
Scope Statements.
Pages 11 to 12.
Financial Institutions --Credit Unions:
Ch. DFI-CU 52 - Relating to credit union examinations.
Financial Institutions --Credit Unions:
Ch. DFI-CU 64 - Relating to public inspection and copying of records of the Office of Credit Unions.
Natural Resources (Fish, Game, etc., Chs. NR 1--):
NR Code - Relating to Department review of local hunting, fishing and trapping ordinances .
Natural Resources (Fish, Game, etc., Chs. NR 1--):
Ch. NR 29 - Relating to the funding for the Natural Heritage Inventory Program (NIH).
Ch. Tax 20 - Relating to the administration of the lottery and gaming property tax credit.
Notices of Submittal of Proposed Rules to Wisconsin Legislative Council Rules Clearinghouse.
Page 13.
Elections Board:
SS. ElBd 7.01 to 7.03 - Relating to approval, testing and revocation of approval of electronic voting systems.
Notices of Hearings or of Proposed Rules.
Pages 14 to 18.
Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection:
Hearings to consider revision to ch. ATCP 105, relating to motor fuel sales below cost.
Elections Board:
Proposed revision to ch. ElBd 7, relating to electronic voting systems.
Higher Educational Aids Board:
Hearing to consider both the emergency rule and permanent rule revision to s. HEA 11.03, relating to the eligibility criteria for participation in the Minority Teacher Loan Program.
Medical Examining Board:
Hearing to consider revision to chs. Med 1 & 2, relating to computer-based examinations.
Natural Resources:
Fish, Game, etc., Chs. NR 1-
Hearing to consider emergency rules revising ch. NR 10, relating to the 1999 migratory game bird season.
Nursing, Board of:
Hearing to consider s. N 8.06 (1), relating to prescribing limitations for advanced practice nurse prescribers.
Notice of Submission of Proposed Rules to the Presiding Officer of Each House of the Legislature, Under S. 227.19, Stats.
Page 19.
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Employment Relations:
( CR 99-110) - S. ER 1.02 and chs. ER 18 and 29
Employment Relations--Merit Recruitment and Selection:
( CR 99-111) - SS. ER-MRS 1.02, 11.03, 22.11 and 34.08
and ch. ER-MRS 16
Health and Family Services:
| |
Natural Resources:
| |
Natural Resources:
( CR 98-196) - Chs. NR 105, 106 and 211
and s. NR 215.06
Natural Resources:
| |
Natural Resources:
| |
Natural Resources:
( CR 99-47) - Chs. NR 6, 8, 50, 60 and 64
Natural Resources:
| |
Natural Resources:
| |
Natural Resources:
| |
Pharmacy Examining Board:
| |
( CR 99-91) - SS. Trans 213.02 and 213.03
Administrative Rules Filed with the Revisor of Statutes Bureau.
Page 20.
| |
( CR 99-65) - Chs. Comm 11, 12, 13, 40 and 43
Dentistry Examining Board:
| |
Natural Resources:
| |
Natural Resources:
| |
Natural Resources:
| |
| |
| |
| |
Rules Published in this Wis. Adm. Register.
Page 21.
Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection:
| |
Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection:
| |
Chiropractic Examining Board:
( CR 98-192) - Chs. Chir 1 to 4 and 7 and
ss. Chir 6.02 and 9.04
| |
| |
Health and Family Services:
| |
Insurance, Commissioner of:
( CR 99-70) - SS. Ins 17.01, 17.275 and 17.28
Natural Resources:
| |
Natural Resources:
( CR 99-24) - SS. NR 10.01, 10.145, 10.31, 15.022,
15.024, 15.03 and 27.03
Natural Resources:
( CR 99-42) - SS. NR 10.01, 10.106, 10.13, 10.24, 15.03
and 19.07
| |
Sections Affected by Rule Revisions and Corrections.
Pages 22 to 25.
Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection:
Chs. ATCP 10, 11 and 77
Chiropractic Examining Board:
Chs. Chir 1 to 4, 6, 7 and 9
Commerce (Environmental Analysis and Review Procedures for Department Actions, Ch. Comm 1):
Ch. Comm 1
Commerce (Electrical Code, Ch. Comm 16):
Ch. Comm 16
Commerce (Electrical Inspection, Ch. Comm 17):
Ch. Comm 17
Commerce (Financial Resources for Businesses and Communities, Chs. Comm 105 to 128):
Ch. Comm 107
Health and Family Services (Community Services, Chs. HFS 30--):
Ch. HFS 90
Health and Family Services (Health, Chs. HFS/HSS 110--):
Ch. HSS 165
Insurance, Commissioner of:
Ch. Ins 17
Natural Resources (Fish, Game, etc., Chs. NR 1--):
Chs. NR 10, 15, 19, 25 and 27
Ch. Tax 1
Ch. Adm 65
Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection:
Ch. ATCP 151
Architects, Landscape Architects, Professional Geologists, Professional Engineers, Designers and Land Surveyors Examining Board:
Ch. A-E 9
Commerce (Electrical Code, Ch. Comm 16):
Ch. Comm 16
Commerce (Rental Unit Energy Efficiency, Ch. Comm 67):
Ch. Comm 67
Commerce (Financial Resources for Businesses and Communities, Chs. Comm 105 to 128):
Ch. Comm 114
Financial Institutions--Banking:
Chs. DFI-Bkg 40, 42 and 43
Health and Family Services (Community Services, Chs. HFS 30--):
Chs. HFS 90, 92 and 96
Health and Family Services (Health, Chs. HFS/HSS 110--):
Chs. HFS 122, 133, 152 to 154, 158 to 160 and HSS 165
Insurance, Commissioner of:
Chs. Ins 17 and 22
Natural Resources (Fish, Game, etc., Chs. NR 1--):
Chs. NR 1, 10, 19 and 27
Ch. Tax 1
Technical College System:
Chs. TCS 4 and 10
Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection:
Ch. ATCP 31
Final Regulatory Flexibility Analyses.
Pages 26 to 30.
1. Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection:
| |
2. Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection:
| |
3. Chiropractic Examining Board:
( CR 98-192) - Chs. Chir 1 to 4 and 7 and
ss. Chir 6.02 and 9.04
4. Commerce:
| |
5. Commerce:
| |
6. Health and Family Services:
| |
7. Insurance, Commissioner of:
| |
8. Natural Resources:
( CR 99-24) - SS. NR 10.01, 10.145, 10.31, 15.022,
15.024, 15.03 and 27.03
9. Natural Resources:
( CR 99-42) - SS. NR 10.01, 10.106, 10.13, 10.24, 15.03
and 19.07
10. Natural Resources:
| |
11. Revenue:
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Executive Orders.
Page 31.
Executive Order No. 377:
Relating to the Creation of the Governor's Film and Video Industry Advisory Council.
Executive Order No. 378:
Relating to the Creation of the Position of Special Assistant to the Governor for Globalization.
Executive Order No. 379:
Relating to the Amendment of Executive Order No. 373.
E m e r g e n c y R u l e s N o w I n E f f e c t
Under s. 227.24, Stats., state agencies may promulgate rules without complying with the usual rule-making procedures. Using this special procedure to issue emergency rules, an agency must find that either the preservation of the public peace, health, safety or welfare necessitates its action in bypassing normal rule-making procedures.
Emergency rules are published in the official state newspaper, which is currently the Wisconsin State Journal. Emergency rules are in effect for 150 days and can be extended up to an additional 120 days with no single extension to exceed 60 days.
Extension of the effective period of an emergency rule is granted at the discretion of the Joint Committee for Review of Administrative Rules under s. 227.24 (2), Stats.
Notice of all emergency rules which are in effect must be printed in the Wisconsin Administrative Register. This notice will contain a brief description of the emergency rule, the agency finding of emergency, date of publication, the effective and expiration dates, any extension of the effective period of the emergency rule and information regarding public hearings on the emergency rule.
Agriculture, Trade & Consumer Protection
1. Rules were adopted amending s. ATCP 60.19 (3) and (4), relating to drug residues in raw milk.
Finding of Emergency
The state of Wisconsin department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection (DATCP) finds that an emergency exists and that the following emergency rule is necessary to protect public health, safety and welfare. The facts constituting the emergency are as follows:
(1) Milk from Wisconsin dairy farms may not contain drug residues. Current rules under ch. ATCP 60, Wis. Adm. Code, require every dairy plant operator to perform a drug residue screening test on every bulk load of raw milk received by that operator. If the bulk load tests positive for any drug residue, the operator must test a milk sample from each producer milk shipment included in that bulk load. Current rules do not require a dairy plant operator to perform a confirmatory test if a producer sample tests positive on an initial test.
(2) If a producer sample tests positive for drug residue, the dairy plant operator may hold that producer financially responsible for contaminating the bulk load. In some cases, the cost of a contaminated tanker load of milk may be $5,000 or more. The department may also take enforcement action against the milk producer. Enforcement may result in financial penalties or suspension of the milk producer's license.
(3) In several enforcement actions, producers have argued that dairy plant drug residue tests were inaccurate. Producers claimed that there was no confirmatory testing, and no opportunity to confirm the accuracy of the dairy plant operator's test findings. Inaccurate findings may unfairly penalize affected producers, and result in severe financial losses to those producers. The lack of a confirmatory test aggravates conflicts between dairy plant operators and milk producers.
(4) Confirmatory testing of test-positive producer samples would provide greater assurance of fairness for milk producers, and would help avoid conflicts between dairy plant operators and producers. Dairy plant operators can perform confirmatory tests at reasonable cost. An emergency rule requiring confirmatory testing of producer samples is necessary to protect milk producers, and to promote the efficient operation and economic well-being of Wisconsin's dairy industry.
(5) Confirmatory testing of test-positive producer samples will enhance, and not reduce, the safety of Wisconsin milk supplies. Dairy plant operators will still be required to test bulk tanker loads of milk, and dispose of tanker loads that test positive for drug residues.
(6) This emergency rule will strengthen public health protection by requiring dairy plant operators to dispose of contaminated loads, or denature contaminated loads before transferring them to the custody of another person. Denaturing ensures that persons receiving custody of contaminated loads will not redirect them to human food use.
(7) Pending the adoption of rules according to normal administrative rulemaking procedures, it is necessary to adopt this emergency rule to do both of the following:
(a) Protect the public milk supply against drug residue contamination by assuring proper disposal of contaminated milk.
(b) Provide additional assurance that milk producers will not be subjected to serious penalties or financial losses based on inaccurate drug residue tests.
Publication Date:
April 30, 1999
Effective Date:
April 30, 1999
Expiration Date:
September 27, 1999
Hearing Date:
June 18, 1999
2. Rules adopted revising s. ATCP 100.45, relating to security of dairy plant payments to milk producers.
Finding of Emergency
(1) Section 100.06, Stats., is designed to provide “reasonable assurance” that dairy farmers will be paid for the milk they produce. Under ss. 97.20(2)(d)2. and l00.06, Stats., a dairy plant must, as a condition to licensing, comply with applicable security requirements under s. 100.06, Stats., and department rules under ch. ATCP 100, Wis. Adm. Code. Since dairy plant licenses expire on April 30 annually, dairy plants must comply with applicable security requirements in order to qualify for license renewal on May 1 of each year.
(2) Under s. 100.06, Stats., and ch. ATCP 100, a dairy plant operator who purchases milk from producers must do one of the following:
(a) File with the department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection (“department”) audited financial statements which show that the operator meets minimum financial standards established by s. 100.06, Stats.
(b) File security with the department in an amount equal to at least 75% of the operator's ”maximum liability to producers,” as calculated under s. ATCP 100.45(5).
(c) Enter into a dairy plant trusteeship under ch. ATCP 100, Subch. V.
(3) Under s. ATCP 100.45(5), a dairy plant operator's “maximum liability to producers” is based on the plant operator's largest monthly purchase of milk during the preceding license year. Milk prices hit all time record highs in 1998, dramatically increasing monthly dairy plant payrolls. Security requirements for the 1999 license year are currently based on these inflated 1998 monthly payrolls, even though 1999 monthly payrolls have dropped dramatically in response to price changes.
(4) Since December 1998, the average market price for raw milk has fallen by approximately 40%. Dairy economists expect BFP average prices to remain at least 12% to 16.2% below last year's average during 1999. Because of the dramatic decline in milk prices, dairy plants have smaller producer payroll obligations than they had in 1998.
(5) Prices received by Wisconsin dairy plants for processed dairy products have also fallen dramatically since December. This has created serious financial hardships for some dairy plants.
(6) Current security requirements, based on 1998 producer prices and payrolls, are excessive in relation to current payroll obligations and impose an added financial burden on dairy plants. Current security requirements under s. ATCP 100.45(5), based on last year's prices, are at least 31 to 48% higher than they would be if calculated at current prices.
(7) Because of the dramatic decline in dairy prices, some dairy plant operators are required to file large amounts of additional security, often amounting to millions of dollars. This is a major expense for affected operators. Operators may find it difficult, financially, to obtain and file the required security. If a dairy plant is unable to file the required security in connection with the May 1, 1999 license renewal, the department will forced to take action against the dairy plant's license. This could result in the forced closing of some unsecured dairy plants. The forced closing of an unsecured plant may, in turn, result in serious financial losses to producer patrons.
(8) By requiring excessive security based on last year's prices, current rules are making it unnecessarily difficult and expensive for dairy plants to obtain and file security. This could contribute to the financial failure of some dairy plants, or to the forced closing of some unsecured plants. Dairy plant financial failures or closings, if they occur, may cause serious and widespread financial injury to milk producers in this state. This constitutes a serious and imminent threat to the public welfare.
(9) In order to reduce the risk of dairy plant financial failures or forced closings, rule amendments are urgently needed to adjust dairy plant security requirements to appropriate levels based on current milk prices. The rule amendments will relieve financially stressed dairy plants from unnecessary financial burdens and will make it easier for those dairy plants to file security with the department. That, in turn, will reduce the risk of dairy plant financial failures, or the forced closing of unsecured plants, which may adversely affect milk producers.
(10) Rule amendments, to be effective, must be promulgated prior to the dairy plant license year beginning May 1, 1999. That is not possible under normal rulemaking procedures. Therefore, the following emergency rule is needed to protect the public welfare.
(11) Should milk prices rise beyond the levels currently anticipated for the license year beginning May 1, 1999, so that security filed under this emergency rule is less than 75% of a dairy plant operator's current monthly producer payroll, the operator is required to notify the department of that fact under s. 100.06, Stats., and s. ATCP 100.20(3). The department may demand additional security at that time.
Publication Date:
April 20, 1999
Effective Date:
May 1, 1999
Expiration Date:
September 28, 1999
Commerce & Natural Resources
(Petroleum Environmental Cleanup Fund Interagency Responsibilities, Ch. Comm 46)
Rules adopted revising ch. Comm 46, relating to the Petroleum Environmental Cleanup Fund Interagency Responsibilities.
Finding of Emergency
The Department of Commerce finds that an emergency exists and that adoption of the rule included in this order is necessary for the immediate preservation of public health, safety, and welfare.
The facts constituting the emergency are as follows. Under sections 101.143 and 101.144, Wisconsin Statutes, the Department protects public health, safety, and welfare by promulgating rules for and administering the Petroleum Environmental Cleanup Fund (PECFA Fund). The purpose of the fund is to reimburse property owners for eligible costs incurred because of a petroleum product discharge from a storage system or home oil tank system. In administering this fund, the Department has relied upon a Memorandum of Understanding with the Department of Natural Resources for classifying contaminated sites, disbursing funds, and addressing other statements of policy that affect the two Departments.
On September 17, 1998, the Joint Committee for Review of Administrative Rules adopted a motion pursuant to s. 227.26(2)(b), Stats., that directed the Department and the Department of Natural Resources to jointly adopt the above portions of the Memorandum of Understanding and related policy issues as an Emergency Rule. An emergency rule in response to that directive was then adopted by the two Departments and became effective on January 1, 1999. Subsequently, further improvements for jointly administering the PECFA fund were developed that were consistent with the JCRAR directive, and were adopted by the two Departments in an emergency rule which replaced the initial emergency rule. That second emergency rule became effective on February 23, 1999. Now, significant additional changes have again been developed, which are also consistent with the JCRAR directive.
Chapter Comm 46 defines “high priority site,” “medium priority site, ” and “low priority site,” and provides that the Department of Natural Resources has authority for high priority sites and that the Department of Commerce has authority for low and medium priority sites. The rule requires transfer of authority for sites with petroleum contamination in the groundwater below the enforcement standard in ch. NR 140 from the Department of Natural Resources to the Department of Commerce. The rule also establishes procedures for transferring sites from one agency to the other when information relevant to the site classification becomes available.
Chapter Comm 46 requires the two agencies to work cooperatively to develop the following:
1. A system of joint decision-making for the selection of remedial bids and the setting of remediation targets for sites which are competitively bid or bundled with another site or sites.
2. An agreed-upon methodology for determining if there is evidence of an expanding plume and the actions to take if the data provided through the site investigation is not adequate.
3. A process for taking into account the impact of error of measurement, repeatability of results and statistical significance, when determining whether a site is above or below the enforcement standard or any other contaminant level or target.
4. A system for electronically tracking the achievement of remediation targets.