Emergency Rules Now In Effect.
Pages 7 to 14.
PECFA, Chs. Comm 46 and 47 Rules relating to Petroleum Environmental Cleanup Fund interagency responsibilities.
Rules relating to appeals under the PECFA program.
Crime Victims Rights Board:
Rules relating to review of allegations of crime victims rights violations.
Employe Trust Funds:
Rules relating to the distribution to annuitants under 1999 Wis. Act 11.
Health & Family Services:
Management, etc., Chs. HFS 1-- Rules relating to caregiver background checks.
Rules relating to family care.
Health & Family Services:
Community Services, Chs. HFS 30- Rules relating to the adoption assistance program. |
Health & Family Services:
Medical Assistance, Chs. HFS 100-108 Rules relating to the medicaid purchase plan. |
Natural Resources:
Environmental Protection-General, Chs. NR 100-- Rules relating to river protection grants. |
Natural Resources:
Environmental Protection-Investigation & Remediation, Chs. NR 700-- Rules relating to sites contaminated with petroleum products from petroleum storage tanks. |
Public Instruction:
Rules relating to the Milwaukee parental school choice program.
Rules relating to alternative education grants.
Rules relating to supplemental aid for school districts with a large area.
Rules relating to state aid for achievement guarantied contracts and aid for debt service.
Rules relating to library system aid payment adjustments.
Rules relating to grants for alcohol and other drug abuse (AODA) programs.
Rules relating to retailer performance program of the Wisconsin Lottery.
Technical College System:
Rules relating to grants for students.
Rules relating to evaluating bids solicited for transit service in a competitive process.
Rule relating to cost-efficiency standards for systems participating in the Urban Mass Transit Operating Assistance Program.
Workforce Development:
Economic Support, Chs. DWD 11-59 Rule relating to W-2 Program disregard of 2000 census income. |
Workforce Development:
Prevailing Wage Rates, Chs. DWD 290-294 Rule relating to the annual adjustment of the prevailing wage rate for public works projects. |
Scope Statements.
Pages 15 to 16.
Financial Institutions (Division of Securities):
DFI-Sec Code - Relating to the Wisconsin Uniform Securities Law.
Natural Resources:
NR Code - Relating to wetland compensatory mitigation.
Public Service Commission:
Ch. PSC 132 - Relating to those cases where the utility and the railroad cannot agree to the compensation to be paid and conditions to be met by a public utility for the construction and maintenance of facilities within a railroad right-of-way [Docket 1-AC-195].
Regulation and Licensing:
RL Code - Relating to: 1) Recommendations of the Association of Boxing Commissions; and 2) Uniformity between requirements of member states. |
Notices of Submittal of Proposed Rules to Wisconsin Legislative Council Rules Clearinghouse.
Pages 17 to 20.
Commerce (Elevators, Ch. Comm 18):
Ch. Comm 18 - Relating to inspection of elevators and other mechanical lifting devices.
Health & Family Services (Health, Chs. HFS 110--):
Ch. HFS 110 - Relating to licensing of Ambulance Service Providers and Emergency Medical Technicians-Basic.
Health & Family Services (Health, Chs. HFS 110--):
Ch. HFS 112 - Relating to licensing of Emergency Medical Technicians-Paramedic and approval of Emergency Medical Technician-Paramedic Operational Plans.
Health & Family Services (Health, Chs. HFS 110--):
Ch. HFS 120 - Relating to health care information.
Natural Resources (Fish, Game, etc., Chs. NR 1--):
S. NR 19.40 - Relating to DNR authority to rescind local hunting, fishing or trapping ordinances.
Natural Resources (Environmental Protection--General, Chs. NR 100--):
| Ch. NR 101 - Relating to reports and fees for wastewater discharges. |
Natural Resources (Environmental Protection--General, Chs. NR 100--):
| Chs. NR 161, 162 and 163 - Relating to the clean water fund program. |
Natural Resources (Environmental Protection--General, Chs. NR 100--):
| Ch. NR 168 - Relating to the brownfield site assessment grant program. |
Natural Resources (Environmental Protection--Air Pollution Control, Chs. NR 400--):
| Chs. NR 400, 410, 423, 428, 439 and 485 - Relating to one-hour ozone air quality standard attainment plan. |
Natural Resources (Environmental Protection--Investigation and Remediation, Chs. NR 700--):
| Chs. NR 700, 716, 720, 722 and 726 - Relating to assessment of sites contaminated with petroleum products from petroleum storage tanks. |
Ch. Trans 134 - Relating to license plates for authorized special groups.
Notices of Hearings or of Proposed Rules.
Pages 21 to 40.
Hearing to consider ch. Adm 43, relating to non-municipal electric utility public benefit fees. [Hearing date: 06/16/00]
Hearing to consider ch. Adm 44, relating to energy conservation and efficiency and renewable resources programs. [Hearing date: 06/16/00]
Hearing to consider ch. Adm 45, relating to low income assistance public benefits. [Hearing date: 06/16/00]
Elevators, Ch. Comm 18 Hearing to consider revision of ch. Comm 18, relating to the inspection and issuance of permits to operate elevators. [Hearing date: 06/27/00] |
PECFA, Chs. Comm 46 and 47 See notice under Natural Resources (Environmental Protection--Investigation and Remediation). |
Health and Family Services:
Community Services, Chs. HFS 30-- Hearing to consider revision of ch. HFS 73, relating to eliminating the 25% on spending long-term support funds in community-based residential facilities (CBRFs) and establishing the criteria for determining infeasibility of in-home services as a condition for the use of program funds to pay for CBRF residents. [Hearing date: 06/27/00] |
Health and Family Services:
Medical Assistance, Chs. HFS 100-- Hearings to consider rule revision to chs. HFS 101 to 103 and 108, relating to the operation of the Medicaid Purchase Plan. [Hearing dates: 06/15/00, 06/16/00, 06/19/00 and 06/20/00] |
Health and Family Services:
Health, Chs. HFS 110-- Hearings to consider revisions to chs. HFS 110 and 112, relating to the licensing of ambulance service providers, EMTs-basic and EMTs-paramedic. [Hearing dates: 06/22/00, 06/23/00, 06/27/00, 06/28/00 and 06/29/00] |
Health and Family Services:
Health, Chs. HFS 110-- Hearings to consider revision to ch. HFS 120, relating to health care information. [Hearing dates: 06/16/00, 06/19/00, 06/22/00 and 06/23/00] |
Natural Resources:
Fish, Game, etc., Chs. NR 1-- Hearing to consider revision to ch. NR 10, relating to deer hunting in certain deer hunting units. [Hearing date: 06/12/00] |
Natural Resources:
Fish, Game, etc., Chs. NR 1-- Hearings to consider s. NR 19.40, relating to the DNR's authority to void local hunting, fishing and trapping ordinances. [Hearing dates: 06/19/00, 06/26/00 and 06/27/00] |
Natural Resources:
Environmental Protection--General, Chs. NR 100-- Hearing to consider revision to ss. NR 101.03 and 101.13, relating to the wastewater fee program. [Hearing date: 06/13/00] |
Natural Resources:
Environmental Protection--General, Chs. NR 100-- Hearings to consider revision to chs. NR 161 to 163, relating to the clean water fund financial assistance program. [Hearing dates: 06/19/00, 06/21/00 and 06/22/00] |
Natural Resources:
Environmental Protection--General, Chs. NR 100-- Hearings to consider revision to ch. NR 168, relating to the brownfield site assessment grant program. [Hearing dates: 06/12/00, 06/13/00 and 06/15/00] |
Natural Resources:
Environmental Protection--Air Pollution Control, Chs. NR 400-- Hearings to consider revision to chs. NR 400, 410, 423, 428, 439 and 485, relating an one-hour ozone air quality standard attainment plan. [Hearing dates: 06/14/00, 06/16/00, 06/27/00, 06/28/00 and 06/29/00] |
Natural Resources:
Environmental Protection--Investigation and Remediation, Chs. NR 700-- Hearings to consider revision to chs. NR 700, 716, 720, 722 and 726 and creation of chs. Comm 46 and NR 746, relating to sites contaminated with petroleum products from petroleum storage tanks. [Hearing dates: 06/15/00, 07/12/00 and 07/15/00] |
Pharmacy Examining Board:
Hearing to consider amendment to s. Phar 7.01 (1) (e), relating to delivery of prescriptions. [Hearing date: 06/14/00]
Pharmacy Examining Board:
Hearing to consider s. Phar 7.015, relating to delegation of duties by a pharmacist. [Hearing date: 06/14/00]
Public Instruction:
Hearing to consider revision to ch. PI 14, relating to school district audits. [Hearing date: 06/15/00]
Proposed revision of s. Trans 134.06, relating to license plates for authorized special groups.
Notice of Submission of Proposed Rules to the Presiding Officer of Each House of the Legislature, Under S. 227.19, Stats.
Page 41.
Health & Family Services:
(CR 99-161) - Ch. HFS 50 |
Insurance, Commissioner of:
(CR 00-61) - SS. Ins 17.01 and 17.28 |
Natural Resources:
(CR 00-32) - SS. NR 10.12, 10.145, 10.27, 10.40 and 15.13 |
(CR 00-23) - S. Tax 2.32 |
(CR 00-53) - SS. Tax 18.05 and 18.08
Administrative Rules Filed with the Revisor of Statutes Bureau.
Page 42.
Chiropractic Examining Board:
(CR 98-190) - S. Chir 6.03 |
Insurance, Commissioner of:
(CR 99-170) - S. Ins 6.57 (4) |
Tourism, Dept. of:
(CR 00-37) - S. Tour 1.03 (3) (a)
Rules Published in this Wis. Adm. Register.
Page 43.
(CR 99-154) - Ch. Adm 47
Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection:
(CR 99-5) - Chs. ATCP 29 and 40
Financial Institutions--Credit Unions:
(CR 99-145) - Ch. DFI-CU 52
Financial Institutions--Credit Unions:
(CR 99-146) - Ch. DFI-CU 64
Financial Institutions--Securities:
(CR 00-17) - S. DFI-Sec 5.01 (4) (b) and (e)
Health and Family Services:
(CR 99-55) - Ch. HFS 181
Kickapoo Reserve Management Board:
(CR 99-124) - Ch. KB 1
Natural Resources:
(CR 99-22) - S. NR 150.03 (8) (a) 1. and ch. NR 170
Natural Resources:
(CR 99-43) - SS. NR 10.02, 19.26 and 19.27
Natural Resources:
(CR 99-95) - S. NR 812.05
Natural Resources:
(CR 99-155) - SS. NR 10.01, 10.27 and 10.28
Psychology Examining Board:
(CR 99-149) - SS. Psy 2.08 and 3.10
Public Instruction:
(CR 98-139) - SS. PI 11.02, 11.07 and 11.14
Public Instruction:
(CR 99-73) - SS. PI 19.03, 19.05 and 19.06
Public Instruction:
(CR 99-103) - Ch. PI 17
Public Instruction:
(CR 99-118) - S. PI 11.24
Public Instruction:
(CR 99-129) - S. PI 6.03
Public Instruction:
(CR 99-130) - Ch. PI 37
(CR 99-152) - Ch. Trans 320
Veterans Affairs:
(CR 99-160) - Ch. VA 4
Sections Affected by Rule Revisions and Corrections.
Pages 44 to 45.
| |
Ch. Adm 47
Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection:
Chs. ATCP 29 and 40
Financial Institutions--Credit Unions:
Chs. DFI-CU 52 and 64
Financial Institutions--Securities:
Ch. DFI-Sec 5
Health and Family Services:
Ch. HFS 181
Kickapoo Reserve Management Board:
Ch. KB 1
Natural Resources (Fish, Game, etc., Chs. NR 1--):
Chs. NR 10 and 19
Natural Resources (Environmental Protection--General, Chs. NR 100--):
| Chs. NR 150 and 170 |
Natural Resources (Environmental Protection--Water Supply, Chs. NR 800--):
| Ch. NR 812 |
Psychology Examining Board:
Chs. Psy 2 and 3
Public Instruction:
Chs. PI 6, 11, 17, 19 and 37
Ch. Trans 320
Veterans Affairs:
Ch. VA 4
| |
Natural Resources (Environmental Protection--General, Chs. NR 100--):
| Chs. NR 128 and 150 |
Natural Resources (Environmental Protection--Water Supply, Chs. NR 800--):
| Ch. NR 812 |
Public Instruction:
Ch. PI 11
Final Regulatory Flexibility Analyses.
Pages 46 to 48.
(CR 99-154) - Ch. Adm 47
Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection:
(CR 99-5) - Chs. ATCP 29 and 40
Financial Institutions--Credit Unions:
(CR 99-145) - Ch. DFI-CU 52
Financial Institutions--Credit Unions:
(CR 99-146) - Ch. DFI-CU 64
Financial Institutions--Securities:
(CR 00-17) - S. DFI-Sec 5.01 (4) (b) and (e)
Health and Family Services:
(CR 99-55) - Ch. HFS 181
Kickapoo Reserve Management Board:
(CR 99-124) - Ch. KB 1
Natural Resources:
(CR 99-95) - S. NR 812.05
Natural Resources:
(CR 99-43) - SS. NR 10.02, 19.26 and 19.27
Natural Resources:
(CR 99-22) - S. NR 150.03 (8) (a) 1. and ch. NR 170
Natural Resources:
(CR 99-155) - SS. NR 10.01, 10.27 and 10.28
Psychology Examining Board:
(CR 99-149) - SS. Psy 2.08 and 3.10
Public Instruction:
(CR 98-139) - Ch. PI 11
Public Instruction:
(CR 99-73) - Ch. PI 19
Public Instruction:
(CR 99-103) - Ch. PI 17
Public Instruction:
(CR 99-118) - S. PI 11.24
Public Instruction:
(CR 99-129) - S. PI 6.03
Public Instruction:
(CR 99-130) - Ch. PI 37
(CR 99-152) - Ch. Trans 320
Veterans Affairs:
(CR 99-160) - Ch. VA 4
Executive Orders.
Page 49.
Executive Order #391.
Relating to the Creation of the South Central Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission Study Committee.
Executive Order #393.
Relating to a Proclamation that the Flag of the United States and the Flag of the State of Wisconsin be Flown at Half-Staff as a Mark of Respect for Peace Officers Who Have Given Their Lives in the Line of Duty.