This proposed rule amends s. Trans 276.07 (11), Wis. Adm. Code, to add one segment of highway to the designated highway system established under s. 348.07 (4), Stats. The actual highway segment that this proposed rule adds to the designated highway system is:
Hwy. From To
STH 55 USH 41 STH 54 South of
in Kaukauna Seymour
  Note: The proposed rule text often achieves these objectives by consolidating individual segments into contiguous segments with new end points. In order to determine the actual highway segment added, it is necessary to compare the combined old designations with the combined new designation.
The long trucks to which this proposed rule applies are those with 53-foot semitrailers, double bottoms and the vehicles which may legally operate on the federal National Network, but which exceed Wisconsin's regular limits on overall length. Generally, no person may operate any of the following vehicles on Wisconsin's highways without a permit: A single vehicle with an overall length in excess of 40 feet, a combination of vehicles with an overall length in excess of 65 feet, a semitrailer longer than 48 feet, an automobile haulaway longer than 66 feet plus allowed overhangs, or a double bottom. Certain exceptions are provided under s. 348.07 (2), Stats., which implements provisions of the federal Surface Transportation Assistance Act in Wisconsin.
  Note: 45-foot buses are allowed on the National Network and Interstate system by Federal law. Section 4006 (b) of the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991.
The effect of this proposed rule will be to extend the provisions of ss. 348.07 (2) (f), (fm), (gm) and (gr), and 348.08 (1) (e), Stats., to the highway segments listed above. As a result, vehicles which may legally operate on the federal National Network in Wisconsin will also be allowed to operate on the newly-designated highways. Specifically, this means there will be no overall length limitation for a tractor-semitrailer combination, a double bottom or an automobile haulaway on the affected highway segments. There also will be no length limitation for a truck tractor or road tractor when operated in a tractor-semitrailer combination or as part of a double bottom or an automobile haulaway. Double bottoms will be allowed to operate on the affected highway segments provided neither trailer is longer than 28 feet, 6 inches. Semitrailers up to 53 feet long may also be operated on these highway segments provided the kingpin-to-rear axle distance does not exceed 43 feet. This distance is measured from the kingpin to the center of the rear axle or, if the semitrailer has a tandem axle, to a point midway between the first and last axles of the tandem. Otherwise, semitrailers, including semitrailers which are part of an automobile haulaway, are limited to 48 feet in length.
These vehicles and combinations are also allowed to operate on undesignated highways for a distance of 5 miles or less from the designated highway in order to reach fuel, food, maintenance, repair, rest, staging, terminal or vehicle assembly or points of loading or unloading.
Fiscal Estimate
The Department estimates that there will be no fiscal impact on the liabilities or revenues of any county, city, village, town, school district, technical college district or sewerage district.
Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
The provisions of this proposed rule adding highway segments to the designated system have no direct adverse effect on small businesses, and may have a favorable effect on those small businesses which are shippers or carriers using the newly-designated routes.
Copies of Rule and Contact Information
Copies of this proposed rule are available without cost upon request to the office of the State Traffic Engineer, Room 501, P. O. Box 7986, Madison, WI 53707-7986, telephone (608) 266-1273. For questions about this rule-making, please call Ashwani Sharma, Traffic Operations Engineer at (608) 266-1273 or write to the address previously provided. Alternate formats of the proposed rule will be provided to individuals at their request.
Notice of Submission of Proposed Rules to the Presiding Officer of each House of the Legislature, Under S. 227.19, Stats.
Please check the Bulletin of Proceedings for further information on a particular rule.
Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (CR 99-72):
Ch. ATCP 160 - Relating to county and district fairs.
Arts Board (CR 00-63):
S. AB 2.09 (5) - Relating to the distribution of arts challenge initiative incentive grant funds.
Ethics Board (CR 00-71):
S. Eth 1.03 - Relating to the definition of a topic of a lobbying communication.
Health and Family Services (CR 00-1):
Chs. HFS 82, 83, 88, 124 and 131 to 134 - Relating to non-expiring licenses and certification and a required annual or biennial report for certified adult family homes, licensed adult family homes, community-based residential facilities (CBRFs), hospice programs, nursing homes, home health agencies and facilities for the developmentally disabled (FDDs) and a required annual report for hospitals.
Investment Board (CR 00-70):
S. IB 2.04 - Relating to Investment Board title holding companies.
Natural Resources (CR 99-109):
SS. NR 216.45, 405.15, 406.08, 408.09 and 411.07 and chs. NR 300 and 400 - Relating to the fee refund or “permit guarantee" program required by s. 299.05, Stats.
Natural Resources (CR 00-29):
Ch. NR 135 - Relating to reclamation of nonmetallic mining sites.
Natural Resources (CR 00-31):
Ch. NR 10 and ss. NR 11.02, 11.05, 15.022 and 16.02 - Relating to hunting, trapping and captive wildlife, and also to dove hunting.
Natural Resources (CR 00-33):
Chs. NR 20 and 26 and s. NR 22.04 - Relating to sport fishing regulations on inland and boundary waters and fish refuges on inland waters.
Technical College System Board (CR 00-44):
Ch. TCS 16 - Relating to grants for students.
Transportation (CR 00-57):
Chs. Trans 101 to 104 and s. Trans 117.03 - Relating to the demerit point system and graduated driver license (GDL) restriction extensions.
Transportation (CR 00-68):
S. Trans 131.03 (2) (b) - Relating to emission tests.
Transportation (CR 00-69):
SS. Trans 325.02 and 326.01 and ch. Trans 328 - Relating to motor carrier safety regulations.
Transportation (CR 00-77):
S. Trans 276.07 (4) - Relating to allowing the operation of “double bottoms" (and certain other vehicles) on certain specified highways.
Transportation (CR 00-85):
Ch. Trans 142 - Relating to recreational vehicle (RV) dealer trade practices, facilities and records.
Administrative Rules Filed With The
Revisor Of Statutes Bureau
The following administrative rules have been filed with the Revisor of Statutes Bureau and are in the process of being published. The date assigned to each rule is the projected effective date. It is possible that the publication of these rules could be delayed. Contact the Revisor of Statutes Bureau at (608) 266-7275 for updated information on the effective dates for the listed rules.
Corrections (CR 97-158):
An order creating chs. DOC 371, 373, 374, 375, 376, 379, 380, 381, 383, 392, 393, 394, 396, 397, 398 and 399, relating to:
1) Identifying a youth's program needs; establishing a case management plan; and making appropriate decisions regarding extension, release, transfer and discharge of a youth;
2) Conduct of juveniles placed under the supervision of the Department of Corrections in a type 1 secured correctional facility;
3) Administrative confinement for youth in juvenile
secured correctional facilities;
4) Observation status for youth in type 1 secured
correctional facilities;
5) Security issues for a youth placed under the
supervision of the Department of Corrections in a
type 1 secured correctional facility;
6) Resources for a youth placed under the supervision of the Department of Corrections in a type 1 secured correctional facility;
7) A complaint procedure for youth in type 1 secured
correctional facilities;
8) Furloughs and off-grounds and trial visits for youth in
type 1 secured correctional facilities;
9) Use of psychotropic medication for youth in type 1
juvenile secured correctional facilities;
10) Conduct of drug testing by the Department and county
departments of youth adjudicated delinquents;
11) Conduct of youth placed on juvenile parole following release from secured correctional services and revocation of a youth's juvenile parole for violation of a condition of parole;
12) Designation of certain child-caring institutions as type 2 child-caring institutions and to treatment of youth who are placed in type 2 child-caring institutions by the courts;
13) Youth who are in type 2 secured correctional facility status through placement in the corrective sanctions program, the community phase of the serious juvenile offender program or a type 2 secured correctional facility operated by a child welfare agency;
14) Supervision programs for delinquent youth;
15) County intensive supervision program for delinquent
youth; and
16) Training of juvenile court intake workers.
Effective 07-01-00.
Crime Victims' Rights Board (CR 99-153):
An order creating ch. CVRB 1, relating to the review of complaints alleging violations of the rights of crime victims.
Effective 08-01-00.
Public Instruction (CR 99-169):
An order creating ch. PI 44, relating to alternative education grants.
Effective 08-01-00.
Public Instruction (CR 00-3):
An order creating s. PI 6.07, relating to public library system aid payment adjustments.
Effective 08-01-00.
Public Instruction (CR 00-4):
An order affecting ss. PI 40.055 and 40.056, relating to the youth options program.
Effective 08-01-00.
Public Instruction (CR 00-5):
Links to Admin. Code and Statutes in this Register are to current versions, which may not be the version that was referred to in the original published document.