Controlled Substances Board (CR 99-125):
An order creating s. CSB 2.25, relating to the scheduling of certain drugs under ch. 961, Stats., the Uniform Controlled Substances Act.
Effective 08-01-00.
Corrections (CR 97-13):
An order affecting ss. DOC 303.75, 303.76 and 303.81, relating to notices of disciplinary hearings to inmates.
Part effective 08-01-00.
Employe Trust Funds (CR 99-156):
An order affecting s. ETF 10.63, relating to due dates for ETF programs.
Effective 08-01-00.
Employment Relations--Merit Recruitment and Selection (CR 99-167):
An order affecting ss. ER-MRS 6.08 and 11.04, relating to release of examination information and removal of names from employment registers.
Effective 08-01-00.
Health and Family Services (CR 99-28):
An order affecting chs. HFS 61, 62 and 75, relating to standards for community substance abuse services.
Effective 08-01-00.
Health and Family Services (CR 99-161):
An order affecting ch. HFS 50, relating to the adoption assistance program for families that adopt children with special needs.
Effective 08-01-00.
Insurance, Commissioner of (CR 00-6):
An order affecting s. Ins 3.09 (19), relating to mortgage guaranty insurance.
Effective 08-01-00.
Revenue (CR 00-16):
An order affecting ch. Tax 14, relating to homestead credit administrative provisions; qualification for credit; household income and income; property taxes accrued; gross rent and rent constituting property taxes accrued; and marriage, separation or divorce during a claim year.
Effective 08-01-00.
Workforce Development (CR 99-164):
An order affecting chs. DWD 290 and 294, relating to prevailing wage rates.
Effective 08-01-00.
Workforce Development (CR 99-165):
An order affecting ss. DWD 12.03, 12.21 and 12.27, relating to two-parent families under the Wisconsin Works (W-2) program.
Effective 08-01-00.
Workforce Development (CR 00-24):
An order affecting s. DWD 290.155, relating to the annual adjustment of thresholds for application of the prevailing wage rates for state or local public works projects.
Effective 08-01-00.
rules_published Rules Published In This Wis. Adm. Register
The following administrative rule orders have been adopted and published in the June 30, 2000 Wisconsin Administrative Register. Copies of these rules are sent to subscribers of the complete Wisconsin Administrative Code, and also to the subscribers of the specific affected Code.
For subscription information, contact Document Sales at (608) 266-3358.
Chiropractic Examining Board (CR 98-190):
An order creating s. Chir 6.03, relating to the duty to evaluate and inform patients of their presenting conditions.
Effective 07-01-00.
Commerce (CR 99-139):
An order affecting ss. Comm 32.24, 32.33 and 32.50, relating to public employe safety and health.
Effective 07-01-00.
Corrections (CR 97-14):
An order affecting ch. DOC 309, relating to inmate visitation.
Effective 07-01-00.
Corrections (CR 97-158):
An order creating chs. DOC 371, 373, 374, 375, 376, 379, 380, 381, 383, 392, 393, 394, 396, 397, 398 and 399, relating to:
1) Identifying a youth's program needs; establishing a case management plan; and making appropriate decisions regarding extension, release, transfer and discharge of a youth;
2) Conduct of juveniles placed under the supervision of the Department of Corrections in a type 1 secured correctional facility;
3) Administrative confinement for youth in juvenile
secured correctional facilities;
4) Observation status for youth in type 1 secured
correctional facilities;
5) Security issues for a youth placed under the
supervision of the Department of Corrections in a
type 1 secured correctional facility;
6) Resources for a youth placed under the supervision of the Department of Corrections in a type 1 secured correctional facility;
7) A complaint procedure for youth in type 1 secured
correctional facilities;
8) Furloughs and off-grounds and trial visits for youth in
type 1 secured correctional facilities;
9) Use of psychotropic medication for youth in type 1
juvenile secured correctional facilities;
10) Conduct of drug testing by the Department and county
departments of youth adjudicated delinquents;
11) Conduct of youth placed on juvenile parole following release from secured correctional services and revocation of a youth's juvenile parole for violation of a condition of parole;
12) Designation of certain child-caring institutions as type 2 child-caring institutions and to treatment of youth who are placed in type 2 child-caring institutions by the courts;
13) Youth who are in type 2 secured correctional facility status through placement in the corrective sanctions program, the community phase of the serious juvenile offender program or a type 2 secured correctional facility operated by a child welfare agency;
14) Supervision programs for delinquent youth;
15) County intensive supervision program for delinquent
youth; and
16) Training of juvenile court intake workers.
Effective 07-01-00.
Crime Victims Rights Board (CR 99-153):
An order creating ch. CVRB 1, relating to the review of complaints alleging violations of the rights of crime victims.
Effective 07-01-00.
Elections Board (CR 99-137):
An order creating ch. El Bd 7, relating to approval of electronic voting equipment.
Effective 07-01-00.
Employe Trust Funds (CR 98-169):
An order creating s. ETF 10.55, relating to the proper reporting of creditable service, earnings and participating employes of instrumentalities of two or more units of government when the joint instrumentality does not qualify as a separate employer for Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS) purposes.
Effective 07-01-00.
Insurance, Commissioner of (CR 99-170):
An order amending s. Ins 6.57 (4), relating to listing fees for resident agents.
Effective 07-01-00.
Public Service Commission (CR 99-131):
An order repealing and recreating ch. PSC 111, relating to the replacement of advance plans with strategic energy assessments (SEA's) and revision of requirements for Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity (CPCN's).
Effective 07-01-00.
Public Service Commission (CR 99-140):
An order affecting ch. PSC 4, relating to implementing the Wisconsin Environmental Policy Act (WEPA), concerning the environmental analysis (EA) procedures for proposed actions before the Public Service Commission.
Effective 07-01-00.
Tourism, Dept. of (CR 00-37):
An order amending s. Tour 1.03 (3) (a), relating to the Joint Effort Marketing Program.
Effective 07-01-00.
Links to Admin. Code and Statutes in this Register are to current versions, which may not be the version that was referred to in the original published document.