Effective 1-1-01
rules_published Rules published in this Wis. Adm. Register
The following administrative rule orders have been adopted and published in the November 30, 2000 Wisconsin Administrative Register. Copies of these rules are sent to subscribers of the complete Wisconsin Administrative Code, and also to the subscribers of the specific affected Code.
For subscription information, contact Document Sales at (608) 266-3358.
Administration (CR 00-42)
An order repealing and recreating ch. Adm 12, relating to electronic records management storage and requirements.
Effective 5-01-01
Administration (CR 00-80)
An order creating ch. Adm 43, relating to non-municipal electric utility public benefits fees.
Effective 12-01-00
Administration (CR 00-81)
An order creating ch. Adm 44, relating to energy conservation and efficiency and renewable resource programs.
Effective 12-01-00
Administration (CR 00-82)
An order creating ch. Adm 45, relating to low-income assistance public benefits.
Effective 12-01-00
Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection
(CR 99-72)
An order affecting ch. ATCP 160, relating to county and district fairs.
Effective 12-01-00
Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection
(CR 99-168)
An order affecting s. ATCP 1.03 and chs. ATCP 10 to 12, relating to animal diseases, animal movement, and livestock markets, dealers and truckers.
Effective 12-01-00
Architects, Landscape Architects, Professional Engineers, Designers and Land Surveyors Examining Board (CR 00-50)
An order affecting ss. A-E 2.02, 4.05, 6.04 and 6.05, relating to registration seals, experience requirements for professional engineers, and educational requirements for land surveyors.
Effective 12-01-00
Commerce (CR 99-122)
An order affecting s. Comm 2.68 and ch. Comm 90, relating to the design and construction of public swimming pools.
Effective 12-01-00
Corrections (CR 97-27)
An order repealing and recreating ch. DOC 314, relating to mental health treatment for inmates.
Effective 12-01-00
Professional Geologists, Hydrologists, and Soil Scientists Examining Board (CR 00-64)
An order affecting ss. GHSS 2.06, 3.05 and 4.05, relating to experience requirements prior to sitting for the fundamentals examination.
Effective 12-01-00
Health and Family Services (CR 00-84)
An order affecting chs. HFS 101 to 103 and 108, relating to the medicaid purchase plan.
Effective 12-01-00
Transportation (CR 00-15)
An order affecting chs. Trans 4 and 8, relating to the state public transit operating assistance program; to the use of fully-allocated costs in the competitive bid process; and to allocation of federal public transit assistance program funds to urbanized areas under 200,000 population.
Effective 12-01-00
Workforce Development (CR 00-67)
An order repealing ch. HSS 245 and creating ch. DWD 18, relating to public assistance record retention.
Effective 12-01-00
Sections affected by rule revisions and corrections
The following administrative rule revisions and corrections have taken place in November 2000, and will be effective as indicated in the history note for each particular section. For additional information, contact the Revisor of Statutes Bureau at (608) 266-7275.
Ch. Adm 12 (entire chapter)
Ch. Adm 43 (entire chapter)
Ch. Adm 44 (entire chapter)
Ch. Adm 45 (entire chapter)
Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection:
Ch. ATCP 1
S. ATCP 1.03 (1) (a) and (2) (b)
Ch. ATCP 10
S. ATCP 10.01 (1) (intro.) and (b), (3) to (5), (6m),
(13m) to (16), (17m), (20m), (22m),
(25), (25m), (26), (26m), (29), (31),
(34), (39), (40), (43), (44), (45) (f),
(i) and (j), (55), (59m), (60), (60m),
(61m), (66), (69m), (69r), (70) (b)
and (c), (71), (71m), (72), (72m)
and (74)
S. ATCP 10.02 (entire section)
SS. ATCP 10.05 to 10.20 (entire sections)
S. ATCP 10.21 (1) (br), (1m), (6) (intro.) and (11)
SS. ATCP 10.30 to 10.38 (entire sections)
S. ATCP 10.40 (1)
S. ATCP 10.41 (1) and (2)
S. ATCP 10.50 (2) (b) and (c) and (4) (c)
S. ATCP 10.60 (entire section)
S. ATCP 10.61 (4) and (5)
S. ATCP 10.62 (entire section)
S. ATCP 10.63 (1) (br), (1m), (6) (intro.) and (11)
S. ATCP 10.65 (1) (intro.)
S. ATCP 10.651 (entire section)
S. ATCP 10.652 (7) and (8) (b)
SS. ATCP 10.66 to 10.675 (entire sections)
S. ATCP 10.68 (1) (am) and (k), (13) (a) and
(14) (a) and (c)
Links to Admin. Code and Statutes in this Register are to current versions, which may not be the version that was referred to in the original published document.