Interested persons are invited to appear at the hearings and will be afforded the opportunity to make an oral presentation of their positions. Persons making oral presentations are requested to submit their facts, views, and suggested rewording in writing.
An accessible entrance to the building is available via a ramp from the corner of Washington Avenue and Webster Street to the Webster Street door. If you have special needs or circumstances regarding communication or accessibility at the hearing, please call (608) 267-9403 at least 10 days prior to the hearing date. Accommodations such as ASL interpreters, English translators, or materials in audiotape format will be made available on request to the fullest extent possible.
Analysis Prepared by the Department of Workforce Development
Statutory authority: Sections 66.0903(5) and 103.49(3g).
Statutes interpreted: Sections 66.0903(5) and 103.49(3g).
The state prevailing wage laws require that when a state agency or local governmental unit contracts for the construction of a public works project it must obtain a prevailing wage rate determination from the Department of Workforce Development and require that the contractors and subcontractors on the project pay their employees in accordance with those wage rates. Under ss. 66.0903(5) and 103.49(3g), Stats., and the current s. DWD 290.155(1), the state prevailing wage rate laws do not apply to any single-trade public works project for which the estimated cost is below $34,000, and it does not apply to any multi-trade public works project for which the estimated cost is below $168,000.
Pursuant to ss. 66.0903(5) and 103.49(3g), Stats., and s. DWD 290.15, the Department is required to adjust the dollar amounts of the thresholds each year in proportion to any change in construction costs since the thresholds were last determined. The threshold adjustment is based on changes in the construction cost index published in the Engineering News-Record, a construction trade publication. The proposed rule adjusts the thresholds from $34,000 to $35,000 for single-trade projects and from $168,000 to $172,000 for multi-trade projects based on a 2.6% increase in the construction cost index between December 1999 and December 2000.
Rule Text
SECTION 1. DWD 290.155(1) is amended to read:
DWD 290.155(1) This chapter does not apply to any single-trade public works project for which the estimated cost of completion is below $34,000 $35,000, and any multi-trade public works project for which the estimated cost of completion is below $168,000 $172,000.
Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
The proposed rule does not affect small business.
Fiscal Impact
Under the proposed rule, a state agency or local governmental unit contracting for the construction of a single-trade public works project that costs more than $34,000 but less than $35,000 or a multi-trade project that costs more than $168,000 but less than $172,000 will not be covered by the prevailing wage requirement.
Contact Information
For substantive questions concerning the proposed rule, call Patricia Hewitt, Construction Wage Standards Section Chief, at (608) 266-6469.
Written Comments
Written comments on the proposed rules received at the following address no later than March 2, 2000, will be given the same consideration as testimony presented at the hearing. Written comments should be submitted to: Elaine Pridgen, Office of Legal Counsel, Dept. of Workforce Development, P.O. Box 7946, Madison, WI 53707-7946, (608) 267-9403
Submission of proposed rules to the legislature
Please check the Bulletin of Proceedings for further information on a particular rule.
Chs. Chir 3 and 5 - Relating to continuing education requirements.
Ch. Comm 8 - Relating to mines, pits and quarries.
Ch. ElBd 2 - Relating to filing of and challenges to nomination papers.
Ch. Phar 7 - Relating to delegation of duties by a pharmacist.
Ch. Phar 7 - Relating to supervising pharmacy interns.
Ch. PI 14 - Relating to school district audits.
Chs. RL 133 and 135 - Relating to home inspector examination and continuing education requirements.
Chs. VE 2 to 5 - Relating to the computerized veterinary examination.
Ch. DWD 42 - Relating to state directory of new hires.
Rule orders filed with the
revisor of statutes bureau
The following administrative rule orders have been filed with the Revisor of Statutes Bureau and are in the process of being published. The date assigned to each rule is the projected effective date. It is possible that the publication date of these rules could be changed. Contact the Revisor of Statutes Bureau at (608) 266-7275 for updated information on the effective dates for the listed rule orders.
An order to create ch. PSC 179, relating to telecommunications dispute resolution and whether an alleged failure to comply with an interconnection agreement has a significant adverse effect on another party to the agreement.
Effective 3-1-01
Public notice
Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection
Notice of Dollar Amount Adjustments for
Repair Charges Subject to Mechanic's Liens
Under Wis. Stat. § 779.41(1), mechanics or repair businesses who transport, repair or perform any work on personal property at the request of the owner have a statutory lien on the property for the just and reasonable charges associated with the work, and may retain possession of the property until the charges are paid.
Generally, a mechanic's lien under Wis. Stat. § 779.41, has priority over any previously recorded security interest in the personal property but only for the appropriate charges at the specified dollar amounts below.
Under Wis. Stat. § 779.41(1m), the Department is required to annually publish adjusted dollar amounts for charges on repairs to personal property subject to mechanic's liens. The adjustments are based on the annual change in the consumer price index, all items, U.S. city average, as determined by the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the U.S. Department of Labor.
The Department has determined that current dollar amounts specified under Wis. Stats. §§ 779.41(1), (1)(a), (1)(b), and (1)(c) shall be increased by 2.7%, according to the prior year annual change in the consumer price index. Thus, the dollar amounts for charges under the mechanic's lien law are adjusted as follows:
Under Wis. Stat. § 779.41(1), mechanic's liens generally, $1,640.
Under Wis. Stat. § 779.41(1)(a), mechanic's liens on a trailer or semi-trailer
designed for use with a road tractor, $4,920.
Under Wis. Stat. § 779.41(1)(b), mechanic's liens on road machinery, including
mobile cranes, trench hoes, farm tractors, machines of husbandry, or off-highway
construction vehicles and equipment, $8,195.
Under Wis. Stat. § 779.41(1)(c) 1. to 4., mechanic's liens on vehicles:
More than 10,000 and less than 20,000 pounds, $3,280.
20,000 pounds or more, but less than 40,000 pounds, $6,475.
40,000 pounds or more, but less than 60,000 pounds, $9,840.
60,000 pounds or more, $13,115.
These revised dollar amounts under the mechanic's lien law shall apply to work
commenced on or after January 1, 2001 for which a lien is claimed. These revised dollar amounts shall remain in effect until the first day of the first month following publication of new adjusted dollar amounts in the Wisconsin Administrative Register.
Contact Information:
Merry Fran Tyron, Director
Consumer Protection Bureau
Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection
2811 Agriculture Drive
P.O. Box 8911
Madison, WI 53708-8911
Telephone: (608) 224-4921
The State of Wisconsin
Department of Administration