76A – 5,791/2 = 2,896
77C – 2,258/2 = 1,129
The total number of bonus permit sales lost would equate to the following.
796+2,896+2,311+1,129 = 7,132
Bonus Permit Sales Loss
7,132 x .8 = 5,706 x 12 = $68,472
7,132 x .2 = 1,426 x 20 = $28,520
$68,472+$28,520 = $96,992
Free Licenses to CWD Disease Eradication Zone Hunters
The fiscal impact of revenue loss from exempting hunters in CWD zones from having a license could be anywhere between $0 and $2,428,200, depending on how extensive the Department implemented the provision. For the entire herd reduction zone in southwest Wisconsin, the Department estimated the number of hunters in 12 deer management zones based on the average number of deer harvested from those zones for the years 1999 through 2001. The average annual number of hunters in those zones is estimated at a total of 109,000.The average deer hunter success rate from 1999-2001 was 44% The average number of deer harvested per year (47,900) divided by the average harvest success rate (44%) yields the approximate number of licensed hunters per year in the 12 management zones (109,000). Using the following methodology, the Department estimates the loss of revenue for exempting licenses for the entire herd reduction zone to be $2,428,200. Using the same methodology, but exempting licenses only for what is now called the intensive harvest zone would result in an estimated revenue loss of $376,400.
License sales from 1999-2001 were averaged to determine the approximate percentage of deer hunters under the authority of each license type as follows:
9.2% - Resident Patron; 10.0% - Resident Sports; 55.5% - Resident Gun Deer; 19.9% - Resident Archery; 4.5% - Non-resident Gun Deer; .9% - Non-resident Archery.
The total fiscal impact created by free landowner permits can then be calculated by determining the number of each license authority sold based on the 1999-2001 averages.
Resident Patron - For Resident Patron license holders, it is assumed that most patron license buyers would continue to buy the patron license for the other privileges included with the license. However, it is estimated that 5% would stop buying patron licenses and purchase small game and fishing licenses separate, at a loss of $107 per license holder. For this assumption, the Department would lose $53,878.
(109,000 licenses x .092% of license type = 10,071 patron licenses x 5% = 504 x $107 = $53,878)
Resident Sports - For Resident Sports license holders, it is assumed that 70% would discontinue buying the Sports license, and instead buy a small game license and a fishing license, at a revenue loss of $12 each to the Department. For this assumption, the Department would lose $9,096.
(109,000 x .10 = 10,855 Sports Licenses x 70% = 7,599 x $12 = $91,186)
For Resident Gun Deer, it is assumed that 90% of License holders in the 12 zones would not buy deer licenses. For this assumption the Department would lose $1,087,979. (109,000 x .55.5 = 60,443 x 90% = 54,399 licenses x $20 = $1,087,979)
For Resident Archery, it is assumed that 90% of license holders in the 12 zones would not buy deer licenses. For this assumption, the Department would lose $390,000. (109,000 x .19.9 = 21,667 licenses x 90% = 19,500 x $20 = $390,000)
For Non-resident Gun Deer, it is assumed that 100% of license holders would not buy deer licenses. For this assumption, the Department would lose $665,558. (109,000 x .045 = 4,930 licenses x $135 = $665,558)
For Non-resident Archery, it is assumed that 100% of license holders would not buy deer licenses. For this assumption, the Department would lose $117,720.
(109,000 x .009 = 1,034 licenses x $135 = $139,568)
Total Licensing Loss
$53,878 + $91,186 + $1,087,979 + $390,000 + $665,558 + $139,568 = $2,428,169
1) People may have bought licenses even though it was not required.
2) Hunter numbers declined in this area after the discovery of CWD, but have shown rebounding trends.
3) The estimate is totally dependent on which areas are selected for exemption.
Total anticipated decreased revenue from loss of bonus permit sales and the issuance of free licenses in the CWD eradication zone (pending legislative approval) = $96,992 + $2,428,169 = $2,525,161.
Notice of Hearing
Natural Resources
(Fish, Game, etc., Chs.
NR 1—)
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to ss.
23.09 (26),
350.12 (4) and
227.11 (2) (a), Stats., interpreting ss.
23.09 (26) and
350.12 (4), Stats., the Department of Natural Resources will hold a public hearing on revisions to s.
NR 50.09 (4) and
(5), Wis. Adm. Code, relating to the snowmobile trail grant program. The proposed rule will change the color, shape and size of the directional arrow used in signing snowmobile trails. The proposed rule also changes the reference to the maximum per mile reimbursement from an old figure of $200 to that specified under current statute.
NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN that the hearing will be held on:
March 24, 2004 Room 1,
Wednesday Portage Co. Courthouse Annex,
at 1:00 p.m. 1462 Strongs Avenue
Stevens Point
NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN that pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, reasonable accommodations, including the provision of informational material in an alternative format, will be provided for qualified individuals with disabilities upon request. Please call Larry Freidig at (608) 266-5897 with specific information on your request at least 10 days before the date of the scheduled hearing.
Copies of Rule and Contact Person
Written comments on the proposed rules may be submitted to Mr. Larry Freidig, Bureau of Community Financial Assistance, P.O. Box 7921, Madison, WI 53707 no later than March 26, 2004. Written comments will have the same weight and effect as oral statements presented at the hearing. A copy of the proposed rule and fiscal estimate may be obtained from Mr. Freidig.
Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
227.114, Stats., it is not anticipated that the proposed rule will have an economic impact on small businesses.
Environmental Analysis
NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN that the Department has made a preliminary determination that this action does not involve significant adverse environmental effects and does not need an environmental analysis under ch.
NR 150, Wis. Adm. Code. However, based on the comments received, the Department may prepare an environmental analysis before proceeding with the proposal. This environmental review document would summarize the Department's consideration of the impacts of the proposal and reasonable alternatives.
Fiscal Estimate
There is no fiscal impact for these rules.
Notice of Hearings
Natural Resources
(Environmental Protection-General,
NR 100—)
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to ss.
292.75 and
227.11 (2) (a), Stats., interpreting s.
292.75, Stats., the Department of Natural Resources will hold a public hearing on revisions to ch.
NR 168, Wis. Adm. Code, relating to the administration of the brownfield site assessment grant program.
Analysis Prepared by Dept. of Natural Resources
Since ch.
NR 168 was promulgated in 2000, four rounds of grants have been issued. The proposed rule modifies ch.
NR 168 with technical clarifications so that the rule language is consistent with statutory changes made after the rule took effect. The changes are meant to clarify grant guidelines and to address issues not considered during the initial draft of the rule. Other changes proposed are to revise the application scoring process so that more points are given to sites that are greater environmental and community priorities, with less emphasis on the financial contribution of the applicant.
NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN that the hearing will be held on:
March 16, 2004
9:00 a.m.
Video conference participation will be available at:
Room 227
UW-Madison Pyle Center
702 Langdon Street
Room 98, State Office Building
819 N. 6th Street
Room 618, State Office Building
200 N. Jefferson Street
Green Bay
Room 139, State Office Building
718 W. Clairemont Avenue
Eau Claire
NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN that pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, reasonable accommodations, including the provision of informational material in an alternative format, will be provided for qualified individuals with disabilities upon request. Please call Michael Prager at (608) 261-4927 with specific information on your request at least 10 days before the date of the scheduled hearing.
Copies of Rule and Contact Person
Written comments on the proposed rule may be submitted to Mr. Michael Prager, Bureau of Remediation and Redevelopment, P.O. Box 7921, Madison, WI 53707 or faxed to (608) 267-7646 no later than March 26, 2004. Written comments will have the same weight and effect as oral statements presented at the hearing. A copy of the proposed rule and fiscal estimate may be obtained from Mr. Prager.
Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
227.114, Stats., it is not anticipated that the proposed rule will have an economic impact on small businesses.
Environmental Analysis
NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN that the Department has made a preliminary determination that this action does not involve significant adverse environmental effects and does not need an environmental analysis under ch.
NR 150, Wis. Adm. Code. However, based on the comments received, the Department may prepare an environmental analysis before proceeding with the proposal. This environmental review document would summarize the Department's consideration of the impacts of the proposal and reasonable alternatives.
Fiscal Estimate
None anticipated.
Notice of Hearing
Psychology Examining Board
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to authority vested in the Psychology Examining Board in ss.
15.08 (5) (b),
227.11 (2), and
455.08, Stats., and interpreting ss.
455.08 and
455.09, Stats., the Psychology Examining Board will hold a public hearing at the time and place indicated below to consider an order to repeal s.
Psy 2.09 (5); to amend sections ss.
Psy 1.02 (3),
2.09 (1) (i),
4.02 (2) (intro.) and
(c); and to create ss.
Psy 1.02 (9) and
5.01 (14) (d), relating to the definitions of client and psychological treatment, degree requirements, interim determination of degree requirements met, continuing education courses and professional conduct.
Hearing Date, Time and Location
Date: March 17, 2004
Time: 9:30 A.M.
Location: 1400 East Washington Avenue
Room 179A
Madison, Wisconsin
Appearances at the Hearing
Interested persons are invited to present information at the hearing. Persons appearing may make an oral presentation but are urged to submit facts, opinions and argument in writing as well. Facts, opinions and argument may also be submitted in writing without a personal appearance by mail addressed to the Department of Regulation and Licensing, Office of Administrative Rules, P.O. Box 8935, Madison, Wisconsin 53708. Written comments must be received by March 29, 2004, to be included in the record of rule-making proceedings.
Proposed Order
Analysis prepared by the Department of Regulation and Licensing.
The minor changes treated by the rules herein concern qualifications for licensure, the scope of professional practice, continuing education and professional conduct. The Psychology Examining Board may promulgate these rules under s.
455.08, Stats., “The examining board shall adopt such rules as are necessary under this chapter and shall, by rule, establish a reasonable code of ethics governing the professional conduct of psychologists
…" Section
455.09, Stats., also charges the board with protecting the safety and welfare of the citizens from unprofessional conduct. Section
455.065, Stats. requires that the board promulgate rules for continuing education. Illinois, Iowa, Michigan and Minnesota have extensive rules concerning licensure requirements; Iowa and Minnesota have rules concerning scope of practice and professional conduct. The proposed rules make minor changes to the present rules, move some statements to more natural places in the present rules, make explicit present policy, and make clarifications. Only minor substantive changes are made to present procedures. No significant fiscal effect on small businesses is anticipated.
SECTION 1. removes a reference to students as clients of psychologists. The language was added to the rule recently but it caused unforeseen problems of interpretation. The purpose of the removed language is now served by the creation of Psy 5.01 (14) in Section 6, which prohibits sexual contact, etc., with students.
SECTION 2. adds explicit language to the administrative rules an interpretation regarding hypnosis and the practice of psychology that has long been followed by the Examining Board.
SECTION 3. creates language to clarify the meaning of the phrase "full-time residence," and adds instruction concerning multi-cultural differences to the substantive content area of “individual differences."
SECTION 4. removes a provision that the Examining Board will provide an interim determination to licensure candidates prior to completion of all requirements.
SECTION 5. removes the phrase "at the post-licensure level" from the section describing acceptable continuing education programs. The language was added to the rule recently but it proved to be unclear and misleading.
SECTION 6. creates a prohibition against sexual contact, etc. between psychologists and persons whom they are teaching, supervising or instructing.
SECTION 1. Psy 1.02 (3) is amended to read:
Psy 1.02 (3) "Client" means the individual, group, business, agency, school, organization, or association for whom the licensee of the board provides professional services for which the licensee is usually and customarily compensated. When teaching services are provided, the term "client" includes students. The term "client" includes the term and concept of "patient."
SECTION 2. Psy 1.02 (9) is created to read:
Psy 1.02 (9) “Psychological treatment" includes hypnosis used for therapeutic purposes other than smoking cessation or weight control.
SECTION 3. Psy 2.09 (1) (i) is amended to read: