Rules published with this register and final regulatory flexibility analyses
The following administrative rule orders have been adopted and published in the December 31, 2004, Wisconsin Administrative Register. Copies of these rules are sent to subscribers of the complete Wisconsin Administrative Code and also to the subscribers of the specific affected Code.
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Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection
(CR 04-039)
An order affecting ch. ATCP 34, relating to the “Clean Sweep" Program. Effective 1-1-05.
Summary of Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
This rule consolidates the agricultural “clean sweep" program under s. 93.55, Stats., and the urban “clean sweep" program under s. 93.57, Stats. Under these programs, the Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection provides grants to counties and municipalities to conduct “clean sweep" projects to collect and safely dispose of chemical wastes. Participation is voluntary. This rule establishes standards and procedures for the consolidated “clean sweep" program.
Small Businesses Affected By this Rule
This rule will have a positive impact on farmers, many of whom are “small businesses. This rule will also have a positive impact on businesses that qualify as “very small quantity generators" of waste pesticides. “Very small quantity generators" are defined, under the federal Resource and Conservation Recovery Act (RCRA) as entities that generate no more than 220 pounds of hazardous wastes per month and who accumulate no more than 2,205 pounds per year. This may include businesses such as lawn care companies, structural and aerial pesticide applicators, golf courses, agricultural chemical dealers, hardware stores, discount stores, marinas, schools, parks, cemeteries, and construction companies. Many of these businesses are “small businesses."
Effects on Small Business
The “clean sweep" program helps participants, including small businesses, dispose of waste chemicals at little or no cost. Individuals may dispose of household hazardous wastes, typically at no charge. Farmers may deliver up to 200 lbs. of farm chemical waste without charge (local governments may impose a charge for larger amounts). Businesses that deliver pesticide wastes must pay a portion of the collection and disposal costs (participation is voluntary, and available to businesses that qualify as “very small quantity generators" of pesticides).
The safe removal of chemical waste from farm and business locations will reduce health and environmental hazards and related financial liability for small businesses. This rule will impose no additional costs on small business, will add no new reporting or record keeping requirements, and will have no adverse impacts on small business.
This rule will have no adverse impact on small businesses, and will have a significant positive impact on many small businesses.
Summary of Comments by Legislative Review Committees
On August 30, 2004, DATCP transmitted the above rule for legislative committee review. The rule was assigned tot he Senate Committee on Agriculture, Environmental Resources and Campaign Finance Reform and to the Assembly Committee on Agriculture. Neither the Assembly Committee on Agriculture nor the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Environmental Resources and Campaign Finance Reform took any action on the rule during the review period.
(CR 04-016)
An order affecting chs. Comm 61 to 65, relating to construction of public buildings and places of employment. Effective 1-1-05.
Summary of Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
Sections 101.02 (1) and (15) and 101.973 (1) of the Wisconsin Statutes authorize the Department to promulgate rules prescribing minimum construction and operation standards for public buildings and places of employment, including multifamily dwellings. The rules in Clearinghouse Rule No. 04-016 are minimum requirements to meet the directive of the Statutes, and any exceptions from compliance for small businesses would be contrary to the statutory objectives which are the basis for the rules.
Summary of Comments by Legislative Review Committees
No comments were received.
(CR 04-043)
An order affecting chs. Comm 62 and 70, relating to historic and existing buildings. Effective 1-1-05.
Summary of Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
Section 101.121, Stats., directs the Department to promulgate alternative construction standards for the restoration of or alterations to qualified historic buildings. When an owner of a qualified historic building does alteration or renovation work, the requirements under Comm 70 will provide alternatives to strict compliance with various requirements under the Wisconsin Commercial Building Code, chapters Comm 61 to 65 without affecting the overall life safety of a qualified historic building.
The proposed rules of Clearinghouse Rule #04-043 provide alternatives to meet the directives of the Statutes and any exceptions from compliance for small businesses would be contrary to the Statutory objective, which is the basis of the rules.
Summary of Comments by Legislative Review Committees
No comments were received.
(CR 04-070)
An order affecting ch. Comm 14, relating to administrative expenses and substantial compliance in the fire dues program. Effective 1-1-05.
Summary of Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
Under sections 101.14, 101.141, 101.573, and 101.575 of the Wisconsin statutes, the Department protects public health, safety, and welfare by promulgating rules for and administering fire inspection and prevention programs. Those programs include a Fire Dues program which is funded by fees from insurance companies, and which provides annual funding to cities, villages, and towns for performing fire inspection and prevention services. Under sections 101.573 (5) and 101.575 (4) (a) 1. and 2. of the statutes, as established in 2003 Wisconsin Act 219, the Department is required to promulgate rules that define “administrative expenses" for the purposes of fire prevention and Fire Dues administration, and that define “substantial compliance" for determining whether a municipality is eligible for funding from the Fire Dues program. The proposed rules of Clearinghouse Rule Number 04-070 are minimum requirements to meet the directive of the statutes, and any exceptions from compliance for small businesses would be contrary to the statutory objectives that are the basis for the rules.
Summary of Comments by Legislative Review Committees
No comments were received.
Financial Institutions - Banking
(CR 04-089)
An order creating ch. DFI-Bkg 46, relating to responsible high cost mortgage lending. Effective 2-1-05.
Summary of Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
This proposed rule will have no adverse impact on small businesses.
Summary of Comments by Legislative Review Committees
No comments were received.
Financial Institutions—Securities
(CR 04-074)
An order affecting chs. DFI-Sec 1 and 5, relating to Wisconsin securities law licensing requirements for investment advisers having custody of customer funds or securities. Effective 1-1-05.
Summary of Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
No final regulatory flexibility analysis is included on the basis that because the proposed rules are revisions/amendments to existing Wisconsin Securities Law regulatory requirements applicable solely to Wisconsin-licensed investment advisers having custody of customer assets--which requirements those licensees should already be in compliance with--the Division of Securities has determined, after complying with s. 227.016 (1) to (5), Stats., that the rules will not have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small businesses.
Summary of Comments by Legislative Review Committees
No comments were received.
Health and Family Services
(CR 03-052)
An order affecting chs. HFS 45 and 46, relating to family and group child care centers and affecting small businesses. Effective 3-1-05.
Summary of Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
The revision of HFS 45 will affect family child care centers licensed to care for up to 8 children. The revisions to HFS 46 will affect group child care centers licensed to care for 9 or more children. As of June 2003 there were 3,111 licensed family child care centers and 2, 399 licensed group child care centers. All of the programs affected by the proposed changes were notified by mail of the dates, times and locations of scheduled public hearings as well as instructions on how to obtain a copy of the proposed revisions and the procedure to make oral or written comments regarding the revisions.
The rule revisions will bring HFS 45 into alignment with HFS 46 and reflect current best practices in early childhood education and care. The rules allow individual programs to request an exception to any given provision provided an alternative plan for protecting the health, safety and welfare of children in care is also included with the request. These exception requests are evaluated and approved on an individual basis. The rules also expand the list of items that must be reported to the Department within a specified time frame. The reports required in the rule revision are a means by which the Department obtains information about situations occurring at a child care center or that affect children enrolled at a center which have the potential to affect the health, safety or welfare of the children enrolled in the program. These new reporting requirements are being proposed for the purpose of protecting the children in care. Therefore, the Department has not proposed specific exemptions from these reporting requirements.
Summary of Comments by Legislative Review Committees
The Senate Committee on Health, Children, Families, Aging and Long-Term Care (Senate Committee) held a public hearing on August 26, 2004 to discuss constituent concerns about the proposed rules. On September 3, 2004, September 17, 2004, and October 1, 2004, the Department submitted germane modifications to the Senate Committee and the Assembly Committee on Children and Families (Assembly Committee) to address those concerns. The Senate Committee and the Assembly Committee accepted the germane modifications without comment.
Health and Family Services
(CR 04-040)
An order affecting chs. HFS 10, 13, 52, 55, 57, 59, 83, 124, 131, 134, 136, 181 and 252, relating to family care; reporting and investigation of caregiver misconduct; residential care centers for children and youth, child-placing agencies, day camps for children and day care programs established by school boards; group foster care; shelter care for children; community-based residential care facilities; patient rights and resolution of grievances; hospitals; hospices; embalming standards; reporting blood test results; and electronic benefits transfer. Part Effective 1-1-05.
Summary of Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
Some of the rules contained in the order affect small businesses; however, the proposed revisions to these rules are minor or technical and have little to no substantive effect on those regulated by these rules.
Summary of Comments by Legislative Review Committees
No comments were received.
Health and Family Services
(CR 04-055)
An order creating ch. HFS 118, relating to Wisconsin's statewide trauma care system. Effective 1-1-05.
Summary of Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
This chapter will primarily affect Wisconsin hospitals, rural medical centers and ambulance service providers. Based on fiscal year 2002 data, three hospitals had annual revenues under $5 million. There are currently 456 ambulance service providers in Wisconsin. The Department does not have annual revenue data for ambulance service providers. However, the Department presumes that most, if not all, ambulance service providers have annual revenues under $5 million.
Under these proposed HFS 118 rules, the Department would require all ambulance service providers to affiliate and participate with a Regional Trauma Advisory Council (RTAC). The purpose of such affiliation is to participate in their region's trauma care system. The proposed rules require ambulance service providers to state their RTAC affiliation choice in the ambulance service provider's operational plan. Under chapter HFS 110, ambulance service providers already must submit operational plans to the Department. The Department collects operational plans to ensure the appropriate operation of ambulance services. There will be no additional cost to fulfill this obligation.
Summary of Comments by Legislative Review Committees
No comments were received.
(CR 04-071)
An order affecting chs. Ins 2 and 50, relating to prescribing mortality tables and actuarial opinions, analysis and reports. Effective 1-1-05 and 12-31-05.
Summary of Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
The Office of the Commissioner of Insurance has determined that this rule will not have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small businesses and therefore a final regulatory flexibility analysis is not required.
Summary of Comments by Legislative Review Committees
The legislative standing committees had no comments on this rule.
(CR 04-079)
An order affecting ch. Ins 18, relating to annual adjustment to the minimum necessary cost or payment to access independent review under a health benefit plan. Effective 1-1-05.
Summary of Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
The Office of the Commissioner of Insurance has determined that this rule will not have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small businesses and therefore a final regulatory flexibility analysis is not required.
Summary of Comments by Legislative Review Committees
Links to Admin. Code and Statutes in this Register are to current versions, which may not be the version that was referred to in the original published document.