Section Tax 1.12, relating to electronic funds transfer.
Policy Analysis
Objective of the rule. The objective of the proposed rule is to create a provision specifying that withholding payments by an employer of the delinquent tax of an employee under s. 71.91 (7), Stats., are required to be made by electronic funds transfer (EFT).
A new policy is being proposed, whereby the department may require that certain payments be made by electronic funds transfer (EFT), as authorized under s. 73.029, Stats.
If the rules are not changed, they will not reflect proposed department policy.
Comparison with Federal Regulations
The department is not aware of any existing or proposed federal regulation that is intended to address the activities to be regulated by the rule.
Entities Affected by the Rule
Employers that withhold delinquent tax of employees under s. 71.91 (7), Stats.
Statutory Authority
Section 227.11 (2) (a), Stats.
Staff Time Required
The department estimates it will take approximately 100 hours to develop this rule order
University of Wisconsin System
Clarification and restructuring of Board of Regents rules relating to conduct on university lands and student non-academic disciplinary procedures.
Objective of the rule. The objective of the proposed rule-making is to reorganize, update and clarify Board of Regents rules governing traffic, parking, and conduct on land under control of the Board of Regents, currently codified in ch. UWS 18, Wis. Adm. Code; and to update and clarify the scope of conduct subject to Board of Regents rules on student non-academic misconduct, currently codified in ch. UWS 17, Wis. Adm. Code, as well as applicable disciplinary sanctions for such misconduct, and hearings and appeals regarding such disciplinary sanctions.
Policy Analysis
Ch. UWS 17, Wis. Adm. Code: Chs. UWS 14 and 17, Wis. Adm. Code, establish standards of conduct for students of UW System institutions, with ch. UWS 14 addressing academic misconduct, and ch. UWS 17 addressing non-academic misconduct. Both chapters are updated periodically. As a result of a recent review of ch. UWS 17, the Board is considering changes in the rules to address issues on campuses and in the broader university community that have arisen since the rules were last revised in May 1996. Specifically, increased use of electronic communications on campus has expanded the scope of behavior such as hacking, identity theft, and email harassment that may constitute non-academic misconduct, but which is not adequately described in the current rule. The availability of electronic communications also may improve and streamline notice and communication during the disciplinary process by allowing certain notifications to occur electronically rather than by personal delivery or first-class mail as currently provided. In addition, it is also desirable to clarify at this time certain terms in the provisions relating to disciplinary sanctions for non-academic misconduct, including situations in which the misconduct occurs away from the campus, and to hearings and appeals of disciplinary sanctions.
Ch. UWS 18, Wis. Adm. Code: Ch. UWS 18 addresses operation of motor vehicles, parking, and other conduct on land under the control of the Board of Regents. The Board proposes several amendments to better organize the chapter, and to clarify the scope of prohibitions related to particular kinds of conduct on campus such as operating motor vehicles, parking, dumping, bicycle riding, selling and soliciting goods and services, smoking, using sound-amplifying equipment, and using computers. Prohibitions on certain types of conduct will be grouped according to categories that will make the rule easier to read and understand.
Comparison with Federal Regulations
Not applicable.
Entities Affected by the Rule
This rule will affect students and staff of University of Wisconsin System institutions, as well as university guests, visitors, and members of the public who enter a campus of the University of Wisconsin System for the purpose of conducting business, participating in university-sponsored activities, or for other reasons.
Statutory Authority
Sections 36.09 (1), 36.11 (1) and (2), and 36.35, Wis. Stats.
Staff Time Required
The Board estimates that it will take approximately 30 hours of staff time to develop the proposed rule, and 20 hours to finalize the rule following public hearing.
Links to Admin. Code and Statutes in this Register are to current versions, which may not be the version that was referred to in the original published document.