An order affecting ch.
ATCP 156, relating to seed potato certification and grading.
Effective 5-1-07.
An order affecting ch.
Med 1, relating to the requirements for completion of the 3-step sequence of the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE).
Effective 5-1-07.
An order affecting chs.
NR 127 and
160, relating to the Safe Drinking Water Loan Program.
Effective 6-1-07.
An order affecting ch.
NR 520, relating to balances in the Waste Management Program Revenue Account.
Effective 6-1-07.
An order affecting chs.
NR 10 and
45, relating to correcting management unit boundaries, clarifying trapping requirements, correcting cross-references, and update rules on the identification of tree stands on state lands.
Effective 7-1-07.
An order affecting chs.
NR 406,
407, and
410, relating to air pollution permit exemptions and air pollution permit exemption fees and affecting small business.
Effective 6-1-07.
An order affecting chs.
NR 406 and
410, relating to construction permit waivers and affecting small business.
Effective 6-1-07.
Occupational Therapists Affiliated Credentialing Board
CR 06-115)
An order affecting ch.
OT 3, relating to continuing education waivers.
Effective 6-1-07.
An order affecting chs.
Opt 1 and
3 to
7, relating to examinations, endorsement, delegation, TPA/DPA, renewal and continuing education relating to optometrists.
Effective 6-1-07.
An order affecting ch.
Trans 102, relating to proof of identity.
Effective 5-1-07.
An order affecting ch.
DWD 277, relating to notice to home care consumers and workers.
Effective 5-1-07.