Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection:
Rules relating to credit report security freezes.
Financial Resources for Businesses and Communities, Chs. Comm 104-131 Rules relating to tax credits and exemptions for internet equipment used in the broadband market. |
Dentistry Examining Board:
Rules relating to the different levels of anesthesia, including nitrous oxide, anxiolysis, conscious sedation-enteral, conscious sedation-parenteral, deep sedation, and general anesthesia, and the requirements for each level.
Health and Family Services:
Community Services, Chs. HFS 30— Rules relating to the adoption of children to include preadoption training requirements that will apply to private adoptions, international adoption, and adoptions of children with special needs and affecting small businesses. |
Rules relating to underinsured and uninsured motorist coverage in umbrella and commercial policies.
Natural Resources:
Fish and Game, etc., Chs. NR 1— Rules relating to contracting for timber sale establishment services on state land. |
Rules relating to declaring natural emergencies on forested lands owned by the state and under the jurisdiction of the department.
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Rules affecting chs. NR 19 and 20, relating to the control of fish diseases and invasive species. [First Appearance]
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Optometry Examining Board:
Rules relating to continuing education.
Regulation and Licensing:
Rules relating to substance abuse professionals.
Rules relating to allowing the operation of certain 2-vehicle combinations on certain highways without a permit.
Workforce Development:
Workforce Solutions, Chs. DWD 11 to 59 Rules relating to child care rates. |
Rules relating to child care enrollment underutilization.
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Public Works Construction, Chs. DWD 290-294 Rules relating to the adjustment of thresholds for application of prevailing wage rates. |
Employee Trust Funds:
Rules affecting ch. ETF 40, relating to continued group health insurance coverage of an insured dependent after the death of the insured employee or annuitant.
Health and Family Services:
Rules affecting ch. HFS 56, relating to foster parents.
Rules affecting ch. HFS 119, relating to repealing HIRSP rules.
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Natural Resources:
Rules affecting ch. NR 50, relating to specifications for bridge design and the length of easements relating to bridge abutments and a corresponding modification to ch. NR 64 (all-terrain vehicle program) regarding the bridge design specifications.
Rules affecting chs. NR 404 and 484, relating to National Ambient Air Quality Standards.
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Occupational Therapists Affiliated Credentialing Board:
Rules affecting ch. OT 4, relating to occupational therapist supervision of occupational therapy assistants.
Pharmacy Examining Board:
Rules relating to prescription drug labels.
Workforce Development:
Rules affecting ch. DWD 12, relating to Wisconsin Works.
Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection:
Rules affecting chs. ATCP 60, 69, 70, 71, 75, 77, 80, 81, 82 and 85, relating to food and dairy license and reinspection fees.
Rules affecting ch. Comm 47, relating to usual and customary cost schedule for Petroleum Environmental cleanup Fund awards.
Natural Resources:
Rules affecting chs. NR 10, 12 and 16, relating to hunting nuissance wild animal removal and captive wildlife.
Rules affecting ch. NR 140, relating to groundwater quality standards for Alachlor-ESA.
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Rules affecting chs. NR 440 and 446, relating to adoption of federal emission standard for mercury and additional mercury emission reductions.
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Regulation and Licensing:
Rules affecting ch. RL 160, relating to substances abuse professionals.
Rules affecting ch. Tax 8, relating to reciprocal interstate shipments of wine.
Workforce Development:
Rules affecting ch. DWD 123, relating to unemployment insurance benefit reports filed by employers.
Rules affecting ch. DWD 130, relating to wages for unemployment insurance benefit purposes.
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Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection:
Hearings to consider rules affecting chs. ATCP 60, 69, 70, 71, 75, 77, 80 to 82 and 85, relating to food and dairy license and reinspection fees.
Natural Resources:
Fish, Game, etc., Chs. NR 1 Hearings to consider rules relating to chs. NR 10, 12 and 16, relating to hunting, nuisance wild animal removal and captive wildlife. |
Hearings to consider emergency rules relating to chs. NR 19 and 20, pertaining to control of fish diseases and invasive species.
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Environmental Protection, Chs. NR 100 Hearing to consider rules relating to ch. NR 140, relating groundwater quality standards for Alachlor-ESA. | |
Environmental Protection - Air, Chs. NR 400— Hearings to consider rules relating to chs. NR 440 and 446, relating to the establishment of provisions for major electric generating units in Wisconsin to comply with the Clean Air Mercury Rule promulgated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). | |
Regulation and Licensing:
Hearing to consider rules creating chs. RL 164, 161, 162, 163, 166, 167 and 168, relating to substance abuse professionals.
Workforce Development:
Unemployment Insurance, Chs. DWD 100-150 Hearing to consider rules relating to unemployment insurance benefit reports filed by employers and affecting small businesses. |
Unemployment Insurance, Chs. DWD 100-150 Hearing to consider rules relating to wages for unemployment insurance benefit purposes. | |
Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection:
CR 06-130 - Ch. ATCP 112, relating to credit report security freezes.
Natural Resources:
CR 06-136 - Ch. ATCP 30, relating to soil fumigant pesticides.
CR 06-121 - Ch. NR 820, relating to the annual reporting of groundwater pumping information from high capacity wells, designation of groundwater management areas, environmental review of high capacity well applications for impacts on groundwater protection areas and springs and evaluation of wells with greater than 95% water loss.
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CR 06-132 - Ch. NR 5, relating to mandatory boating education program, temporary certifications and course fees.
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CR 06-133 - Ch. NR 5, relating to registration of boats used exclusively to make advertisements and creating definitions.
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CR 06-134 - Ch. NR 19, relating to establishing specialized fees for internet based ATV and snowmobile safety certification programs.
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Public Service Commission:
CR 06-139 - Ch. PSC 137, relating to energy efficiency programs and renewable resources programs.
CR 06-099 - Ch. Trans 112, relating to medical standards for driver licensing and general standards for school bus endorsements.
Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection:
CR 05-013 - An order affecting ch. ATCP 50, relating to agricultural nutrient management.
CR 06-113 - An order affecting ch. Comm 104, relating to Woman-Owned Business Certification Program.
Public Instruction:
CR 06-094 - An order affecting ch. PI 40, relating to the youth options program.
CR 06-098 - An order affecting ch. PI 30, relating to grants for high cost special education.
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Public Service Commission:
CR 06-112 - An order affecting ch. PSC 118, relating to a renewable resource credit tracking program.
University of Wisconsin System:
CR 06-078 - An order affecting chs. UWS 2, 4, 7 and 11, relating to procedures for dismissal of academic staff in special cases.
Executive orders:
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