Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection:
Rules relating to credit report security freezes.
Rules relating to voluntary certification of firewood dealers.
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Licenses, Certifications, etc., Ch. Comm 5 Rules adopted revising ch. Comm 5, relating to licensing of elevator contractors and installers. [First Appearance] |
Financial Resources for Businesses and Communities, Chs. Comm 104-131 Rules relating to tax credits and exemptions for internet equipment used in the broadband market. | |
Elections Board:
Rules relating to pricing of voter information available from the Statewide Voter Registration System.
Health and Family Services:
Community Services, Chs. HFS 30— Rules relating to the adoption of children to include preadoption training requirements that will apply to private adoptions, international adoption, and adoptions of children with special needs and affecting small businesses. |
Medical Assistance, Chs. HFS 100— Rules relating to benefits covered by the Wis. Medical Assistance program, and affecting small businesses. | |
Natural Resources:
Fish and Game, etc., Chs. NR 1— Rules relating to contracting for timber sale establishment services on state land. |
Rules relating to declaring natural emergencies on forested lands owned by the state and under the jurisdiction of the department.
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Rules relating to the control of fish diseases and invasive species.
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Rules relating to the control of fish diseases and invasive species.
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Rules adopted revising chs. NR 19 and 20 relating to control of fish diseases and invasive species. [First Appearance]
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Rules relating to allowing the operation of certain 2-vehicle combinations on certain highways without a permit.
Workforce Development:
Workforce Solutions, Chs. DWD 11 to 59 Rules relating to child care rates. |
Rules relating to child care enrollment underutilization.
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Public Works Construction, Chs. DWD 290-294 Rules relating to the adjustment of thresholds for application of prevailing wage rates. |
Cemetery Board:
Rules relating to the regulation of cemetery authorities, cemetery salespersons, and cemetery preneed sellers.
Funeral Directors Examining Board:
Rules relating to continuing education requirements.
Health and Family Services:
Rules repealing ch. HFS 119, relating to the Health Insurance Risk-Sharing Plan.
Marriage and Family Therapy, Professional Counseling and Social Work Examining Board:
Rules relating to training licenses for professional counselors.
Rules relating to training licenses for marriage and family therapists.
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Natural Resources:
Rules affecting chs. NR 400, 406, 407, 410 and 439, relating to construction permits, stock test requirements and affecting small business.
Rules affecting chs. NR 460, 466 and 484, relating to national emission standards for hazardous air pollutants for paper and other web surface coating processes.
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Rules affecting ch. Trans 28, relating to the Harbor Assistance Program.
Veterinary Examining Board:
Rules relating to continuing education, informed consent and recordkeeping.
Workforce Development:
Rules affecting ch. DWD 128, relating to unemployment insurance rules for determining a claimant's ability and availability for work and affecting small businesses.
Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection:
Hearing to consider emergency rule affecting ch. ATCP 21, relating to voluntary certification of firewood dealers.
Hearing to consider emergency rules affecting ch. Comm 5, relating to the licensing of elevator contractors and installers.
Health and Family Services:
Notice of proposed rulemaking affecting ch. HFS 119, relating to the Health Insurance Risk-Sharing Plan.
Hearing to consider rules affecting ch. Tax 8, relating to reciprocal interstate shipments of wine.
Hearing to consider rules affecting ch. Trans 28, relating to the harbor assistance program.
Workforce Development:
Hearing to consider rules affecting ch. DWD 128, relating to unemployment insurance rules for determining a claimant's ability and availability for work and affecting small businesses.
CR 06-032 — Ch. Comm 47, relating to usual and customary cost schedule for petroleum environmental cleanup fund awards.
Elections Board:
CR 06-137 - Ch. ElBd 3, relating to election-day voter registration.
Natural Resources:
CR 06-105 - Ch. NR 22, relating to fishing on the boundary waters of Wisconsin and Iowa.
CR 07-016 - Chs. NR 428 and 484, relating to implementation of RACT NOx emission limitations.
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CR 06-135 - Ch. Trans 138, relating to dealer facilities, records and licenses.
CR 06-119 — Affecting ch. Comm 2 and others, relating to plan review processing times.
Elections Board:
CR 05-093 - Creating ch. ELBD 11, relating to the training and certification of election inspectors.
CR 06-117 - Affecting ch. Ins 6, relating to underinsured and uninsured motorist coverage.
CR 06-099 - Affecting ch. Trans 112, relating to medical standards for driver licensing and general standards for school bus endorsements.
CR 06-129 - Affecting ch. Trans 276, relating to allowing certain 2-vehicle combinations on certain highways without a permit.