Wisconsin Administrative Register No. 650
Table of Contents
Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection:
Children and Families:
Earned Release Review Commission:
(Formerly Parole Commission)
Employee Trust Funds:
Health Services:
Natural Resources:
Public Defender Board:
Public Instruction:
Public Service Commission:
Regulation and Licensing:
Veterans Affairs:
Workforce Development:
Natural Resources:
Environmental Protection — Air Pollution Control,
Chs. NR 400—

Revises Chs. NR 406, 407, 410, 438, and 445, relating to management practices to control emissions of hazardous air contaminants from agricultural waste.
Fee Schedule, Ch. Comm 2
Boilers and Pressure Vessels, Ch. Comm 41
Mechanical Refrigeration, Ch. Comm 45

Revises Chs. Comm 2, 41 and 45, relating to mechanical refrigeration. CR 10-011
Financial Resources for Businesses and Communities,
Chs. Comm 104—

Revises Ch. Comm 134, relating to meat processing facility investment credits. CR 10-007
Financial Institutions — Credit Unions:
Office of Justice Assistance:
Fee Schedule, Ch. Comm 2
Boilers and Pressure Vessels, Ch. Comm 41
Mechanical Refrigeration, Ch. Comm 45

Hearing to consider rules to revise Chs. Comm 2, 41 and 45, relating to mechanical refrigeration. CR 10-011
Hearing to consider rules to revise Ch. Comm 132, relating to dairy manufacturing facility investment credits.
CR 10-008
Financial Institutions — Credit Unions:
Natural Resources:
(2nd Revision)
Veterans Affairs:
Architects, Landscape Architects, Professional Engineers, Designers and Land Surveyors Examining Board:
Financial Resources for Businesses and Communities,
Chs. Comm 104—
Creates Ch. Comm 100, relating to the Economic Development Tax Credit. CR 09-063
Employee Trust Funds:
Revises s. ETF 11.11, relating to legal counsel advising the boards that are attached to the department while a board considers a final decision pertaining to an appeal.
CR 09-047
Health Services:
Health, Chs. DHS 110—
Revises Ch. DHS 157, relating to radiation protection.
CR 09-062
Natural Resources:
Fish, Game, etc., Chs. NR 1—
Creates Ch. NR 52, relating to stewardship land access.
CR 09-077
Fee Schedule, Ch. Comm 2
Licenses, Certifications and Registrations, Ch. Comm 5

Revises Chs. Comm 2 and 5, relating to fees charged by the Safety and Buildings Division. CR 09-046
Links to Admin. Code and Statutes in this Register are to current versions, which may not be the version that was referred to in the original published document.