Public Service Commission
emergency_rules EmR0919 EmR0919 — Rule adopted to create Chapter PSC 172, relating to the police and fire protection fee created under 2009 Wisconsin Act 28.
Finding of Emergency
The Commission finds that an emergency exists and that an emergency rule is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, safety, or welfare. The police and fire protection fee, which must go into effect September 1, 2009, (2009 Wisconsin Act 28 section 9441) will be used to replace shared revenue payments for such services. To ensure the public peace, health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Wisconsin, it is vital for funding of police and fire protection services to continue smoothly, quickly, and unimpeded. Thus, it is necessary for the rule administering the fee to be implemented as soon as possible.
Publication Date:   September 11, 2009
Effective Dates:   September 11, 2009
  through February 7, 2010
Extension Through:   April 18, 2010
Hearing Date:   December 2, 2009
Regulation and Licensing (2)
emergency_rules EmR0827 1.   EmR0827 — Rule adopted creating s. RL 91.01 (3) (k), relating to training and proficiency in the use of automated external defibrillators for certification as a massage therapist or bodyworker.
Exemption From Finding of Emergency
Section 41 (2) (b) of the nonstatutory provisions of 2007 Wisconsin Act 104 provides that notwithstanding section 227.24 (1) (a) and (3) of the statutes, the department of regulation and licensing is not required to provide evidence that promulgating a rule as an emergency rule is necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, safety, or welfare and is not required to provide a finding of emergency for a rule promulgated to implement 2007 Wisconsin Act 104. Notwithstanding s. 227.24 (1) (c) and (2) of the statutes, these emergency rules will remain in effect until the date on which the final rules take effect.
Publication Date:   September 10, 2008
Effective Dates:   September 10, 2008
  through the date on which
  the final rules take effect
Hearing Dates:   November 26, 2008
  April 13, 2009
emergency_rules EmR0828 2.   EmR0828 — Rules adopted to amend s. RL 181.01 (2) (c); and to create ss. RL 180.02 (1m), (3m) and (11), 181.01 (1) (d), (2) (c) 1. and 2., relating to training and proficiency in the use of automated external defibrillators for licensure as a licensed midwife.
Exemption From Finding of Emergency
Section 41 (2) (b) of the nonstatutory provisions of 2007 Wisconsin Act 104 provides that notwithstanding section 227.24 (1) (a) and (3) of the statutes, the department of regulation and licensing is not required to provide evidence that promulgating a rule as an emergency rule is necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, safety, or welfare and is not required to provide a finding of emergency for a rule promulgated to implement 2007 Wisconsin Act 104. Notwithstanding s. 227.24 (1) (c) and (2) of the statutes, these emergency rules will remain in effect until the date on which the final rules take effect.
Publication Date:   September 10, 2008
Effective Dates:   September 10, 2008
  through the date on which
  the final rules take effect
Hearing Date:   November 26, 2008
Revenue (6)
emergency_rules EmR0924 1.   EmR0924 — Rule adopted revising Chapter Tax 11, relating to sale and use tax.
Finding of Emergency
The Department of Revenue finds that an emergency exists and that an emergency rule is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, safety or welfare. A statement of the facts constituting the emergency is:
The changes made by the emergency rule must be effective October 1, 2009, to be in conformity with the Streamlined Sales and Use Tax Agreement. In order to meet this deadline, it is necessary to promulgate this rule as an emergency rule.
Publication Date:   September 30, 2009
Effective Dates:   October 1, 2009 through
  February 27, 2010
Extension Through:   April 28, 2010
Hearing Dates:   December 1 and 15, 2009
emergency_rules EmR0929 2.   EmR0929 — Rule adopted to create sections Tax 2.85 and 11.90, relating to failure to produce records.
Finding of Emergency
The Department of Revenue finds that an emergency exists and that an emergency rule is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, safety or welfare. A statement of the facts constituting the emergency is:
The emergency rule is to reflect changes in Wisconsin's tax laws due to the adoption of penalties for failure to produce records.
It is necessary to promulgate this rule order to provide guidance so that the penalties can be administered in a fair and consistent manner.
Publication Date:   October 19, 2009
Effective Dates:   October 19, 2009 through
  March 17, 2010
Extension Through:   May 16, 2010
Hearing Dates:   December 10 and 21, 2009
emergency_rules EmR0935 3.   EmR0935 — Rule adopted to create section Tax 1.16, relating to the financial record matching program.
Finding of Emergency
The Department of Revenue finds that an emergency exists and that an emergency rule is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, safety or welfare. A statement of the facts constituting the emergency is:
The emergency rule is to reflect changes in Wisconsin's tax laws due to the creation of the financial record matching program.
It is necessary to promulgate this rule order to provide procedures so that the program can be administered in a fair and consistent manner.
Publication Date:   December 22, 2009
Effective Dates:   December 22, 2009
  through May 20, 2010
Hearing Date:   February 11, 2010
emergency_rules EmR0943 4.   EmR0943 — Rule adopted to revise Chapter Tax 2, relating to apportionment and nexus.
Finding of Emergency
The Department of Revenue finds that an emergency exists and that an emergency rule is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, safety or welfare. A statement of the facts constituting the emergency is:
In 2009, the Wisconsin Legislature enacted Acts 2 and 28, both of which contained substantial changes to Wisconsin's corporation franchise and income tax laws. Most of these changes are effective retroactively to taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2009. Emergency rules are needed to add certainty about the scope and application of the newly enacted statutes as soon as possible so that taxpayers can file their returns accordingly.
Publication Date:   December 31, 2009
Effective Dates:   December 31, 2009
  through May 29, 2010
Hearing Date:   February 25, 2010
emergency_rules EmR1001 5.   EmR1001 — Rule adopted revising Chapter Tax 2, relating to combined reporting for corporation franchise and income tax purposes.
Finding of Emergency
The Department of Revenue finds that an emergency exists and that an emergency rule is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, safety or welfare. A statement of the facts constituting the emergency is:
The function of the Wisconsin Department of Revenue is to administer the Wisconsin tax laws. These laws, and tax policy for raising revenue, are determined by the State Legislature. The State Legislature recently enacted numerous items of tax legislation, affecting individuals and businesses alike. Some of these apply retroactively to January 1, 2009. Emergency rules are needed, not only to address the risk of revenue loss, but to add more clarity and certainty about the scope and application of the newly enacted statutes.
Publication Date:   January 15, 2010
Effective Dates:   January 15, 2010 through
  June 13, 2010
Hearing Date:   February 25, 2010
emergency_rules EmR1002 6.   EmR1002 — Rule adopted to create section Tax 1.17, relating to the ambulatory surgical center assessment.
Exemption From Finding of Emergency
The legislature by Section 9143 (4u) of 2009 Wisconsin Act 28 provides an exemption from a finding of emergency for the adoption of the rule.
Publication Date:   January 19, 2010
Effective Dates:   January 19, 2010 through
  June 16, 2010
(Subject to 2009 Wis. Act 28, Section 9143 (4u))
Hearing Date:   February 11, 2010
Veterans Affairs (2)
emergency_rules EmR0911 1.   EmR0911 — Rule adopted to revise section VA 2.01, relating to the assistance to needy veterans grant program.
Finding of Emergency
The Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs finds that an emergency exists and that the rules are necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, safety, or welfare. A statement of facts constituting the emergency is: The economic recession in effect for the last fiscal year has adversely affected the veteran population. Many veterans have lost their employment or had their scope of employment reduced. In addition to losing employment, many veterans have seen their health care reduced or eliminated. In order to serve the largest population of veterans and ensure minimal health care for that population, the department is requesting emergency rules to define “vision care and to limit the eligibility, by available funding, for “dental care", “hearing care", and “vision care". These eligibility limitations, which address the cost, type and frequency of care available under the program, will allow more veterans in need to access the limited resources of this program.
Publication Date:   July 1, 2009
Effective Dates:   July 1, 2009 through
  November 27, 2009
Extension Through:   March 27, 2010
Hearing Date:   August 14, 2009
emergency_rules EmR0944 2.   EmR0944 — Rule adopted to amend section VA 2.02 (2), relating to the veterans tuition reimbursement program.
Finding of Emergency
The Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs finds that an emergency exists and that an emergency rule is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, safety, or welfare. A statement of facts constituting the emergency is:
The removal of the existing deadline for completing and receiving an application for the tuition fee reimbursement program has left the department unable to budget the available resources for this program to ensure maximum coverage for eligible veterans throughout the fiscal year. The department is requesting emergency rules to ensure applications can be processed in a responsive manner and to allow the department to properly manage the program's biennial budget and ensure the welfare of all eligible veterans. The emergency rule will address the need for an application deadline while the department completes the promulgation for a permanent rule for the program.
Publication Date:   January 4, 2010
Effective Dates:   January 4, 2010 through
  June 2, 2010
Hearing Date:   March 10, 2010
Workforce Development (2)
Public Works Construction Contracts,
Chs. DWD 290-294
emergency_rules EmR0941 1.   EmR0941 — Rule adopted to create section DWD 290.20, relating to the thresholds for the requirement of prevailing wage rates.
Finding of Emergency
The Department of Workforce Development finds that an emergency exists and that an emergency rule is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, safety, or welfare. A statement of facts constituting the emergency is:
The most recent state budget legislation, 2009 Wisconsin Act 28, contained amendments to the state laws which require the payment of prevailing wage rates for work done on projects of public works and , in a new statute, for work done on private projects which receive more than $1,000,000 of public direct financial assistance. The new provisions become effective on January 1, 2010.
The prevailing wage laws require that when a state agency or local governmental unit contracts for the erection, construction, remodeling, repairing, or demolition of a public works project it must obtain a prevailing wage rate determination from the Department of Workforce Development and require that the contractors and subcontractors on the project pay their employees in accordance with the wage rates established by the determination. Under the law as it existed before the enactment of 2009 Act 28, a prevailing wage rate determination was required for any project with an estimated cost of at least $48,000 (for a single-trade project) or $234,000 (for a multi-trade project). Act 28 changes these amounts to an estimated project cost of at least $25,000. Act 28 has also created a new statute, s. 66.0904, Stats., which requires that a private developer obtain and comply with a prevailing wage rate determination for a private project that receives at least $1,000,000 in direct financial assistance from a local governmental unit.
Links to Admin. Code and Statutes in this Register are to current versions, which may not be the version that was referred to in the original published document.