Children and Families:
Safety and Permanence, Chs. DCF 35-59 Creates sections DCF 57.485 and 57.49 (1) (am), relating to determination of need for new group homes. EmR1034 |
Financial Resources for Businesses and Communities, Chs. Comm 100-149 Creates Chapter Comm 103, relating to certification of disabled-veteran-owned businesses, and affecting small businesses. EmR1041 |
Government Accountability Board:
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Natural Resources:
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Environmental Protection — Air Pollution Control, Chs. NR 400— Revises Chapters NR 400, 405 and 407, relating to major source permitting thresholds for sources of greenhouse gas emissions and affecting small business. EmR1046 | |
Regulation and Licensing:
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Regulation and Licensing — Barbering and Cosmetology Examining Board:
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Regulation and Licensing — Veterinary Examining Board:
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Fire Prevention, Ch. Comm 14 Gas Systems, Ch. Comm 40 Anhydrous Ammonia, Ch. Comm 43 Mechanical Refrigeration, Ch. Comm 45 Wisconsin Commercial Building Code, Chs. Comm 60-66 Revises Chapters Comm 14, 40, 43, 45, 61 to 66, relating to Wisconsin Commercial Building Code. |
Regulation and Licensing — Board of Nursing:
Relates to the amendment of the current administrative rule N 3.03 relating to nurse licensure through the endorsement process.
Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection:
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Public Service Commission:
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Regulation and Licensing —Dentistry Examining Board:
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Regulation and Licensing
Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection:
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Public Service Commission:
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Regulation and Licensing:
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Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection:
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Natural Resources:
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Regulation and Licensing:
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Regulation and Licensing — Marriage and Family Therapy, Professional Counseling and Social Work Examining Board:
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Regulation and Licensing —Veterinary Examining Board:
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Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection:
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Rules Published with this Register and Final Regulatory Flexibility Analyses.
Page 32
Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection:
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Movable Soccer Goals, Ch. Comm 9 Revises Chapter Comm 9, relating to anchoring and securing of movable soccer goals. CR 11-003 |
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Sections Affected by Rule Revisions and Corrections.
Page 33
Executive Orders.
Page 34
Public Notices.
Pages 35 to 40
Health Services:
Medical Assistance Reimbursement of Nursing Homes
Medical Assistance Reimbursement for Transportation Services
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Medicaid Reimbursement for Outpatient Hospital Services
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Medicaid Reimbursement for Inpatient Hospital Services
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Workforce Development:
Publication of Adjusted Amounts Limits to Damage Awards Under Section 111.397 (2), Stats. |
Notice of Objection to Proposed Rule.
Page 41