Rule Orders Filed with the Legislative Reference Bureau
The following administrative rule orders have been filed with the Legislative Reference Bureau and are in the process of being published. The date assigned to each rule is the projected effective date. It is possible that the publication date of these rules could be changed. Contact the Legislative Reference Bureau at or (608) 266-7590 for updated information on the effective dates for the listed rule orders.
Children & Families
Effective 9-1-11.
Fee Schedule, Ch.
Comm 2
Licenses, Certifications and Registrations, Ch.
Comm 5
Fire Prevention, Ch.
Comm 14
Elevators, Escalators and Lift Devices, Ch.
Comm 18
Uniform Dwelling, Chs.
Comm 20-
Wisconsin Commercial Building Code, Chs.
Comm 61-
Revises Chapters
Comm 2,
20 and
66, relating to Wisconsin Commercial Building Code.
Effective 9-1-11 in part, 1-1-12, in part, and 7-1-14 in part.
Revises Chapters
Comm 2,
40 and
65, relating to fuel gas systems and affecting small businesses.
Effective 9-1-11.
Natural Resources
Fish, Game, etc., Chs.
NR 1—
(ATCP # FR-38-10)
Creates section
NR 45.055, relating to the use of golf cares in the Governor Thompson State Park and the Peshtigo River State Forest.
Effective 9-1-11.
Natural Resources
Environmental Protection — Air Pollution Control, Chs.
NR 400—
(ATCP # AM-17-10)
Revises Chapters
NR 400,
405 and
407, relating to major source permitting thresholds for sources of greenhouse gas emissions and affecting small business.
Effective 9-1-11.
Revises Chapter
Trans 132, relating to temporary operation plates or permits.
Effective 9-1-11.