This statement of scope was approved by the governor on November 14, 2011.
Rule No.
Revises Chapter NR 27.
Relating to
Revision of Chapter NR 27, Wis. Adm. Code, pertaining to the Wisconsin Endangered/Threatened Species list.
Description of the Objective of the Rule
The department is requesting authorization to revise Chapter NR 27, Wis. Adm. Code, pertaining to the Wisconsin Endangered/Threatened (E/T) species list. Since the first list of Wisconsin E/T species was developed in 1972, the list has been revised 10 times. The major list revisions, where greater than 5 species were removed or added, took place in 1978-1979, 1985, 1989, and 1997. While the last major list revision was in 1997, the list has been occasionally revised for individual species: Gray Wolf (delisted in 2004), Bald Eagle (delisted in 2007), Osprey (delisted in 2009), Trumpeter Swan (delisted in 2009), and 4 cave bat species (listed in 2011).
In 2006, the Bureau of Endangered Resources (BER) drafted and the BER Policy Team approved program guidance that lays out the process for reviewing and making recommendations to revise the E/T list. The guidance document recommends conducting a list-wide review at least every 5 years and earlier as needed, based on changes in species population condition. Changes in population condition of species typically occur more frequently than the E/T list is revised, and are reflected in the Natural Heritage Inventory (NHI) Working List and NHI system of global and state rarity ranks. Global and state rarity ranks are assigned to every species following standardized methodology developed by NatureServe, an non-governmental umbrella organization for NHI and similar programs throughout the U.S., Canada, and Latin America. The NHI system of global and state rarity ranks is the primary trigger for initiating a status assessment of a species, which inform the E/T list revision process.
Between January 2010 and August 2011, BER initiated and completed a review of Wisconsin's rare species using the 2006 E/T list revision document as guidance. The review resulted in over 1000 state rarity rank changes and a list of recommended revisions to the E/T species list. Biologists from a variety of state and national agencies, organizations, and universities, as well as naturalists throughout the state with taxonomic expertise provided new or updated information on the population condition and distribution of rare species in the state.
Department biologists focused attention and resources on conducting status assessments on species that are at risk of extirpation in the state and where application of Wisconsin's Endangered Species Law (ESL) would be effective in their protection. Because minimal protection is afforded to plants through Wisconsin's application of the ESL, it was decided that no plants would be proposed for listing at this time regardless of rarity. The process was documented including the creation of a database to capture the recommendations and information provided. Status assessments were conducted and resulted in the following proposed changes to the Wisconsin's E/T list. Also included is a summary statement supporting the E/T list change.
Proposed E/T List Changes
(Format: Common name (Scientific name), current listing status - current state rarity rank)
Proposed Delist (16 species):
Barn Owl (Tyto alba), END - SNA
DELIST: Species has always been edge of range in WI. Not considered a regular breeder in the state.
Bewick's Wren (Thryomanes bewickii), END - SXB
DELIST: Extirpated. Species has not been observed breeding in WI or neighboring states for over 40 years.
Snowy Egret (Egretta thula), END - SNA
DELIST: Species has always been edge of range in WI. Not considered a regular breeder in the state.
Greater Redhorse (Moxostoma valenciennesi), THR - S3
DELIST: Species appears stable in WI. Found consistently in multiple watersheds.
Blanding's Turtle (Emydoidea blandingii), THR - S3S4
DELIST: Species still slightly declining in WI, however large population numbers and wide distribution. Not at risk of extirpation.
Butler's Gartersnake (Thamnophis butleri), THR - S3S4
DELIST: Species appears stable in WI. New information on abundance, range, and hybridization support delisting.
Pygmy Snaketail (Ophiogomphus howei), THR - S4
DELIST: Species appears stable in WI. New populations found using modeling of habitat and targeted surveys.
American Fever-few (Parthenium integrifolium), THR - S3S4
DELIST: Population in WI appears stable. Reproducing well on managed sites.
Bog Bluegrass (Poa paludigena), THR - S3
DELIST: Population in WI appears stable. New records have resulted from inventories.
Canada Horse-balm (Collinsonia canadensis), END - SX
DELIST: Extirpated. Only two native occurrences known in the state. One is presumed extirpated and the other has not been observed for 150 years. Species is conspicuous and easy to identify.
Drooping Sedge (Carex prasina), THR - S3
DELIST: Population in WI stable. Narrow habitat preference, however fairly wide distribution and found regularly in suitable habitat.
Hemlock Parsley (Conioselinum chinense), END - SX
DELIST: Extirpated. Only six native occurrences known in the state. All are presumed extirpated or historical. Species is conspicuous and easy to identify.
Prairie Indian-Plantain (Cacalia tuberosa), THR - S3
DELIST: Population in WI stable to increasing. Has responded well to prairie management.
Snowy Campion (Silene nivea), THR - S2
DELIST: Population in WI appears stable. Able to persist with reed canary grass and in degraded streamside habitats. Species no longer imperiled.
Yellow Gentian (Gentiana alba), THR - S4
DELIST: Population in WI increasing. Most of the population expansion and increases have occurred in old fields.
Yellow Giant Hyssop (Agastache nepetoides), THR - S3
DELIST: Population in WI stable to increasing. Has responded well to savanna management and restoration.
Proposed List (8 species):
Black Tern (Chlidonias niger), SC/M - S2B
LIST - Endangered: Species declining in WI. Surveys indicate declines as much as 36% in recent years and a 78% decline over 30 years. Once reported at 79 sites; found only 7 breeding colonies in 2010.
Kirtland's Warbler (Dendroica kirtlandii), SC/FL - S1B
LIST - Endangered: Species nesting in WI consistently since 2007. Historic records of individuals in the state. Twelve new populations. Global rank is G1 (“critically imperiled").
Upland Sandpiper (Bartramia longicauda), SC/M - S2B
LIST - Threatened: Species declining in WI. Some of the largest in its range. Once reported at 55 sites. May disappear from WI without large blocks of idle and/or grazed grasslands.
Beach-dune Tiger Beetle (Cicindela hirticollis rhodensis), SC/N - S1
LIST - Endangered: Species rare and declining in WI (30%). Once reported from 9-10 sites statewide, however only one known viable population remains.
Ottoe Skipper (Hesperia ottoe), SC/N - S1
LIST - Endangered: Species very rare and declining in WI. Once known to 16 sites; as of 2011 only 4 are extant (a 75% decline since the mid-1990s). Many populations gone rangewide. Very few sites have the size, quality-structure-connectivity to sustain this species.
A Leafhopper (Attenuipyga vanduzeei), SC/N - S1
LIST - Endangered: Species very rare in WI. Only 4 extant populations known. Restricted to the highest quality prairie remnants. Poor dispersal ability and sensitive to management and woody encroachment.
An Issid Planthopper (Fitchiella robertsoni), SC/N - S1S2
LIST - Threatened: Species very rare in WI. Only 4 extant populations known. Restricted to high quality prairie remnants, which are extremely rare.
Fawnsfoot (Truncilla donaciformis), SC/P - S1S2
LIST - Threatened: Species declining in WI. Populations disappearing rangewide. Once widespread and abundant, this species is rarely found in recent years. Numbers have greatly declined in the WI's remaining viable populations (St. Croix and Lower WI Rivers).
Proposed Scientific Name Update (20 species)
Northern Cricket Frog (Acris crepitans blanchardi), END - S1
Update Scientific Name: Acris crepitans*
Worm-eating Warbler (Helmitheros vermivorus), END - S1B
Update Scientific Name: Helmitheros vermivorum
Pallid Shiner (Notropis amnis), END - S1
Update Scientific Name: Hybopsis amnis
Shoal Chub (Macrhybopsis aestivalis), THR - S2
Update Scientific Name: Macrhybopsis hyostoma
Spatterdock Darner (Aeshna mutata), THR - S1
Update Scientific Name: Rhionaeschna mutata*
Beak Grass (Diarrhena americana), END - S2
Update Scientific Name: Diarrhena obovata*
Canada Gooseberry (Ribes oxyacanthoides), THR - S2
Update Scientific Name: Ribes oxyacanthoides ssp. oxyacanthoides
Cliff Cudweed (Gnaphalium obtusifolium var saxicola), THR - S2
Update Scientific Name: Pseudognaphalium saxicola
Early Anemone (Anemone multifida var hudsoniana), END - S1
Update Scientific Name: Anemone multifida var. multifida
Forked Aster (Aster furcatus), THR - S3
Update Scientific Name: Eurybia furcata
Green Spleenwort (Asplenium viride), END - S1
Update Scientific Name: Asplenium trichomanes-ramosum
Hall's Bulrush (Scirpus hallii), END - S1
Update Scientific Name: Schoenoplectus hallii
Lanceolate Whitlow-cress (Draba lanceolata), END - S1
Update Scientific Name: Draba cana
Links to Admin. Code and Statutes in this Register are to current versions, which may not be the version that was referred to in the original published document.