Rules Published with this Register and Final Regulatory Flexibility Analyses
The following administrative rule orders have been adopted and published in this edition of the Wisconsin Administrative Register. Copies of these rules are sent to subscribers of the complete Wisconsin Administrative Code and also to the subscribers of the specific affected Code.
For subscription information, contact Document Sales at (608) 266-3358.
Employee Trust Funds
The Wisconsin Department of Employee Trust Funds adopts an order repealing section
ETF 10.65 (1) (a) to
(2) and
(3); amending sections
ETF 10.01 (3i) and
10.65 (1) (intro); and creating sections
ETF 10.65 (Note), 10.85, 20.0251, and 20.0251 (Note), relating to clarifying how ETF complies with applicable provisions of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC). Effective 8-31-13.
Effect on Small Business
There is no effect on small business.
Legislative Comments
No comments were reported.
Natural Resources
Fish, Game, etc., Chs.
NR 1—
(DNR # FH-19-12)
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources adopts an order making revisions to Chapters
NR 19 to
25, and
26, relating to housekeeping changes to Wisconsin fishing rules. Effective 8-31-13 and 4-1-14.
Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
The proposed rule will have minimal to no impact on businesses and members of the public. As with any change in regulations, there will be a requirement for anglers to learn the new rules. However, a majority of this rule change clarified code to reflect existing policies with which anglers must already comply. The Fisheries Management Bureau works to notify the public of new regulations vie press releases, the internet and fishing regulation pamphlets.
The Department has determined that this rule would not adversely affect in a material way the economy, a sector of the economy, productivity, jobs, or the overall competitiveness of this state. It is not expected that there will be any economic impact directly related to these rule changes on anglers or fishing related businesses. The proposed rule does not impose any compliance or reporting requirements on small businesses nor are any design or operational standards contained in the rule. No fiscal impacts are expected for public utility rate payers or local governmental units.
The goal is to ensure the rule language that governs fishing inland, outlying and boundary waters.
The determination was made after the Department requested economic impact comments from Wisconsin Conservation Congress, WI Wildlife Federation, Great Lakes Indian Fish & Wildlife Commission, WI Association of Lakes, WI Bow Hunters Association, WI Archery Alliance, WI Traditional Archers, WI Federation of Great Lakes Sport Fishing Clubs, WI Council of Sport Fishing Organizations, Federation of Fly Fishers — Wisconsin Council, Musky Clubs Alliance of Wisconsin, Inc., Salmon Unlimited — WI Council, Walleyes for Tomorrow, WI Bass Federation, Izaak Walton League — Wisconsin Division, Lake Michigan Fisheries Forum, Wisconsin Aquaculture Association, American Fisheries Society — Wisconsin Chapter, Natural Resources Foundation of WI, Gathering Waters, River Alliance of Wisconsin, UW Sea Grant, League of WI Municipalities, WI Towns Association, WI Counties Association, Northeast WI Great Lakes Sport Fisherman, and Great Lakes Sport Fisherman of Milwaukee. Proposed rule documents were also posted on the Department website and the Wisconsin Administrative Rules website.
Legislative Comments
No comments were received.
The Wisconsin Department of Revenue adopts an order revising Chapter
Tax 11, relating to sales and use tax provisions concerning advertising and promotional direct mail and prosthetic devices. Effective 8-31-13.
Effect on small business
This rule does not affect small business.
Legislative Comments
No comments were reported.
The Wisconsin Department of Revenue adopts an order revising Chapters
Tax 1,
2, and
11, relating to general provisions of income taxation and sales and use tax. Effective 8-31-13.
Effect on Small Business
This rule order does not affect small business.
Legislative Comments
No comments were reported.
The Wisconsin Department of Revenue adopts an order revising Chapters
Tax 4,
8, and
9, relating to general provisions of excise taxation and enforcement.
Effective 8-31-13.
Effect on Small Business
This rule order does not affect small business.
Legislative Comments
No comments were reported.
Safety and Professional Services —
Cosmetology Examining Board
The Wisconsin Cosmetology Examining Board adopts an order renumbering and amending section
Cos 6.04 (1), amending section
Cos 2.07 (1g), and to creating section
Cos 6.04 (1) (b),
(c), and Note, relating to responsibilities of the manager and practical training for apprentices. Effective 8-31-13.
Effect on Small Business
These rules do not have an economic impact on small businesses, as defined in s.
227.114 (1), Stats.
Legislative Comments
No comments were reported.
Safety and Professional Services —
Hearing and Speech Examining Board
The Wisconsin Hearing and Speech Examining Board adopts an order amending section
HAS 6.18 (1) (d); and creating section
HAS 6.175 (6), relating to deceptive advertising. Effective 8-31-13.
Effect on Small Business
These proposed rules do not have an economic impact on small businesses, as defined in s.
227.114 (1), Stats.
Legislative Comments
No comments were reported.