No comments were reported.
Safety and Professional Services
Uniform Dwelling Code, Chs. SPS 320—325
General Part II, Chs. SPS 326—360
An order of the Department of Safety and Professional Services to repeal sections SPS 326.10 (4); 326.32 (3) (b), (7), and (8); 326.33 (1) (b); 326.34 (1) (a) (Note) and (6); 326.36 (1) (b) 2.; 326.37; and 326.38 (1) (c); to renumber sections SPS 326.10 (5) to (20), 326.16, 326.32 (3) (c) to (e), 326.34 (7) and (8), and 326.36 (1) (b) 3. and 4.; to renumber and amend section SPS 326.33 (1) (a); to amend sections SPS 321.40 (2) (b) 8.; 326.12 (1) (c) (intro.), 1., and 2.; 326.16 (Note); 326.19 (intro.) and (1); 326.28; 326.30 (1) (a), (b), and (2) (Note); 326.34 (1) (a) and (2); 326.36 (1) (intro.), (c), and (i), and (2); 326.38 (1) (intro.); 326.44 (intro.); and 326.49 (1) (intro.); to repeal and recreate section SPS 321.40 (1) and (Note [1]); and to create sections SPS 320.07 (52m) (Note [2]), 321.40 (2) (title), 326.16 (2) and (3), and SPS 326.20, relating to manufactured homes and manufactured home communities.
Effective 9-1-14.
Effect on Small Business
These rule revisions are not expected to have an effect on small businesses because the current edition of 24 CFR Part 3285, as it is modified by these rule revisions, is not expected to impose costs that would substantially exceed the costs imposed by the currently applied requirements.
The Department's Regulatory Review Coordinator may be contacted by e-mail at, or by calling (608) 266-8608.
Legislative Comments
No comments were reported.
Safety and Professional Services —
Dentistry Examining Board
An order of the Dentistry Examining Board to create Chapter DE 8, relating to patient dental records.
Effective 9-1-14.
Effect on Small Business
These proposed rules do not have an economic impact on small businesses, as defined in s. 227.114 (1), Stats. The Department's Regulatory Review Coordinator may be contacted by email at, or by calling (608) 266-8608.
Legislative Comments
No comments were reported.
Safety and Professional Services —
Pharmacy Examining Board
An order of the Pharmacy Examining Board to repeal section Phar 7.08 (1) (note) and amend section Phar 8.05 (4), 8.07 (2), 8.09 (1), (2), (3), and (4), relating to electronic prescriptions.
Effective 9-1-14.
Effect on Small Business
These proposed rules do not have an economic impact on small businesses, as defined in s. 227.114 (1), Stats. The Department's Regulatory Review Coordinator may be contacted by email at, or by calling (608) 266-8608.
Legislative Comments
No comments were reported.
Safety and Professional Services —
Pharmacy Examining Board
An order of the Pharmacy Examining Board to repeal section Phar 7.04 (1) (e) 2. (note) and amend section Phar 7.04 (1) (e) 2., relating to return or exchange of health items.
Effective 9-1-14.
Effect on Small Business
These proposed rules do not have an economic impact on small businesses, as defined in s. 227.114 (1), Stats. The Department's Regulatory Review Coordinator may be contacted by email at, or by calling (608) 266-8608.
Legislative Comments
No comments were reported.
Safety and Professional Services —
Pharmacy Examining Board
An order of the Pharmacy Examining Board to repeal sections Phar 18.04 (3) (intro) and (k) and 18.11 (3), (4), (9) (a), (b), and (c); to renumber section Phar 18.04 (3) (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f), (g), (h), (i), (j), and (o); to renumber and amend section Phar 18.04 (2) and (3) (L), (m), and (n); to amend sections Phar 18.02 (8) (a), (9), (15) (intro), and (17), 18.04 (title) and (4), 18.05 (1) and (1) (note), (2) (note), (3) (b) (note), and (4), 18.06 (2), (3) (b) (note), (6) (b) (note), and (8), 18.07, 18.08 (1) (a) and (b) (note), 18.09, 18.10 (1) (intro), (2) (intro) and (b), (3), (6), and (7), 18.11 (6) (intro), (9) (intro), and (10) (c) (note), 18.12 (4), and 18.14 (1) (intro); and to create sections Phar 18.02 (11g), (11r), (15g), and (15r), 18.04 (2) (ge), (gm), and (gs) and 18.08 (3), relating to the prescription drug monitoring program.
Effective 9-1-14.
Effect on Small Business
These proposed rules do not have an economic impact on small businesses, as defined in s. 227.114 (1), Stats. The Department's Regulatory Review Coordinator may be contacted by email at, or by calling (608) 266-8608.
Legislative Comments
No comments were reported.
Safety and Professional Services —
Pharmacy Examining Board
An order of the Pharmacy Examining Board to amend sections Phar 1.02 (7), 7.10 (1), and 16.03, relating to council and exam names.
Effective 9-1-14.
Effect on Small Business
These proposed rules do not have an economic impact on small businesses, as defined in s. 227.114 (1), Stats. The Department's Regulatory Review Coordinator may be contacted by email at, or by calling (608) 266-8608.
Legislative Comments
No comments were reported.
Safety and Professional Services —
Podiatry Affiliated Credentialing Board
An order of the Podiatry Affiliated Credentialing Board to amend section Pod 1.02 (intro) and create sections Pod 1.02 (2m), (6m) and 7.01, relating to podiatric x-ray assistants.
Effective 9-1-14.
Effect on Small Business
These proposed rules do not have an economic impact on small businesses, as defined in s. 227.114 (1), Stats. The Department's Regulatory Review Coordinator may be contacted by email at, or by calling (608) 266-8608.
Legislative Comments
No comments were reported.
Links to Admin. Code and Statutes in this Register are to current versions, which may not be the version that was referred to in the original published document.