168.16 (4) The department may promulgate reasonable rules relating to the administration and enforcement of this subchapter.
168.23 Rules. (1)The department shall promulgate by rule construction, maintenance and abandonment standards applicable to tanks for the storage, handling or use of liquids that are flammable or combustible or are federally regulated hazardous substances, and to the property and facilities where the tanks are located, for the purpose of protecting the waters of the state from harm due to contamination by liquids that are flammable or combustible or are federally regulated hazardous substances. The rule shall comply with ch. 160. The rule may include different standards for new and existing tanks, but all standards shall provide substantially similar protection for the waters of the state. The rule shall include maintenance requirements related to the detection and prevention of leaks. The rule may require any person supplying heating oil to any noncommercial storage tank for consumptive use on the premises to submit to the department, within 30 days after the department requests, the location, contents and size of any such tank.
(2)The department may transfer any information which the department receives under sub. (1) to any other agency or governmental unit. The department and any such agency shall treat the name of the owner and the location of any noncommercial storage tank which stores heating oil for consumptive use on the premises, required to be submitted to the department under sub. (1), as confidential and shall not permit inspection or copying under s. 19.35 of any record containing the information.
(3)The rule promulgated under sub. (1) may require the certification or registration of persons who install, remove, clean, line, perform tightness testing on and inspect tanks and persons who perform site assessments. Any rule requiring certification or registration shall also authorize the revocation or suspension of the certification or registration. The department may not require an individual who is eligible for the veterans fee waiver program under s. 45.44 to pay any fee that may be charged pursuant to such a rule.
(4)The department shall promulgate a rule specifying fees for plan review and inspection of tanks for the storage, handling, or use of flammable or combustible liquids and for any certification or registration required under sub. (3).
(5) (a) Subject to par. (b), in addition to any fee charged by the department by rule for plan review and approval for the construction of a new or additional installation or change in operation of a previously approved installation for the storage, handling or use of a liquid that is flammable or combustible or a federally regulated hazardous substance, as defined in s. 168.21 (3), the department shall collect a groundwater fee of $100 for each plan review submittal. The moneys collected under this subsection shall be credited to the environmental fund for environmental management.
(b) Notwithstanding par. (a), an installation for the storage, handling or use of a liquid that is flammable or combustible or a federally regulated hazardous substance, as defined in s. 168.21 (3), that has a capacity of less than 1,000 gallons is not subject to the groundwater fee under par. (a).
168.28 (2) Inventory of storage tanks. The department shall undertake a program to inventory and determine the location of aboveground storage tanks and underground storage tanks. The department may require its deputies and any person engaged in the business of distributing petroleum products to provide information on the location of aboveground storage tanks and underground storage tanks.
4. Estimate of the amount of time that state employees will spend to develop the rule and of other resources necessary to develop the rule:
DATCP estimates that it will use approximately 0.50 FTE staff to develop this rule. That includes time required for investigation and analysis, rule drafting, preparing related documents, coordinating advisory committee meetings, holding public hearings and communicating with affected persons and groups. DATCP will use existing staff to develop this rule.
5. Description of all entities that may be impacted by the rule:
Businesses that design, install, inspect or operate storage tank systems for flammable, combustible or hazardous liquids may be impacted by this rule. This may include retail gasoline stations, fuel wholesalers or distributors, fleet operators, or farmers. It also may include petroleum equipment service companies and fire prevention inspectors.
This rule may also impact businesses that sell or distribute petroleum and other liquid fuel products; either at wholesale or retail. It may also impact businesses that manufacture, sell or distribute chemical liquids regulated under the federal Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA). These businesses are already regulated under the existing rule, but there may be minor changes to the specific requirements.
If DATCP adopts the model regulations published in NIST Handbook 130, businesses that sell or distribute engine lubricants may be impacted. The current rule contains technical specifications and requirements for fuel, but not lubricant. The NIST Handbook 130 contains specifications for lubricants.
6. Summary and preliminary comparison of any existing or proposed federal regulation that is intended to address the activities to be regulated by the rule:
Federal regulations for aboveground storage tanks do not address fire and public safety issues or groundwater pollution issues, except for protecting potable water supply sources. Federal regulations for underground storage tanks do not address fire and public safety issues or surface water pollution issues, except for protecting potable water supply sources. The planned rule changes are not expected to conflict with these federal regulations.
The EPA regulates standards for gasoline in a number of ways. EPA regulates the amount of sulfur in gasoline and certain toxic substances that can be emitted when fuel is burned. EPA also mandates reformulated gasoline (RFG) in certain metropolitan areas. EPA also mandates that fuels sold during the summer meet certain Reid vapor pressure standards to reduce emissions that contribute to smog.
7. Anticipated economic impact
The proposed rule may have moderate economic impact statewide and locally. The majority of the proposed rule is limited to updating and reorganizing provisions in the current rule and therefore would have a minimal economic impact -- if any at all. However, adopting more recent fuel quality standards may have a moderate economic impact on certain businesses within the petroleum industry.
Contact Person: Kevin LeRoy, Program and Policy Analyst, DATCP; Phone (608) 224-4928
Links to Admin. Code and Statutes in this Register are to current versions, which may not be the version that was referred to in the original published document.