Wisconsin Legislature

Scope Statement SS 113-21

Status: Expired

Examining Board of Architects, Landscape Architects, Professional Engineers, Designers, and Professional Land Surveyors (A-E)

Administrative Code Chapters Affected:

Ch. A-E 4 (Revised)

Ch. A-E 13 (Revised)

Related to: Engineer in training and continuing education requirements

Text: Text of SS 113-21

Comments for this Statement of Scope have closed

Date Statement Expires Under s. 227.135 (5), Stats.: June 20, 2024

Notes: This scope replaces SS 099-21, originally published in register 791A1 on November 1, 2021. SS 099-21 was resubmitted to the Department of Administration and the Governor.

Register Entries

Date Register File
12/20/2021792A3, Statements of ScopeSS 113-21
3/28/2022795B, Notices of Public Hearing and Comment Period for Statements of ScopeSS 113-21 Scope Statement
3/28/2022795B, Notices of Public Hearing and Comment Period for Statements of ScopeSS 113-21 Notice of Hearing