Environmental education: DNR authorized to charge fees; funding for MacKenzie environmental center [Sec. 737m, r, 1355, 1356]  -  Act 27
Environmental repair appropriations; moneys from cost recovery deposited in environmental fund [Sec. 652w, 653w, 3320m, 4327r, s, 4331g-i, 4381g]  -  Act 27
Environmental statutes (chap. 144, Wis.Stats.) renumbered and reorganized  -  Act 227
Hazardous material transportation registration fees: collection re administrative rule specified; estimated transportation fund revenue decreased  -  Act 113
Hazardous pollution prevention program revised; DOD board deleted, council created; DNR and U.W. duties set [Sec. 127, 129, 510, 1773-1775, 4321-4325, 4337-4349, 6908-6915, 9116 (1)]  -  Act 27
Hazardous waste facility discharge: use of net worth method as proof of financial responsibility for corrective action authorized  -  Act 63
High-volume industrial waste use in highway improvements; procedure re DOT as defendant in actions [Sec. 3519je-jt, 4319m, 4330m]  -  Act 27
Epilepsy services grant funding revised [Sec. 2303m]  -  Act 27
equinesEquines, see Horses
estate _ joint tenancyEstate — Joint tenancy
Surviving joint tenant: disclaim rights to property permitted  -  Act 360
estate of deceased personEstate of deceased person, see also Wills
DETF revisions re WRS lump sum payment, intestate or abandoned accounts notification, life insurance to certain Milwaukee teachers and application date for long-term disability insurance benefits (remedial legislation)  -  Act 414
Estate recovery for certain disease aids costs: provisions created [Sec. 3044b-j, 7065b, c, 7190b, c, 7191b, c, 7193b, c, 7194b, c, 7195b, c, 7197b, c, 7198b, c, 7199b, c, y, 7200b, c, 7206b, c, 9126 (32g), 9426 (24g)]  -  Act 27
MA expense recovery by DHSS re estate property, joint banking and payable on death accounts [Sec. 3074, 7065, 7190, 7196, 7200, 7201-7205]  -  Act 27
Summary proceedings of estate property: coverage expanded; purchaser protection specified  -  Act 355
Termination of decedent's interest in property: procedure revised  -  Act 182
estate taxEstate tax
Instalment payments of [Sec. 3430-3432, 9348 (2)]  -  Act 27
Convicted felons and persons convicted of misdemeanor involving violation of public trust: eligibility to hold public office revised. Constitutional amendment (2nd consideration) [AJR-16]  -  JR-28
Private interest in public contract: law revised  -  Act 435
ethics boardEthics board
Lobbying fee increases: initial applicability of 1995 WisAct 27 clarified [Sec. 83, 84]  -  Act 216
Principal registration and authorizations and lobbyist licenses: fees adjusted [Sec. 37-41, 9422 (1)]  -  Act 27
Criminal discovery laws revised  -  Act 387
Personal injury actions: discovery of information re medical records permitted  -  Act 345
Recorded communications in felony proceedings: disclosure of one-party consent recordings expanded  -  Act 30
executors and administratorsExecutors and administrators, see Trust fund
exposition districtExposition district, see Public building
f - F -
fairFair, see also State fair
County fair aids increased [Sec. 481h]  -  Act 27
Child care economics: laws revised re school board contracts with day care centers, pupil transportation, outdoor play space, child care on other than first floor and kindergarten and prekindergarten programs  -  Act 439
Children's code: statement of legislative purpose modified and expanded; American Indian child provisions specified  -  Act 275
Crimes against children and person responsible for a child: coverage expanded to stepparent  -  Act 214
Custody of child transferred to relative: judge authorized to give if no less drastic alternative available; adoption of child by relative  -  Act 275
Domestic abuse arrests: no-contact period increased  -  Act 304
Domestic abuse grant revisions [Sec. 939, 2340-2345, 2346-2348]  -  Act 27
Family literacy advocate and statewide program created [Sec. 48g, 9124 (1q)]  -  Act 27
Foster care provided by nonlegally responsible relatives: county funding revision [Sec. 848, 889]  -  Act 27
Wisconsin works kinship care: provision created re child care by a relative; guardianship and adoption provisions  -  Act 289
Child and spousal support receipt and disbursement: county board may designate duties  -  Act 279
Child or family support nonpayment: automatic lien on boat or vessel; DNR to provide owner list to county  -  Act 287
Child support and paternity programs transferred from DHSS to DILHR [Sec. 843m-r, 847b, 871b, 872b, 1154c, 2027m, p, 2128m, 2134q, 2157x, 2158b, 2160b, 2276c-e, 2896b, 2898b, 2915b, 3970m, 7098c, e, 7104tm, 7108c, 9426 (30gbz)]  -  Act 27
Child support application fee use re filing of petition [Sec. 7163, 9310 (1), 9410 (1)]  -  Act 27
Child support, Bureau of, and Office of child care transferred from DHFS to DILJD  -  Act 404
Child support nonpayment: suspension of vehicle operation privilege provided  -  Act 401
Child support program: DHSS contracting for enforcement and collection [Sec. 866, 2129]  -  Act 27
Child support stipulation fee waiver [Sec. 7154r, 9310 (1g)]  -  Act 27
County child support appropriations consolidated; DOA to review and lapse funds [Sec. 844, 845, 868, 2130m, 2134, 2159, 2895, 2897, 2914, 9226 (1)] [868 — partial veto]  -  Act 27
Custodial parent allowed to obtain information about noncustodial parent; conditions specified  -  Act 187
Delinquent child support obligors: public awareness program; publication and identification of individuals  -  Act 12
Dependent of a veteran: definition modified  -  Act 255
Nonsupport cases against indigent persons: SPD representation eliminated [Sec. 7266-7268, 9344 (3)]  -  Act 27
Paternity determination proceedings and disclosure of court records  -  Act 275
WEJT for noncustodial parents: judges authorized to order participation in another county [Sec. 7105, 7107, 9326 (7)]  -  Act 27
Wisconsin works kinship care: provision created re child care by a relative; guardianship and adoption provisions  -  Act 289
family court commissionerFamily court commissioner
Custodial parent moving with, or removing, child after divorce: notification and objection procedure revised  -  Act 70
Paternity determination proceedings and disclosure of court records  -  Act 275
Agricultural activities alleged to be nuisances: law revised re zoning ordinances, available remedies and awards of costs  -  Act 149
Agricultural technology and family farm programs at U.W. Madison [Sec.1775hd, hf]  -  Act 27
Farm progress days 1996: DOT may not charge sponsors for state traffic patrol services; charge for certain other costs permitted [Sec. 9162 (3m)] [vetoed]  -  SB-565
Farm trucks exempted from motor vehicle emission inspection and maintenance program; sunset provided  -  Act 137
Fences between adjoining properties re farming or grazing: revision re use of markers and high tensile wires  -  Act 41
Rules of the road laws: applicable premises expanded re OWI, reckless driving and duties of person involved in an accident; certain exemptions for private parking areas at farms or single-family residences  -  Act 127
Sustainable agriculture grants funding [Sec. 3567, 3567e, 9104 (4g)]  -  Act 27
Trespass to land: scope of law broadened  -  Act 451
Wood ash: license exemption re agricultural use; DNR report required [Sec. 4319h, 9142 (1g)]  -  Act 27
farm and farming _ machineryFarm and farming — Machinery
Agricultural machinery operated on highway: youthful operator prohibition penalty delayed  -  Act 194
Vehicles transporting certain overweight loads: laws revised re agricultural transportation and energy emergencies, farm tractors on certain highways and permits for loads of hay bales or Christmas trees  -  Act 348