Birth to three program: eligibility for case management services [Sec. 2995] -
Act 27
CIP reimbursement for services provided by centers for the developmentally disabled revised [Sec. 2955-2957, 9426 (10)] -
Act 27
Consumer fraud and unfair trade practices against elderly and disabled: supplemental forfeitures created
Act 382
Crossbow hunting permits for disabled persons: licensed chiropractor may administer medical tests
Act 293
Elderly and disabled transportation aid study -
Act 113
Fishing license for resident disabled person: period of validity and fee revised [Sec. 1560, 1610, 1617, 9342 (1)]
Act 27
Fishing seasons in urban areas: DNR may establish for certain persons; agreement of local government required re designation of body of water -
Act 91
Health care professional service corporation: chiropractors, physical therapists, dietitians and hearing and speech therapists added; revision re physician and nurse anesthetists
Act 167
Home health, private-duty nursing and personal care service re 1995 WisAct 27 revised -
Act 457
Home health, private-duty nursing and personal care services: MA expenditures limited; certain exceptions provided; study of personal care benefits [Sec. 2987-2989, 3002m, 3012, 3020m, 9126 (28q)] -
Act 27
Homecraft program services revised [Sec. 2418f-2419d] [2419c — partial veto; 2418f-i — vetoed]
Act 27
Independent living centers: compliance with federal law required; definitions revised -
Act 398
Institutions serving the developmentally disabled: property tax exemption amended [Sec. 3346, 9448 (6)]
Act 27
Parking privileges for disabled persons: medical certification procedure revised -
Act 147
Physical disabilities, Council on: funding revised [Sec. 2269] -
Act 27
Physical therapy or physiotherapy services regulations created; chiropractor and advertising provisions
Act 166
Special license plates granting parking privileges for the physically disabled: personalization permitted
Act 350
Special needs child adoption: grants limited -
Act 266
Supported employment opportunities program: transfer of community support program funds [Sec. 932m, 935m, 2302m]
Act 27
Vehicle pamphleting restrictions: approval requirement removed for placing educational materials about handicapped parking privileges -
Act 131
Vocational rehabilitation, Division of, transferred from DHSS to DILHR; waiting list report required [Sec. 113, 895, 896, 898-912, 914, 915, 936, 956, 957, 1009-1014, 1758, 1813, 1947, 1950, 1997, 2014, 2023m, 2025, 2031, 2270, 2271, 2317, 2350, 2408-2417, 2421, 2422, 2997, 3520, 3744, 3745, 9126 (17)-(18), 9130 (15g), 9426 (15)] [9126 (17m) — vetoed] -
Act 27
Harbor assistance program: DOT may award improvement grants for an island in the Mississippi river
Act 130
Harbor improvements bonding increased -
Act 113
Child care center financing: bonding authority extended; requirements revised -
Act 332
Rural hospital loan guarantee program repealed [Sec. 6299, 6300] -
Act 27
Rural hospital loan guarantee program: WHEFA transfer of moneys to DOA required [Sec. 9125 (1)]
Act 27
Child support, Bureau of, and Office of child care transferred from DHFS to DILJD -
Act 404
Child welfare services transferred from Milwaukee county to DHFS: planning required; Milwaukee child welfare partnership council created; TPR and adoption resource pool; MA coverage and automated information system provisions; DOA duties set -
Act 303
Controlled substance board transferred from DHFS to DORL; duties expanded -
Act 305
DHSS renamed Department of health and family services [Sec. 133, 2210, 9126 (19), 9426 (16)] -
Act 27
Hearings and appeals, Division of, in DOA: authority to hold administrative hearings for DHFS and DILJD; fee, asset and position transfer provisions -
Act 370
Juvenile justice code revisions -
Act 352
Mental health institutes' funding: date for DHFS deficit reduction plan and report modified [Sec. 47]
Act 216
Tattooing and body piercing: regulation and licensing provisions created; duties of DHFS or local health departments set -
Act 468
Wisconsin works health care coverage provisions; eligibility requirements set; abortion coverage excluded, certain exceptions provided [partial veto] -
Act 289
Wisconsin works kinship care: provision created re child care by a relative; guardianship and adoption provisions
Act 289
Workshop for the blind: debt service payments transferred from DILJD to DHFS [Sec. 27, 30, 9427]
Act 216
Agency secretary technical changes [Sec. 105, 133, 188, 2210, 9116 (5), 9126 (19), 9130 (4), 9416 (3), 9426 (16), 9430 (5)] -
Act 27
CBRF receivership: funding revised; payment of nursing home monitor costs [Sec. 920, 3240y-3241L] [3240y — partial veto] -
Act 27
Departmental efficiency savings report and approval procedure [Sec. 9104 (5), 9105 (2), 9126 (24x), 9136 (2), 9145 (7), 9157 (5)] [9126 (24x), 9136 (2), 9145 (7), 9157 (5) — partial veto] -
Act 27
DHSS renamed Department of health and family services [Sec. 133, 2210, 9126 (19), 9426 (16)] -
Act 27
DHSS reorganization plan: DOA to submit to JCF for review [Sec. 9126 (16)] [partial veto] -
Act 27
DORL or examining or credentialing board misconduct investigations: information disclosure provisions
Act 230
Expenditure of federal reimbursement of indirect costs limited [Sec. 307g, h, 961m] [vetoed] -
Historic property building preservation waiver [Sec. 17m, 1993j] -
Act 27
Sick leave policy and report by DHSS required [Sec. 9126 (22x)] -
Act 27
COP cost recovery assessment and case plan fee revisions; report required [ Sec. 818b, 952m, 2220j-L, 2223m, t, 2226m, n, 2229r, 2231r, 2234m, 2235g, 7065bm, 7190bm, 7191bm, c, 7193bm, c, 7194bm, c, 7195bm, c, 7197bm, c, 7198bm, c, 7199bm-y, 7200bm, 7206g, 9126 (30g), 9326 (24g), (24h), 9426 (28g), (28h)] [2226n, 2229r, 2231r — partial veto] -
Act 27
COP funding limit for long-term care in CBRF; DOA to review and approve rules and standards; report required [Sec. 2211-2213, 2217, 2222, 2247, 2250, 2254, 2261, 9126 (5), (29g)] -
Act 27
COP service purchase for persons residing in CBRF: development and use of model contract for purchase by counties; report required [Sec. 2214, 2219, 2233, 9126 (29h)]
Act 27
COP services in certain CBRFs: funding limited unless approved by DHSS [Sec. 2209w, 2215, 2216, 2227, 2229, 9126 (4)] -
Act 27
Elder abuse awareness campaign [Sec. 919, 2335] -
Act 27
Elderly program funding re COP, BOALTC, the guardianship grant program and Alzheimer's disease training and information grants [partial veto] -
Act 464
Nursing home reimbursement provisions revised [Sec. 2960-2968, 2970, 9426 (9)] -
Act 27
Older American community service employment program transferred from DHSS to DILHR [Sec. 2330m, 9126 (27q), 9426 (26q)] [vetoed] -
Adoption search program: DHSS contract authorized [Sec. 2495-2521, 9426 (23)] -
Act 27
AODA group homes: revolving loan fund revision [Sec. 2351] -
Act 27
AODA prevention and treatment as part of JOBS program: DHSS to request federal waiver [Sec. 2879g, m] [vetoed] -
AODA program consolidation study [Sec. 9126 (28g)] [vetoed] -
Child and spousal support receipt and disbursement: county board may designate duties -
Act 279
Child care economics: laws revised re school board contracts with day care centers, pupil transportation, outdoor play space, child care on other than first floor and kindergarten and prekindergarten programs -
Act 439
Child care overpayments: DHSS recovery of [Sec. 877, 879, 2372, 3094, 3098] -
Act 27
Child care programs: distribution of federal funds [Sec. 2354, 2357-2360] -
Act 27
Child care programs funded by federal grant: procedures and criteria revised [Sec. 951, 2373-2376, 2378-2386, 2388-2396, 2400-2402] -
Act 27
Child support and paternity programs transferred from DHSS to DILHR [for section numbers, see entry under ``Family — Support"] -
Act 27
Child support program: DHSS contracting for enforcement and collection [Sec. 866, 2129] -
Act 27
Children's services program funding revisions [Sec. 808, 916, 918m, 927-929, 937, 938, 941, 942m, 948, 950, 952, 954, 959m, 2298, 2310, 2318, 2337, 2339, 2355, 2356, 2387, 2397-2399, 2403, 2404, 2406, 2407, 2429, 2531, 2532, 2567b, 2588-2593, 2624, 2633, 3267, 7256, 9426 (18)]
Act 27
Community services appropriations consolidated re African-American foster parent recruitment and certain adolescent services programs [Sec. 943, 947, 949, 958, 960, 2304, 2405, 2600, 2601] -
Act 27
County child support appropriations consolidated; DOA to review and lapse funds [Sec. 844, 845, 868, 2130m, 2134, 2159, 2895, 2897, 2914, 9226 (1)] [868 — partial veto]
Act 27
County purchase of service contracts: DHSS not required to review [Sec. 2050, 2073, 2104] -
Act 27
Custodial parent allowed to obtain information about noncustodial parent; conditions specified
Act 187
Delinquent child support obligors: public awareness program; publication and identification of individuals
Act 12
Domestic abuse grant revisions [Sec. 939, 2340-2345, 2346-2348] -
Act 27
Facility licensure revisions [Sec. 2438-2440, 2583, 2584, 2587, 2598, 2602-2607, 3227-3231, 3233, 3238m, 3239, 9326 (22)] -
Act 27
Nonmarital child adoption: DHSS recommendations revised -
Act 443
Red Cliff Band of Lake Superior Chippewas: social services contract with DHSS authorized [Sec. 9126 (26j)]
Act 27
Special needs child adoption: grants limited -
Act 266
State adoption information center: grants revised -
Act 443