Company listing of agents: fees increased [Sec. 7002, 7040] -
Act 27
Continuing education requirements for insurance intermediaries [Sec. 7004, 7038, 7039] -
Act 27
Duplicate license fee provision [Sec. 7001] -
Act 27
Insurance law revisions re company's reserves, insurance security fund claims, immunity for acts related to solvency, service of process, hearing procedures and prohibited practices regarding disciplined agents -
Act 396
Viatical settlements and contracts: standards and requirements established; income tax exemption provided
Act 371
Burial agreements funded by a life insurance policy or trust fund: sale, solicitation and benefit payments
Act 295
Company listing of agents: fees increased [Sec. 7002, 7040] -
Act 27
Continuing education requirements for insurance intermediaries [Sec. 7004, 7038, 7039] -
Act 27
Duplicate license fee provision [Sec. 7001] -
Act 27
Fee increases [Sec. 6987-7000, 7005] -
Act 27
Health care information board membership modified; Interagency coordinating council created in DOA; studies required -
Act 433
Health care provider information collection, analysis and dissemination: funding for [Sec. 521] -
Act 27
HIRSP premium reduction re rate increase, sunset provided; study and proposed legislation on replacement program required [partial veto] -
Act 463
Insurance fraud: civil immunity created for persons who report -
Act 177
Insurance funds appropriations language changes [Sec. 523-525] -
Act 27
Insurance law revisions re company's reserves, insurance security fund claims, immunity for acts related to solvency, service of process, hearing procedures and prohibited practices regarding disciplined agents -
Act 396
Insurance security fund: participation and board of directors membership revised; compulsory and security surplus requirements expanded -
Act 236
Insurer service of process: registered agent requirement created [Sec. 7003, 7009, 7011, 7017] -
Act 27
Interstate insurance receivership compact ratified; commission created; appropriation provided, JCF duty re insufficient funding [partial veto] -
Act 462
Medical malpractice noneconomic damage awards: limit established; report required -
Act 10
Medical savings accounts by employer or self-employed persons authorized; tax exemption provided; exclusion re certain coverage portability provisions; study required re enactment of federal legislation -
Act 453
OHCI health care delivery performance measures [Sec. 9131 (1g)] -
Act 27
Uniform accounting system requirement for hospitals eliminated [Sec. 4394] -
Act 27
Viatical settlements and contracts: standards and requirements established; income tax exemption provided
Act 371
HIRSP assessment: payment by fraternal insurers [Sec. 7030]
Act 27
Chiropractic treatments conducted for insurers: independent evaluation of -
Act 94
Do-not-resuscitate order: provisions re revocation, health care liability exemption, suicide definition and insurance coverage; DHSS duties -
Act 200
Group health insurance market reform; provisions re guaranteed acceptance, preexisting condition exclusions and limitations, portability, contract termination and renewability; collective bargaining of certain health care coverage requirements [partial veto] -
Act 289
Health care fraud and abuse, Council on, created in DOA; report required; sunset provided -
Act 442
Health care information board membership modified; Interagency coordinating council created in DOA; studies required -
Act 433
Health insurance revised re coverage of optometrist services and preexisting condition exclusions or limitations (remedial legislation) -
Act 412
HIRSP assessment: payment by fraternal insurers [Sec. 7030]
Act 27
HIRSP eligibility: exception for certain maternal and child health services (remedial legislation)
Act 407
HIRSP premium reduction re rate increase, sunset provided; study and proposed legislation on replacement program required [partial veto] -
Act 463
Medical savings accounts by employer or self-employed persons authorized; tax exemption provided; exclusion re certain coverage portability provisions; study required re enactment of federal legislation -
Act 453
OHCI health care delivery performance measures [Sec. 9131 (1g)] -
Act 27
Operation Balkan endeavor: income tax and state health insurance revisions provided for military personnel [partial veto] -
Act 255
Wisconsin works health care coverage provisions; eligibility requirements set; abortion coverage excluded, certain exceptions provided [partial veto] -
Act 289
Burial agreements funded by a life insurance policy or trust fund: sale, solicitation and benefit payments
Act 295
DETF revisions re WRS lump sum payment, intestate or abandoned accounts notification, life insurance to certain Milwaukee teachers and application date for long-term disability insurance benefits (remedial legislation)
Act 414
Do-not-resuscitate order: provisions re revocation, health care liability exemption, suicide definition and insurance coverage; DHSS duties -
Act 200
Maternal and child health services: provisions re assignment of benefits and 3rd party claims (remedial legislation)
Act 407
Viatical settlements and contracts: standards and requirements established; income tax exemption provided
Act 371
Payment of final settlement for building or other structure damage or loss: amount increased [Sec. 7041c]
Act 27
S&L revisions re investment authority, charges and fees, absorption, conversion of mutual S&L to stock S&L and references to Federal deposit insurance corporation
Act 104
Motor vehicle consumer leases: laws revised; provisions re prelease agreements, bond or liability insurance policy, motor vehicle dealer definition, sales finance company bond or credit, leasing to a minor and personalized registration plates -
Act 329
Motor vehicle insurance revisions re notification of availability of underinsured motorist coverage, stacking of coverage and drive-other-car exclusions -
Act 21
Municipal insurance mutuals authorized to provide WC insurance -
Act 197
Insurance contracts: rescission grounds and notice requirements -
Act 259
Insurance funds appropriations language changes [Sec. 523-525] -
Act 27
Operation Balkan endeavor: income tax and state health insurance revisions provided for military personnel [partial veto] -
Act 255
Consumer act revisions re open-ended credit plan charges and fees; applicability re AG's opinion; study required
Act 328
Nursing licensure requirements: exception for certain persons created -
Act 146
Readoption of foreign child: laws revised -
Act 443
Interstate insurance receivership compact ratified; commission created; appropriation provided, JCF duty re insufficient funding [partial veto] -
Act 462
Midwest interstate low-level radioactive waste compact revised -
Act 115
Commuter rail service between Illinois and cities of Beloit and Janesville: DOT to study [partial veto]
Act 113
Foreign protection orders of courts: provisions re full faith and credit, enforcement and protection of individuals; revisions re 1995 WisAct 71 -
Act 306
High-speed rail service between Wisconsin and Minnesota: study authorized; matching funds provision [partial veto] -
Act 113
Jail bed contracts with Wisconsin counties or other states: funding revised [Sec. 9133 (1), 9212 (4), 9234 (1), 9400]
Act 416
Juvenile secure detention facility services: county contracts with Minnesota counties authorized -
Act 352
Lake states wood utilization consortium: funding for grants and administrative costs [Sec. 737c, e, 739m, r, 1430m, 9442 (8x)] -
Act 27
Nursing licensure requirements: exception for certain persons created -
Act 146
Prisoner committed to DOC custody: contracting for confinement in another state authorized -
Act 344
Sex offender registration reequirements revised; release of information to certain persons; D.N.A. analysis provisions; lie detector test program; interagency cooperation; testing of probationers and parolees from other states and information re move to another state -
Act 440
Transportation financing: committee created to study revenue sources, tax rate differences between Wisconsin and bordering states and mass transit financing [partial veto]
Act 113
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