Intelligent transportation systems: definition, funding and study [Sec. 351g-j, 1819j, 9150 (7j)] [vetoed]
Scenic byways program created [Sec. 349-351, 1820] -
Act 9
Signs and commercial activities within highway rights-of-way [Sec. 1818mn, 1820n, 1855p] -
Act 9
Vehicles used to pump septic or holding tanks: exemption re highway special or seasonal weight limitations
Act 46
I 39 interchange in Marathon county: DOT to request federal waiver [Sec. 1819rg] -
Act 9
Land remote from a highway project: limitation on moneys used to purchase [Sec. 358m, 1818r, t, 1819rgg, rgm, 1820mg, 1824fm, 1855rn] [1855rn — partial veto]
Act 9
Light rail service contracting limited; expenditures prohibited; exception re USH 12 memorandum of agreement; sunset provided [Sec. 1642m, 1849gm, 9150 (3bm)]
Act 9
Local road mileage and condition: required reports to DOT revised; technical assistance with pavement assessment; discretionary town road improvements [Sec. 1864-1872, 9150 (2br), (2bt), (2s)] -
Act 9
Local roads for job preservation grant program created; general obligation bond provision -
Act 146
Major highway project enumeration: portion of STH 23 added [Sec. 1818w] -
Act 9
Major highway project enumeration: USH 41 in Oconto and Marinette counties added [Sec. 1819]
Act 9
Major highway projects: provisions re evaluation and review of potential projects [Sec. 3jm, 1819c, 1830h, 9350 (2m)]
Act 9
Mukwonago bypass project in Waukesha county [Sec. 9150 (6f)] -
Act 9
Stewardship 2000: funding of Warren Knowles-Gaylord Nelson stewardship program; land acquisition and protection; local grants; signage; JCF review; report on land prices; bluff protection; land acquisition in the Baraboo Hills; USH12 construction; funding re Milwaukee lakeshore state park, Sheboygan riverfront park, Rib mountain state park and Rock river recreational corridor [for section numbers and vetoes, see entry under ``Natural resource"] -
Act 9
STH addition: study re Tolles Road in Rock county [Sec. 9150 (7g)] [vetoed] -
STH 59 in Waukesha county: reconstruction of [Sec. 1819d, e] -
Act 9
Sustainable urban development zone program created; brownfield provisions; pilot program for certain cities; transportation planning [Sec. 332e, m, 1684d, 1709c, 1719g, m, 1722bd, 1740c, 1743d, 1747m, 1748bm, 1749k, 1756h, 1760q, 2649h, 9150 (3v), 9343 (22c)] [2649h — partial veto; all other sections (except 332e) vetoed] -
Act 9
Town road improvements: discretionary funds [Sec. 1875f] -
Act 9
USH 8 corridor study [Sec. 9150 (10f)] -
Act 9
USH 10 between Marshfield and Osseo: DOT to study potential improvements [Sec. 9150 (10e)] [partial veto]
Act 9
Local road mileage and condition: required reports to DOT revised; technical assistance with pavement assessment; discretionary town road improvements [Sec. 1864-1872, 9150 (2br), (2bt), (2s)] -
Act 9
Local roads improvement program revisions re county highway improvement program, highway departments and municipal streets [Sec. 1875cb-di, fd-ge, 9150 (2bgm), 9350 (4mg)] [9150 (2bgm) — partial veto]
Act 9
Fire call on state trunk or interstate highway: DOT reimbursement of costs to towns revised -
Act 131
General transportation aid revisions re aid rate per mile, law enforcement as share-of-costs and aid payments for calendar year 2001 [Sec. 1856-1863m, 1873-1875, 9350 (8)]
Act 9
Local segregated fund requirements re mass transit and highways [Sec. 1849d, 1863md, 9350 (4t)] [1849d, 1863md — partial veto] -
Act 9
State highway rehabilitation funds [Sec. 1818p] [vetoed] -
Town road improvements: discretionary funds [Sec. 1875f] -
Act 9
America's Black Holocaust Museum: Tour.Dept grants; DOT to erect and maintain directional sign [Sec. 342, 1855r] [342 — partial veto] -
Act 9
Hartford heritage auto museum: DOT to erect directional signs [Sec. 9150 (7c)] -
Act 9
I 794 and STH 794 in Milwaukee county: portion designated as the ``John R. Plewa memorial lake parkway" [Sec. 1819rm] -
Act 9
Signs and commercial activities within highway rights-of-way [Sec. 1818mn, 1820n, 1855p] -
Act 9
STH 32 intersection in south Milwaukee: DOT to install traffic signals [Sec. 9150 (10t)] -
Act 9
STH 35 and STH 70 in the village of Siren: traffic signal installation by DOT [Sec. 9150 (10x)] -
Act 9
STH 172 specific information signs [Sec. 1855rm] -
Act 9
Traffic control signals at certain intersection in St. Croix Falls: DOT to install [Sec. 9150 (7f)] -
Act 9
USH 51 intersection in Rock county: DOT to install traffic control signals [Sec. 9150 (10d)] -
Act 9
STH addition: study re Tolles Road in Rock county [Sec. 9150 (7g)] [vetoed] -
USH 51 intersection in Rock county: DOT to install traffic control signals [Sec. 9150 (10d)] -
Act 9
Rural economic development program loans in counties with low median household incomes [Sec. 2955m-r]
Act 9
Critical access hospitals: DHFS to distribute supplements of MA moneys [Sec. 1382-1384] -
Act 9
Dental services grant re fluoride treatments, clinical education and underserved areas [Sec. 2400h]
Act 9
Graduate medical education: JLC to study funding alternatives for health care providers serving MA recipients or certain areas of the state [Sec. 9131 (4c)] -
Act 9
Land use planning activities, transportation planning grants, neighborhood development, state goals, smart growth dividends, model ordinances, comprehensive planning and conservation subdivisions [for section numbers and vetoes, see entry under ``Land use planning and control"]
Act 9
Physician and health care provider loan assistance programs: funding from Indian gaming compact moneys [Sec. 202, 562, 2957-2964, 9210 (1)] -
Act 9
Full-time DAs for Richland and Rusk counties [Sec. 3207r, 9358 (5f)] -
Act 9
Conservation reserve enhancement program and funding; grassland habitat provision; prohibition re use of land for game bird, deer, animal or fur farm [Sec. 183tm, 637e, 1933gm] [1933gm — partial veto] -
Act 9
Farmland preservation pilot program created in the town of Troy; provision re purchase of development rights for farmland [Sec. 184c, 1580p] [vetoed] -
St. Croix valley tourism alliance: grant from Indian gaming revenues [Sec. 9149 (3e)] [vetoed] -
Vehicles for sale on consignment: use of certain registration plates by dealer, distributor or manufacturer permitted
Act 91
County sales tax collections retained by the state: portion increased [Sec. 613, 1816, 1817, 9343 (16)]
Act 9
Onetime rebate of nonbusiness consumer sales tax paid by individuals; school property tax rent credit and school levy tax credit provision; sunset and DOA report with JCF review required [partial veto] -
Act 10
Professional football stadium district created; bonding authority; income, property, sales, use and franchise tax provisions; minority and women owned businesses and prevailing wage law requirements; special distinguishing registration plates and sale of engraved tiles or bricks; investment authority of BCPL and the Investment board; state moral obligation pledge re bonds; LAB audit [partial veto] -
Act 167
Sales and use tax late filing fee increased [Sec. 1815, 9343 (8)]
Act 9
Sales tax rebate for individuals on onetime basis exempt from income tax -
Act 54
Services for children and families: funding re sales and use taxes collected by out-of-state direct marketers [Sec. 390d, 1104g, 1815g] -
Act 9
Auctions: sales tax exemption for [Sec. 1812Lmg, 9443 (7v)] -
Act 9
Electricity sold for use in farming: sales tax exemption expanded [Sec. 1812p, 9343 (23g)] -
Act 9
Flex-time time-share property: sales tax exemption for sales of [Sec. 1810fm, 1812Lm, Ln, Lp, 3049sm, 9443 (4g)]
Act 9
Food provided to restaurant employes at work: sales tax exemption created [Sec. 1812Lr, 9443 (7fg)]
Act 9
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