Recall of local elected officials: procedure revised; ``cause" defined [Sec. 94f-s, 3828m, 9359 (11q)] [vetoed]  -  SB-55
civil rightCivil right
AG authority re civil rights actions and inquests [Sec. 1996m, 2854m, 4033g-n, 4034b-y] [vetoed] -  SB-55
civil serviceCivil service, see also Public employee and its subheadings; specific agency
Deputy sheriff position applicants: residency requirement repealed -  Act 9
Selective service system: penalties for failure to register created [Sec. 1349u, 1380g, 2606m, 3061r, t, 9336 (2w), 9436 (2w)] -  Act 16
Shared human resources system re civil service system: funding provided; reports required [Sec. 910d, 9129 (1m)] [vetoed] -  SB-55
State fair park board employees: employment rights re placement in unclassified service (1999 WisAct 9) [Sec. 1405, 3079] -  Act 16
Wisconsin veterans retirement center commandant: one position in unclassified service created [Sec. 3057]  -  Act 16
Gravel roads damaged re detours from state trunk highways: DOT to pay claims from local governments [Sec. 2308m, 9352 (1f)] [vetoed] -  SB-55
La Crosse, City of: $8,420.92 transportation aids fee claim [Sec. 632m, n, 9159 (3q), 9452 (10q)] [vetoed]  -  SB-55
Messner, Robert and Dorothy: $9,296.00 property damage claim -  Act 60
State property repair or replacement costs: PR damage claims appropriation created [Sec. 665, 1122]  -  Act 16
Unclaimed property revisions re reporting, notice, payment, and delivery requirements; abandoned stock and intangible business interests [Sec. 2883-2897, 2901, 2904, 2911, 9153 (1), (2), 9353 (1)] -  Act 16
clayton, town ofClayton, Town of, see Winnebago county
club drugsClub drugs, see Drugs
collective bargainingCollective bargaining
Binding arbitration for 1st class city police department members re interrogations of the police officer [Sec. 2610, 9317 (6)] -  Act 16
City-county health department revisions; collective bargaining and WRS provisions [Sec. 1398w, 1563d, 2021n, 2609j, 3128pd-ps] -  Act 16
Compensation and fringe benefit supplement for state agencies [Sec. 946-948, 950-952, 954-957, 959, 960, 9459 (4)]  -  Act 16
Law enforcement officer or fire fighter discipline procedure revised re collective bargaining agreement [Sec. 150g, 9359 (7v)] [vetoed] -  Jr2 AB-1
QEO revisions re maintenance of all conditions of employment, permissive subjects of bargaining, and binding arbitration [Sec. 2609L-t, 9317 (8m)] [vetoed] -  SB-55
columbia countyColumbia county
Recreational boating aids for Fish, Mud, and Crystal lakes in Dane and Columbia counties [Sec. 9137 (2x)]  -  Act 109
commerce, department ofCommerce, Department of
Agricultural development zone provisions [Sec. 2146m, 2147k, r, t, 2177m, 2178k, r, t, 2191m, 2192r, t, 3700d, 3708m, 9344 (30nk)] [3708m — partial veto]  -  Act 16
Anhydrous ammonia regulations revised; penalty provided -  Act 73
Anhydrous ammonia storage and handling regulations created; penalty and civil liability provisions  -  Act 3
Brand image for Wisconsin technology and biotechnology: Forward Wisconsin, Inc., to study [Sec. 17u, v, 26, 28no, p, 9110 (1c), 9410 (1e)] [vetoed] -  Jr2 AB-1
Brownfields grant program: funding levels requirement eliminated; grants awarded on semiannual basis [Sec. 3631-3632] [3631m — vetoed] -  Act 16
Brownfields grants to cities of: Kenosha re American Brass Factory site, Beloit re abandoned rail corridor, and Amery re Apple River project [Sec. 9110 (9c)-(9e)]  -  Act 16
Brownfields redevelopment grants: eligibility expanded [Sec. 3625-3629] -  Act 16
Brownfields site assessment grant program revisions; sustainable urban development zone program expanded; references to ``pilot program" in specific cities removed; cities of Fond du Lac and Platteville added [Sec. 3323b-3324db, 3696]  -  Act 16
Business development initiative program eliminated [Sec. 29, 30, 475-504] -  Act 109
CAP Services, Inc.: grant re assistance to small businesses [Sec. 439, 9110 (8y)] [vetoed] -  SB-55
Certified capital companies administration appropriation: lapse balance to general fund at year end [Sec. 442g] [vetoed] -  SB-55
Chippewa Valley Technical College grant for health care education center [Sec. 451, 9110 (2k)] -  Act 16
Comm.Dept early planning grants for businesses: contracting directly with providers of assistance permitted [Sec. 3664, 3665, 3710, 3711, 3712] -  Act 16
Comm.Dept reports re Business development assistance center and entrepreneurial and intermediary assistance programs consolidated and revised [Sec. 3694, 3695, 3697, 3698]  -  Act 16
Crane operator certification [Sec. 2447x, 2490b, f, 9110 (9q) - (9qr), 9310 (2q), 9410 (2q)] [vetoed]  -  SB-55
Development opportunity zone in Milwaukee: tax credit for capital investment; tax benefits on basis of another's activity in that zone authorized [Sec. 2143, 2146, 2152, 2157, 2175, 2176, 2177, 2180, 2182, 2191, 2194, 2203, 2248, 3700, 3701, 3702, 3703, 3704, 3705-3708, 9344 (9), (10)] [2146, 2175, 2177, 2191 — partial veto] -  Act 16
Dwelling code council: membership revised [Sec. 170d, 9110 (4q)] -  Act 16
Economic strategy, Office of: Comm.Dept to report on plan to create [Sec. 9110 (8z)] [vetoed] -  SB-55
Fire dues program administration pending rule changes; sunset provided [Sec. 2490r-2497m] [vetoed]  -  SB-55
Fire suppression equipment and material: grant program for rural fire departments [Sec. 3664m] [vetoed]  -  SB-55
Florence County Keyes Peak Recreation Center grant [Sec. 451, 9110 (10fk)] [vetoed] -  SB-55
Gaming economic and diversification programs and gaming specialist salary and benefits: payment out of Native American liaison appropriation [Sec. 449] -  Act 16
Gaming economic development and diversification program revisions, appropriations consolidated; brownfields remediation included; grants to M7 Development Corporation re Lincoln Park center and Oneida Small Business, Inc., re Project 2000 [Sec. 443, 445, 451, 452, 882, 3634-3642, 3646, 9110 (1)] [451 — partial veto; 9110 (1) — vetoed]  -  Act 16
Gateway Technical College: grant for [Sec. 439, 9110 (8x)] [vetoed] -  SB-55
GPR appropriations decreased [Sec. 9210 (5)-(10), (11)] -  Act 109
Indian gaming receipts transferred to certain state agencies [Sec. 9201 (5mk), 9205 (1mk), 9210 (3mk), 9223 (5mk), 9224 (1mk), 9225 (1mk), 9231 (1mk), 9237 (4mk), 9240 (1mk), 9251 (1mk), 9256 (1mk), 9257 (2mk), 9258 (2mk)]  -  Act 16
International and export development, Division of, position and audit; charges for international liaison services to state agencies [Sec. 3650-3652, 9110 (9mq), 9132 (5q)] [9132 (5q) — vetoed] -  Act 16
International and export services, Division of: funding for [Sec. 28n, 29n, 9110 (1z), 9210 (11z), 9410 (1z)] [9210 (11z) — partial veto; 9110 (1z) — vetoed]  -  Act 109
Manufactured home water and sewer regulation revisions; transitional water and sewer assessments [Sec. 459r, 464, 465b, 2408, 2532-2539, 2540-2541, 2973-2977, 2989-2994, 3002-3007, 3014b-3017, 9110 (3z), 9142 (2), 9210 (3z)]  -  Act 16
Manufacturing extension center grants funded from Indian gaming revenues; program date extended [Sec. 444, 454, 884, 3692, 3693] -  Act 16
Milwaukee Economic Development Corporation grants to the Menominee Valley Partners, Inc.: funding from environmental fund, Indian gaming revenue provisions; matching funds required [Sec. 458, 3643-3645] -  Act 16
Minority business grant and loan funds: use for certain expenses prohibited [Sec. 3709] -  Act 16
Operations appropriation reduced; may submit request to JCF re reallocation [Sec. 9259 (7z)] -  Act 109
PECFA changes re revenue bonding limit and reimbursement for some interest costs [Sec. 2468p, r, 2470-2471, 2483k, 2485, 9110 (2x), (2y), 9310 (1x)] [2470p, r, 9110 (2x), (2y), 9310 (1x) — vetoed] -  Act 16
Physician loan assistance program expanded to include dentists and dental hygienists; membership of Rural health development council increased [Sec. 171, 172, 446, 447, 885c, 3667-3691] -  Act 16
Port Plaza Renovation Project in city of Green Bay: funding and management of grant proceeds [Sec. 451, 9110 (11zx)]  -  Act 16
Potosi Brewery Foundation grants [Sec. 451, 9110 (11pk)] -  Act 16
Public works contracts and minority businesses [Sec. 321j, 1111j, 1346t, 1372i, 1406w, 2001r, 2002m, 2003t, vp, vq, wm, wq, 2026k, 2307h-j, ji, 2744m, 2760m, 3020h-k, 3035x, 3037p-r, 3095j, 3097e, 3098v, 3141d, 3619sd-sp, 3710j] [vetoed] -  SB-55
Rural finance authority: creation proposed [Sec. 9110 (1v)] -  Act 109
Segregated funding to Comm.Dept and DNR decreased; funds transferred from the petroleum inspection, recycling, and environmental funds [Sec. 9210 (2)-(4), 9237 (11)-(20)]  -  Act 109
State agency budget reductions due to efficiency measures; submission of requests to JCF for reallocating appropriations reductions [Sec. 9159 (1)] [partial veto]  -  Act 16
Tank plan review and inspection fees deposit in petroleum inspection fund [Sec. 1129, 2449, 2490, 9101 (1), 9210 (1)] -  Act 16
Technology zones: Comm.Dept to designate; tax credit eligibility; partnerships, LLCs and tax options made ineligible; zone designation with JCF approval; sunset provided [Sec. 2148, 2153, 2179, 2181, 2193, 2195, 2204, 3713, 9344 (22)] [3713 — partial veto] -  Act 16
Trade show grants: eligibility expanded [Sec. 3653-3663] -  Act 16
United Community Center in the city of Milwaukee: grants for [Sec. 445g, 9110 (7g)] -  Act 16
Wisconsin advanced telecommunications foundation elimination; fund transfers; technology provisions re industrial development and growth, digital mammography machine, geographical education, and other technological advances [for sections numbers, see entry under ``Telecommunications"]  -  Act 16
Wisconsin development fund decrease [Sec. 9210 (10w)] [vetoed] -  Jr2 AB-1
Wisconsin development fund treatment and grants for specific purposes; business planning grant re vodka distillation from potatoes and potato waste [Sec. 438m, 3619w, 3692c, 9110 (10eg), 9410 (2xyf)] [438m — partial veto; 9110 (10eg) — vetoed] -  Act 16
Wisconsin development reserve fund: ratio for reserves revised [Sec. 3125c, 3126] [3125c — vetoed]  -  Act 16
Wood treated with arsenic: DATCP and Comm.Dept to review and report re harm to environment or human health, may not prohibit unless substitute available; report to JCF re plan to keep arsenic treated wood use in picnic tables, park benches, and children's playground equipment [Sec. 2394p, 9104 (2k)] [2394p — partial veto; 9104 (2k) — vetoed]  -  Act 16
commercial codeCommercial code
Uniform commercial code revision re secured transactions adopted [partial veto] -  Act 10
commercial mobile radioCommercial mobile radio, see Telecommunications
community_based residential facilityCommunity-based residential facility
COP and CIP-II bed-size restrictions eliminated [Sec. 1502L-r, 1504r-1505d, 1507s-1508d] [1504r — vetoed]  -  Act 16
Fee revenue allocation revision [Sec. 708] -  Act 16
Southern Wisconsin Veterans Retirement Center funding [Sec. 783t, 9157 (8b)] -  Act 16