Venison processing and donation program [Sec. 610, 1196, 1225-1234, 9437 (7k)] -  Act 16
Veterinary diagnostic and meat/muscle science laboratories at U.W. Madison enumerated [Sec. 9107 (8g), (9g)]  -  Act 16
llc _limited liability company_LLC (Limited liability company), see Corporation
Federated public library systems made eligible for state trust fund loans [Sec. 1088d, 1089m-1101m, 1407m]  -  Act 16
logs and loggingLogs and logging, see Forestry
long_term careLong-term care, see Nursing homes
looby, joseph lLooby, Joseph L.
Life and public service [AJR-25] -  JR-11
lorge, gerald dLorge, Gerald D.
Life and public service [SJR-28] -  JR-22
Compulsive gambling awareness campaign revisions; lottery moneys to fund [Sec. 728p, 880c, 920h, 1142t, 1483gb]  -  Act 16
GPR appropriations repealed [Sec. 920c-h] -  Act 16
Lottery and gaming property tax credit application process revised [Sec. 933j, 2294ec-eh, 9144 (4p), 9344 (2p)]  -  Act 16
Municipal lottery credit payment corrections [Sec. 933, 2292-2294] -  Act 16
low_income personsLow-income persons, see Poor
Pledge of allegiance and national anthem: public and private school requirements revised [Sec. 2674d, j]  -  Act 16
lsd _lysergic acid diethylamide_LSD (Lysergic acid diethylamide), see Drugs
lte _limited term employee_LTE (Limited term employee), see Public employee
m - M -
USH 51 in city of Madison: improvements to Rieder Road intersection [Sec. 9152 (2f)] [vetoed] -  Jr2 AB-1
USH 51 in city of Madison: improvements to Rieder Road intersection [Sec. 9152 (3e)] [vetoed] -  SB-55
manitowoc, city ofManitowoc, City of
Manitowoc river dredging project: recreational boating aids to city of Manitowoc, matching funds not required; sunset provided [Sec. 9137 (8d)] -  Act 16
manufactured homeManufactured home, see Housing
manufacturing property taxManufacturing property tax, see Property tax
GIS mapping services: JLAC may request performance evaluation audit of DNR services; to include feasibility of privatization [Sec. 9132 (2z)] [vetoed] -  SB-55
Platting land and recording certified survey maps: general chapter revisions [Sec. 3127b-m] -  Act 16
marathon countyMarathon county
Major highway project enumeration: portions of STH 17, STH 26, and I 39/USH 51 added [Sec. 2300-2302]  -  Act 16
Marathon county highway signs along STH 29 and STH 107: DOT to erect re location of ``Little Chicago" [Sec. 9152 (6q)] [vetoed] -  SB-55
Mountain-Bay State Trail: funding to town of Weston to provide a public access site [Sec. 1153m] [vetoed]  -  SB-55
Plover river in Marathon and Portage counties: funding to acquire conservation easements [Sec. 1039k] [vetoed]  -  SB-55
Plover river in Marathon and Portage counties: funding to acquire conservation easements [Sec. 72p] [vetoed]  -  Jr2 AB-1
Water towers in villages of Athens and Weston: funding provided [Sec. 3161u, uc] -  Act 16
Wausau state office facility study [Sec. 9107 (12mk)] [vetoed] -  SB-55
marcus, benMarcus, Ben
Life and public service [AJR-21] -  JR-43
marinette, city ofMarinette, City of
Menominee River boat launching facilities improvement: funding to city of Marinette; sunset provided [Sec. 9137 (8k)] [vetoed] -  SB-55
marinette countyMarinette county
USH 141 and CTH ``B" intersection in Marinette county: interchange included [Sec. 2302g] [vetoed]  -  SB-55
marquette universityMarquette university
Wisconsin advanced telecommunications foundation elimination; fund transfers; technology provisions re industrial development and growth, digital mammography machine, geographical education, and other technological advances [for sections numbers, see entry under ``Telecommunications"]  -  Act 16
marriageMarriage, see also Divorce
Marriage and parental responsibility instruction in schools [Sec. 2670m-q, 9440 (1f)] -  Act 16
Marriage counselor positions in DHFS decreased [Sec. 9123 (14q)] -  Act 16
Social worker, marriage and family therapists, professional counselor, and art, music, and dance therapist: regulations revised -  Act 80
Vital records information, fees, and disclosure revisions [Sec. 689d, e, 1483, 2057-2064, 2067-2100, 2101, 3782-3785, 3794, 9423 (3), (4)] [2077, 2093, 2095g, h — partial veto; 2095i — vetoed] -  Act 16
maternal and infant careMaternal and infant care
APPPS board transferred from DHFS to DOA; PR appropriation created; use of grant moneys by organizations [Sec. 174, 693-695, 1569-1572, 9123 (4)] -  Act 16
Congenital disorders testing program: fees and appropriation [Sec. 696, 3143] -  Act 16
Human ova donors tested for HIV; Council on developmental disabilities membership revised; ``child caring institution" changed to ``residential care center for children and youth" (remedial legislation) -  Act 59
Newborn child relinquished by parent to law enforcement officer, EMT, or hospital staff member: procedures created; anonymity, juvenile court authority, and civil or criminal liability provisions -  Act 2
Second-chance homes for child who is a custodial parent or expectant mother receiving inadequate care created, cultural competency requirement; DHFS to distribute grants to private agencies -  Act 69
Sudden infant death syndrome prevention training [Sec. 1636d, 1660y, 9123 (14b), 9158 (11c)] -  Act 16
WIC electronic benefits transfer study [Sec. 9123 (9h)] -  Act 16
mathews, edwin lee, srMathews, Edwin Lee, Sr.
Life and accomplishments commended [AJR-42] -  JR-39
mausoleumMausoleum, see Cemetery
mauston, city ofMauston, City of, see Juneau county
mayer, george aMayer, George A.
Life and public service [SJR-18] -  JR-9
mcguire, alfred emanuelMcGuire, Alfred Emanuel
Al McGuire day recognized February 22, 2001 [SJR-20] -  JR-8
medical assistanceMedical assistance
Adult day care centers: biennial fee for MA certification revised [Sec. 722d, 1791h, i] [1791i — vetoed]  -  Act 16
Asset requirements for the AFDC-MA and AFDC-related MA categories eliminated; income limit increased by percentage increase in consumer price index [Sec. 1797-1798g, 1800-1805d, 1811-1815j, 1819, 9323 (10c), (10d), 9423 (6c), (6d)] [1797g, j, 1798g, 1800m, 1804g, m, 1805d, 1815g, j, 9323 (10d), 9423 (6d) — vetoed] -  Act 16
Badger care outpatient hospital reimbursement [Sec. 717b, c, d, 9123 (8e), 9423 (15d)] -  Act 16
Children with asthma: grants for case management services re MA or Badger care [Sec. 718s, 3142m] [vetoed]  -  SB-55
CIP funding source changed [Sec. 9223 (12), (14)] -  Act 109
CIP 1A reimbursement to centers for the developmentally disabled revised [Sec. 1767] -  Act 16
Community disability service providers: health insurance supplement for [Sec. 707r, s, 9123 (13q), 9423 (15r)] [vetoed] -  SB-55
Community services deficit reduction and federal medicaid moneys [Sec. 1771-1774, 1791, 1806, 9423 (1)]  -  Act 16
Community support program appropriation [Sec. 726n, 1971L] [1971L — partial veto] -  Act 16