Payments to counties and municipalities re public utilities revised; shared revenue provision; public utility distribution account established [partial veto]
Act 31
Public utility benefits fund and earned income tax credit revisions; PSC's ability to require additional public benefits programs or provide additional funding limited [Sec. 667, 668, 2317m] [2317m — vetoed] -
Act 33
Public utility facility construction in certain cases, utility aid payments, and utility condemnations revisions; DNR and PSC duties; brownfields and environmental assessment provisions -
Act 89
Utility costs incurred by municipalities in connection with certain prisons: reimbursement provided [Sec. 9110 (1x)] [vetoed] -
Utility security system plans: definitions and withholding public access [vetoed] -
Walnut Street steam and chilled-water plant funding; report to DOA [Sec. 386r, w, 932m] -
Act 33
Minority businesses and public work projects [Sec. 221m, 842t, 924g, 943p, 1029r, 1524r, 1527g-1528t, 1533b, 1682d- 1683m, 2022b, 2031p, 2325h-m, 2384c-cr, 2440m, 2442r, 2448g, r, 2618v-vp, 2628fg] [vetoed]
Public construction contracts: percent of state retainage revised
Act 157
Solid waste used in public works projects: immunity from liability under certain conditions; DNR duty specified
Act 88
Halfway houses for nonviolent offenders: program created, sunset provided [Sec. 439t, w, 1189g, r, 2485g, r, 9410 (1q)] [2485g — partial veto] -
Act 33
Hybrid-electric vehicle or vehicle operating on gasohol or alternative fuels: use as state-owned or leased vehicles required when feasible and assembly in U.S. is certified; DOA to encourage use among agencies and residents, report required; definition provided -
Act 311
Pharmacy benefits purchasing pool: GIB to develop with JCF approval [Sec. 1026r] [partial veto]
Act 33
Prescription drug cost controls and drug purchasing agreements; prescription drug prior authorization provisions; DHFS report required; Mental health medication review committee created [Sec. 1392p-1393, 9124 (8w), 9424 (8w)] [1393 — partial veto; 1392p-u, 9124 (8w), 9424 (8w) — vetoed]
Act 33
State lottery functions: authority to contract out services [Sec. 2630g-2631] [2631 — partial veto; 2630g, h — vetoed] -
Act 33
Vendors doing business with the state required to register with DOR and to remit sales and use taxes; procurement from noncomplying vendors prohibited [Sec. 40, 178, 187, 189, 192-195, 199, 211, 214, 220, 221, 222, 752, 1651, 2059]
Act 33
TEACH board eliminated, duties transferred to DOA; some responsibilities transferred to DPI; training and technical assistance grants eliminated; sunset for infrastructure assistance grants; debt service, E-rate, and telecommunications access reestimates; annual grant to Racine Unified School District removed; provision re certain public museum retained [for section numbers and vetoes, see entry under ``Reorganization of state government"] -
Act 33
Racine County Children with Disabilities Education Board: provisions re assets, liabilities, and certain benefits for former employees if dissolved -
Act 180
MTBE in gasoline, gasoline-alcohol fuel blends, and reformulated gasoline prohibited over certain amount; Comm.Dept duties specified; racing fuel provision
Act 45
Recreational attraction tickets: penalty for failure to pay; definition and civil action provisions -
Act 252
Snowmobile law revisions re operation of, equipment on, registration certificates, and derbies and races; funding for trails, safety, and enforcement costs; boat and ATV provision
Act 166
Wagering on simulcast races permitted [Sec. 2629d, e, 9401 (2x)] -
Act 33
Threat to release chemical, biological, or radioactive substances knowing it is false: crime created, definition provided; court to assess certain costs -
Act 104
Rail property improvement and acquisition: bonding authority increased [Sec. 685] -
Act 33
Traffic violations re railroad crossings: liability imposed on vehicle owner; defense and change of venue provisions
Act 209
Commuter rail transit system development program created; grants provided for certain uses, not applicable to light rail transit; construction or expansion to be specifically enumerated by statute [Sec. 420c-e, 1702, 1703] [1703 — partial veto; 420e — vetoed] -
Act 33
Columbia space shuttle astronauts: lives honored and condolences extended at their deaths [AJR-20]
- JR-27
``Ronald Reagan Day" recognized February 6 [SJR-13] - JR-7
USH 14 portion designated and marked ``Ronald Reagan Highway" [vetoed] -
Tax delinquent real property: sale procedure modified -
Act 123
Tax warrant re lien on property: duration specified -
Act 288
Real estate licenses: DORL may enter into reciprocal agreements with other states or territories [vetoed]
Real estate licenses: DORL may enter into reciprocal agreements with other states or territories
Act 168
Real estate licenses: DORL may enter into reciprocal agreements with other states or territories [vetoed]
Real estate licenses: DORL may enter into reciprocal agreements with other states or territories
Act 168
Town highways (chap.81) and laying highways (chap.80): modernized and recodified -
Act 214
Discover Wisconsin Productions: funding provided for a nature-based television series featuring the outdoors of Wisconsin [Sec. 803m] [vetoed] -
Recreation programs for children and families of Southeast Asian origin: grants for summer and after-school programs [Sec. 1272g] [vetoed] -
Recreational attraction tickets: penalty for failure to pay; definition and civil action provisions -
Act 252
Three-vehicle combination permit: type of trailer expanded re personal recreational vehicle; operation prohibited under certain weather conditions -
Act 210
Wild rivers: DNR prohibited from promulgating certain rule re snowmobiles and ATVs crossing certain bridges; locations and trail conditions specified -
Act 248
Aggravated burglary modified re dwellings, certain boats, and motor homes -
Act 189
Alcohol concentration: prohibited level lowered; ATV, boat, and snowmobile operation included; court costs and fees for first violation provision; DOT to purge driving records of first violation under certain conditions except CDL holders
Act 30
ATV law revisions re registration fees, nonresident trail pass, operation of by minors, penalties for OWI, noise restrictions, and certain funding -
Act 251
Motor home, mobile home, or recreational vehicle: maximum permissible length and width revised
Act 213
Protective headgear use or nonuse by operators and passengers of motorcycles, ATVs, and snowmobiles: introduction of evidence in certain civil actions prohibited, exceptions and recovery for damages provisions -
Act 148
Restricted controlled substances: operating a motor vehicle, ATV, snowmobile, or motorboat or operating or going armed with a firearm with detectable amounts in person's blood prohibited; definition provided -
Act 97
Snowmobile law revisions re operation of, equipment on, registration certificates, and derbies and races; funding for trails, safety, and enforcement costs; boat and ATV provision
Act 166
Three-vehicle combination permit: type of trailer expanded re personal recreational vehicle; operation prohibited under certain weather conditions -
Act 210
Wild rivers: DNR prohibited from promulgating certain rule re snowmobiles and ATVs crossing certain bridges; locations and trail conditions specified -
Act 248
Clean Water Fund, Safe Drinking Water Loan, and Land Recycling Loan programs: subsidies set; clean water revenue bonding authority revised [Sec. 680t, 2466-2469] [2466 — partial veto; 680t — vetoed] -
Act 33
Oil filters and other oil-absorbent materials disposal: Comm. Dept to convene a committee to study and establish percentage goals for recycling -
Act 96
Postconsumer waste for newsprint used in newspapers: percentage revised -
Act 106
Recycling tipping fee: exemption for PCB contaminated sediments removed from navigable waters [Sec. 2475e]
Act 33
RMDB and related grant program repealed; additional lapse from repayments to Wisconsin development fund, rural economic development program, and community based economic development program; DNR to make statutory awards re certain business-to-business peer exchange and materials exchange programs; recycling fund transfers to general fund [for section numbers and vetoes, see entry under ``Reorganization of state government - Attached under s.15.03"]
Act 33
Tobacco Control Board, recycling fund, utility public benefits fund, and universal service fund: appropriation revisions -
Act 1
RMDB and related grant program repealed; additional lapse from repayments to Wisconsin development fund, rural economic development program, and community based economic development program; DNR to make statutory awards re certain business-to-business peer exchange and materials exchange programs; recycling fund transfers to general fund [for section numbers and vetoes, see entry under ``Reorganization of state government - Attached under s.15.03"]
Act 33