Burial agreements funded with trust funds or life insurance proceeds: DHFS to prescribe affidavit of death; invoice of costs required; civil liability immunity for financial institutions re release of funds -
Act 167
Certificate of birth resulting in stillbirth created; state registrar duties set -
Act 300
Hospital and ambulatory surgery center data collection [Sec. 214b, 215c, 458r, 2092c-2095rt, 9124 (10k), 9224 (3k), 9424 (11k)] [2092c-f, i, j, 2093bg, bh, 2094L, x, 2095re, rn, 9124 (10k) — partial veto; 2094c-g — vetoed]
Act 33
Inpatient health care facility fee revenues: use of funds [Sec. 457] -
Act 33
Name change of a minor: procedure revised -
Act 65
Sex offender registered with Corr.Dept: name change prohibited; penalties provided -
Act 52
Election administration costs financing and establishment of an election administration fund re federal Help America Vote Act [partial veto] -
Act 35
Help America Vote Act of 2002 administration costs: DOA and Elections Board directed to request JCF to transfer moneys -
Act 296
Voter registration, voting requirements and procedures, and administration of elections: laws revised; Help America Vote Act of 2002 provisions; LAB, JCF, and Elections Board duties -
Act 265
Voting re resumed eligibility and notice re resumed eligibility or ineligibility: court, Corr.Dept, and jailer requirements created -
Act 121
Voter registration, voting requirements and procedures, and administration of elections: laws revised; Help America Vote Act of 2002 provisions; LAB, JCF, and Elections Board duties -
Act 265
Universal banking and credit union revisions; discharge of governmental liens under the Uniform Commercial Code provision; priority of certain wage claim liens
Act 63
State minimum wage law required to be construed as an enactment of statewide concern; living wage ordinance permitted but must conform to state minimum wage law [vetoed]
Employment transit assistance program re access to jobs in outlying areas: certain requirements eliminated [Sec. 1949] -
Act 33
Rehabilitating white-tailed deer in Walworth County: rehabilitation license holder exempt from certain license and registration requirements under set conditions; CWD provision
Act 179
Best forestry management practices for water quality required; JCF may provide exemption [Sec. 868p] [vetoed]
Bluff erosion mitigation in Sheboygan county: nonpoint pollution funding for [Sec. 9138 (3f)] -
Act 33
Clean Water Fund Program financial hardship assistance for the Elcho Sanitary District revised -
Act 316
Clean Water Fund, Safe Drinking Water Loan, and Land Recycling Loan programs: subsidies set; clean water revenue bonding authority revised [Sec. 680t, 2466-2469] [2466 — partial veto; 680t — vetoed] -
Act 33
High capacity wells regulation and approval; environmental impact statement, groundwater protection and management areas, and DNR provisions; Groundwater Advisory Committee created and report required [partial veto]
Act 310
Nonpoint source program assistance re priority lakes: requirement eliminated [Sec. 405] -
Act 33
Nonpoint source program: use of repayment for grants set [Sec. 406, 416] -
Act 33
Nonpoint source, urban storm water runoff, flood control, and riparian restoration programs: general obligation bonding authority increased [Sec. 681, 683]
Act 33
Urban nonpoint, storm water management, municipal flood control, and riparian restoration appropriations made biennial [Sec. 407] -
Act 33
Clean Water Fund, Safe Drinking Water Loan, and Land Recycling Loan programs: subsidies set; clean water revenue bonding authority revised [Sec. 680t, 2466-2469] [2466 — partial veto; 680t — vetoed] -
Act 33
High capacity wells regulation and approval; environmental impact statement, groundwater protection and management areas, and DNR provisions; Groundwater Advisory Committee created and report required [partial veto]
Act 310
Utility security system plans: definitions and withholding public access [vetoed] -
High capacity wells regulation and approval; environmental impact statement, groundwater protection and management areas, and DNR provisions; Groundwater Advisory Committee created and report required [partial veto]
Act 310
Incorporation of town surrounded by navigable waters into a village: method created [vetoed] -
Kickapoo reserve management board: funding for information technology support services repealed [Sec. 417m]
Act 33
Navigable waterway activities: DNR permit and removal approval changes; review of DNR decisions on individual permits; provisions re notices, hearings, decisions, records of exemptions and permits, and inspections of property
Act 118
Nonpoint source, urban storm water runoff, flood control, and riparian restoration programs: general obligation bonding authority increased [Sec. 681, 683]
Act 33
Recycling tipping fee: exemption for PCB contaminated sediments removed from navigable waters [Sec. 2475e]
Act 33
Southeastern Wisconsin Fox River commission funding [Sec. 404g, j, 9138 (4k), 9438 (1k)] [404j — partial veto; 404g, 9138 (4k), 9438 (1k) — vetoed] -
Act 33
Urban nonpoint, storm water management, municipal flood control, and riparian restoration appropriations made biennial [Sec. 407] -
Act 33
Wild rivers: DNR prohibited from promulgating certain rule re snowmobiles and ATVs crossing certain bridges; locations and trail conditions specified -
Act 248
High capacity wells regulation and approval; environmental impact statement, groundwater protection and management areas, and DNR provisions; Groundwater Advisory Committee created and report required [partial veto]
Act 310
Three-vehicle combination permit: type of trailer expanded re personal recreational vehicle; operation prohibited under certain weather conditions -
Act 210
Aquatic invasive species management: grants from conservation fund; includes education and inspection at boat landings [Sec. 406c, 804n] -
Act 33
Recreational boating aids funding for aquatic invasive species control [Sec. 918t] [vetoed] -
High capacity wells regulation and approval; environmental impact statement, groundwater protection and management areas, and DNR provisions; Groundwater Advisory Committee created and report required [partial veto]
Act 310
Nonmetallic mining reclamation requirements: exemption for creating a pond or wetland; conditions specified [vetoed] -
Undeveloped land and agricultural forest: assessment of [Sec. 1536b, d-i, p, 1545d, e, 1620, 1628d, e, 1632d, e, 1646d, 2737d-f, 9345 (2d), 9460 (2b)] [1536b, h — partial veto] -
Act 33
Life honored and service to the Green Lake County police commended [SJR-48] - JR-21
Major highway development projects in Brown, Crawford, Vernon, and Winnebago counties enumerated [Sec. 1671d-t]
Act 33