Unclaimed personal property: sheriff may sell at public auction or on an Internet site -
Act 253
Civil Air Patrol emergency service operation: employer required to grant an unpaid leave of absence; discrimination in employment prohibited; DWD provision -
Act 56
Invasive species and aquatic plants and animals: laws revised and new restrictions imposed; DNR authority, emergency rules, noxious weeds, and solid waste disposal facility provisions -
Act 55
Wisconsin Aerospace Authority board of directors composition modified -
Act 124
Credit union conversion to mutual savings bank: procedure created [Sec. 2453w-y, 2476nm-t, 9417 (1f)] [vetoed]
Capital access program created re participating banks making loans to borrowers for eligible projects; Wisconsin Business Development Finance Corporation to administer; grants provision and reports required -
Act 268
Collection agency: health care billing companies exempt from definition -
Act 404
Credit union conversion to mutual savings bank: procedure created [Sec. 2453w-y, 2476nm-t, 9417 (1f)] [vetoed]
Mortgage brokers, mortgage bankers, and mortgage loan originators: regulation revisions re federal Secure and Fair Enforcement for Mortgage Licensing Act of 2008; penalty and emergency rule provisions [Sec. 3-5, 67, 220, 555, 560-716, 718, 759, 767, 769, 782-788, 853, 9117 (1), 9417 (1)]
Act 2
Mortgage loan originator license: foreclosure eliminated as a disqualifying criteria; Division of Banking may still consider it -
Act 386
Payday loan and motor vehicle title loan regulations and licensing requirements created; payday lender zoning, disclosure, DFI, Division of Banking, and penalty provisions; annual report required [partial veto] -
Act 405
Barber or cosmetologist apprentices: supervision of modified -
Act 189
Restorative Justice Programs, Inc., in Barron County: OJA grant and sunset date provided [Sec. 572g, h, 9101 (13f), 9401 (4g)] -
Act 28
``Class B" license: municipal quota exception for full-service restaurant on a golf course in Bayfield County, fee and special provisions applied -
Act 73
Region One development manager: Comm.Dept to fill vacancy by certain date [Sec. 9110 (18f)] [vetoed]
Vehicle or combination of vehicles operating under a Michigan border permit may operate solely in Wisconsin; DOT appendix report re vehicle weight limits -
Act 229
Honey: DATCP to establish standards for selling as certified Wisconsin honey; labeling prohibitions and damages provisions -
Act 169
Bicycle and EPAMD distance from parked vehicle requirement limited to school bus or motor bus, audible signal when passing deleted; opening motor vehicle door on a highway without checking traffic first prohibited, passengers under age 16 and forfeiture provisions -
Act 22
Bicycle and pedestrian facilities and transportation enhancements [Sec. 295g, 1928g, j] -
Act 28
Bicycle and pedestrian facilities: DOT required to allocate grants [Sec. 1928j, k, 9350 (10q)] [vetoed]
Bicycle and pedestrian facilities: incorporation into highway and street projects; bikeway and pedestrian way defined [Sec. 1918gr] -
Act 28
Bicycle and pedestrian path along STH 102 in Village of Rib Lake: DOT required to construct [Sec. 1918L]
Act 28
Bicycle lanes on CTH ``B": DOT required to award grant to Douglas County [Sec. 9150 (10x)] -
Act 28
Mixed-use zoning ordinance clarified; communities required to enact a traditional neighborhood development ordinance to report to DOA on status of compliance; state housing strategy plan to include a bicycle- and pedestrian-oriented design in residential developments -
Act 351
``Motor bicycle" definition revised -
Act 122
Bingo: minor may play if adult relative or guardian is present in the building or on the premises -
Act 328
Contraceptives and related services: coverage by disability insurance policies required [Sec. 801t, 1463w, 2251w, 2297q, 2453tm, u, 3138g, 3198d, 9326 (9f), 9426 (3f)]
Act 28
Family planning demonstration project: DHS may request federal waiver to include men [Sec. 1302, 1303]
Act 28
Pharmacist duty to dispense contraceptive drugs or devices: requirements created, does not abrogate pharmacist's legal and ethical obligations re Wisconsin law; DHS duty re hospital pharmacy complaint [Sec. 1419c, 2995nd]
Act 28
Veterans Programs, Council on: representative of the Blinded Veterans Association of Wisconsin added
Act 298
Ballast water: DNR may issue permits and set fees; aquatic invasive species and grants provision [Sec. 275, 2629, 9137 (3w)] -
Act 28
Fishing or trolling in boats with electric motors: special permit for persons with disabilities expanded
Act 375
Invasive species and aquatic plants and animals: laws revised and new restrictions imposed; DNR authority, emergency rules, noxious weeds, and solid waste disposal facility provisions -
Act 55
Marina condominium provisions modified -
Act 352
Slow-no-wake restriction within 100 ft. of lake shoreline for motorboats created, exception for water skiing; local governments may pass an ordinance exempting motorboats from this restriction -
Act 31
Boating fee increased; nonresident boat sticker provision [Sec. 271m, 703-706, 706m, 9137 (3c)] [271m, 706m, 9137 (3c) — vetoed] -
Act 28
Long-term bond and commercial paper restructuring; provision re debt for transportation purposes [Sec. 655f]
Act 28
Tipping fees (environmental repair and recycling) increased; certain bonding funding source changed [Sec. 183, 186, 280-284, 640, 678, 2657, 2658, 9337 (1)]
Act 28