Private roads within manufactured and mobile home communities: private owner may enter into agreement with municipality or county re traffic regulation enforcement
Act 129
Railroad crossing: distance vehicle is required to stop modified
Act 65
Safety belt law primary enforcement authorized, forfeiture made mandatory; federal incentive grant provision; effective date clarified [Sec. 2991, 2992, 9150 (5c), (14q), 9350 (4), 9450 (6)-(7q)] -
Act 28
Snowplow: prohibition created on following closer than 75 feet on highways with speed limit 35 mph or less, penalty provision -
Act 255
Traffic stop information collection and analysis requirements created; DOA, OJA, and JCF duties; data analysis re disproportionate number of vehicle stops and searches involving racial minorities; report required [Sec. 158m, 577-577s, 2993t, 9101 (11y), (12x)] -
Act 28
U-turn at intersection controlled by traffic control signal allowed; passing a left-turning vehicle on the right by use of a paved shoulder permitted -
Act 97
Snowmobile operation during hours of darkness: sunset on speed limit repealed; exception for sanctioned race or derby -
Act 389
``Celebrate Children" special registration plate annual fee increased -
Act 340
Electronic payment mechanisms for fees and deposits paid to DOT permitted; convenience fee authorized [Sec. 296, 307, 670, 671, 1933, 2851, 2993] -
Act 28
Endangered resources registration plate: second design allowed, fees and criteria set; plate to be purchased from Minnesota (re flat-plate technology); Corr.Dept to produce if using same technology [Sec. 266, 668, 674, 2811, 2815, 2818, 2820, 2821, 2824, 9450 (4)] -
Act 28
Former military vehicle may be registered as special interest vehicle, definition provision -
Act 225
Historic military vehicle registration: provisions re former military vehicles created; DOT, fees, and definition provisions -
Act 135
Proof of financial responsibility: requirement that nonresident provide in order to reinstate suspended operating privilege or vehicle registration eliminated (remedial legislation)
Act 245
Rebasing registration plates: DOT to determine intervals for redesign and reissuance [Sec. 2796-2798]
Act 28
Self-authentication by electronic certification of certain DOT records -
Act 118
Special distinguishing registration plate created for women veterans; fee and Veterans Trust Fund provisions
Act 230
Special distinguishing registration plates created for persons supporting motorcycle safety; fees, Harley-Davidson logo and licensing rights, and DOT provisions
Act 226
Special distinguishing registration plates created for professional baseball team using facilities in a Professional Baseball Park District; funds used to retire Park District debt [Sec. 298, 304, 630, 675, 1857, 1857d, 2810, 2816, 2817, 2819, 2822, 2823, 2826, 9150 (3), 9443 (14x)] -
Act 28
Special distinguishing registration plates created re Lions Clubs of Wisconsin; fees, logo, and license or approval provisions -
Act 224
Special distinguishing registration plates created to express support for Marquette University, fee and implementation costs provisions -
Act 159
Special distinguishing registration plates re national guard: decal available for members, or former members, of units identified by DMA by rule; fee provision
Act 195
Special registration plates for vehicles leased to person with a disability that limits the ability to walk: redundant provision repealed (remedial legislation) -
Act 246
Vehicle environmental impact fee: sunset eliminated [Sec. 2899]
Act 28
Vehicle fleet registration: optional three-year period permitted; fee and data processing cost provisions [Sec. 669d, 1927d, 2874t, 9150 (9u), 9450 (14v)] -
Act 28
Special distinguishing registration plates created for persons supporting motorcycle safety; fees, Harley-Davidson logo and licensing rights, and DOT provisions
Act 226
Life and military service commended [AJR-104] - JR-25
``Class B" license: municipal quota exception for full-service restaurant on a golf course in Bayfield County, fee and special provisions applied -
Act 73
Conduit revenue bonds: two or more political subdivisions authorized to create a commission to issue; AG duties; WHEDA and WHEFA bonds re affordable or elderly housing projects or health facility information technology projects provisions; JSCTE appendix report -
Act 205
ERTID tax increments applied to another ERTID created by the same political subdivision authorized, conditions specified -
Act 66
Law enforcement investigative records: information technology unit must deny requests for access, custody remains with the local governmental unit; law enforcement agency that shares information with OJA is considered the custodian of the information -
Act 259
Managed forest land withdrawal tax or fee assessment exception created for land transferred to a municipality for siting of a public safety communications tower -
Act 186
Municipality's highways: transfer of jurisdiction and ownership to American Indian tribe or band or agency of the U.S. government on behalf of a tribe or band permitted; dispute resolution procedure and public use re vehicular traffic provisions -
Act 231
Private roads within manufactured and mobile home communities: private owner may enter into agreement with municipality or county re traffic regulation enforcement
Act 129
Recovery zone facility bonds: waving allocation and requiring Comm.Dept to develop a system to reallocate, other units of government may apply; industrial revenue bonds for ``project" facilities and housing authority included in intergovernmental cooperation agreements; counties granted authority to issue IDB -
Act 112
Rendering or processing plant may be established or expanded within one-eighth mile of a residence or public or private place of business with approval of the municipality
Act 398
Sale of personal property or real estate to satisfy a judgment: public notice to include county, town, or municipality Web site -
Act 325
Wetland map review, wetland identification, or wetland confirmation: DNR to provide, for a fee, upon request of person who owns or leases the land; building permits or other construction approvals required to include information re construction on or near wetlands; memorandum of agreement with Army Corps of Engineers provision; DNR informational brochure on laws that apply to wetlands -
Act 373
Wisconsin Uniform Securities Law: ``institutional investor" definition limited re securities transaction exemption for certain school district employee benefit plans
Act 345
Direct annexation by unanimous approval limited to town land that is contiguous to the annexing city or village
Act 366
City and village laws revisions -
Act 173
Petition or resolution to discontinue a public way or public facility: if a railroad crossing is included, a copy must be sent to the Commissioner of Railroads -
Act 107
Petition or resolution to discontinue a public way or public facility: if a railroad crossing is included, a copy must be sent to the Commissioner of Railroads -
Act 223
TID created before certain date may be designated as distressed or severely distressed, conditions specified; DOR and donor TID provisions -
Act 310
Local election-related inquiries re statewide elections and recounts: GAB required to allocate sufficient staff [Sec. 2q] -
Act 28
Municipal election reimbursement program changes; GPR sum sufficient appropriation converted to biennial appropriation [Sec. 589b] -
Act 28
Emergency services expenditures by county or municipality may not be less than 2009 expenditures; DOR duties [Sec. 1900k] -
Act 28
Energy efficiency improvement loans and water efficiency improvement loans: political subdivision authority and special charges provisions revised -
Act 272
Energy efficient improvement or renewable resource application to residential property: municipality or county authorized to make a loan to owner and collect repayment as a special charge which may be collected in installments, property tax provision -
Act 11
Expenditure Restraint Program: budget test modifications [Sec. 1900d, h, 9143 (2q)] -
Act 28
Federal economic stimulus funds re county and municipal aid [Sec. 617, 618d] -
Act 28
Fire fighter who dies, or has died, in the line of duty: municipality to pay health care premiums for surviving spouse and dependent children under certain conditions
Act 285
First dollar property tax credit distribution [Sec. 1905, 1906, 1907-1916, 1917m, 9343 (7)] -
Act 28
General transportation aids: funding amounts revised [Sec. 1941-1943] -
Act 28
Local roads improvement program: discretionary component modified [Sec. 1944-1946] -
Act 28
Nursing home or intermediate care facility operated by a commission created by two or more political subdivisions: assessments and MA payments permitted under certain conditions -
Act 283
Police and fire protection fund re county and municipal aid [Sec. 617, 619d, 1898] -
Act 28
Prevailing wage applicability thresholds, records, and publicly funded private construction projects; local and municipal public works projects [for section numbers and vetoes, see entry under ``Wage — Payment"] -
Act 28
Safe Drinking Water Loan Program: application and closing deadlines changed -
Act 217
TIF districts: DOR to impose annual fee; administrative appropriation modified re municipal costs [Sec. 606, 1456, 1489, 1490, 9443 (4)] -
Act 28
Utility aid payments to counties and municipalities: per capita limits [Sec. 1896, 1897] -
Act 28
City and village laws revisions -
Act 173
TID administrative procedure revisions, DOR duties -
Act 312
ATV with a snow removal device: operation on roadway or public sidewalk permitted under certain conditions, ordinance provision -
Act 367
City and village laws revisions -
Act 173
Low-speed vehicles: operation on certain highways with speed limit of 35 mph or less permitted, exceptions and ordinance provision; neighborhood electric vehicle redefined as a low-speed vehicle and electric power requirement removed; forfeiture and demerit point provisions -
Act 311