Gower, John
Life and public service [AJR-107] -  JR-15
GPR (General purpose revenue), see specific agency; specific subject
Grain marketing
Grain inspection program report required [Sec. 9103 (3q)] [vetoed] -  AB-40
Great Lakes, see Lakes
Green Lake County
Marquette County and Green Lake County boundaries changed -  Act 66
Greenhouse gases, see Air pollution
Group home, see Children
Group Insurance Board
Assisted births in nonhospital settings: GIB to study adding to state employee health insurance coverage [Sec. 9115 (6j)] -  Act 32
GIB health care coverage plans for 2012 to reduce employee premium cost by 5% -  Act 10
GIB long-term care insurance options: provision that an insurer request a policy be offered removed [Sec. 1144, 1145, 1160] -  Act 32
GIB permitted to encourage participation in wellness or disease management programs -  Act 10
GIB to offer health insurance plan for local government employers and their employees to local government employers who are not WRS participants -  Act 133
Health insurance premiums for state employees: maximum percentage employer will pay and OSER duty; payments for remainder of 2011, local governments, and U.W. System graduate and teaching assistants provisions  -  Act 10
Administration of prescription and nonprescription drug products to pupils: types of drug products requiring training expanded, school nurse definition amended, requirement that drug product be supplied by a parent or guardian eliminated, and private school provisions -  Act 86
Child placed in out-of-home care revisions re permanency plans, concurrent planning, trial reunifications, and other planned permanent living arrangements  -  Act 181
Failure to report a missing child or the death of a child and hiding or moving the corpse of a child: prohibition and penalties created; JRCCP report -  Act 268
Subsidized guardianship revisions [Sec. 660s, 667e, 1321j-n, 1330s-1332y, 1333n, p, 1334c, 1335c, e-k, 1336c, 1337c-1339f, 1341r-w, 1376n-1377f, 3526gm, h, q, 9108 (1u)] -  Act 32
Guards, see Prison
- H -
Harbor improvement grants: DOT bonding limit increased [Sec. 794] -  Act 32
Hay or straw, see Commercial feed
Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Wisconsin
Conduit revenue bonds: WHEFA approval of public financing for in-state projects deleted [Sec. 1720q, s]  -  Act 32
WHEFA bonding authority revisions; child care provider provisions deleted -  Act 239
WHEFA may contract with an affiliate entity under control of an entity organized under Wisconsin law; acquiring and issuing bonds for out of state projects permitted [Sec. 2768-2781] -  Act 32
Health care liability, see Medical malpractice
Health savings account, see Insurance — Health
Health Services, Department of — Administration
Brighter Futures Initiative: funding transfers [Sec. 653e, 661, 1323] -  Act 32
Income augmentation lapse re 2011 WisAct 10 -  Act 27
Income augmentation revenue: lapse to general fund -  Act 10
Income augmentation services receipts and Statewide Automated Child Welfare Information System appropriations modified [Sec. 660, 681, 682, 1325-1328]  -  Act 32
Position transfers [Sec. 9108 (1), 9154 (1)] -  Act 32
Tort reform: actions against manufacturers, distributors, sellers, and promoters of a product; strict liability; noneconomic damages limited; punitive damages; frivolous claims; health care service reviews confidentiality; use of health care reports or employee statements; hospital quality indicators reporting; expert and lay witness testimony; crimes of abuse, homicide, or negligence re health care providers and treatment or residential care facilities in specified cases  -  Act 2
Health Services, Department of — Corrections
Mendota Juvenile Treatment Center: GPR and PR transfers from Corr.Dept to DHS set for fiscal years 2011-12 and 2012-13 [Sec. 1273] -  Act 32
Health Services, Department of — Health
Ambulatory surgical center assessment: refund or recoup amounts or payments for which the federal government does not pay its share, DHS duties -  Act 191
Chronic kidney disease: DHS payments for medical treatment [Sec. 1478, 1479, 9321 (1)] -  Act 32
Congenital disorder testing of infants: DHS to set fee by rule [Sec. 2877, 9121 (9), 9321 (3), 9421 (5)]  -  Act 32
``Family planning" changed to ``women's health block grants" and funding provisions revised [Sec. 635b, 2875c-r]  -  Act 32
Family planning project for low income females between certain ages created, federal waiver required; family planning demonstration project repealed [Sec. 1439n, 1441b, 9421 (7)] [1439n, 1441b — partial veto; 9421 (7) — vetoed]  -  Act 32
Generic drugs purchased for MA by competitive bidding process: DHS study required [Sec. 9121 (11i)] [partial veto] -  Act 32
Indian tribe or band member placed in a mental health treatment facility: sunset removed re reimbursement of unexpected or unusually high-costs from Indian gaming receipts [Sec. 635j, 747c] -  Act 32
Low-income dental clinic grants, federal funding provision [Sec. 634x, 2648L] -  Act 32
MA and FoodShare: DHS study re costs and certain policies required [Sec. 9121 (12b)] -  Act 32
MA payments to county and local health departments for covered services: certified cost reports procedure; certain appropriation account sunsetted [Sec. 657, 1307, 1431, 1444-1449] -  Act 32
MA program and federal waivers: DHS to study changes and may promulgate rules -  Act 10
MA program and federal waivers: 2011 WisAct 10 provisions re DHS to study changes and promulgate rules revised; JCF review and report required [Sec. 1423k-1424q, 1430d, e, 1435y-1437f, 1437j-1438m, 1439w, x, 1441bg-1442h, 1453e-L, r, s, 1457p, q, 1459e-o, 1461g-1462h, 1465n-1470b, 9421 (1i)] [1439w, x — vetoed]  -  Act 32
MA program unencumbered balance reverts to the general fund at the end of the 2009-11 fiscal biennium  -  Act 10
MA provider refunds and certain collections: PR appropriation account created [Sec. 366, 644, 1293-1298, 1304, 1305, 1427, 1429, 1432, 1434, 1435, 1439, 1443, 1463, 1464]  -  Act 32
Military instruction counts toward initial training requirement re application for credential issued by DSPS, a board under DSPS, or other specified credential; demonstration provision  -  Act 120
Patient health care records: DHS to set fees a health care provider may charge for copies [Sec. 2649x-2664, 3509, 9321 (4)]  -  Act 32
Seal-a-Smile dental sealant program supplemental funding, JCF approval [Sec. 9121 (12f)] -  Act 32
Tobacco and nicotine products: prohibition on providing or purchasing cigarettes for minors expanded; definition and compliance investigations of retail outlets provisions  -  Act 249
Voluntary and informed consent to an abortion revisions; restrictions on the use of abortion-inducing drugs; repeal of certain abortion prohibitions -  Act 217
Health Services, Department of — Supportive living and treatment
Birth to 3 Program and disabled children's long-term support program: DHS to utilize a private entity to administer; county costs set [Sec. 658, 1271, 1313-1316]  -  Act 32
Certification of one- and two-bed adult family homes: DHS requirement to regulate eliminated [Sec. 189, 656, 1299-1303, 1647, 1652, 1682, 1692, 1714, 3463]  -  Act 32
Community aids and MA capitation payment: DHS authorized spending for 2010-11 and 2011-12 fiscal years revised  -  Act 27
DHS fiscal changes re community aids and MA capitation payments -  Act 10
DHS fiscal changes re MA benefits, administration, and income maintenance GPR; MA trust fund; and indigent care for Milwaukee County -  Act 13
Family Care, Family Care Partnership, PACE, and IRIS: revisions to 2011 WisAct 32 re enrollment cap, expansion, and certain funding allocation; JCF review of contracts required -  Act 127
Financial record matching program: DHS to operate for MA applicants and recipients for whom asset verification is required for MA eligibility; confidentiality and penalty provisions -  Act 192
Health care benefits provided to certain assistance program recipients: modifications to third parties required to provide information to DHS and from which DHS may recover payments; pharmacy benefits manager provision  -  Act 189
Income maintenance administration unit: DHS to establish and administer programs in all counties; multiconsortia created with contracts, tribal governing body, and transfer of county employees provisions; cemetery, funeral, and burial expenses program modified; LAB audit required; incentive program for local fraud detection created and JCF approval required [Sec. 636m-642, 644m, 648, 1139, 1156, 1277, 1286m, 1292, 1308, 1402m-1408m, 1420m, 1422m, 1486m-1507m, 1535m-1556m, 3567m, 9121 (6u)-(7u), (10x), 9421 (4u)]  -  Act 32
Irrevocable burial trust for individuals enrolled in MA: DHS to seek approval for contributions from friends and family [Sec. 1459bn] -  Act 32
Long-term care services: enrollment cap and cost-effectiveness study; Family Care benefits emergency funding and expansion prohibited [Sec. 1304m, 9121 (1g)-(5)] [9121 (5) — partial veto] -  Act 32
Nursing home regulation revisions -  Act 70
Nursing homes: MA payment base funding revised; Dodge and Dunn counties added to labor regions [Sec. 1430c, 9121 (10q), 9421 (6q)] -  Act 32
Pharmacy management services at state treatment facilities: request for proposals requirement eliminated [Sec. 1663] -  Act 32