Service contracts enforced by OCI: regulations created; definition, exemption, and penalty provisions
Act 226
UTV regulations established and pilot program eliminated; age restrictions, ATV trails, registration decals and plates, commercial ATV and UTV certificate, nonresident trail pass, and public-use registration certificate provisions
Act 208
Administrative suspension of motor vehicle operating privileges: attending review hearing by telephone, video conference, or other remote communication mechanism permitted; review of arresting officer's record and written arguments also permitted; holding hearing in the county the offense took place not required under these options -
Act 242
CDL authorizing operation of commercial motor vehicles in interstate commerce: restriction imposed if certain medical certification is not on file; rules provision [Sec. 3146]
Act 32
Cellular or other wireless telephone: use of by a probationary licensee or instruction permittee while driving a motor vehicle prohibited, exception and forfeiture provisions
Act 164
DOT revisions re issuance of certificate of title for OWI-related seized vehicle, operating privilege revocation, multijurisdictional proportional registration and motor carrier insurance, and DOT-assigned VIN (remedial legislation)
Act 262
Driving skills test fee for ``Class D" vehicle revised [Sec. 3168m, 9348 (3)] -
Act 32
Failure-to-yield violations resulting in bodily harm, great bodily harm, or death: operating privilege suspension and vehicle right-of-way course requirement; driver education instruction provision -
Act 173
ID card, driver's license, and operator's license with ``H" endorsement: renewal notice by electronic means [Sec. 3165-3167, 3177, 3178, 3181, 3182, 9448 (2)]
Act 32
Identification requirement for voting in elections created, ``proof of identification" and noncompliant REAL ID provisions; use of corroborating electors to verify residence discontinued; DOT ID card fee may be waived and obtaining a card without a photo for religious reasons; special voting deputies to certain adult family homes and residential care apartment complexes permitted; GAB public informational campaign; signature requirement re voting in person; durational residency requirement increased; straight party ticket eliminated; deadline for late registration and absentee voting in person changed; GAB special registration deputies discontinued; voter registration information and list revisions; proof of residence modified re university, college, and technical college student IDs -
Act 23
Motor vehicle operator's license: photograph need not be in color -
Act 241
OAR, OWS, and OWL provisions of 2005 WisAct 412 repealed, new penalties created; court required to revoke and DOT may revoke operating privilege if violation caused great bodily harm or death, out of state conviction provision; penalties for driving around or through a railroad crossing gate or barrier or failure to stop for a traffic officer or railroad employee at a crossing revised; JRCCP report -
Act 113
Operator's license examinations: minimum service hours to counties and contracting with local governments [Sec. 2404g, k] -
Act 32
REAL ID noncompliant driver's license or ID card process created; religious belief photo exception [Sec. 3144, 3145, 3147-3152, 3153-3164, 3172-3176, 3179, 3180, 9448 (4)]
Act 32
Serious traffic violation revisions re disqualification from operating a commercial motor vehicle -
Act 244
Third-party driving skills testing for Class D operator's license permitted [Sec. 3152c-i] -
Act 32
Unsatisfied judgment for damages re motor vehicle accident: suspension of operating privileges and vehicle registration revised -
Act 112
Bicycle law revisions re definition, use of hand signals, lighting, overtaking and passing by vehicles, and metal or studded tires; motor bicycle and EPAMD provisions; treatment of mopeds re local parking ordinances -
Act 73
Child safety restraint system in motor vehicles: protective category clarification -
Act 111
DOT revisions re issuance of certificate of title for OWI-related seized vehicle, operating privilege revocation, multijurisdictional proportional registration and motor carrier insurance, and DOT-assigned VIN (remedial legislation)
Act 262
Ozone-depleting refrigerant substitute re mobile air conditioners: DATCP rule authority revised re sale and noncommercial use of -
Act 187
Safety mirrors on school buses -
Act 223
Special ID card issued by DOT re parking privileges for persons with disabilities: penalties for misuse revised
Act 98
Authorized emergency vehicle: exemption from open door of a motor vehicle on a highway prohibition under certain conditions -
Act 184
Bicycle law revisions re definition, use of hand signals, lighting, overtaking and passing by vehicles, and metal or studded tires; motor bicycle and EPAMD provisions; treatment of mopeds re local parking ordinances -
Act 73
Cellular or other wireless telephone: use of by a probationary licensee or instruction permittee while driving a motor vehicle prohibited, exception and forfeiture provisions
Act 164
Failure-to-yield violations resulting in bodily harm, great bodily harm, or death: operating privilege suspension and vehicle right-of-way course requirement; driver education instruction provision -
Act 173
Firearms, bows, or crossbows: restrictions on loading, discharging, placing, possessing, or transporting in a vehicle, ATV, or motorboat revised; exception provision
Act 51
Motorists required to yield to railroad track equipment as they would a train at railroad crossings; required maintenance of railroad right-of-way modified -
Act 101
Serious traffic violation revisions re disqualification from operating a commercial motor vehicle -
Act 244
Traffic control attendants: permitting ordinances allowing appointment of for the protection of persons crossing highways -
Act 141
Traffic stop information collection and analysis requirements, law enforcement training programs, and reports: 2009 WisAct 28 provisions repealed -
Act 29
Certificate of title and motor vehicle registration revisions re security interest and finance companies; electronic payment of fees to DOT expanded [Sec. 2242-2245, 2720, 2721, 2724, 3096, 3109-3112, 3128-3130, 3134-3143, 3188, 9148 (1), 9348 (2), 9448 (1)] -
Act 32
DOT revisions re issuance of certificate of title for OWI-related seized vehicle, operating privilege revocation, multijurisdictional proportional registration and motor carrier insurance, and DOT-assigned VIN (remedial legislation)
Act 262
International Registration Plan for motor vehicles and commercial motor vehicle out-of-service violations: DOT authority to refuse registration or issue permits [Sec. 3086-3088, 3107, 3108, 3122-3126, 3170, 3171, 9348 (1)]
Act 32
Motor vehicle registration plate decal or sticker system re 3rd-party vendor, JCF approval [Sec. 9148 (9i)]
Act 32
Motor vehicle registration plates for dealers, distributors, manufacturers, and transporters: distinguishing symbol requirement made optional, decal provision
Act 90
Personalized registration plate for vehicles registered to disabled veterans with limited ability to walk: letters and numbers not to exceed 6 positions (remedial legislation)
Act 264
Special distinguishing registration plates for fire fighters and their surviving spouses and EMTs and first responders: redesign and replacement plates [Sec. 3097m, 3099-3106m]
Act 32
Unsatisfied judgment for damages re motor vehicle accident: suspension of operating privileges and vehicle registration revised -
Act 112
UTV regulations established and pilot program eliminated; age restrictions, ATV trails, registration decals and plates, commercial ATV and UTV certificate, nonresident trail pass, and public-use registration certificate provisions
Act 208
Vehicle manufactured for use in any country's military forces and does not meet federal motor vehicle safety standards: DOT cannot refuse to register -
Act 235
Administrative rule revisions re state agency authority to promulgate and implement standards, gubernatorial approval, economic impact analysis, legislative review of proposed rules, JCRAR duties, and venue in judicial review actions and in actions against the state -
Act 21
Combined protective services departments: certain class cities and towns authorized to provide and limitation of villages removed [Sec. 1140, 1141, 1686-1690, 1697-1713, 1717, 1728, 3194, 3495-3498, 3539, 3562-3567]
Act 32
Highways in need of repair and accumulation of snow or ice: liability immunity of cities, villages, towns, and counties for damages revised -
Act 132
Local governmental unit without a civil service system must establish a grievance procedure and may establish a civil service system -
Act 10
Municipal employer may enter into one memorandum of understanding with employee collective bargaining unit to reduce compensation or fringe benefit costs; not a modification for 2011 WisActs 10 and 32 purposes; sunset provision
Act 65
Operator's license examinations: minimum service hours to counties and contracting with local governments [Sec. 2404g, k] -
Act 32
Prevailing wage revisions including publicly funded private construction projects, inspection and submission of payroll records to DWD, enactment of statewide concern, incidental work outside a worker's usual trade, work the local government is not required to compensate, and multiple- and single-trade project of public works [Sec. 354y, 1727mb-y, 2390c-zhi, zr, 2404c, q, 2725t, 3534e-h, 9354 (1u)]
Act 32
Public construction projects including road projects: method of bidding revisions; limitation on highway work performed by a county for another county or municipality, exceptions provided; county highway maintenance capacity and funding [Sec. 1675n, 1696m, 1713m, 1727d-L, 2221i, 2267x, 2278em, o, 9332 (1u), 9432 (1u)] -
Act 32
Recycling program requirements and financial assistance programs for local governments modified, disposal restrictions modified, and recycling consolidation grants created [Sec. 591, 591b, 593, 595-597e, 2728b, 2956-2977n, 2980b-2983]
Act 32
Stewardship Program revisions re easements, reasons for prohibiting public access, JCF review threshold, and aids in lieu of property taxes; DNR appropriations and local government nonbinding resolution provisions [Sec. 587-589, 601, 825-834, 837-840m, 862m, 863-865, 1748de, e, 9335 (2)]
Act 32
Water pollution: enforcement of runoff rules for a covered municipality, definition provisions [Sec. 2895m]
Act 32
Annexation by city or village: county board approval of cross-county annexation no longer needed; town may ask DOA to review proposed annexation and if a requirement is violated, the town may challenge in circuit court
Act 128
TIDs in towns: provisions revised re city or village that annexes or attaches a district, DOR duty [Sec. 1740g, k, 1741e-es] -
Act 32
Municipal wards, county supervisory districts, and aldermanic districts: laws revised re redistricting; incorporation of census corrections permitted; three-judge panel to hear challenges to apportionment of congressional and legislative districts -
Act 39
Election law revisions re municipal and county canvassing procedures, provisional ballot information, recount petition filing deadline, terms of town officers, annual town meeting date, and technical revisions -
Act 115
Municipal wards, county supervisory districts, and aldermanic districts: laws revised re redistricting; incorporation of census corrections permitted; three-judge panel to hear challenges to apportionment of congressional and legislative districts -
Act 39
Town incorporated as a city or village: organizing the first election of officers changed from circuit court clerk to county clerk requirement -
Act 130
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