Wastewater discharge permit variance [Sec. 2932-2951] -
Act 32
Water pollution credits: DNR required to administer a trading program; water pollution credit trading agreement provisions revised -
Act 151
Water pollution: enforcement of runoff rules for a covered municipality, definition provisions [Sec. 2895m]
Act 32
Clean Water Fund Program and Safe Drinking Water Loan Program: funding and bonding authority changes; DNR and DOA duties [Sec. 780p, 781, 2913-2923, 2925, 9135 (3c), (3d)] -
Act 32
Continuous disinfection of municipal water supply: DNR prohibited from requiring unless required by federal law or potential health hazard is indicated, safe drinking water loan program priority list provision -
Act 19
Soil and Water Resource Management Program general obligation bonding authority increased [Sec. 796]
Act 32
Special charge under the property assessed clean energy (PACE) program: third party allowed to collect installment payments, lien provision, written guarantee of certain savings-to-investment ratio under set conditions, and third party technical review -
Act 138
Water use fee limit [Sec. 2911c, 9435 (1i)] -
Act 32
Dam maintenance or removal funding: Stewardship Program bonding authority, report on land acquisitions required, sunset provisions [Sec. 780m, 822t-w, 835f-836s, 848m, 862p, 921g-r] -
Act 32
Dam safety grant program: request deadline deleted [Sec. 921]
Act 32
Dam safety program: DNR bonding authority increased [Sec. 786] -
Act 32
DNR regulation of certain activities near navigable waterways and environmental laws: revisions re individual and general permits, piers and wharfs, land grading, bridges and culverts, environmental approvals, houseboat repair and maintenance, expedited procedures for certain plan approvals, general permitting for certain wetland restoration activities, and notices DNR is required to provide; legislative review of general permits; report required -
Act 167
St. Croix National Scenic Riverway: exemption from DNR permit requirement re placement of pier containing a floating toilet facility -
Act 153
Southeastern Wisconsin Fox River Commission funding [Sec. 593i, j, 9135 (3q), 9435 (1q)] -
Act 32
``Veterans Memorial Bridge": DOT to designate and mark bridge on USH 141 across the Menominee River in Marinette County as; contributions from interested parties provision -
Act 48
Continuous disinfection of municipal water supply: DNR prohibited from requiring unless required by federal law or potential health hazard is indicated, safe drinking water loan program priority list provision -
Act 19
Brookfield, Town of, may use TIF for one project related to either a retail project or a purpose which a city or village may create a district -
Act 11
Klink, Raymond: life and public service of retired Waukesha County Sheriff commended upon his death [AJR-43]
- JR-11
Snow sports in a ski area: liability and negligence provisions established, safety requirements set
Act 199
Snowmaking and snow-grooming machines and equipment: sales and use tax exemptions created [Sec. 2181n, 9441 (3b)] -
Act 32
DATCP revisions re confidentiality of exemptions from requirement to register livestock premises, county land conservation committee membership, vehicle scale operators, and reporting requirement for pesticide sales (remedial legislation)
Act 263
DSPS authority and responsibility changes re buildings and safety, occupational regulation, and changes to the measurement of products containing opium or other controlled substances -
Act 146
Heat exchange drillhole definition, regulations, and ordinance provisions created; regulations of persons engaged in drilling wells revised -
Act 150
Aquaculture regulation revisions re use of natural bodies of water, wastewater discharge permits, record-keeping, and importing fish -
Act 207
DNR regulation of certain activities near navigable waterways and environmental laws: revisions re individual and general permits, piers and wharfs, land grading, bridges and culverts, environmental approvals, houseboat repair and maintenance, expedited procedures for certain plan approvals, general permitting for certain wetland restoration activities, and notices DNR is required to provide; legislative review of general permits; report required -
Act 167
TID definition modified re wetlands -
Act 10
Wetland in Village of Ashwaubenon: water quality standards in compliance and exemption to certain laws administered by DNR if specified criteria are met -
Act 6
Wetland permitting and mitigation revisions; fees, surcharge, wetland map review, and administrative and judicial review provisions -
Act 118
Life and dedicated service commended upon his death; Room 235SW to be known as the Dick Wheeler Capitol Press Room [SJR-50] - JR-27
Kachel, David: life and public service to the Whitewater community commended [SJR-17] - JR-28
Major highway projects: four projects approved by TPC added to current enumerated list [Sec. 2211-2214]
Act 32
Case management services provisions created [Sec. 1347c-f, 1367c, e, 1384c, 9408 (3q)] -
Act 32
Intentional program violations re W-2 and emergency assistance: definition and penalties created
Act 202
TANF and child care allocations revised, transitional jobs demonstration projects provisions [Sec. 670, 672, 674, 680, 1373-1375, 1385c, 1388-1400, 9408 (3f)] [1385c — vetoed] -
Act 32
W-2 grant re caretakers of newborns: child's age reduced [Sec. 1361s, 9408 (1d)] -
Act 32
W-2 program revisions; transitional jobs demonstration project eliminated (ARRA moneys); DCF provision [Sec. 1346, 1348-1361f, 1362-1367, 1368-1371, 1385, 2391, 3568-3570, 9308 (4), (5i), 9408 (3i), (3j)] [1385 — partial veto] -
Act 32
Crime victim and witness rights revisions re treatment by public officials and use of personally identifying information including email; DA and legislative intent provisions
Act 283
Crime victim and witness surcharge allocation [Sec. 3547-3552] -
Act 32
No-contact orders by the court: penalties increased for violations re domestic abuse incidents; convicted individual prohibited from contacting witness to the crime and penalty for violations revised; JRCCP report -
Act 267
Tort reform: actions against manufacturers, distributors, sellers, and promoters of a product; strict liability; noneconomic damages limited; punitive damages; frivolous claims; health care service reviews confidentiality; use of health care reports or employee statements; hospital quality indicators reporting; expert and lay witness testimony; crimes of abuse, homicide, or negligence re health care providers and treatment or residential care facilities in specified cases
Act 2
Trafficking of a child prosecution time limit revised and TPR provision; knowingly accessing certain child pornography materials made a felony; restricting evidence about complaining witnesses expanded re specified sex crimes; crimes expanded re interception of communications by law enforcement with judicial approval; crime victim compensation re sex crimes against children; JRCCP report
Act 271
Domestic abuse committed in the presence of a child: sentencing court must consider as aggravating factor
Act 273
``Family planning" changed to ``women's health block grants" and funding provisions revised [Sec. 635b, 2875c-r]
Act 32
GPS tracking by Corr.Dept for restraining order or injunction violation conviction: court may order; surcharge, costs, notification, and penalty provisions; JRCCP report
Act 266