Ambulance staffing requirements revised re EMTs and first responders; respiratory care practitioner and pediatric patient transferred to another hospital by airplane provisions; municipality population and waivers provisions; DHS duties - Act 113
Drones operated over state correctional institutions prohibited; penalty provisions - Act 318
GPR appropriations consolidated re circuit court, Director of State Courts, and State Law Library; costs imposed on operator of aircraft under the influence or with prohibited BAC [Sec. 752, 778, 782, 829-847, 4598-4603, 4616, 4618, 4631, 4735, 4746, 9307 (1), 9407 (1f), (2f)] - Act 55
Transportation network companies: licensure program created; DSPS duties; fee, insurance, airport, penalty, and ordinance provisions - Act 16
Credit union operations statutory changes; DFI rule revisions [Admin.Code DFI-Bkg 14.03, DFI-CU 63.03, 69.02, DFI-SL 12.03, DFI-SB 12.03] - Act 304
barterBarter, see Sales
baseballBaseball, see Athletics
bear hunting or pursuitBear hunting or pursuit, see Hunting
Auxiliary container re merchandise, food, or beverages from a food service or retail facility: authority of political subdivisions to regulate limited - Act 302
Bikeways and pedestrian ways requirement for highway construction projects: DOT to give due consideration but not require and rule-making authority repealed; administrative code Trans 75 repealed [Sec. 2545o-s, 4751c, 9345 (6j)] [9345 (6j) -- partial veto] - Act 55
Biking in a ski area: biker’s responsibilities and ski area operator safety requirements and liability immunity - Act 168
DOT rule-making authority re bikeways and pedestrian ways in new highway construction and reconstruction projects repealed [Admin.Code Trans 75] [Sec. 4751c] - Act 55
bills, legislativeBills, Legislative, see also Budget bills and process
Health insurance mandate statute: definition modified and social and financial impact report by OCI requirements - Act 288
birdBird, see also Poultry
Wild game bird feathers naturally shed or from lawfully taken birds: exemption from prohibition on sale, purchase, barter, trade, or possession of wild animals; grouse feather conditions specified - Act 248
Wild turkey donation program: reimbursing counties for processing and donating costs authorized - Act 31
birth certificateBirth certificate, see Vital statistics
Billing MA for reimbursement of prescription drugs: covered entity that is an abortion provider required to charge actual acquisition costs plus dispensing fee - Act 152
Family planning and related preventive health services: DHS to apply for federal grants and distribute funds to the Wisconsin Well-Woman Program and other entities under certain conditions - Act 151
blind and visually impairedBlind and visually impaired
Trolling permit: DNR to issue to persons with impaired sight under certain conditions - Act 363
boatBoat, see also Harbor
Recreation vehicle registration and regulation revisions; hunting, trapping, and fishing approval and regulation revisions; place of trial for certain fish and game law violations; DNR duties and electronic system for accessing approvals and certificates; enforcement, penalty, and emergency rule provisions - Act 89
Regulation of navigable waters, artificial water bodies, wetlands, and nonpoint source pollution revised; DNR duties - Act 387
Shoreland zoning standards codified re setbacks for ordinary high water mark (OHWM) and proposed principal structures with certain exemptions; prohibition on the regulation of nonconforming structures expanded; impervious surface area regulations provision - Act 167
boathouseBoathouse, see Boat
body piercingBody piercing, see Public health
bondsBonds, see also Debt, Public; Sureties
Abandoned U.S. savings bonds: escheat provisions created; DOR duties - Act 309
bonds _ municipalBonds -- Municipal
Conduit revenue bond procedures revised; nonprofit corporation provisions [Sec. 1067b, 1969ab-v, 2033b, 2037d, 2237d, 2238b, 2515j, 2524p] [vetoed] - Act 55
bow and arrow huntingBow and arrow hunting, see Hunting
boxingBoxing, see Athletics
boy scouts of americaBoy Scouts of America, see Youth
bridgeBridge, see also Street
Bridge projects, highway and interstate: general obligation bonding limit increased [Sec. 874, 876] - Act 55
Culvert replacement provisions revised, fee exemption created; local governments to retain records of culverts they replace [Sec. 1061b-i] - Act 55
Implements of husbandry and agricultural CMV (commercial motor vehicle) revisions re definitions, highway weight limit exceptions, no-fee permits, width limitations, length limit, height limit, tracks that will not injure the highway, farm equipment sales, and STH bridges; DOT directed to not prepare certain report - Act 15
Stewardship 2000 program revisions re land acquisition, property development and local assistance, and unused bonding authority; BCPL and Neenah and Menasha twin trestles project provisions [Sec. 868m, 959b-p, 960c-961m, 991e, m, 1004m, 1066u] - Act 55
Young Road Bridge in Town of Seneca: highway and local bridge improvement assistance for replacement [Sec. 650r, 9145 (3f)] - Act 55
brown countyBrown County
Dental reimbursement pilot project for certain services in certain counties; MA waiver required [Sec. 1798, 9318 (2)] [9318 (2) -- vetoed; 1798 -- partial veto] - Act 55
Ledgeview, Town of: special provision regarding the incorporation of repealed - Act 13
Local professional football stadium district: DOR required to distribute excess sales tax revenue to Brown County and municipalities within it; conditions specified, resolution, and exception provisions - Act 114
Submerged land under the waters of Green Bay conveyed to Brown County for same purposes as Chapter 15, Laws of 1977; DNR appendix report - Act 111
brownfields _contaminated property_Brownfields (contaminated property), see Environmental protection
Budget bill [partial veto] - Act 55
Floorperiods for the 2015-16 session and budget deadline extended [SJR1] - JR1
Required general fund structural balance: does not apply to budget act [Sec. 9152 (1d)] - Act 55
State agency biennial budget request requirements modified re state operations budget - Act 201
State agency budget requests modified [Sec. 272d, h, i] [vetoed] - Act 55
buffalo countyBuffalo County
Full-time DAs in Buffalo, Florence, and Pepin counties [Sec. 4735d, r, 4740e, n, 9410 (1c)] [vetoed] - Act 55
DNR rule re construction permit requirements for stationary sources that emit greenhouse gases eliminated [Admin.Code NR 405.07] - Act 33
``Dwelling Code Council" renamed ``Uniform Dwelling Code Council"; ``Building Code Council" renamed ``Commercial Building Code Council" - Act 29
Energy efficient commercial building design: DOA to provide certification for federal tax deduction [Sec. 393p] [vetoed] - Act 55
Federal historic rehabilitation tax credit supplement: WEDC certification requirements created, City of Green Bay provision [Sec. 2210d, 2337d, 2445d] - Act 55
Foreclosure actions involving noncommercial property and abandoned property: revisions re redemption period, notice of sale, and determination of abandonment; court duties specified - Act 376
Lead inspection requirements: partial lead inspection for lead-safe renovations exemption; written disclosure of the inspection required - Act 122
Municipal ordinances re electrical code or jurisdiction over electrical wiring must conform to state electrical wiring code [Sec. 2685m, 2718f] - Act 55
Nonconforming structure zoning ordinances modified re replacement due to natural forces or vandalism and replacement or repair of manufactured home communities and infrastructure - Act 223
Shoreland zoning standards codified re setbacks for ordinary high water mark (OHWM) and proposed principal structures with certain exemptions; prohibition on the regulation of nonconforming structures expanded; impervious surface area regulations provision - Act 167
building commission, stateBuilding Commission, State