Family members prevented from visiting or communicating with resident or ward in a facility, home, or dwelling in which the resident is receiving care and services may petition court for visitation; conditions, expedited hearing, sanctions, remedies, and definition provisions - Act 343
Federally qualified health centers: MA reimbursement rates [Sec. 1791p] - Act 55
Health care information from hospitals and ambulatory surgery centers collected, analyzed, and disseminated by an entity revised - Act 287
Hospitals with disproportionate share of low-income patients: supplemental payments from DHS, conditions set [Sec. 1791r] - Act 55
Pain clinic certification provisions created, requirements specified; DHS duties - Act 265
Tangible personal property that becomes a component in a municipal, water authority, sewerage commission, certain hospitals, or nonprofit organization facility: sales and use tax exemptions created; JSCTE appendix report - Act 126
hotel and motelHotel and motel, see also Room tax
Restaurants, lodging, and recreation: oversight of transferred to DATCP from DHS [Sec. 482, 670, 1055, 1455, 1854, 1974-1980, 2472, 2515, 2596, 2606, 2612, 2616, 2617, 2641-2648, 2659-2682, 2692, 2694-2710, 2714, 2715, 2720, 3105-3107, 3122, 3422-3432, 3433, 3434, 4033-4036, 4040, 4045, 4047, 4050-4105, 4318, 4353-4355, 4721, 9118 (2), 9418 (2)] - Act 55
Tourism entity under the room tax: definition and governing body membership revisions - Act 301
hotlineHotline, see Telephone
hours of laborHours of labor
One day of rest in seven: employee may voluntarily choose to work without, written statement required [Sec. 3078bg, 9351 (4u)] - Act 55
housingHousing, see also Mortgage
Automatic fire sprinklers: DSPS may not promulgate or enforce rule requiring in one- or two-family dwelling [Sec. 2714m, n] - Act 55
Building permit form for one- and two-family dwellings: DSPS required to establish an electronic processing system and furnish municipalities standard permit form in an electronic format; municipal authority duties and certificate of financial responsibility provision - Act 211
Camping units: DSPS directed to include separate standards for in the dwelling code, electrical code, and plumbing code - Act 49
``Dwelling Code Council" renamed ``Uniform Dwelling Code Council"; ``Building Code Council" renamed ``Commercial Building Code Council" - Act 29
Dwelling construction standard and building permit waiver provisions for certain religious groups created; definitions and DSPS provisions [Sec. 2715m, 2717m, 2718d] - Act 55
Family members prevented from visiting or communicating with resident or ward in a facility, home, or dwelling in which the resident is receiving care and services may petition court for visitation; conditions, expedited hearing, sanctions, remedies, and definition provisions - Act 343
Foreclosure actions involving noncommercial property and abandoned property: revisions re redemption period, notice of sale, and determination of abandonment; court duties specified - Act 376
Inspection of major renovations of one- and two-family dwellings required; definition and ordinance provisions [vetoed] - SB87
Landlord and tenant law revisions: local government authority, historic landmark designation, automatic sprinklers in multifamily dwellings, towing vehicles from private property, termination of tenancy, trespass, and disposal of personal property left by trespasser; DOT and criminal activity provisions - Act 176
Lead inspection requirements: partial lead inspection for lead-safe renovations exemption; written disclosure of the inspection required - Act 122
Nonconforming structure zoning ordinances modified re replacement due to natural forces or vandalism and replacement or repair of manufactured home communities and infrastructure - Act 223
Overweight factory-built homes: single-trip permits issued by DOT and local highway officials allowed - Act 241
Real Estate Examining Board requirement to develop rules re cooperative agreement forms for out-of-state real estate brokers, salespersons, and time-share salespersons deleted - Act 47
Real estate practice law revisions re terminology, licensing, association with a firm, independent contractor, independent practice, time-share salespersons, and Real Estate Examining Board provisions; statute of limitation for filing an action against a real estate broker or salesperson; definition of ``employee”, UI, and emergency rules provisions - Act 258
Wells used for fire protection or to provide water to a single family or multifamily residence is not considered a high capacity well; DNR approval, annual pumping report, and fee provisions - Act 177
housing and economic development authority, wisconsinHousing and Economic Development Authority, Wisconsin
Agricultural loan guarantee programs administered by WHEDA revised - Act 316
huntingHunting, see also Bird; Fish and fishing
Activities that intentionally interfere with hunting, trapping, or fishing: lawful activities definition and prohibited conduct expanded - Act 346
Animal lawfully shot by a youth or mentee but not killed: accompanying hunter permitted to kill the animal at the request of the youth or mentee; definition provisions - Act 225
Back tag requirements repealed re specified DNR hunting licenses - Act 222
Bear hunting provisions modified and Class B license eliminated [Sec. 1052m-1053q, 1055d-m, 1060j] - Act 55
Farm-raised deer sold to hunting preserve or game farm: sales tax exemption created [Sec. 2524t, 9437 (2j)] - Act 55
Fish and wildlife management activities: DNR to prepare a funding report [Sec. 9132 (1v)] - Act 55
Group deer hunting party: prohibiting a member from using a youth carcass tag to kill an antlerless deer on behalf of the holder of the tag - Act 100
Hunting deer with firearms: color of clothing during hunting season includes bright pink or fluorescent pink - Act 131
Physician assistants and advanced practice nurse prescribers authorized to provide information for or certify that a person with disabilities is eligible for certain DNR hunting and fishing approvals - Act 97
Recreation vehicle registration and regulation revisions; hunting, trapping, and fishing approval and regulation revisions; place of trial for certain fish and game law violations; DNR duties and electronic system for accessing approvals and certificates; enforcement, penalty, and emergency rule provisions - Act 89
Shining wild animals: ``flashlight" definition revised and use of firearm-mounted light permitted - Act 249
Special distinguishing registration plates for Wisconsin Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, Whitetails Unlimited, the Boy Scouts of America, nurses, and Midwest Athletes Against Childhood Cancer established; fee, logo, trademark, contributions from interested parties, and registration number up to 7 positions provisions - Act 328
Sporting heritage grants and Fox River Navigational System Authority funding repealed; funding for Southeastern Wisconsin Fox River Commission; forestry and fire prevention study revised [Sec. 635, 635d, 1036c-e, 1057, 3949, 3950, 9132 (4c), 9432 (1c)] - Act 55
Transfer of hunting, fishing, or trapping approval to a person with a disability permitted under certain conditions; transfer of a Class A bear license to a Purple Heart recipient or armed forces member on active duty permitted under certain conditions - Act 98
Urban bow hunting: existing local governmental restrictions that do not meet certain criteria do not apply and cannot be enforced [Sec. 1052e] - Act 55
Wolf hunting and trapping: date annual open season begins changed - Act 285
identification cardsIdentification cards
Certification cards for concealed weapons: qualified former law enforcement officers may receive from a successor agency and DOJ may issue to former out-of-state law enforcement officers who are Wisconsin residents - Act 68
DOT rules: technical changes and revisions re motor vehicle warranties, evaluation of major highway projects, recreational vehicle dealers, motor vehicle rental companies, design of handicapped parking signs, and electronic signatures for ID card applications for certain parking privileges [for Administrative Code numbers, see entry under ``Transportation, Department of -– Administrative rules"] [vetoed] - SB360
Electronic voter registration provisions created; special registration deputies eliminated and election registration officials created; testing chief inspectors permitted; further revisions re electronic voting systems, electronic voter registration list, absentee ballots, veteran ID cards, and proof of residency; Elections Commission and Ethics Commission members subject to standards of conduct for state public officials and filing statements of economic interest clarified; limit on political action committee contributions to certain segregated funds and campaign contributions for other persons established; GAB and DOT duties - Act 261
Motor vehicle driver's license: electronic issuance and signature, expiration date, and fee revisions; ID card provision [Sec. 4334m, r, 4334u-4342, 4345, 4346, 4347, 9345 (1), 9445 (1)] - Act 55
Photo ID cards issued by local governments can only be used for specified employment purposes and may not be used for voting, registration for voting, or to obtain public benefits - Act 374
immunizationImmunization, see Vaccination
implied consent or alcohol concentrationImplied consent or alcohol concentration, see also Drunken driving
GPR appropriations consolidated re circuit court, Director of State Courts, and State Law Library; costs imposed on operator of aircraft under the influence or with prohibited BAC [Sec. 752, 778, 782, 829-847, 4598-4603, 4616, 4618, 4631, 4735, 4746, 9307 (1), 9407 (1f), (2f)] - Act 55
Heroin metabolite added to ``restricted controlled substance” definition re chemical tests for intoxication - Act 332
Search warrant: court, with probable cause, may authorize re OWI violations - Act 183
Income tax reciprocity agreements reached with other states: JCF approval required [Sec. 2117e, 2226e, em] [vetoed] - Act 55
``Internal Revenue Code" definition modified and outdated references eliminated; JSCTE appendix report [Sec. 2107-2111, 2228-2237, 2249-2253, 2347-2351, 2357-2361] - Act 55
Support accounts for individuals with disabilities (ABLE accounts): provisions authorizing creation repealed; tax benefit contributions to accounts in other states continues; excluded from income re long-term care program eligibility; Internal Revenue Code provisions - Act 312
Tax administration technical changes - Act 216
Tax law administration revisions re factors to determine if a transaction has economic substance for income and franchise purposes and taxpayer penalties for failure to comply with a summons seeking certain records and documents - Act 218
Taxpayer does not have right to, or interest in, refundable tax credits or overpayments until setoff is completed [Sec. 2455-2458, 2462, 2464, 2525, 9337 (3)] - Act 55
income tax _ creditIncome tax -- Credit
Federal historic rehabilitation tax credit supplement: WEDC certification requirements created, City of Green Bay provision [Sec. 2210d, 2337d, 2445d] - Act 55
Jobs tax credit appropriation changed to sum sufficient [Sec. 848] - Act 55
TANF block grants and Child Care Development Funds allocations modified; EITC provision [Sec. 1741, 1745-1749, 1750, 1751-1758, 1759-1960] - Act 55
income tax _ deductionIncome tax -- Deduction, see also Corporation -- Taxation
Alternative minimum tax to use federal exemption amounts [Sec. 2213d, 9337 (4d), 9437 (2d)] - Act 55
College savings program: income tax subtraction modified and account balance maximum set [Sec. 316d, de, 2118d, dd, 2123g-gg, 9337 (5j)] - Act 55
Expenses of elementary and secondary school teachers: adopting federal income tax deduction provisions [Sec. 2464e] - Act 55
Income computation for income tax purposes: exclusion for job creation sunsetted [Sec. 2124d, 2246d, 2366d] - Act 55
Income tax standard deduction for married tax filers revised [Sec. 2124s-se] - Act 55
State of emergency declared by the Governor: exemptions from certain taxes, fees, and licensing or permit requirements for work performed by non-Wisconsin residents or businesses; JSCTE appendix report - Act 84
Support accounts for individuals with disabilities (ABLE accounts): provisions authorizing creation repealed; tax benefit contributions to accounts in other states continues; excluded from income re long-term care program eligibility; Internal Revenue Code provisions - Act 312
Support accounts for individuals with disabilities created, based on the federal ABLE program [Sec. 316e, 2118e, f, 2124e, 2186s, 9337 (2j)] - Act 55